5YL the Adventure Begins

Part 1

Once Blaine had left for tour, it took some time for those close to him to settle into new routines, especially Sebastian. The day Blaine had left, he'd stayed home that entire day as one, he needed to get some sleep and secondly, he really wasn't in a social mood in the slightest. Quite a few people called him that day, yet the only ones outside of his parents that he spoke with were Jeff, and Cooper of all people besides when Blaine called him. From the moment Sebastian began his internship, it became obvious to those closest to him that he was going to be throwing himself into it that summer.

It wasn't that people didn't understand it, but they knew it wasn't the healthiest way for him to deal with his emotions. Even Santana was concerned as after the video debuted only days after Blaine left, she called to tease Sebastian and he brushed her comments off. The fact that he did that let her know Blaine being gone hurt more than he was letting on. When she called Quinn to talk about it, she could understand where Santana was coming from, yet convinced her to relax as they were still in an adjustment period. If Sebastian was still like this at the end of the month, then they should start to worry.

While that helped, Santana still addressed the subject with Rachel who might have more insight since Thad was her boyfriend. Hearing that Sebastian hadn't shut everyone out was good to know, yet knowing he was mainly speaking with Jeff was hard. Rachel was quick to explain what Thad had told her from a conversation he'd had with Hunter. Tempting as it is to try and get Sebastian to open up about how he was feeling, that would be the worst thing to do as it would only cause him to push people out. The fact that he was accepting their calls was a good thing, even if he might not seem like himself. She also let her know that Thad said he wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian's snarkier personality started to rear his head more the longer Blaine was gone.

"Trust me Santana; I want to talk to him as Sebastian is the only person Blaine has been in touch with since he's been gone." Rachel told her before taking a sip of her tea. "But if he doesn't want to talk, there isn't much we can do. Even Nick told Thad, Jeff isn't talking much either at this time. Right now it seems as though Blaine is in a bubble and no one is allowed in."

"I know, we have to get information like everyone else and it's frustrating!" Santana said in a huff. "Do you realize how stupid I felt asking Jordan for information about Blaine's first couple of shows?" Rachel was quick to tilt her head. "I know I shouldn't, but I did. I guess when he left I presumed we'd hear all about things from Sebastian or Jeff for that matter."

"I did to, but until they're ready we're going to have to be patient."

"Since when have you been patient?" Santana replied while tucking her legs beneath her. "You've always wanted to know what's going on with those close to you."

"I know, and I still do but Thad got me to realize I can't stress myself out over something I have no control over. Blaine's schedule is crazy and until he gets used to it, we have to accept he's not going to be in touch often."

"And how much convincing did Mr. Harwood have to do?"

"Probably more than he should have needed." Rachel told her. "So, Sebastian didn't even flinch when you teased him about the video?"

"Not a word." Santana said in response. "Did Thad explain why the rest of the guys got that look on their faces when we all watched it together? And by all, I mean everyone minus Sebastian and Jeff."

"Just there was a subtle nod to Blaine and Sebastian's history with one another. Did you get anything from Brittany?"

"Nothing, but she did say she didn't get much of a chance to talk about the concept with Blaine. Everything they know came from the director. I guess we'll just have to wait till we see Blaine to find out." Once she was done, Santana looked across at Rachel. "You're more concerned about this than you are letting on, aren't you?"

"Yes and no." Rachel replied. "I believe the biggest thing that we're all having problems with, is the not knowing as this is all so new to all of us."


"Yes, as he and the guys have talked about it quite a bit. For so long we understood what was going on since Blaine was playing the city or in the vicinity. Yet now, we have no clue what things are like for him."

"I hadn't thought of it that way."

"Thad hadn't either, that line of thought came from Wes actually. The guys are as concerned as the rest of us in regard to Sebastian and Jeff not really talking to anyone. We just have to keep in mind they're having to adjust more than we are."

"I know, it doesn't necessarily make it easier."

"Tell me about it."

