A/N: Hello! First fanfiction... yay! Right. To get things straight, this is MOSTLY SET IN THE WORLD OF POKEMON BLACK 2/ WHITE 2 solely because I've just got Y version and don't know a much about the subject... Literally. Before XY I could proudly (and truthfully) say I could name every single Pokemon in the world but then they made a bunch of new ones - and I found out how hard it is to catch up. Sooo... try and save your complaints abot my mostly old-fangled knowledge for when I make a real mistake. Ok? :D

"Psst, are you done yet buddy?" A girl with long, brown hair and green eyes stood impatiently on a jagged rock, positioned directly outside the gaping mouth of a cave. Within said cave various crashes and growls emerged, and eventually a blue, beastlike head emerged. 'Suii...' it growled before returning to its cavern. The girl slumped slightly and sighed deeply. It was going to be another one of those long, long nights when her best friend just wouldn't consider anything but his cave.

Typical Suicune.

Ever since she was seven years old, he'd been there for her to protect from the wild Pokémon. She could even remember the day she'd met him, the Aurora Beam colliding with his opponent and sending it crashing to the ground. Every second of the day she's committed to memory, as it was something she never wanted to forget.

Five Years Ago

She'd been down by the seashore looking for shells, maybe the odd Krabby scuttling down by the water, when it happened. A glinting in the scrubland area behind the seashore attracted her attention – being a curious kid, she had to go look; on further inspection the metallic sheen was emitted by the sunshine reflecting off of none other than a Poké Ball! Wide eyed and more curious than ever she cautiously pressed down on the silver button in the centre – it was empty. Great! She could have a Pokémon! Despite zero experience and total lack of a team at all she spotted a single blue Shellos squirming down the bank towards the sea, still within the cover of the low branches.

So she went for it.

Grabbing the little Pokemon around the middle she managed to wrestle it into a puddle, where it wriggled free and began to become aggressive… 'Shellos!' With a high pressure blast of water the little girl was thrown back and into a tree. She stood back up, a little shaken, but still determined to make this Shellos her partner. "Poké Ball!" she spluttered, still choking on water, thrusting the round capsule at the Water-type before her – it didn't even open and she was soon met by another Water Gun from Shellos in retaliation. This time a bruise began to form on her shoulder – she cried out in pain before slumping against the tree trunk.

She needs me. I'm here, and I need to do this. What is one Shellos, against a Legend?

'SUICUNE!' The huge blue beast bounded into the small sea slug-like Pokémon before him, ribbons trailing and mouth agape. Energy built up within his maw before he landed on all four feet and released it, a multi-coloured beam of light radiating like the aurora. The Shellos collapsed on the sandy earth, overwhelmed by the attack of his enemy, and lay there unmoving.

'Sui..' The large Pokémon lowered his head and touched his muzzle to the puddle Grace had wrested Shellos into before he'd noticed the fistfight between girl and Pokémon. The puddle grew clear and pure; he padded back over to the little girl and let her lean on his back as the pair made their way over. He tilted his great head towards the shallow pool, making a deep rumbly purring noise in the back of his throat as if to indicate its purity. Reluctantly she cupped her hands and scooped up as much as she could hold before gulping it down. Surprisingly clean, she thought. Suicune, however, as much as he did not like it he would have to go. He nuzzled the child with his snout and bounded away, careering across the exposed beach and leaping across – on – the water, ribbon-like tails waving at his sides.

She thought she would never see Suicune again…

She was wrong.

That same night a north wind blew strong against the little cottage in which she lived, rattling the windows and bringing roof tiles crashing to the ground below. Her three younger siblings were fast asleep, ignoring the ruckus going on outside, and her parents were eating downstairs. It was nine-thirty and the winds were not slowing. She was cold, tired and wide awake.

I am needed. The North Wind calls to me, and I will answer. I go where the wind takes me, and tonight it blows in the direction I have already come.

To Aspertia City.

