And now.

The long wait is over.

My very first fanfiction on this site, left neglected and abandoned for six months...


With a new structure, revised plot, and help from my friend Simple Potatoes...

I have great pride in presenting to you:


Grace's Journey Pt. 1

Clinging to Suicune's fur moistened by the sea spray flashing silver under his paws, Grace finally realised how big the world was. The tiny, isolated corner of Unova was all she had ever known, until she'd flown to the mainland. The sheer size of even Unova was enough to boggle her, but she'd never thought about the five other regions and how they compared.

Suicune leapt in bold steps over the rising waves, trying not to lose his stride for risk of taking an unwanted dip in the icy ocean. Of course, he wouldn't mind at all, but beneath his hardened exterior there was always a soft part of him thinking about the welfare of others. He didn't think Grace would take an icy plunge as well as a Water-element Pokémon would or could.

That same morning they had both been slumped in the camp outside Nimbasa, tearing chunks off bread rolls, beside the others. That's when the panic happened; a peaceful scene obliterated by a foe none saw coming in the form of a gigantic yellow bird slicing through the wind like a knife through butter.

An almighty, piercing screech tore through the landscape as it drew closer still, closer with every passing second. Without any time to lose all the Whisperers mounted their partners and were gone within moments. Unable to stop, Grace had looked back over her shoulder to see a severely injured Zapdos and an Inferno Agent collapsing off his back. Without another word said between the pair Suicune surged off and away towards where he thought the ocean must be.

We're always safer overseas, the Legendary Beast consoled. We can return anytime, you know.

"But we're not! We'll never be! We can't go back anytime soon; look at where we are now thanks to Inferno! They did this in Unova, so who knows where else they could be?!" Grace yelled, releasing all her pent-up grief and anger into the wind and away. As she screamed her feelings to be swallowed by the waves, the wind picked up and lifted a visible spray of droplets into the air. The wind path curved around, highlighting a route forward, and Suicune smirked over his shoulder.

The north wind is in your favour today. You're lucky, you know. With that Suicune bounded straight through the crest of a wave, white fur on his underbelly dampening in the swell, silver trail gleaming in the twilight and illuminating the way.


I can see something over that way... the blue dog said, tossing his head in the general direction. Hearing his words, Grace awoke, undid the belt she'd used to fasten herself to Suicune's back so she could sleep properly and threaded it back through the loops in her jeans.

"Huh? What.. is it?" Through the fog now coating their surroundings, a few tiny pinpricks of light glimmered like beacons of hope through the damp, thick mist. Grace didn't need to say a word before her partner surged forwards and towards the glow.

It was a chill autumn morning, barely 5 am, and a sliver of sunlight was only just peeking over the bluey-green ocean they had just crossed. Stifling a yawn as Suicune stepped off of the waves lapping gently at the shore and onto the sand, she rolled off his back and landed face-up in the coarse white grains with a sigh. Nudging her back onto her feet with a slight growl, Suicune seemed tenser than was usual.

Someone's been through here with the scent of a Legendary Pokémon on them, Suicune said gravely. Lowering his nose back to the floor, he sniffed for a bit before his eyes widened.

"What is it?" Grace asked, slightly fearful. Suicune looked up, breathing heavily.

Inferno. A Head Agent.

She vaulted onto his back, frightened for both of their lives as he picked up speed, heading towards the lights which had since materialised into a small town on the cliffside. If Inferno had been here, the people were likely to know about the Legends, but if she pretended Suicune was just a rare Pokémon from Unova hopefully nobody would suspect.

She dismounted as the pair stole quickly into the lamplit town, making her way to the nearest shop, café, anywhere they could get food. Upon spotting the Pokémon Center in one of the bare streets, Grace breathed a sigh of relief and started towards it at a quickening pace.

Once through the door, her hands flew instinctively to her belt for her Poké Balls. One, Quilava, two, Flygon, three, Lucario, four, Swellow, five... wait a second! Where were Braviary and Archeops?!