When Sebastian finally left work that night and was on the subway home, he took his phone out of his pocket. Much as it had been daily, he had plenty of voice mails and texts to return once he got there. During his walk from the subway, he was about to ignore his phone when it went off once again, but the instant the ringtone hit him, he couldn't get it from his pocket fast enough. "Hey!" He replied as a big smile crept to his face. "Talk about a pleasant surprise."

"Nice to know it's pleasant." Blaine replied as he sat down on one of the chairs outside their bus. "Otherwise I wouldn't know what to think."

"What do I owe this pleasure as I wasn't expecting to hear from you till later tonight?" Sebastian asked as he rounded the corner towards their building. "Not that I'm objecting mind you, though…am I still going to get to talk to you tonight?"

"First off, yes you'll get to talk to me tonight again, if you want." Blaine said to him. "And well, I called because I miss you and didn't want to wait till later tonight."

"I miss you too Killer, any particular reason for missing me."

"I've missed you since I left Bas, you know that. It's just…I've seen too many affectionate couples today."

"I know the feeling well B, unfortunately. How much time do you have?" Sebastian replied as he walked into their building. "Not that a quick call wouldn't cut it."

"That's good to know. I've actually got a bit of time as we finished sound check a little while ago." Blaine told him. "Why, do you have plans for tonight?"


"Bas, you need to go out."

"I honestly haven't been in the mood to do so." Sebastian said before warning Blaine he was getting onto the elevator in case the call dropped. So, the two put their conversation on hold till Sebastian reached their floor. "It's not just that I haven't been in the mood B, I do not want to deal with people."


"Blaine, I don't want to be pitied." Sebastian stated before pulling his keys out to open the door. "Ever since you left people are treating me, and Jeff different."

"They're worried about you."

"We get that, but they're making it harder for both of us." When he spoke, the frustration was evident in his voice. "At this time, the last thing either of us wants is to talk about is how we're feeling." It was a moment later Blaine heard the door close. "I'm sorry B."

"You have no reason to apologizes Bas, honest." Blaine replied as Sebastian made his way to the couch to sit down. "I can only imagine how you're feeling." Upon hearing a change in Blaine's voice, Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair before taking a deep breath.

"Can we talk about something more enjoyable B as there really isn't anything we can do about how people are behaving?"

"Of course, what would you like to talk about?"

"How things are going with you?"

"They're crazy, as I mentioned last night." Blaine said as he sat back. "If it wasn't for Tess, the tour manager, I doubt I'd get anywhere on time as we're getting pulled in so many directions. Speaking of, she said there will be a car waiting for you at the train station."


"There will be a car waiting for you so you don't have to deal with getting through security when you reach the venue."

"B, I can get there on my own."

"Bas, trust me it's needed as things quickly turn into a clusterfuck with so many people coming and going. More than once already members of my band have been stopped when we've all been separated no matter how shortly. So, getting into the bus depot where we're all parked is close to impossible."

"Yet, it's not completely."

"No, as I've seen more than enough girls wandering around that have no business being in a supposedly secure location." Blaine told him. "How are things going with you as by the time we talk each night you're the one asking most of the questions?"

"They aren't too bad, but I feel like a freaking errand boy a majority of the time and the others, a file clerk. Yet tonight I actually have some work to do."

"Such as, and I know you can't get into specifics."

"I have to go through some reports and look for a particular name and see how many times it's referenced."

"Sounds exciting." Blaine said in a way, that Sebastian knew he understood how tedious it could be.

"I know, I almost can't contain myself." Sebastian said with a laugh. "It shouldn't take me too long. And according to my supervisor things will start to get more interesting soon."

"Is everything still a go for you coming to see me? I probably should've asked that before telling you there will be a car at the train station."

"Yes, I even double checked yesterday as I didn't want anything getting in the way of me coming to see you."

"That's something I'm happy to hear." Blaine replied. "It might sound silly, but I miss sleeping next to you."

"It doesn't sound silly B, as I feel the same way. Amazing how quickly we got used to it. Sleeping next to you is one of the things I'm looking forward to." He told him while slipping off his shoes.

