Welcome fellow fanfic members to yet another story about Sonic and the gang!
This piece is another request sent in by WhiteTiger246, thank you for setting me up for a challenge! I've enjoyed writing this story and I have to admit, some of the things I've written have even made me giggle from time to time. Yeah, I'm hilarious.
Prepare yourself for lots of couple fluff! How the fluff comes about is going to be one hell of a ride!
Enjoy yourselves!

Peace out! xx

It's a sunny morning in Knothole on the planet of Mobius and Sonic is traipsing the hills and valleys, looking for new things to explore. He eventually grew bored after his morning run and made his way home where he found Tails in the garage, deep in thought as he stared down at a small device. He was sitting in the middle of the room with tools sprawled out around him, the device firmly attached to his hand.

'Wassup', Pal?' Sonic greeted him with his signature thumbs up.

'Working.' Tails said bluntly, not taking his eyes away from the device.

'I see that? What on?' Sonic arched an eyebrow and cautiously stepped closer to him.

'Hang on.' Tails said again.

He quickly picked up a screwdriver and some tweezers before using his feet to hold the device in place and allowing both hand to manoeuvre the tools around it. His stuck his tongue to the side, biting down the more concentrated he became. His eyes narrowed on one small part of this small contraption before…

'GOT IT!' Tails exclaimed and thrust the device in the air.

'Great… Got what?' Sonic chuckled.

'I finally finished my latest invention. It will work like a charm, well, it better considering how long it took me.' Tails scratched his head as he passed the device to Sonic.

Sonic took the device carefully into his gloved hands and examined it. He flipped it up the other way to look at the other side before flipping it back to read the buttons and trace the screen with his fingers. He actually convinced Tails with his facial expressions that he knew exactly what it was, but truth be told, he did know it from the X-Tornado.

'Isn't it great? It's going to make finding them so much easier.' Tails smiled as he packed up his tools.

'Too right, Buddy.' Sonic chuckled suspiciously.

Tails stopped storing his tools into their proper compartments before turning around and arching and eyebrow at his blue brotherly-figure. He folded his arms and plastered a coy smile on his face before continuing to watch Sonic examine the device.

'You've got no idea what it is, do you?' Tails asked.

'Not a clue.' Sonic admitted with a large grin.

'I call it The Chaos Emerald Locator 2.0.'

'Original?' Sonic smirked.

'Coming from the idiot who didn't know what it was?' Tails giggled.

'Touché. Anyway, what makes it any different from the one in the Tornado?'

Tails quickly went into a long lecture about what he'd done to make improvements on this device and how he'd come up with the ideas, plus so much more. Sonic's eyes quickly glazed over, causing Tails to trail off and spit out the basics.

'It's going to help us find the emeralds within a larger radius than the one in the Tornado.' Tails sighed.

'Great! So let's fire it up!' Sonic exclaimed eagerly.

Tails quickly walked over to his computer and plugged in the device, allowing it to boot up faster. Sonic began to impatiently tap his foot on the floor, waiting for it to start up, earning him and eye roll from his brotherly figure. The device finally lit up to show them something… amazing. And quite literally unbelievable.

'No freakin' way?' Sonic whispered.

'Woah.' Tails added.

'How are you doing over there girls?' Blaze asked as she lay down in the lush grass of the fields.

'We'd be doing better if we had an extra set of hands?' Amy mocked.

'Flower picking really isn't my thing, Amy.' Blaze smirked.

Blaze, Amy, Cosmo and Cream were out in the fields picking bunches of flowers for Vanilla, Cream's mother, to make flower crowns and bouquets for her. She had been very busy at work lately and Cream suggested doing something nice for her to come home to. Rouge was out on a field job with Shadow but would hopefully be back in time to surprise the older rabbit with the others, so Cream hoped.

'Come on, Blaze. There are some beautiful lavenders over here?' Cosmo suggested.

'I know, I can smell them. My favourite flower of all.' Blaze smiled as she rest her eyes.

'Please, Miss Blaze? You'll have fun picking the flowers with us for Mama.' Cream asked.

Blaze opened one of her eyes to see the tiny rabbit kneeling beside her. Her big eyes sparkling in the light and her lips pouting. Even Blaze couldn't resist Cream's girlish charm, which was saying something for the futuristic princess. Cream was old enough now to know she was still cute but it would fade soon enough, so she had to use it to her advantage whenever she could. I worked nearly every time without fail, and she loved it.

