18. Forever This Way
"And now," the headmistress announced, "we proudly present to you: our Shiz University graduates of this year!"
Everyone started clapping. Elphaba spotted the king and queen of the Vinkus, smiling proudly, and she felt a tinge of sadness that her own father was not here… or Nessarose. She wasn't sure about her father, but she knew at least her younger sister would have been proud of her today.
Fiyero caught her gaze and held out his hand behind Cyara's back. She slipped her fingers into his and he squeezed reassuringly, earning himself a small smile from her.
Cyara was standing between them, beaming. They were all beaming. Fiyero could hardly believe that after all these years, he had finally graduated university; and Elphaba still had trouble believing that she really had attended Shiz now, just like she had always wanted, and that she had just received her degree. A major in Politics with a minor in both History and Sorcery, exactly as she had hoped.
They had all worked hard these past couple of years. Elphaba had stayed by Fiyero's side for as long as he was still in the infirmary. When he was released, it was to move to a room in the boys' dormitory on campus. She'd had to leave his side then, because they were not permitted to share a room; but it was okay. He was just across the street, after all, and she still saw him every day. He often stayed over in her room or she in his, they had classes together, and they spent as much time together between that as they possibly could. Elphaba had made him study hard and he was willing to do so, for her, resulting in him passing almost all his courses the first time and being able to graduate at the same time as everyone else.
Galinda had been a frequent visitor – she joined Fiyero, Elphaba, and Cyara for lunch, dinner, or coffee, took them into town, or invited them over to her house. More than once, she took Elphaba and Cyara shopping – something Cyara loved, but Elphaba still loathed. Not as much as before, though. Despite everything, she could not deny the fact that it was a huge relief to not have to wear corsets and fancy clothes all the time anymore, to not have to uphold an image at all times… to just be able to be herself, no matter what.
Galinda was here today, too, standing next to Fiyero's parents with Boq beside her, his arm around her waist. Her hand was resting on her stomach. She and Boq had gotten married two years earlier and she was pregnant with their first child at the moment.
Elphaba knew her and Fiyero's marriage would not be far away. He made it no secret that he loved her to death – she hated him saying that, always pointing out to him how close he'd actually come to dying because of her, to which he'd sternly reply that that had not been because of her and regardless of that all, it was true. He had already told her many times that he intended to marry her. Galinda had even revealed to her that basically all of Oz was waiting for an engagement, now that they had graduated, since they had already been together for three years. The Vinkun people were ecstatic about their crown prince finally settling down and so was his family. No-one, however, was more excited than Fiyero and Elphaba themselves – even though the latter would, of course, never show it.
They were congratulated by everyone and it took them a while to find a moment together without anyone interrupting them. Fiyero, growing sick of it, eventually just pulled Elphaba around a corner.
"Congratulations, Miss Elphaba," he said, smiling. He reached out to finger the little fringe on her cap. "You have graduated."
"Was there ever any question about me graduating?" she asked pointedly, raising one eyebrow. "I think I should congratulate you, Master Tiggular. It seems you have finally received your degree as well."
"Think about it, though," he said as he pulled her close. "I never would have met you if I hadn't been kicked out of all those schools. Or maybe I would have," he added, suddenly thoughtful. "Do you believe in things that are meant to be?"
She shook her head.
"Well, I do." He pressed his lips to her forehead. "And I think we are."
She blushed.
"I wish we had more time alone together," he sighed, burying his face in her long, silky hair, "but Mum and Dad want to have dinner with us."
"Who is 'us'?" she asked and he summed up, "You, me, Cyara, Galinda, and Boq."
"Well, at least we know and like all those people." She kissed his cheek. "We'll be alone tonight. I'll stay in your room."
He nodded and grinned at her. He loved the nights they spent together. They had both agreed that nothing would happen until they were actually married; and even though that was hard for him sometimes – she was just so irresistible! – he found that no matter what, he just loved sleeping with her in his arms. Even if they were both fully clothed and did nothing but cuddle.
Dinner was a loud, but happy affair. Cyara recounted several stories of her time at Shiz and she and Galinda giggled a lot. Fiyero's parents asked everyone about their plans after graduation.
"Wait," said Fiyero suddenly. "What's going to happen to us?" His head whipped around and he looked at Elphaba anxiously. "I'm to be the king of the Vinkus."
