I don't think I've ever read a story that had the 3rd pokémon movie, so I decided to start it.

My challege to writers.

Write a story for the 3rd movie! The Unknown! Entei! I LOVE Entei! he is so under used! I don't even think their is a story for Entei with Ash! (In any sense of the phrase)

Use Entei in a story with Ash!

That's my challege!

My story is going to be yaoi, your's does not!

This chapter doesn't have a fun scene

Pokemon 3 The Movie: Spell of the Unown

During Pokemon 3 The Movie: Spell of the Unown!

A sudden blast by Entei and the Unown sends Ash and Entei along with Ashes pokémon and Meowth to the time of Sir Aaron, Pikachu is left behind in his original time.

This is a yaoi! Don't like? Don't read! sorry but I don't think there will be any fun scenes, if you catch my drift... but i'll try my best to write a few.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon if i did this story would have happened during the series... and misty would be dead.

Betaed by: Kitsunenari-chan

Ch. 1 Unknown and Entei

Ash was being shook lightly, he twitched when a shadow went over him; he wanted to sit up but he just felt so weak, like all his energy was taken from him which was weird because he was usually full of energy.

"Are you awake?" an unfamiliar voice says.

"Master his Aura is low, at the moment he wouldn't be able respond let alone move" Another voice says.

"I guess your right Lucario, but what do you think about these other guys, the Charizard, Meowth, and well I've never seen this creature before?" the first voice asked, the 'master'.

"Their not as weak as the human, I must say master they must trust this human to lay near him and sleep, especially the Charizard, they are vicious and normally they don't trust easily" 'Lucario's' voice said.

'What are they talking about? Charizard is not vicious maybe he was a little lazy but that was before the Orange Islands and the Charicific Valley' Ash thought and twitched as he tries to move, the voices continue to talk about Charizard and Meowth, along with some mystery Pokémon.

After the voices decide to wait with him for the day, for him to move Ash slips off to sleep again.

The next morning Ash wakes up again, and this time he was able to move better and found Charizard standing over him growling at something.

"C-charizard? What's wrong?" Ash says lowly still a little weak and tired.

Charizard looks down to him and grunts, calming down knowing that his trainer was fine.

"Twerp! It's good you're awake, we are in trouble!" Meowth says coming into view with a scared look that gets Ash more alert.

"Meowth! Your okay!" Ash says sitting up, but then he slouched feeling his energy disappearing.

"Excuse me" the 'master's' voice said which had Charizard's head snapping up and growling at the voice his wings extended and his claws out front ready to fight.

"Charizard calm down, buddy" Ash says patting his Pokémon's leg, Charizard growls loudly then calms down at his trainers request.

"I've never seen a Charizard so protective of a human, let alone listen to one" Lucario said, Ash looked over to where the voices come from.

Ash blinks at them, the man standing there had black hair and was dressed in a blue tunic with a long sleeve white cream shirt and pants, a blue triangle hat that spikes up in the back with a yellow mark of some kind, and blue boots and gloves with a yellow pattern, he was holding a staff with a blue squarish round gem, surrounded buy a metal hoop and metal pieces hanging down.

The Pokémon was like a Jackal mostly blue but had a black mask and a cream yellow chest and stomach with a spike coming out of his chest.

"Like I said twerp we are in trouble" Meowth said keeping close.

"How are we in trouble Meowth?" Ash said looking around until he spots Entei, then he pauses.

"I see you noticed him, that's why we're in trouble" Meowth says a little wary.

"Entei? What's going on, where's Molly, Mom, and Pikachu." Ash asks, feeling worried for his friends and mother.

"Their are things we need to talk about Ash." Entei says and walks over; he lays down close by and beckons the two strangers to sit too.

"How about an introduction, so we don't have to call you human all the time, I'm Lucario and this is my Master Sir Aaron." Lucario introduced.

"Oh right, my name is Ash Ketchum, and this is my old buddy Charizard, and this is Meowth, it's nice to meet you." Ash introduced Charizard roared at his name, while Meowth waved.

"Well it's nice to meet you as well Ash" Sir Aaron said looking over the teen's odd cloths.

"Ash," Entei said getting everyone's attention "I will tell you where we are now, is rather complicated but we are in the past, very far into the past, the Unknown have sent us here" Entei says sounding tired.

"What do you mean Entei?" Ash asks weakly getting tired again, "I thought only Celebi could travel time" he says feeling warm yet at the same time cold.