"What else are you looking forward to?" The intonation in Blaine's voice was anything but innocent which brought a smirk to Sebastian's face. "Bas."

"Do you really want me to tell you B?"

"Would I have asked if I didn't?" Blaine replied as he got up from his chair to head into the bus for a bit of privacy. "Bas."

"For starters, you should know I'm going to pull you into my arms before kissing you as I've missed holding you." Sebastian told him while putting his socked feet up on the table. "And then we'll kiss, a kiss that will let you know how much I've missed being able to do so. I'd then slip by hands lower till I can grab that perfect ass of yours. Is that okay with you so far B?"

"More than okay." Blaine said in response, his voice a bit deeper than it previously had been. "I've missed kissing you as well, and being held by you. Anything else?"

"After we kiss, I'd ask if there is anywhere we can go for a bit of privacy, depending if you'd gone on or not by the time I arrive."

"Privacy for?"

"So that I can be intimate with my love."


"Yes B, intimate." The tone of Sebastian's voice when he spoke sent chills through Blaine's body. "I bet you were expecting something a bit more vulgar from me."

"Maybe, but intimate certainly works and puts quite the imagery in my head. Considering when we go on tonight, do you want to Skype later?"

"You mean versus only talking or texting?"



"I had to ask Sebastian, I didn't want to presume, especially considering what time it could be."

"I'd prefer to Skype every night Blaine. I miss your face."

"Are you saying the daily pictures aren't enough for you?"

"They get me by. You?"

"The same, I'd much rather be able to see you when we talk. I'm sorry we don't get to as much as we'd like."

"Not your fault B, you're still adjusting to things. Plus, you're not the only one with people to Skype and I know you all have a right to privacy when you do."

"Thank you for understanding Bas."

"I might be an ass, but I can be an understanding one given the situation. By the way, a photographer got a picture of you during sound check yesterday. I like the shirt."

"You're not upset I took it, are you?"

"Not in the slightest. It was funny reading all the opinions of people as to why you were wearing a Columbia t-shirt since it's not where you went to school."

"Do I even want to know what was being said?"

"Not really. I hadn't gone looking for pictures of you; Trent saw this and sent the link to me. He said it was sweet seeing you in my clothes."

"Was it that noticeable that it's not mine?"

"It wasn't too bad, especially since one side was stuck in your jeans." Sebastian replied, and as he did he swore he heard voices in the background. "Do you need to go B?"

"No, that's only Todd but I will have to go in a bit as I need to eat."

"Fair enough. This call was a really nice surprise B."

"I'm glad you thought so. Hopefully I'll be able to do it more often as I get used to things." By the time the two did get off the phone, they each felt a bit better. When Blaine went away the first time, it was a bit easier as they could see the end. Yet this time, it was only the beginning of being apart so it was going to be quite some time till the end came into focus. Until that time comes, they'll figure things out as they go.

Blaine was stretched out on his bunk, with his eyes closed when Talia and Morgan came looking for him. Considering the content look on his face, they easily could presume that he'd spoken to Sebastian recently. "Should we bother him?" Talia asked softly as this was some of the first down time they'd had recently.

"I can hear you." Blaine said as his eyes fluttered open. "What do you ladies need?" While he spoke, the girls walked closer to him. "Ladies?"

"Tess is looking for you." Morgan replied. "She wants you to take part in a signing that's currently happening as you've been requested by numerous people." When Blaine looked at them, they each slumped their shoulders due to it. "Yea, we know Blaine as this is some of the first quiet you've had."

"Well, she didn't look hard considering Scott never leaves my side and I'm pretty certain he's outside the bus unless he had to do something. If that was the case, one of the other guys would be there."

"He is." Talia told him as Blaine sat up, his legs now hanging over the edge. "I personally think she's afraid of you."


"Yes you." Morgan said to him. "When you're frustrated, if one doesn't know you, you're intimidating." Blaine couldn't help but laugh. "It's true. And since this is your down time, I think she's afraid to ask since it wasn't scheduled." Blaine then ran his hands over his thighs. "Are you going to do it?"

