Chapter 1 – Black Smoke

A/N: Edit: I realised that this chapter was atrociously written so I will be editing and rewriting it soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit Part 2: I tweaked and changed the chapter a bit. Content's still the same, just better written. I hope.

Seven years earlier

Their lives could be considered as normal at ten years old.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin were at school like any other day during recess. They were at that delicate age where they were considered too old to be playing games but still young enough to be considered children and in need of a teacher. The teacher meant to be supervising pretended to care but didn't really give a shit.

Armin was babbling about a book he'd found in the library about the ocean. He really loved the sea. So much, in fact, that Eren had begun to share his love. He listened enthusiastically and asked questions about the new details that Armin had learned. Mikasa was silent but her eyes smiled as she listened and that was enough for Eren. He knew she wouldn't – couldn't – smile like everyone else right now but he also knew that she was happiest when with Armin and himself. The trio was inseparable.

Mikasa had been adopted into Eren's family two years before, and the pair had met Armin shortly after. Even though they hadn't known each other for long, the bonds they had formed were already unbreakable. Armin felt as much at home at the Jaeger household as he did at his own, and vice versa. He loved Carla and Grisha Jaeger and they adored him in return, praising his academic aptitude and encouraging him to keep looking after their son.

Eren generally squawked in indignation that he even needed to be looked after and Mikasa would automatically repeatedly smack his back because she believed him to be choking. Eren would blush furiously and proclaim loudly that he could take care of himself and Mikasa would respond by shoving a spoonful of food in his mouth causing him to actually choke.

He would cough and splutter and his eyes would water and Mikasa would ask him why he was crying. He would furiously deny any tears and blush even further red as she fussed over him and Armin would laugh with Carla and Grisha until tears were coming out of their own eyes. Eren would always pretend to be furious but they all knew that he was secretly happy that he could make them laugh. He gave it away when the tips of ears blushed.

"The sea is so big, it covers most of the earth!" said Armin excitedly,

"No way!" Eren replied. "Liar!

"No, really!" Armin said, eyes glittering. "And Miss Maria said-"

Eren didn't hear what Miss Maria said. His attention was suddenly stolen by ear-piercing sirens and brightly flashing lights. A huge red monstrosity streaked past the school grounds and blared its horn. As if the sirens weren't loud enough.


Eren turned to Mikasa. She lifted her head and her red scarf slipped down her neck a little. Her eyes were wide as she studied him. "What's wrong?"

Eren glanced back to the spot where he'd last seen the fire truck. He could vaguely hear the direction it was heading in from the racket it left behind. He then noticed the huge, black billows of smoke not far off from the school.

A question stuck in his throat. Was in the same direction…?

"Hey," Armin said. "Isn't the smoke coming from-?"

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted.

Eren didn't turn back. He kept running. He sprinted under the supervisor's nose and through the school gates. He felt his feet slap hard against the pavement as he ran along the route that he usually walked after school.

When I turn this corner, my house will be there. Just like always.

Eren only stopped running when a strong arm gripped his wrist to prevent him from heading straight under the threshold of his house. He struggled vainly against the grip of Hannes – a family friend of the Jaeger household. The colours of his uniform blended together and Eren was shocked to discover he was crying.

"Eren, you can't go in there, okay?" Hannes said. He kneeled so that he was at Eren's height but didn't release his grip. "It's not safe for kids like you."

Eren turned back to what was once his home. Windows were shattered and that smoke… The black just kept pouring out of the house, punctured only by flashes of yellow, orange and red. Eren strained against Hannes' hold and could feel the heat of the fire on his face. He could feel the tears drying as he faced his house.

"Come on, Eren," said Hannes, "It's not safe to be this close."


He twisted to face Mikasa, who had undoubtedly followed him. Armin arrived, panting, a few moments later.

"Oh, no…" Armin murmured, the flashing lights of the fire reflecting in his wide blue eyes that were shiny with soon-to-be shed tears.

Mikasa wasn't crying and came forward to grab Eren's free arm. Her eyes flicked over his face and she opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a loud scream from inside the house.

Carla Jaeger never raised her voice. She was a naturally soft spoken person. The loudest she could manage was a firm tone when scolding Eren or her laughter when he did something that amused her.

