Is this normal? I thought to myself. I've never been comfortable talking to someone I just met. Ever. Especially a boy.
I know I shouldn't got close to him or anyone in fact cause one day he's going to leave me. Okay then Bella, you have two options for yourself. 1) You push him and anyone else you meet away? Or 2) You could roll with the flow and deal with the pain later? Honestly option 2 scares me. Being strung on to something, then being left hanging in mid-air by a thread ready to snap? It scares me. Yet option one doesn't feel like the right option. Pushing away any chance for friendship, support or love doesn't feel right, but for now, it's the best I got.
I walked up to Nessie's room and knocked on her door. She opened up a moment later already dressed in some fresh clothes with her hair combed and her teeth brushed. We walked out to the car after I locked up the house and we made our way to the diner.
Upon pulling in the parking lot I saw the Cullens standing around their vechicles. I soon spotted Edward among his siblings. I flashed a small smile before remembering the conversation with my self earlier. Push him and anyone else I meet away. I parked the car and walked over slowly. When we approached no one said anything, we all just walked inside and had a seat at the largest table there. The silence, yet uncomfortable, was still bearable.
Lunch is going too last awhile.
Finally! I thought to myself while closing my house door. I don't think I've ever had a lunch feel so long. No one said more than 10 words each the entier time, only speacking to order their food. It may have been uncomfortable but my plan to isolate myself is working. Soon they won't care about me anymore and they'll leave me to deal with my own life.
I carried a sleeping Renesmee up the stairs and down the hall to her room. After removing her jacket and shoes I did the same to myself and laid down beside her. After that uncomfortable scenario I needed a rest and the darkness just seemed to wrap around me like a pair of arm.
Again I am truely sorry for not updating sooner but, late is better than never right? I know it's short but I wanted to put something up for you guys and right now I have the flu so mh sleepi g is really messed up so here I am, at 3:30 a.m. wide awake writing. Review and tell my if my story actually feels like a story or just words on a piece of paper (or in this case a screen).