"Depends, I need to talk to her first." Blaine said before standing. "It's times like this I wish Vincent was here."

"We know." Talia told him. "At least he'll be back in a couple of days." The girls then followed him towards the main section of the bus. "By chance, have you spoken to Sebastian recently?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You were smiling when we found you." Morgan said to him. "And the smile isn't one we've seen in some time, it's usually reserved for him."

"I'd actually just spoken with him. Once we finished, I was going to take a nap or at least rest my eyes before we eat."

"Then tell her no Blaine." Talia replied. "This wasn't scheduled in advance, and you're entitled to some downtime. The last thing they should be doing is running you ragged, especially before a performance." Blaine smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Relax, I'm going to talk to her, I never said I was going to do it."

After he walked out, the two headed back to the lounge of the bus where Todd was sitting playing video games. "Where is Justin?" Morgan asked as they each took a seat on either side of him. "I haven't seen him since sound check."

"In the equipment trailer with the guitar tech restringing his acoustic." Todd told them. "Where did Blaine go?"

"To talk with Tess." Talia replied. "She wants him to partake in another signing."

"He needs to tell her to stick it!" He said bluntly. "While she can be sweet, I think she's pushing Blaine too much. I know it's important to get him out there, but the man needs some time to himself."

"You're preaching to the choir as I essentially told him something similar moments ago." Talia told him. "I'm hoping he does what you said, just politer."

"You know it would be, this is Blaine we're talking about."

"I feel as though we killed his feel good buzz." Morgan said as she grabbed ahold of one of the controllers and joined in. "He looked so happy before we told him."

"You saw that grin he was sporting too?" Todd asked before glancing at each of them. "That is Sebastian induced."

"We know, but how do you?"

"I heard them talking on my way back here." When they girls looked at him, he laughed. "Chill ladies, I heard him say Bas in a context where I could tell he was speaking to him and not about him."

"Not to mention, he only smiles like that in regards to Sebastian." Talia added earning a nod. "He's going to be so happy on Friday." She then glanced at Morgan. "Just as you will be the next weekend. Any reason Jeff didn't come this weekend along with Sebastian?"

"He didn't want the bus to be too crowded." Morgan replied. "Since we're all still adjusting, he and Sebastian felt it might be too much to have two extra people around even if it was only for a couple of days."

"We would've managed." Todd told her with a smile. "But I will be sure to thank them both for their consideration. Though, I don't think it'll be much longer till we're fully adjusted to living in here." It was about ten minutes later when they all saw Blaine come walking back onto the bus. The fact that he was carrying a plate of food was a good sign that he wasn't doing the signing. Ever since they'd been on the road, the rest of them weren't sure how Blaine was still going as he was kept busier than the rest of them. So for him to be able to sit down and eat was a welcomed sight for all of them.

With the way things had been going since Blaine left, Hunter was surprised to receive a call from Sebastian asking if he was free for lunch the next day. Luckily, his schedule was light so he was able to go and meet with him. "I was beginning to think you were becoming a hermit." Hunter told Sebastian as he approached him outside the restaurant. "No one has seen you since…" Sebastian put a hand up to stop Hunter from continuing as he a good feeling what he was going to say. "Got it."

"I called, as I wanted to apologize." Sebastian said as they walked inside. "I know I've abandoned everyone in a sense, though I have taken calls recently. I just…I haven't felt like being around anyone."

"You don't have to apologize to me as I understand as I was like that the first time Kimberly was away for a lengthy amount of time." Hunter replied. "I hope the others haven't been hounding you too badly as I asked them to back-off."

"It depends on the day." Sebastian told him. "There is more in play, than most people realize. Not only am I dealing with the fact that he's gone, and I'm now living alone again. But, I'm also adjusting to my internship. I really wish I would've been able to start this sooner like you were able to."

