Jaune heard scratching at the door of his dorm room and a small creature making sounds that were close to crying, but he just rolled over ignoring it. The sounds were constant and getting louder as the moments passed it was hard to ignore. After several minutes of being unable to go to sleep, he finally got out of bed to investigate. He slowly crept over to the door and opened it slowly to avoid waking his teammates. In the dim light, he looked down to find a small, gray and spotted feline creature sitting and looking up at him, as if begging to be let in, to which he obeyed the creature's begging gaze.

Carrying it over to his bed, he sat down and set it beside him. He carefully scrutinized what he just let into his room, deeming it cute, fuzzy and not threatening at all. After watching it crawl around his bed space, Jaune began to notice that something was off. Whatever it was, it looked like a kitten, but it was the size of Zwei. 'Shouldn't that be the size of fully grown cat?' he wondered, then it dawned on him. He didn't know how to take care of a pet.

Ruby was awoken by the buzzing and ringing of her smartphone-like device, 'Jaune?' she thought, picking up, "Jaune, it's three, can't it wait until morning?"

"Ruby, can you come over," Jaune said, panicked, "Please, I need you right now."

"Um, ok," she said, totally misunderstanding his statement, "I don't know Jaune, if Yang finds out she'd kill both of us."

"What?" Jaune said confused, "Why would she do that?"

"I don't know," she said sarcastically, "but I'm pretty sure any older sister would kill a guy for asking their younger sister to visit them in the middle of the night."

"Ruby, this is serious," he said, sounding more urgent, "there's an animal in my bed and I'm not sure how to take care of it."

"Jaune," she said, embarrassed of what she thought her friend was asking her to do, "this conversation is getting weird, and I don't appreciate you coming onto me like this."

"What?!" Jaune nearly screamed, "Ruby, I'm not coming onto you. Just please come over and bring a can of Zwei's food. There's a large kitten thing here and it's not Blake."

Ruby trusted her friend's innocence and did what he asked. She showed up at Jaune's door with a can of Zwei's food and a can opener. "If this is some kind of fetish, you're dead to me," she yelled in a whisper, her cheeks a light shade of pink.

"Ruby, I don't know what you're talking about," Jaune lifted the large feline cub to her face, "I was telling you the truth when I said it was an animal. It looks like a kitten, but it's huge."

"Oh my gawd it's so cute," Ruby softly squealed, forgetting her misunderstanding. Using her speed, she was lying on Jaune's bed and holding the creature above her head.

"Thanks Ruby, I knew I could count on you," Jaune smiled as he opened the can of food. Setting it on the ground for his new feline friend, he turned to the redheaded girl, "So, what do you think he is? He's too big for a normal cat."

"I don't know, I think we should take him to Professor Ozpin and Peter, if you're gonna keep him you should at least get permission," Ruby said, stroking the creature's fur, "and Professor Peter should be able to identify what kind of animal he is."

"Okay, I'll do that in the morning, but I have to ask you something," he said with a serious look in his eyes, "I'm getting a weird feeling from it, like a very strong aura."

"I've noticed that too," she said, inspecting the creature further, "the amount of aura I'm feeling from it is almost the same as you. Only creatures trained for combat should have a noticeable amount of aura, but it's just a baby and it almost matches your aura."

Jaune stared at the creature in awe, both scared of the secrets it may hold and amazed, "I guess I'll just have to wait until the morning. Ruby, can I have a few more cans, just enough so I can keep it fed until I can find food that's better for him."

"Sure thing," Ruby smiled as she left, "oh, and sorry about earlier."

"No worries," Jaune awkwardly laughed, "you were sleepy, and I'm sure any other girl would think the same. Night, Ruby."

"Good night," she closed the door behind her, 'why did I think he was coming onto me? It must be the years spent around Yang.' Shrugging off the thought, she walked back to the dorm she shared with her team.

Ozpin was sitting in his office, looking out the window at the view of the kingdom when he felt the presence of two strong auras enter his office. To his surprise, he was met with Jaune holding a rather large kitten. "Professor, this kitten wandered to my dorm room, and I would like permission to keep him," Jaune nervously asked.

"Mister Arc, I assume you already know the rules we have concerning pets."

"I know, only animals trained for combat. You felt his aura too, didn't you? He's got a strong aura, that means he's either trained for combat, or he's a natural fighter waiting to be trained," Jaune pleaded.

"Are you sure you have the capability to train a combat animal?" Ozpin alluded to the permission he was going to give, regardless.

"No," he looked down in shame, "I admit, I'm probably the worst fighter here at Beacon. I can't say that I'm capable of training even a dog to sit, but if have the potential to become a huntsman then I have the potential to train alongside this cute and fuzzy creature to kill grimm."

Ozpin smiled at the boy's tenacity, "Very well. From this day forward, this snow leopard cub will be a part of team JNPR."

"What?!" Jaune's eyes widened at the creature cuddling in the headmaster's lap, "How can something this dangerous even get into a place like this?!"

"It's a big responsibility, Mister Arc," the headmaster ignored his outburst and set the cub onto the floor, "I'll arrange the local zoo to provide you with the essentials needed and please do keep him behaved, I'd hate to see such a majestic creature get put down because he mauled a student."

"What? Snow leopard? I own a snow leopard? I have to train a snow leopard?" was all that came out of his mouth on repeat on the way back to his dorm room. "Ruby, HALP!"