He had never heard her scream before.

The scream came again and broke off into audible sobs.

Eren took advantage of Mikasa and Hannes' simultaneous distraction to leap forward and plunge himself into the house. He ignored them shouting his name just as he ignored the stifling heat that hit his face and scorched his lungs with every smoky breath he drew.

He struggled through the fallen debris and patches of flames to glance in all the rooms. Then, a flash of gut feeling causes him to instinctively head for the kitchen; the daily sight of coming home to his mom washing dishes hardwired into him. The green and well-worn couches in the living room that housed so many memories of the family sitting and laughing together were blackened and aflame. Curtains in the bedrooms were no longer of thick material to block out sunlight but cloaks of flame that roiled like living things.

Eren entered the kitchen that was almost completely black from the smoke and stopped to cough harshly. His throat and eyes burned but he then caught sight of his mother's familiar white apron on the floor slightly ahead of him. He fell to his knees and crawled towards it. As his fingers touched the hem of the material, he realised that it was being held over the mouth of his mother. Her eyes were clenched tightly against the smoke and tears were forming paths down her soot-stained cheeks. It looked like part of the roof had fallen in and one of the beams along with pieces of the ceiling was lying across her back.


Eren had spoken so softly, yet Carla lifted her eyes in panic to meet his gaze.

"Eren?" she gasped, looking dazed.


And suddenly Mikasa was there beside him.

"Mikasa, grab that side!" he ordered, motioning towards the beam. "We need to get this off her!"

Eren could hear a faint hissing sound and when he looked behind his mother, he noticed through a gap in the smoke that one of the pipes behind the stove was sticking out strangely and the air coming from it was slightly distorted.

This wasn't good.

"Hurry, Mikasa!" Eren screamed frantically, his throat scratching worse and worse.

"I know!" Mikasa shouted back, her voice slightly muffled by the scarf over her mouth.

Carla strained to look behind her, "The gas is leaking, isn't it? Eren, just take Mikasa and run! Now!"

Eren could feel his fingers bleeding as he gripped the beam even harder, "I want to run! But I want you to run with us!"

"Eren, my legs are crushed, I won't be able to run even if I do get out. Just go!"

"Then I'll carry you!" Eren screamed, tears running down his cheeks.

"Why do you never listen to me? At least listen this one time! Please, Eren, just go, before all three of us- Hannes!"

Eren glanced over his shoulder and saw a man in a bulky fire-suit. Eren could see Hannes' face through his glass visor, the man's eyebrows scrunched severely.

"Please, Hannes! Take the children and get them out! The gas is leaking! Please, Hannes!" He and Carla locked gazes through his mask.

"Please," she begged, "You owe me that much."

Hannes hesitated and then gave a small nod.

"Thank you," she said, smiling faintly.

Hannes scooped one child in each of his arms and started in the direction of the living room – and the front door.

"Mom!" Eren screamed, struggling wildly in the fireman's grip. "No! Hannes, what are you doing? No, let me go! Mom!"

Hannes seemed to decide quickly as the hissing sound increased that they wouldn't make it to the door in time. He pushed forward to one of the windows that had already been blasted out. Mikasa, facing forward, noted the direction and shielded her face from any possible loose shards of glass. Eren was still watching his abandoned mother trapped in the kitchen.


He was still watching as the gas ignited and flames seemed to blossom around the form of his mother in slow motion. It enveloped her in a cloud of yellows and reds and blue and outlined the shape of her outstretched hand.


Hannes threw both children and himself out the window just as the force of the explosion shattered the rest of the windows. Some of it had even caught them mid-air and propelled them even further out onto the front lawn.

Plumes of heat seared out above Eren as he lay on the grass with his face to the sky. His face contorted as he tried to cry but no tears would fall. His eyes stung and burned almost as much as his throat and his chest when he tried to breathe in. It was difficult to keep breathing. It felt like he had a weight on his chest, like he was trapped under that beam with his mother.


He couldn't save her. He was too weak. Eren scrunched his eyes closed, wishing that he could cry. The tears still wouldn't come.


Eren's eyes fluttered open again. A boy of maybe fifteen years was looking down at him with his hand reaching for him. His hair was black, almost as black as the smoke. His eyebrows were set in a frown and his lips were a tight line.