"Excuse me Entei but I don't think he's feeling so well" Sir Aaron says looking concerned.

Everyone looks to the young trainer, Charizard nudges him with his mouth gently in concern and Ash falls over, his face red.

"Twerp!" Char!" Charizard and Meowth roar and yelled in concern.

"This is the reason why I wanted to talk, Ash will be weak for a while, humans weren't meant to travel so far through time, Ash is only alive because he is strong and has the blessing of Celebi, but he will be sick for now." Entei informs.

"Why didn't you say so before we could have got him to a warm place, instead of out here in the cold!" Meowth says in alarm.

"That's right, we need to move him to some place warmer, lets move him to the palace I'm sure my queen wouldn't mind him staying there until you all can find your way home" Sir Aaron adds as he stands up.

"Yes we should move back to the palace I'm sure my queen is worried that we took off like that" Lucario says standing as well.

Sir Aaron helped Ash onto Charizards back after he made it known that he was going to fly with his trainer and no one is going to try to deny him, if they tried Charizard would FlameThrower them like he did Sir Aaron when he saw him close to Ash, though he dodged it.

"Sir Aaron could you explain what going on? A kind voice asked from the door of the room, as Sir Aaron placed Ash on the bed and covered him up.

Charizard stood close by with Entei and a nervous Meowth, "Yes my queen, I would like to apologize for leaving before giving a reason" Aaron kneeled with his arm across his chest to his queen.

"You are forgiven Sir Aaron I find it no fault of your own, now could you explain this child, he looks ill." The kind queen said with concern in her voice.

"Yes my Queen, as far as I've gathered, though you may think impossible, this young man is from the future, he was unconscious when we found him, he was also very weak at the time, his companions were also unconscious until this morning when this Charizard perceived me a threat to the young man and blew flames at me and stood by the boy's, Ash, side until he awoke, Ash calmed him down and Entei told us what happened to them." Sir Aaron reported.

"The future? And he has told you this?" she asked rather skeptical.

"No my lady, it was the Entei, Ash seemed confused as well, when he awoke before catching a fever" Aaron said.

"And where is Lucario at, Sir Aaron?"

"I am here my queen I was fetching cool water and a cloth for our sick guest." Lucario said walking into the room carrying a large bowl.

After getting more information from Entei, and seeing as the young man was truly sick and stuck in their time at the moment the queen told them that he would stay until he was able to return to his time.

Sir Aaron and Lucario took care of Ash until his fever finally broke a week later, under the watchful eyes of Ash's Charizard of course.

"Sorry to bother you Aaron" Ash said weakly taking sips of the soup the chef at the castle was kind enough to prepare for him.

"It's no problem Ash, I am happy to help" Sir Aaron said sitting by his bedside, having ate with him once again. Lucario was having Breakfast with all of Ash's Pokémon.

Chikorita being the first to finish quickly, joined her trainer on the bed looking for attention, and was quickly joined by his other Pokémon much to Chikorita's irritation.

Ash puts his soup down onto his lap and pats his irritated Chikorita on the head, taking care to stroke the leaf on her head, just the way she likes, the reaction was immediate, she calmed down and was practically purring, Ash continued for a while before he went back to his soup, getting a pout from the little grass type.

Ash finished his food a while later, happy he was able to feed himself instead of having Aaron help him.

Ash hands Sir Aaron his bowl feeling with a little more of energy than before, but resists the urge to get up, having not made it past his overprotective Charizard and Entei.

Bulbasaur and Chikorita helped him gather things he needed to keep himself entertained like the books Brock asked him to keep in his bag (which was a lot of books) there were books on breeding, cooking, Brocks own recipes for both humans and Pokémon, and modern healing and first aid, some random medical books for humans and Pokémon, an old plant/herbs book, and some books Misty forced him to carry and of course all his empty pokeballs, he had a lot of different ones he had collected from Kurt and pokémarts or just found.

Ash often could be seen reading one of Brocks books, if he had enough energy that day, if not he was asleep, his Pokémon switched in between sitting with and helping their trainer, and training themselves after getting instructions from Ash, which sometimes integrated Sir Aaron and Lucario.

Ash was reading a book from his bag when Chikorita came running into his room, "Chikaaaa-Riii" "Chikaaaaa" Chikorita cry's and hops onto her trainer's bed and tugs on his sleeve.

"Chikorita! What's going on?" but Chikorita continues to tug and cry "Okay I'll come is anyone injured?" Chikorita nods and uses Vine Whip to get his bag and his P-first-aid kit. (Pokémon first-aid kit).