"I lucked out as it isn't usually the case." While Hunter spoke, the two were shown to their table. "I remember how boring it was at the beginning, and I wasn't there every day."

"That would be it." Sebastian said. "Thankfully, it's starting to change…slowly. But now I'm at least being given things to do that stimulate my brain. Without things to do, my mind instantly drifts to Blaine."

"You really miss him, don't you?"

"More than I thought I would." Sebastian replied before they each ordered something to drink as they were still looking at the menu. "I mean, I knew I was going to miss him, but it…" When Sebastian paused, Hunter nodded as he understood without Sebastian saying anything else. "I must sound pathetic."

"No, you're not…not even close Sebastian. The man you love is gone, it's normal to feel the way you do. And with everything Blaine's going through, part of you wants to be experiencing it with him, instead of only hearing about it"

"That's the thing Hunter; he barely has a chance to relax since he's been gone. While he'd never complain, I can hear how tired he is when I talk to him. He's been on the go ever since they left. The day they…" Sebastian stopped once again, but this time it wasn't from being at a loss for words, he saw something that clearly caught his attention. "Do you mind if we switch seats?" Hunter shook his head, so the two quickly changed where they were seated. It only took a moment for Hunter to notice what irritated Sebastian.

"How long ago?"

"Moments." Sebastian told him before taking a sip of his drink. "The way I'm feeling, Hummel is the last person I should be dealing with right now."

"You think?" Hunter stated before laughing. "At least from the looks of it, it's a working lunch so there is less chance of him coming over if he sees us. If it is a working lunch, the last thing he needs is to cause a scene in front of his boss."

"True, but it doesn't make me feel any better." Sebastian replied before they stopped to order. "Even with everything in place, I'm still afraid he's going to find a way to hurt Blaine."

"With the bit of information I've been entitled to, there are plenty of provisions in place to see to it, that doesn't happen."

"Yet we both know, it's still possible." When Hunter glanced down, Sebastian sighed. "See, you know it too."

"Alright it's possible, but you can't dwell on it." Once he spoke, he watched Sebastian carefully run his fingers through his hair. "What is it?"

"Now you see why I've been avoiding everyone, I'm horrible company right now."

"You're not, trust me. If you were, I'd tell you." The look on Hunter's face when he spoke, caused Sebastian to smirk. "See, you know I'm right. If anyone thinks that in regards to how you or Jeff for that matter are acting, I dare them to switch places with either of you."

"So, you've heard about Jeff's behavior as well?"

"You think that just because you and Jeff have become hermits, the rest of us haven't been going out." Hunter stated. "You two have given the rest of us plenty to talk about." When Sebastian scoffed, their waitress looked at him as she was setting their dishes down. "Don't mind my friend; his love is away for work so he's a bit testy." That was all that was needed to be said for her expression to change, and now look at Sebastian in the same way. Once she walked away, Hunter smiled. "Don't look at me like that, she was looking at you like you were an obnoxious ass."

"That's because of what you said." Sebastian replied. "Why did you tell her that?"

"That your love is away, because it's true. It completely explained your behavior without much being said. Now eat." While the two were eating it gave Hunter time to think about everything that had been happening. To see Sebastian in this way, it accentuated how deep his feelings for Blaine truly ran. If anyone didn't believe how much Sebastian loved Blaine, all it would take is one look at Sebastian to see how hard it was for him having Blaine gone. Then once he mentioned how Blaine was keeping so busy, Hunter had a good idea part of it stemmed from keeping himself occupied so he didn't miss Sebastian as much.

The moment their bill arrived, Sebastian barely had a chance to act before Hunter slipped his card into the folder. "What's my portion?" Sebastian asked as he'd gotten his wallet out.

"Nothing, my treat."

"I invited you."

"Yet, I'm paying." Hunter stated in a tone which Sebastian knew all too well. When Hunter got like this, changing his mind was impossible. After Sebastian slipped his wallet back into his pocket, Hunter leaned back in his seat. "I'm glad you didn't argue."