"Oi," he repeated, now waving the outstretched hand in Eren's face, "Shitty brat. Come on, let me help you up."

Eren tried to say he wasn't a brat. He was ten years old! Eleven in March! He tried to swear back at the teenager but he dissolved into a fit of coughing that seared his lungs and had spots appearing before his vision.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be all right, kid," said the teenager suddenly said in a surprisingly gentle voice. Eren didn't fight when the boy carefully picked him up and held him against his chest, Eren's ear right against the boy's heartbeat. He clutched the boy's shirt tightly in his fist and felt rather than heard a rumbling sound of disapproval reverberating in the boy's chest.

His eyes were getting so heavy. He hardly noticed as the boy carried him slowly towards one of the ambulances. Had they been there before Eren had gone into the fire or had they arrived while he was in there? He couldn't remember. Eren's eyes fluttered closed. Maybe he could sleep for a bit. The boy probably wouldn't mind. The steady, strong heartbeat against his ear calmed his own racing heart and Eren's thoughts became gradually dimmer. His grip on the boy's shirt started loosening and his breath came in short, small little pants.

"Hey, kid, don't go to sleep. Oi. Oi." Eren's cheek was lightly pinched and he reluctantly opened his eyes, gazing up weakly at the boy. His eyes were grey. He was still frowning, perhaps even more so. "Come on, brat, stay with me here."

"I'm not a brat," Eren managed to croak.

The boy actually cracked a small smile and an even smaller laugh rumbled in his chest. "Sure thing, kid."

Eren frowned but tightened his fist around the material as he fought to keep conscious.

The boy came up to the ambulance and tried to hand Eren over to one of the paramedics. The paramedic pulled and the boy let go but Eren remained against his chest. With a puzzled sound, the boy looked down to find Eren's other hand entangled in his shirt and his little face scrunched up in determination to keep smooshed against his chest.

"Come on, kid, let go. They need to make sure you're okay," he said in exasperation, trying to pry off Eren's little fingers.

"No, please…" Eren whispered and his shoulders gave a slight shake. The boy sighed and returned to holding him and Eren relaxed slightly.

"Just look over him like this. I'll sit with him," the boy said to the paramedic. The woman hesitated but then nodded and motioned the boy to sit on one of the stretchers set out. He wiggled backwards slightly onto the stretcher and Eren almost felt bad for causing so much trouble.

Eren allowed himself to only be pried enough away for the paramedic to check most of his vitals. He managed to keep his face against that steady heartbeat that he felt was important in keeping his own going. Shocked, he realised that he had started crying. He desperately buried his face deeper and struggled to keep his body from shaking. He didn't need to be called a kid for crying too.

But his efforts were in vain.

When the paramedic moved away for a bit, the boy awkwardly patted Eren on the head and said softly, "Hey kid, it's okay to cry, you know. You'll come away from this stronger. So cry. No one's looking. Fuck, even if they are, then don't give a shit what anyone else says, got it?"

Eren was a little taken aback before he smiled a little in gratitude.

And so he cried.

There was a moment's pause as the boy realised his crude language and grimaced a little, but he still hoped he got through to the kid. He was then rewarded with the smallest of smiles before the kid's little bottom lip wobbled and he started to bawl. The boy was a bit taken back at the sheer volume and even more surprised when the kid flung his arms around his neck.

But he was most surprised to find himself hugging the child to him and just letting the tears flow.

The paramedic was a bit shocked when she returned to find the child sobbing against his chest, but with a small little smile said, "You know, it's actually a miracle. He should be far worse from the exposure to heat and smoke but the only problem seems to be exhaustion. I think he's going to be okay but I'd like to send him through to the hospital just in case."

"Why are you telling me this?" the boy asked irritably, quietly glad that the little shit wasn't going to die.

"Well, it doesn't look like you're planning on letting him go anytime soon," she said with a playful laugh and walked away to join another paramedic who was examining a little girl with black hair and a red scarf.

The boy examined the child in his arms and found that he'd stopped crying and had fallen into a mostly peaceful sleep. He huffed and adjusted the child so he was cradled against his chest again.

"Never took you for the mothering type, Levi."

"Fuck off, Erwin."