Zapdos nosedived ever closer to the campers as each grabbed Poké Balls frantically. Grace fastened them one at a time to her belt, not knowing how many she'd picked up once she was gone.

"Dammit! That Inferno guy must've taken them!" Grace slumped into a chair, mourning the loss of two strong members of not only her team but her family. A small grey bird with a red-feathered head hopped onto the windowsill and in through the open window; a Pokémon she didn't recognise yet felt a strange pull towards. It gave a shrill chirrup and flapped up onto her knee.

She tried shooing it away, but every time it just persistently fluttered back up attracting a lot of unwanted attention. In between trying to ward the Pokémon away, she was consistently asked what kind of Pokémon Suicune was.

"Excuse me, what Pokémon is that? It needs to be in its Poké Ball indoors, I'm afraid!" Looking up from the strange bird she noticed the nurse standing over her. Grace gulped and told her the same as she had to everyone else.

"Um... he's a Silverain, a rare Pokémon from Unova. Their species dislike Poké Balls so to put him away would to be to lose his trust forever. And we two are very close; he was given to me in his lowest stage when I was seven." This was, essentially, the truth, but with lies twisted into the mix.

"I see. Well, I've never heard of a Silverain before, but we can let this one slide." She smiled sweetly and started back towards her desk. "Oh, and as for that Fletchling? I think she likes you. Maybe you should consider that."

A Fletchling, huh? Maybe she could help us out.

"You seem to have a soft spot for fluffy garden birds, haven't you?" Grace whispered. Suicune snorted and laid his head back on his paws.

She's only in her lowest stage. You didn't know what Flygon would become when he was still a Trapinch. Heck, back then he didn't even have a Poké Ball!

"I... can't." She sighed and took her head in her hands. Suicune nudged her with his white-furred snout.

I know why. You're feeling guilt for losing Braviary and Archeops, and you feel you'll be replacing them.

Lifting her head and nodding slowly to show she'd been listening, a faint rustle from the floor caused her to look up suddenly. The Fletchling was in her bag! Moments later, her reddish-orange head popped back out clutching an empty Poké Ball in her beak. Catching on, Grace sighed.

"Alright. I'm gonna need a full team here, anyway." She picked up the capsule and tapped the bird lightly on the head using the button, and it only took a few shakes to notify her that she had filled one gaping hole in her party. Now the deed was done, it actually felt relieving to know her team was almost whole again.

After letting the nurse heal all her Pokémon save for 'Silverain', she allowed the remainder of her team out of their balls. Quilava squeaked and dashed for her leg, nuzzling it gratefully and contentedly rolling over onto the cold cliffside trail. All her four remaining Pokémon were looking expectantly to her, waiting for their two missing friends. That did it for Grace.

"Sorry, guys... I'm sorry..." she murmured, trying to keep her feelings bottled up and within her. How could they ever trust her again? Not to mention the fact that they somehow could tell. Nobody responded; no Pokémon names repeated in their own little language, no movement for a while save for lowered heads and glances exchanged. Fingering Fletchling's Poké Ball, she gave a sigh. The grief was cold inside her like a frost-studded winter morning.

Her uninterrupted train of thought was suddenly broken in the form of a Flygon nose pushing her head off her lap and back up to look at them. She couldn't bear to face her remaining friends after her loss, but someday she'd have to face the consequences. Flygon, she could see, was looking quite pointedly at the fifth Poké Ball in her palm. She closed her hand quickly.

"..." Words could not describe how she felt as all her team gazed expectantly at her balled fist. Sighing deeply, she revealed the ball. The team peered curiously at the spherical capsule, by now having caught on, and Grace hesitantly pushed the button. In a bright flash of light, Fletchling was revealed, where she fluttered onto one of Flygon's antennae.