Grace awoke at 10pm to a growling at the window. Next to her bedroom was a shed with a corrugated roof, and perched atop the iron was Suicune! "Where've you been?" she laughed before opening the window, taking care not to loosen any concrete on the window ledge that might attract her parents' attention. Suicune nuzzled his human friend before indicating for her to join him outside with a toss of his head. With a giggle she clambered out of the window frame and vaulted fairly clumsily onto his back. The seashore? Grace jumped half out of her skin hearing the deep, gentle voice resounding within her head. Telepathy. Hearing that single word, she relaxed a little.

She heard my thoughts? This is... unnatural. I have not heard of this. Her jolts make me uneasy, can she hear me now? I'd better be careful what I think of.

"What's it like to walk on water?" Grace questioned out loud. Suicune tossed his head and pawed the ground eagerly in response, jogging the girl around on his back. I'll show you. With a flick of his purple mane they took off, dashing over Route 19, through Flocessy Town and over onto Route 20, leaping over rooftops in Virbank City before dashing down a small dirt track to the beach Grace had played in that same day. Walking on water? Suicune asked. Grace nodded and clutched tight to his back, leaning forwards as the duo surged off and into the sea.

Or rather, OVER the sea!

Grace looked up to see the light of a million stars, shining true above them, and the crescent moon giving off a pale blue glow. The water beneath them was still and calm, unusual for the choppy sea that was rumoured to have brought iron ships crashing to the seabed. Suicune ran on, flying over the ocean, ribbon tails flapping and waving in the wind that characterized the seaside as always.

A piercing, booming noise shook the water revealing ripples on the surface. The Pokemon almost lost his footing on the wavy surface, and ane paw sank into the sea - he growled in alarm and looked around anxiously. A freight ship was thundering through the water towards them, ploughing its way through and sending sprays of water flying in its wake. Suicune roared, tossing his head, and began to run.

On Board the Ship

"Sir, do we sail on?" "No. Don't kill it, it's worth a lot if alive! Just swim by the side and chuck that net, will you?"
"Yes, Sir..."

Suicune kept running as if his life depended on it, which it practically did. A sudden flash of realisation hit him full in the face as he tried to escape from the ship...
Which was following him.

Inferno had found him.

With a surge of energy his body glowed, glowed so bright it was hard to see through. Grace let out a cry, and Suicune released his pent-up power. 'SUI!' With one bound he surged forwards, leaving the ship behind by a long shot, before running normally again. Quick Attack, he rumbled into Grace's thoughts. We need to go. Now. Without another word from agitated beast or shaken child, they sprinted back across the water and to the shore.

"Wha-What was that ship doing?" whispered Grace from where she perched on a rock. Inferno, came the reply, hunt down Legendary Pokemon like me and force them to bond with their Agents before they can reach their real chosen partner. "Does this mean I'm your partner, Suicune?" she asked curiously. Yes. But if they'd caught me they would separate us and use me for their own purposes. "What are they trying to do?" Take over the Region and rule over the legendary Pokemon. Their founders, the original Inferno, naturally bonded with Dark Legendary Pokemon and as such are extremely dangerous. Grace whimpered slightly and shuffled closer to Suicune. Come. I'll take you home.

Before reaching Aspertia, however, the beast-like Pokemon scouted around and found a cave near the outskirts of town. I'll be safe here. You should get back home now, Suicune replied, nuzzling the girl. "See you in the morning, then! I hope you like fish, Mum's got a ton of the things... Won it in a raffle, apparently. What kind of raffle gives away fish? Anyway, bye!" Suicune grinned and had a little rumbly chortle at the raffle, I mean, of all places to get fish... He would need to try a raffle someday. However sleep was calling to him, down in the cavern, and he retreated inside for the night. His life was about to change forever... and for the better, too.

Modern Day

"Suicune... This can't happen every night, you know..." Grace had been feeding her friend fish for five years and could tell he was starting to get bored of the stuff.

Tell your mother to stop entering the fish raffle.

Grace sighed and sat down. "I can get you different food but you're gonna need fish at least once a day to stop our house stinking up."

What about my cave stinking up? Fish give me wind.