The boy – Levi – didn't release the child in his arms as he glared at the irritatingly tall fireman that was the only reason for Levi being here at all.

Erwin looked down at the kid quietly and his features softened. Even those ridiculous eyebrows of his seemed less dramatic as they were drawn in concern and not getting ready to take flight.

"Do you see it, Levi?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the boy's face.

Levi was about to respond snarkily but he knew what Erwin meant.

"This is why we do this," the man continued, "So little kids like him can be saved. It's not all riding around spraying water into people's faces uselessly and sliding down poles for the kick of it. It's about freeing people from the fear and dangers of fires. Understand?"

"I understand," Levi admitted quietly, now also watching the child's face as he slept.

"Right," said Erwin, "Well, when you get back from the hospital I'll have the paperwork ready for you to sign, okay?"

"Stupid old man, I didn't say anything about wanting to be a firefighter," Levi snarled, but it was a half-hearted attempt at best and Erwin knew it.

"Right, right," he said and laughed as he walked off. Levi huffed again and went back to studying the kid's face again.

Would it really be so bad to keep saving people?

"Levi! Hey, where'd you get the kid?"

Levi looked up again at the voice of Isabel. She was grinning excitedly but Farlan next to her looked uncomfortable and ready to leave.

"What is it?" Levi asked.

"Oh, he's cute!" she continued, reaching over to pinch one of his cheeks. Levi surprised both her and himself when he leaned backwards out of her reach.

"He's sleeping," Levi muttered, feeling his cheeks heat up a little. Isabel grinned knowingly after a moment and pet Levi on the head causing him to glare at her.

"You know, we were all wrong about these guys, Levi," she said, "This looks so exciting! And fun! Well, not as fun as sliding down that pole thingy but well you know-"


"Right! Well, I was thinking of, well, you know, applying for training and actually, um, becoming a firefighter instead of, well, doing this community service thing…" Isabel trailed off unconfidently which was unusual for her.

"Isabel!" Farlan snapped, "This is dangerous! Not everyone makes it out of there alive, you know. Even this kid's mother is-"


Farlan broke off when he heard how dangerously low Levi's voice had gotten.

"I'm just saying," he finished weakly, "That you should consider it more carefully."

Isabel looked dejected and glanced towards the floor but looked back up when Levi spoke again, "When I get back from the hospital with this brat, I'm going to sign the paperwork for applying to training. Do what you want, Farlan."

Farlan looked like he had been betrayed but Levi didn't stay to hear his excuses as the paramedic returned and asked him to get into the back of the ambulance with the kid still nestled safely in his arms.

Eren still felt unnaturally hot and it hurt to breathe but he was a little confused to find another pain in his chest that he couldn't explain. He opened his eyes groggily and found himself looking up at unnaturally bright fluorescent lights. He turned his head slowly and found that he was in a hospital room.

A nurse noted his open eyes and said, "Oh good, you're awake."

She exited the room and after a few moments, Eren was suddenly tackled on the bed.

He yelped in pain and Armin and Mikasa quickly retracted their arms.

"Eren, I'm so glad you're okay!" Armin said, looking ready to-

"Eren, why are you crying?" Mikasa asked quietly.

Eren lifted a hand to his cheek in surprise but then remembered what… that he…

He took in a shaking breath unable to explain as he bit his lip.

Mikasa gripped his hand in her own and whispered, "I know."

Armin reached over and gripped his other hand tightly. The three of them sat in grieved until a nurse entered the room again with an elderly man – Armin's grandfather.

"Are you kids ready to go?" he asked.

Eren looked in confusion to Mikasa but it was Armin who answered, "You guys will be staying with me and Grandfather for a while. They can't find or get hold of Uncle Grisha and, well, Auntie Carla…"

The trio were silent again and Armin's grandfather sighed tiredly, "Come on, kids, let's go home."

Armin and Mikasa got up and Eren was about to swing his legs off the bed and follow them when he noticed a small note folded up on the stand next to him. He unfolded the note and a bronze key tumbled onto his lap. He read:

This was the only thing they salvaged from the fire. No one ever knows how the future will turn out, but I promise you that I will save everyone I can from the fires. Put your faith in me. Your resolve has given me strength.

And kid,

Not bad.