"Yes." The confused expression on her face clearly told him she had no idea what this was about.
"And you're the only heir to the governorship of Munchkinland," he said, his panic rising.
"Yes," she said slowly, still not understanding where he was going with this. The other people at the table were also looking at him questioningly.
"We're not getting married, then?" He tried to keep his voice neutral, but it was a bit higher than usual and it was shaking.
"What?" Elphaba stared at him. "Where did you get that idea?"
"Fae…" He took her hands in his. "I'm going to have to be in the Vinkus. You are going to have to stay in Munchkinland. We can't –"
"For Oz's sake, Fiyero, I'm not going to Munchkinland!" She shook her head. "I already told you that. I'm coming to the Vinkus with you."
He was still looking pale. "But –"
"I'm not going to claim the governorship, Yero," she said softly. "I never really intended doing so in the first place. The Munchkins wouldn't want me as their governor any more than I want to keep living in that place. All I've ever known there is ridicule. I have no desire to go back and I have told my replacement that much. The man who took over temporarily is now staying permanently. He promised me he'd send my things and any other personal belongings he'd find to the Vinkus – I'll need to sort through Nessa and Father's stuff, too…"
"You're not going back?" he asked, just to be sure, and she smiled at him.
"No," she said. "I'm going to come with you to the Vinkus, and I'm going to be your wife."
"My queen," he corrected, grinning widely. He put his arm around her and she leant her head on his shoulder.
"Once Fiyero finally musters up the courage to ask her, that is," Galinda said sarcastically and everyone laughed.
"It's not a matter of courage!" Fiyero protested. "It's just a matter of planning the perfect proposal." The real reason he had not proposed yet was because he wanted to give Elphaba some more time to get used to the Vinkus and the customs there, and his mother had already promised to go over some royal duties with the green girl. He didn't want to overwhelm her with all those things at once.
They bade one another goodbye after dinner. Hamold and Lori returned to their hotel, Galinda and Boq to Galinda's parents' home in Gillikin, and Cyara to her dorm room. Elphaba went with Fiyero, sitting on his bed and watching with a small grin as he quickly kicked some dirty clothes under his bed and threw some other things in the open, but still mostly empty suitcase lying on the floor.
She shook her head. "You're not procrastinating at all, are you?"
"I didn't feel like packing," he admitted. "None of this stuff matters much to me, anyway." He sat down next to her and kissed her temple. "I can't wait to go home and start the rest of our lives together."
She snuggled into his arms and closed her eyes, thinking about their relationship so far. It had been three years, and yet somehow, the first two months or so had been more emotional and eventful than everything that had happened afterwards combined – which she was grateful for. She'd had enough adventure, drama, and heartbreak to last a lifetime.
She could not even begin to describe how grateful she was that Fiyero had survived. She'd been so lost, so lonely without him. Those few weeks in which she had thought he hadn't made it were etched into her memory forever, because they had been the darkest weeks of her life. She'd thought she'd lost everything. And she would always miss Nessarose, and even Frexspar, in a way; but at least she had Fiyero back, and Galinda… and Boq. They were her family now and that was more than she could ever have wished for.
"I love you," Fiyero whispered in her hair and she smiled and kissed him softly in reply.
"I love you, too, Yero my hero."
She had constantly felt like her life had been divided in two: before the disaster, and after. It had been good for her to go to Shiz, rather than return to Munchkinland, after it had happened; but it had still felt like she had been lingering in the aftermath of the event for three years, grieving for her family and constantly hearing all about what had happened, since it was printed in newspapers all over Oz and it had been a favourite topic of conversation until at least a year after it had happened.
And now the third part of her life was about to start, she thought as she looked up at Fiyero. Her years at Shiz now felt like some sort of transition time between her life pre-disaster and the rest of it. And she was ready now. She was ready to start all over again, for real this time, in the Vinkus, with Fiyero by her side… and he would always be by her side. She knew that now. Just like she would always be right next to him. They'd been knocked down, but they got up again; and she was ready to be happy.
Fiyero kissed her, more firmly this time; and she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back, losing herself in the moment and in this man, who would soon become her husband.
So... that was it. The final chapter. I hoped you liked reading this story even half as much as I liked writing it. Thank you all once again for your support and for always staying with me - it means the world to me.
You can expect a Lurlinemas three-shot within a few days :).