Remember me? It's the Hyperistic Country Loner and I am back for now. I'm not sure how long this account will last, but hopefully it will last for a while because I love every single one of you guys. You are the reasons I continue to write 24/7 with Tabbypie101. Most of the things we've written over the Summer will sadly never be published… I hope you understand. I wish more than anything that it was open for you guys, but… things have happened in my life that I don't particularly wanna talk about, but know that I'm back and I've missed you guys. This was co-written by me and Tabbypie101. We do NOT own HTTYD.

Tabitha Larsson was a pretty little ebony haired girl, always happy and gleeful, caring deeply about anyone and everyone. She lived with her father(Regan Larsson), her mom (Eydis Larsson), her Aunt (Tove Sunden), her 12 year old cousins (Eira Sunden and Erwin Sunden), her 18 year old sister (Hertha Larsson), her 14 year old brother (Isaac Larsson), her 10 year old sister (Oydis Larsson), her 4 year old sister (Brenna Larsson), and her 2 year old brother (Colton Larsson). On the 18th of August, Regan, Erwin, Isaac, and little Colton are all out hunting for the family while Tove, Eira, Hertha, and Brenna are all out trying to find fruit to eat. Tabitha and her mom were trying to heal sick Oydis, who was Tabitha's closest sibling, back at their camp. Oydis was always sick. She was born with awful immune and repertory systems, meaning she caught every flu and sickness imaginable. Tabitha was the only one who wanted to always stay by her side when she was sick, ensuring that the 10 year old and the 8 year old were more best friends than sisters and that was the way they liked it. This time Oydis had cholera and despite not wanting to admit it to either of the sisters, Eydis knew deep down in her heart that it was going to kill her this time. All of a sudden, Oydis fell into a fit of coughs. Tabitha held her sister's hand, trying to confront her.

The thin haired brunette girl looked into little sister's pretty green eyes with her own and stroked her wavy black hair," I'll be okay, Tabitha. I promise. For you, I'm gonna be alr-." She was cut-off as a burly man in a skinned deer robe flew down into their camp on a grey beast neither of the sisters had ever seen. Oydis pulled Tabitha in close, to protect her as said girl gasped in fear and hid in her sister's arms.

Eydis ran over to the man," What do you want from us?!"

The man looked her up and down as get the best view of the mother "I want you to be my queen."

"I'M A MARRIED WOMAN! I HAVE KIDS!" She yelled, hitting him.

"Not my problem." He said, grabbing her.

Tabitha and Oydis through rocks at him in a quick desperation to save their mom, but almost as soon as they started, they wished they had stopped. The man looked over at the two girls, walking towards them.

Oydis clutched onto Tabitha as tight as she could and Tabitha held on tight to Oydis as the man came closer.

He grabbed Oydis and Tabitha tried to grab her back, but she slipped out of her tiny pale hands "Oydis!"

The sick little girl coughed in the man's face, her eyes widening. He threw Oydis to the ground, lifting his staff and stabbed her with it. She died instantly.

Tabitha's eyes widen "Oydis! No!"

The man turned his attention to Tabitha. Her eye's widen as she tried to back away, but it was no use. He pulled out a vial, throwing it at her. It the exploded on her as she started coughing, falling to the floor, unconscious.

Eydis' eyes widened," No... no... BRING MY DAUGHTERS BACK, YOU MONSTER!" She yelled, kicking and hitting him.

The man ignored her screams as he flew away with her. All that was left in the camp was a little black dragon with gorgeous green eyes.


Toothless tossed and turned in her sleep before jolting awake. She had just had the same nightmare about what happened that'd she'd been having for the past 10 years.

Hiccup sat up straight in his bed," You okay?"

Toothless just looked at him and shook her head, not being able to form any real words.

He climbed off his bed, put on his fake leg, and hobbled over to Toothless," What's wrong?"

She looked at him and made a small whimpering noise. He just gave her a sad look, wishing more than anything that he could understand him. She cuddled her into his chest, showing that she understood and accepted his unspoken apology. Hiccup petted Toothless' head. She smiled, wrapping her wing around him and pulled him down to laid with her. He shrugged and wrapped an arm around her. She smiled in her sleep.

Review please, my lovelies. I can't even express how much I've missed all of you.