Ash tosses the blanket off and stands up; he takes his bag with a thanks and slowly walks out of his room following Chikorita out into the garden where at the far end corner he sees a mass of fur and his Pokémon, standing around it.

Ash walks over to them to see the mass of fur is a muddy Arcanine that is heavily injured, "Oh no" Ash kneels by the injured Pokémon and starts to examine it "We need to clean him up before I can treat him" Ash looks around and sees an abandoned old fountain not far away.

"Okay Totodile we need water so use water gun to fill up that old fountain Cyndaquil, go heat up the water, we need the water to be hot, so use FlameThrower" Ash says and Totodile and Cyndaquil shoot off and starts to fill up and heat the water in the fountain. "Charizard we need to get him over there, Bulbasaur, Chikorita I need herbs, Pecha and Oran berries" Ash pulls out his book and searches through it before showing two pictures to his two grass types "this one and this plant is what I need, please find them quickly, Noctowl go look around, Arcanine can't be the only one hurt, report back soon, if their in the shape Arcanine is then they couldn't have gotten far, lets get moving" Ash watch's as his Pokémon moves to help, Charizard uses Strength and picks up the big dog and carries him to the heating fountain.

A while later everyone returns Chikorita and Bulbasaur carrying tons of herbs with 4 Oddish and a Parasect following behind with more, Ash sets Charizard to help Cyndaquil, while Ash smashes and cuts up the special herbs that allow fire types to be in water, spreads then into the water, Noctowl recruited 3 Poliwags, and 2 Poliwhirls, and an odd Sneasel.

The Sneasel helps cut up the herbs while the Poliwags and Poliwhirls help fill the fountain, which was quickly being filled and heated while the Parasect uses Aromatherapy to help Arcanine.

"Noctowl can you go get something to help scrub this mud out and some large towels would be good too." Noctowl hoots and flies away to get the requested items.

Ash tests the water, it's steaming and the herbs had time to set, Ash nods and turns to his Charizard "Okay Charizard it should be fine now lets put him in slowly" Ash and the other Pokémon back away and Charizard steps forward, picks up the big dog and slowly lowers him into the treated water. Ash rolls up his pajama pants and steps into the heated fountain, "Charizard make sure his head is above the water, maybe prop it onto edge" said Ash as he moves forward and starts to scrubs Arcanine with his hands pulling off the harden and thick patches of mud and tosses them a little away from the fountain. Ash Soaks the fire large fire type Pokémon and cleans his many wounds until his fur shines.

"Ash!" a frantic voice calls, Ash looks up to see Sir Aaron and Lucario, running with his Noctowl flying toward him with the large towels he had asked for, and when he saw how large the towels were, and he meant large, both towels could cover Arcanine entirely.

Ash sweat dropped, when they stopped next to the fountain, "Noctowl I think those are too big but good job and thanks," Ash turn to Sir Aaron "As for the scrubbers, Good job they'll do" Ash walks up to Aaron "Alright I need help treating Arcanine so boots and gloves off, there are still some patches of mud." Ash looks over to the Pokémon "Okay while Aaron and I finish cleaning Arcanine up, spread one of the towel out so that we have a clean area to dry him off." They all nod and starts to spread out a large towel next to the fountain "Sneasel please cut up the rest of the herbs, Charizard get ready to help move Arcanine" they nod and start working.

Soon thanks to Sir Aaron, Arcanine was completely clean, so Charizard came and moved Arcanine to the towel.

Ash and Aaron use the second towel to rub the giant dog dry, Ash lets Aaron to continue drying the firedog while he moves to Sneasel, who moves away from the cut up herbs, he takes out Brocks tools from his bag and start grinding the healing herbs into a paste. Ash quickly makes the salve just in time for the big dog to wake up, he looked just as weak as he felt, giving a little whine of pain and discomfort.

"Don't worry Arcanine you'll be feeling better soon" Ash smiles gently, looking into the injured Pokémon's eyes trying to reassure him.

"Arrr" the Pokémon lays back down to relax, Ash smiles and starts to apply the salve, "Parasect can you use Aromatherapy please it could help him get his energy back quicker", Parasect nodded and released the nice, healing aroma, and he felt Arcanine relax further.

Ash smiled, as he finished applying the salve to the large scars over the firedogs right eye, he knew the scars over the large dogs eye would stay. Ash sighed having finally finished and felt extremely tired he leaned back on the sleeping firedogs uninjured side and fell asleep.