'Oh, fine then. But if any of you tell Silver about this, you're in big trouble!' Blaze huffed.

'Thank you, Miss Blaze!' Cream exclaimed.

Amy and Cosmo giggled at the thought of Silver picking on Blaze for picking flowers, which would quickly turn into the lavender feline pounding the crap out of him. Blaze followed Cream over to the patch of Lavender flowers and began picking a large bunch of them while Amy and Cosmo continued threading roses, daisies and lilies into flower crowns.

'I hope Rouge will be back in time to show off these flowers to Vanilla.' Cosmo said, firing up the conversation again.

'Where is she today, anyway?' Blaze asked.

'She's on a field assignment with Shadow. Probably taking down some of Egghead's robots or something.' Amy smiled.

'At least that gives Mr. Sonic a break?' Cream giggled.

'Not that he needs it.' Amy jumped in with a dreamy smile.

'That's cute.' Cosmo chuckled with a hint of sarcasm.

Blaze and Cream tried to hold in their laughter as Amy arched an eyebrow at the green seedrian, unable to hide a slight smile. Cosmo looked back with a mocking smile, waiting for Amy to say something. The other two watched on, waiting for the two close friends to start giving each other smack.

The group of girls were nothing short of sisters, which involved the pros on cons of sisterhood. This meant they loved, cared and protected each other at all cost. However, it almost meant when a boy came into the picture, teasing and mocking wasn't far behind. A regular occurrence for the group of teen girls.

'You're one to talk, Cosmo? Like you're not crazy for a certain two-tailed fox?' Amy winked, throwing Cosmo off.

'Oh yeah? Well... well-'

'Now, now, ladies. Let's not get our panties in a wad over a couple of boys.' A familiar voice cut Cosmo off.

The girls looked up to see Rouge hovering above them before floating down to land and dusting off the invisible dirt from her slinky jumpsuit. Amy and Cosmo exchanged looks before beginning to laugh and standing up to greet the ivory bat.

'Oh here we go. The expert on men herself is here to save the day.' Blaze mocked.

'Better believe it, babe.' Rouge winked as she flicked her short hair.

'So while Miss Rouge tells us how she's so not in love with Mr. Knuckles, yet still manages to make him fall at her feet, how about we continue getting these flowers together for Mama?' Cream stated casually with a coy smile, eyes still fixated on her bunch of flowers.

The other four girls turned to look at the young rabbit, mouths agape at her smooth comment. Rouge blushed as she tried to come back with something, and for once, she had diddly squat. Blaze, Amy and Cosmo turned back to look at Rouge, still in shock, before bursting into fits of laughter.

'Oh snap!' Amy exclaimed.

'Burn!' Blaze added as she made a small flame in the palm of her hand.

'Nice one, Cream.' Cosmo giggled.

'Smooth move, kiddo. I'll give you that, kudos.' Rouge crossed her arms with a defeated pout.

'I thought you were out working with Shadow today?' Cosmo asked as she sat back down by Cream.

'I was but we knocked off early, wasn't really a busy day. Actually we're just good at our job.' Rouge winked before sitting down by Blaze.

'So what did Mr. Shadow have planned for the afternoon then?' Cream asked as she picked out some more flowers.

'I didn't ask. My guess is either mope around by himself or go and challenge Sonic to a race of some sort. Speaking of which, where are Sonic and the others today?' Rouge turned to the others.

Just as she asked, Amy's phone began ringing aloud playing 'If You Seek Amy' by Brittney Spears. She began to blush as the girls smirked at her ringtone. She pulled it out of her pocket and went to answer it before she noticed the others were still staring, Cream smiling cutely.

'What?' Amy shrugged.

'You're kidding me, right?' Blaze laughed.

'What? I like the irony… Hello?' Amy giggled before answering the phone.

As Amy got to talking to whoever was on the other end of the phone, Cream and Cosmo continued bunching together the last of their flowers as Rouge and Blaze discussed and laughed at irony of people 'seeking Amy'. They all stopped when Amy's eyes widened in what appeared to be shock.

'Ok, we're on our way!' Amy exclaimed as she hung up the phone.

'What up, Hun?' rouge arched an eyebrow.

'Come on, we're headed to Tails and Sonic's!'

'Just another morning in Mobius.' Blaze rolled her eyes with a small giggle as she stood up.