Grace decided to clamber down into the cave after Suicune. Inside of the gaping mouth lay a sort-of nest in between two rocks, a collection of dropped objects laid in neat rows on the floor and little lanterns hung on the walls for light that Grace had brought him.

This was home.

Oh, hello! Care to come in? I got berries...?

Suicune grinned as his friend perched on one of the flat rocks and bit into an Oran Berry. "Thanks! Anyway, wanna go anywhere tonight?"

I'd like to stay here and talk.

"Ok, then, so... Do you know any other Legends?"

Two. Entei and Raikou, my kin.

"Right. So. What are the chances of befriending a Legendary Pokemon?"

Almost zero.

Grace stiffened a bit at this remark, before returning to her berry. "So I'm unique?"

In a way. There aren't any other Suicune in the world, so yes. In the sense that you're the partner to a legend? No. But still, close enough.

"There are more of us, then..." she muttered under her breath. Yes.

The blue wolf-like Pokemon gave a rumbly chuckle as Grace bit hard into the Oran Berry, squirting its dark blue juice in a jet right between his eyes. It stained his fur a navy-blue shade where it impacted, and Suicune attempted to rub it off with a paw while Grace laughed.

It's not funny!

Her friend growled and rolled right off his rock in a desperate bid to remove the stain while his partner was doubling over in a fit of the hysterics. With a grumble he directed a small blast of water to her face, soaking her head-to-toe. "Come on, it isn't that bad!" This remark was met by another jet of water which she nimbly dodged.

Outside The Cave

"Psst... There's a light! Do you think it's occupied?"

Can't be. It's a cave! Who lives in a cave but a Pokemon?

"What if it's fire type?"

What, you think I can't handle a measly little flameball?

"Good point..."

Outside the cavern lurked two dark figures, one a short young girl and the other a small, flying catlike Pokemon. It looped once around her head and landed on her shoulder.


Cautiously the girl set foot inside the mouth of the cave, squinting to see in the faint light that was starting to get brighter as it drew nearer. "This is it, then... You'll rest here alone?"

Shh! I hear something!

Inside The Cave

"So, Sui-Sui, ready to take me home?"

Don't call me that. Anyway, stay alert!

Her Pokemon friend was glancing around, hackles raised and head bowed. She could virtually feel the energy building up inside him.

There's a Pokemon nearby...

"Not possible! We're in a damn cave, for crying out loud!"


"Come on, Mew! Are you going to get on with defeating the fool who lives in our cave?"

No fool would seek out such a secluded cavern. From looking at the walls, the Pokemon who lives here has been here for several is fairly large... And a Water-type.

"How do you know all this?"

I'm not one of the most powerful Psychic Pokemon in the world for nothing, you know. The markings on the walls are old and filled with moss. It is large because I looked at the size of its claw marks. It is a Water type because in some sections of this tunnel the rock has been clearly eroded by water so pressurised it could do this in minutes, which does not occur naturally in the wild.


At the entrance of the cavern in which Suicune stood alert, Mew peered in around the corner. Seeing the blue Legend made her pop up into the air suddenly, before shooting back to her partner.

Maddie! It's another Legend! They've already taken this spot!

"What other Legend? Who is it?"

It's a Suicune!

Maddie paused before replying. "Suicune?"

He runs with the North Wind, running over the surface of water and purifying it with his every touch. He's as powerful as he is pure!

Maddie shivered a little before turning to her Pokemon.

"Deal with him."

SO! That's it! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I am introducing Tom and Harvey (two more of my OC's) in the next few chapters, and unfortunately if you wanted your OC in the story the submissions are now CLOSED. Thank you an awful lot, all of you who have reviewed, favourited, followed and sent in OCs in the past month, and I stick by my rule; if you want to update your OC to have Kalos Pokemon, Mega Evolution etc. I can now do that. Shame that it's a bit late, but yeah! Next chapter we have Maddie in further detail - also introducing Tom and Harvey! Enjoy the rest of the story!

Ok, I'm done! PTP out!