'Flyyy...?' he called up; the small bird gave a friendly chirrup in reply. The dragon grinned, picked her up with a claw and let her flap gently onto Lucario's outstretched paw. Grace scanned her with the Pokédex.

Fletchling (female)
Gale Wings
Lv. 10

Quick Attack

"Level 10?! We... need some serious training here!" she laughed. The others' acceptance of the newcomer and their understanding lifted her spirits, if only slightly. In a few short moments Fletchling alit on her shoulder, bobbing her black-and-white tail up and down merrily.

We should get on. Daylight is slipping away, and we can't travel by night.

"You're right... so maybe we should head thataway?" She pointed towards further up the route, where a bounty of wild Pokémon gathered – some, like Mienfoo, were familiar. Most of them she'd never heard of. Gulping, she withdrew her Pokémon and headed slowly through the town, trying not to attract too much attention.

Somebody yanked her to one side, into an alleyway, and she choked slightly. Suicune growled ferociously, trying to ward off the assailant, until he realised... it was an old woman? Standing his ground, but not ceasing his growl, Suicune relaxed slightly.

"You are travelling with Suicune," she hissed. "Come inside, and I will explain." Grace shot a sideways glance at Suicune, who had actually shut up. He bowed his head and led the way in.

I know of her from many years ago – before I met you. She can be trusted, the bestial Pokémon explained.

"Now, just hold on a second! Who the hell is this lady?" Grace whispered. Suicune only smiled as the two entered her living room...

To find Latios and Latias asleep in front of the blazing fireplace.

Had she not recently seen over twenty Legendary Pokémon in one place, she would probably have passed out by now.

"T-they're both... bonded with you?" she stammered, still trying to get over the fact the two Eon Pokémon were casually dozing before a roaring fire in the home of an old woman without Inferno bashing the door down.

"Oh, goodness me, no! Latios was with my husband, but he has passed on. They are both happy, though," she smiled as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"But how do they hide from –"

"Inferno? Why, you're talking about those thugs in suits, aren't you? We've never had any of them come for these two," the old woman replied, slightly bewildered. Suicune seemed amused.

Lucky, lucky them. They're chilling in a cosy little house with a kind Whisperer and Inferno have never come knocking.

"Anyway! I apologise for my haste outside. What were you thinking, walking with Suicune through the open streets like that?" she asked, concerned.

"W-well... I thought they might not recognise him in this region. I told Nurse Joy he was a rare Silverain from Unova and she bought it..."

"Well, it won't always work like that. Kalos has such a large range of Pokémon in it from all regions that most know the National Pokédex off by heart. Plus some of Inferno's lying posters came through my door, and Suicune's face is on some of them. It seems he did cross the sea, didn't he?" she smiled, amused.

"Yeah, we did... I'm Grace, and apparently you've met Suicune," she introduced herself.

"Oh, goodness me, where are my manners? My name is Cordelia. Bonded with Latias, and Latios is in my care. They'd be delighted to meet you... had they been awake..." she replied. "They might get up in a minute. So just what is a young Unovan whippersnapper doing all the way in Kalos?"

Grace paused for a second. "Uhh... well, back in Unova we were all separated – our group of Whisperers, I mean – and we made it to the ocean. Suicune can cross it, as you may have guessed, sooo... we did," she explained.

"So what is your plan?" she then asked.

"Umm... Uhh... I don't actually have one," Grace admitted rather guiltily.

"Well, whatever you and Suicune want to do next, take warning. Not long ago another bunch of Whisperers flew across the sea and spread the Legend. But Inferno crashed the party, and using the Legendary Pokémon rumoured to protect the region defeated them. Some scarpered back to Unova and others spread around Kalos," Cordelia warned. Suicune tensed up slightly.

"We should go now. Thanks so much for all your help," Grace smiled, and Suicune bent his head so the old woman could pat him.

"It's nice to see you again, Suicune. And Grace? If you're not sure what you'll do next, challenge the Kalos League. Having a number of badges allows your voice to be heard clearer by more people." She nodded solemnly, and Latias woke up and floated to her side. "And if you wouldn't mind, Latias and Latios would like to accompany you."

