"No way…." Pym gapped buzzing around the soldier.

"You said It Pym…" Azari commented getting up form the stool he crouched on and walked over to look over the famous Captain America.

"James… can you introduce me?" The captain commented looking back at the kids who gazed upon him in amazment.

"Oh ya!" James remarked feeling like an idiot before turning to the group and introducing them, "The one with blonde hair is Thorrun, daughter of Thor."

"It's an honor to meet you sir." Thorrun replied towards the captain.

Tony chuckled interrupting, " Aka, James's Girlfriend of 2 years…" he smirked.

The captain's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. James's face turned as red as a tomato and so did Thorrun's who also rubbed the back of her neck in nervousness not daring to make eye contact with the Captain.

"Either way…."James chuckled nervously quickly moving on from the topic of his and Thorrun's relationship, "The one in wasp size next to her is Henry Pym… But we call him Pym."

"Hi!" Pym squeaked, he was totally freaking out.

"And Next to him with the practically white hair and acting all cool is Francis Barton… " James continued.

Francis nodded a sup at the Captain not caring at all, he was the only one so far who had managed to keep his cool.

"And the guy next to him is Azari, son of Storm and T'challa." James finished.

"It's an honor to meet you Captain…" Azari stuttered shaking the captain's hand.

"Well Tony… It looks like you didn't turn them evil." The captain chuckled.

"Only you would think me of that Cap. Either way… which tube should we pop the cap off next?" Tony smirked rubbing his hands together.

A chorus of multiple answers came form all the kids but Thorun who thought she didn't have a voice in the opinion.

"Quiet down! Quiet down! How about we let Thorun choose. Since her parents aren't the ones in the tube." James yelled.

Everyone nodded turning to the only female in the room.

"So… who you going to pick!" Pym asked.

Thorun stood there for the longest time before specking, "Black Widow… she's the one who did this so she should be awakened next." Thorun decided.

Everyone nodded in agreement understanding her choice.

James took charge of opening the tubes so he walked over to the tubes and started whipping the fog from each of the glasses to find which one was the Black Widow. He didn't find her until he was on the second to last tube.

He quickly started decoding the tube like he had done with the captain's tube. He finally cracked the code and the cap of the tube popped off just like it had with Captain America's tube. Steam raised from the tube almost immediately. Unlike with the Captain, Widow didn't suddenly wake up and attack the on lookers.

Instead Widow groaned at the feel of waking up, like a teenager who had to wake up at 6:00 am for a day of high school after a long weekend.

Steve walked over to the tube looking over the side down at his wife.

"Nat?" he spoke softly.

"5 more minutes Steve…" she grumbled turning over in the tube just to hit the cold sided walls which assisted in waking her up in an instant, "COLD!" she yelped sitting up quickly. She looked around the room her eyes focusing in on Steve. "Steve?"

"Nat…" Steve smiled looking at his wife before hugging her tightly pulling her into his chest.

The two hugged for a while just staying like that not caring that everyone was watching.

All the kids smiled at the sweet reunion and just watched, not daring to interrupt.

James smiled at his parents being reunited after so long, Thorrun stood next to him, her hand in his, fingers laced together.

"Don't you ever do that again!" Cap finally blurted after the few minutes of hugging, "You had me thinking you were dead!"

"Steve… not now please…" Nat pleaded leaning on her husband tiredly.

"Natasha!" Tony finally said walking forward.

"Tony!" Nat smiled back only to freeze in horror, "What the hell happened to you! You're so old!"

Tony grumbled something along the lines of, 'never changed,' under his breath before responding, "You happened! You didn't put me in a cyrotube so instead you left me to age and watch over the kids!"

Natasha froze once again at the word kids and looked at the people behind Tony. She looked over the 5 kids studying each one carefully. She focused in on James looking him over and over again before fully understanding. His eyes locked with hers locking them in a stare down.

"Tony… how long have we been on ice?" Nat asked not taking her eyes off James.

"15 years… almost to the date," Tony replied getting at what she was picking at.

James looked at Thorrun breaking the stare down.

Thorrun nodded at him taking her hand out of his, letting him go to his mother.

James slowly walked towards Nat with his head up unashamed or nervous.

"James…" Natasha whispered upon him coming closer.

James stopped in front of his mom looking down on her, well… because he was like 3 inches taller.

"Hey mom…" James spoke softly the right corner of his mouth lifting up into a smile.

Natasha just looked at her boy for a minute before pulling him into a hug. Steve watched from the side and so did the Junior Avengers. Thorrun smiled happy that her boyfriend had both her parents like she did.

Natasha continued to hug James and Steve walked over joining in on the family group hug.

"GROUP HUG!" yelled Tony going to join the hugging group.

"NO! Tony! No!" Natasha screamed pulling out from the hug letting it dissolve into nothing.

"Oh come on!" Tony exclaimed mad that he couldn't join the group hug.