"I know better than to when you're like this." Sebastian replied. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I'm really glad you called, as even I was getting worried." Hunter told him. "Yet now that I've seen you, I can reassure everyone that you're okay, aside from missing Blaine."

"I appreciate that. Hopefully once I get back from seeing him, I'll be more social."

"If you're not, don't push it. We'll all be here when you're ready, the same goes for Jeff." While Hunter spoke, the two got out of their seats to leave as their waitress had been quick to return with Hunter's card. "I felt if I told you, he'd get the information quicker."

"I'll let him know." Sebastian said as they began to walk. The moment they were passing Kurt's table, Sebastian took a deep breath to insure he didn't say anything he shouldn't. Though the moment they were outside, Hunter could see how tense he was. "Please tell me I wasn't imagining him glaring at me."

"You weren't. I'm pretty certain that's the dirtiest look he's ever given us." Hunter reassured him. "Now, will I see you before you go see Blaine?"

"I'm not sure."

"If not, tell him hello for me and that we're all really proud of him."

"Will do. I'll talk to you later Hunter." Moments after Hunter said his good-bye, Sebastian headed on his way back to his office. He'd barely gone a block when he slipped his headphones into his ears and began listening to music. Considering how he was feeling, one might presume he was listening to Blaine, yet he was listening to classical as it was something that helped soothe him.

With Sebastian gone, Hunter headed back to his office as well, but during his walk he decided to make a phone call. Hearing, as well as seeing Sebastian when he explained why he and Jeff were hiding out of sorts had him calling Nick. Out of everyone, the two of them had been having the most questions thrown at them since they were essentially the others confidants. "Good timing Clarington, I'm heading out to lunch." Nick told him as he made his way to his car. "What can I do for you?"

"I just had lunch with Sebastian."

"Wait, he came out of reclusion before Jeff?" Nick said in surprise as he'd been trying to get Jeff out for the past week with no results. "Did he give a reason?"

"He felt guilty for blowing everyone off since Blaine left." Hunter told him. "Yet, all it took was one look at him to see how hard this is for him."

"I noticed that when I convinced Jeff to Skype with me. Did you find out anything?"

"Nothing that we really didn't presume, it's just now confirmed. Though, when we were talking once our food arrived, his guard was down a bit and he…he let slip at least in my mind that everyone checking in on him and Jeff is making matters worse."

"Wes and I talked about that on our train ride home last weekend." Nick said to him. "The best thing we could all do is treat them normally, yet that's hard when we know they are hurting."

"I know. So I told Sebastian, not to push himself and that we'll all be here when he, as well as Jeff are ready." Hunter told him. "That seemed to be a relief to him. I also asked him to tell Jeff that as well since the two of them talk often."

"That's because they know how the other is feeling." Nick replied. "While I know it's not easy being away from the one you love, this is different. Blaine and Morgan are experiencing something that is so foreign to all of us."

"Sebastian and I discussed that, he wishes he was there experiencing it with Blaine."

"I can only imagine. Is he excited about this weekend?"

"Yes, as when we talked about it, it was the only time he truly smiled." Hunter said in response. "From what I gathered from him, I think we all need to take a deep breath as it's only a matter of time till he, and Jeff become social again."

"You mean as long as people don't hound them about how they are feeling."

"I take it someone pissed Jeff off."

"More than one actually." Nick told him. "Right now the only thing Jeff wants is to find that new balance in his life now that Morgan is gone. The other day I called him and he got pissed as I woke him from his nap."


"Excuse me?"

"It just dawned on me that he and Sebastian are dealing with some crazy hours if they want to talk to Blaine or Morgan. Think, if they are performing late, they probably don't get to talk to them till after they are done and things are packed up. How could we be so stupid? They don't want to go out, as night time is when they talk since Sebastian and Jeff work during the day."

"I hadn't thought of that." Nick said as he drove, thankful it was a familiar route. "Getting in touch with one another is simple because of the different times of day they perform. We need to tell everyone."

"That we do, and hopefully that will lessen the stress Sebastian and Jeff feel."