"B-but how, though? You can't walk all over the region... no offence," she gasped. "And how do they hide?"

Cordelia gave a slight chuckle. "Goodness me, I could never traverse Kalos at my age. And yes, they do enjoy it here. But they haven't seen the world since I and my husband were in our twenties at the very latest. If they could tag along sometimes, that alone would be enough. Hmm?"

"How do they hide, though?" Grace repeated.

"Latias, could you demonstrate?" With a shrill cry, the colours on Latias' body faded. Only a faint outline remained of the Eon Pokémon, and when flying it would almost be unnoticeable.

"T-that's incredible," she admitted. "Fine. Latias and Latios can drop by if they wish," she smiled. The red Pokémon became visible again and pushed her head affectionately into Grace's gut.

"That's just wonderful! Now Latias can fly you to Santalune City if you want. The first Gym, for Bug-types, is located there."

"Thank you. It's all appreciated!" Shortly after, Latios lifted off his spot by the fire and started for the door. Latias nudged him to stop him in his tracks, and right before their eyes she turned into Cordelia.

"T-that's like Zoroark or Ditto," Grace stammered, a little surprised. Latios soon took on the form of an old man – supposedly his old Whisperer.

"It is quite, isn't it? Meet your new grandparents. They can also hide like this on busy routes and towns."

Well, that was unexpected. Let's hope they're not as annoying as your siblings' lot.

"Make sure to drop by on your way to Cyllage City!" she reminded as three Pokémon and girl left the house. "See you then! Take care of them!" With that she closed the door behind them and all went quiet.

"It doesn't look like much of a crowded place," Grace thought aloud. She strode out in the street, prepared to move, when she heard the umistakable noise of some sort of gun reloading itself.

"Don't take another step." As she turned, a dark-haired man toting the Inferno symbol on his black suit gestured to a bipedal, metal-plated bug-like Pokémon. The noise appeared to emit from the cannon or launcher of sorts attached to its back. "My partners and I deduced that you were the defacto leader of these insolent children playing with someone else's things. You hand over the Suicune, and we'll consider sparing you. Same goes for you, grandpa," he sneered at the disguised Latios.

"I'm not giving my best friend so you can start your mind-control crap on him without a fight. Right, buddy?" Suicune roared and adopted his battle stance, and at her sides Latios and Latias abandoned their illusions. Both began to fire up an attack each.

"Sneaky, concealing Pokémon like that – especially Legendaries. That could cause the end of you – once Genesect is through with them. Genesect, let's roll!" Genesect took a few menacing steps forwards and his cannon began to power up. "Show them what a Legendary Pokémon can do alongside somebody qualified to bond with it!"

Qualified? What the heck is he talking about?

"I don't know, buddy, but let's show him what a Legendary Pokémon can do when their Whisperer has a true bond!" The great beast roared with approval, and the whole of Ambrette Town were now gathered. Cordelia watched from a window, silently hoping they'd come out of there okay.

"Genesect, Techno Blast!"


I am hyped for this. Hyped. Here is my legit reason for lateness.

So. Back when I ended the hiatus I started writing this chapter. However, my writing laptop decided to surprise-update itself just as I hit 2.5k words, and I lost everything.

Two days ago, I logged back into my computer and booted up Microsoft Word. I decided to scroll down through the auto-recover list, just to see if I'd missed anything, and there it was – still with 50% of what I'd originally done.

I typed for two days and two nights, never stopping, always striving to get it finished...

Okay, so that part's not true. In fact our cousins from Mexico flew over via aeroplane to visit us and Potato had fallen ill, so I needed to write some stuff for her as well...

But have I failed you before, loyal readers?

In fact, don't answer that :P

Buuuut... It's BACK! That's something... right?

All the best for everyone else's writing endeavours,
