Stan felt nervous, curious to know how Kyle was, but not wanting to piss him off. Wendy, on the other hand, seemed completely ready.

"Come on, Stan! Kyle's waiting for us at the police station. Don't want to be late, do we?"

"Y-yeah, I'm almost done. Be done in a sec."

He tightened his tie and ruffled his own hair. He hadn't seen Kyle in so long, and he was honestly scared. Stan knew that the fire of rage had seemed to burn stronger in Kyle, urging him on to be much more aggressive as he grew older. Gulping, Stan exited the bathroom and walked down the stairs, approaching Wendy and grabbing her hand as they both left the house. Once they got in the car began to drive down to the police station, Wendy glanced over at Stan, smiling at the unnerved look on his face.

She placed her hand on his shoulder as she talked to him.

"It's going to be okay, Stan. Yes, you and Kyle haven't hung out as much as you two did when you were younger, but that doesn't mean he hates you for it. Besides, he has much bigger problems on his hands. Relax, okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'll…I'll relax."

The two arrived at the police station and exited the car. Grabbing Stan's hand, Wendy walked to the front of the police station, Stan trailing behind her with a shy expression on his face. Entering, she was greeting by a rather shocking surprise.

There was an extremely malnourished man on the floor, horribly beaten, Bebe standing over him and yelling at the two struggling humans across the room. Across from Bebe, Craig and Ruby were both trying as hard as they could to hold Kyle and Karen back. Kyle screaming threats at the top of his lungs, constantly surging forward with snarls, nearly knocking Craig over in the process. Karen had tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes narrowed with fury as she struggled wildly against Ruby's hold.

Wendy stood there, shocked and appalled from what was happening before her. Stan rushed to join, racing over to Craig and helping him hold Kyle back. Craig looked at him in surprise, opening his mouth to speak, only to shut his mouth once Kyle nearly hit him there. At that moment, Wendy finally got ahold of the situation.


Silence filled the room, Kyle backing away from Craig and Stan, his eyes still burning brightly with green embers of hatred. Karen stopped struggling and just wiped the tears away from her face as she turned to face Wendy. Bebe looked relieved, Craig and Ruby both giving each other glances and looking at Wendy.

"What the hell is going on here? We come in expecting a meeting and instead find a fucking madhouse! Explain yourselves immediately."

Kyle was the first to speak, his voice dripping with menacing as he pointed to the man lying on the floor. "That mother fucker was one of the culprits, Wendy. His name is Frankie Wright, and he fits the description that Butters had given perfectly. We found him when we were walking back to the police station and saw him holding a woman up against the wall. I used my tazer on him and brought him here. At first, we went with first degree. Bebe was the one to ask him the questions. When he didn't start talking, Craig and Ruby went in to do the second degree, and give him some warning. The fucking cunt didn't respond to both, so we went with third degree."

Stan furrowed his eyebrows. "Third degree?"

"Yes, Stan. Third fucking degree. Since he was being so fucking proud of himself, Karen and I went in to get him to crack. Still not answering. Might as well show him what we do to rapists. We eased off when Bebe said to. But you know what he did, he said that he would have some of Kenny again if he could have the chance. That's when we really gave it to him. I don't get why we have to be held back."

"I would've held you back with a fucking knife, Kyle. I know what he did was bad, but that doesn't mean that we should beat the shit out of him." Wendy hissed, annoyed.

Karen shook her head at this, shaking as she spoke. "He messed with a McCormick. No one messes with a McCormick. No one messes with me. No one messes with Kevin. And absolutely no one messes with Kenny. Not while Kevin and I are still around. Messing with a McCormick is like a lamb trying to eat a wolf. It doesn't fucking happen, Wendy."

Wendy turned to Bebe, seeing her drag the man up. Kyle and Karen both stepped forward, instantly being grabbed by Ruby and Craig. Bebe walked past them and over to a cell, unlocking it, walking in, and placing Frankie down on the bed. He opened one eye as he gazed at her while she left. Letting out a moan of agony, Frankie whispered to her.

"Thank you…"

"You're not welcome. And if you want to go to the hospital without another risk of getting torn about by these two, then you better answer some questions."