I'm so sorry it took so long to update! My computer charger was broken and I just now got one so I'm gonna update for you guys. As always reviews are greatly appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't own Maximum Ride or Say "I Love You"

The bell above the door rang, alerting me that a customer had entered the store. I couldn't see the door from where I sat behind the register but I heard the familiar sound of a basket being picked up. I turned to look out the window next to the register. Cars whizzed by, probably people going to or coming home from work.

Its Saturday, the normal day for my shift. At the moment its 8:45 p.m, my shift ends at nine o'clock. I work at a small bakery and coffee shop around town called The Flock. Its an okay size and had a somewhat cozy feeling to it. The lights were dimmed slightly and the walls were painted a sky blue and creme color. There was a corner that held a small brown leather couch and two brown leather recliners along with a small glass table. When the costumer walked around the corner I could see now that it was a man, maybe in his early twenties. Shaggy chestnut hair hung in his sea green eyes, his skin was tanned to perfection. all in all he was good boyfriend material, but there was something... odd about him. As he approached the register the hair on the back of my neck stood. My hand dove into the pocket of my jeans searching for my phone, just in case. He comes in almost every shift I work.

"Maximum." I jumped when he said my name. I began to panic, 'How did he know my name?! Is he stalking me?' thought to myself. Then I looked down. My name tag. Gosh, I'm smart. I mentally face palmed and began to add his total up, which wasn't much considering he only bought a doughnut.

"Your total is 1.75." He pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to me. As I was giving him his change I could help but notice the way he looked at me, like I was a platter of chocolate chip cookies. I held my breath as he exited the store with a devilish smirk growing on his face. I let out the breath i didn't know I was holding when the bell above the door rang a second time.

The rest of my shift was uneventful. I went to the back and took off the apron I was wearing and hung it up, I also took my hair out of its pony tail and ran my hands through it a few times. I walked through the store and turned off all the lights and turned the 'Open' sign around so it said 'Sorry We're Closed'. On my way out I made sure I locked the door.

The sun was now replaced by the moon and the clouds with the stars. The sky was beautiful today, it wasn't necessarily black but millions of shades of dark blue all mixed together making it seem black. I tried to find a few constellations before I started walking home. My house was about a ten minute walk from the store so it didn't bother me that much. I liked walking home alone, it gave me time to think.

The sound of light footsteps behind me took my attention away from my thoughts. I listened more intently. They sounded liked they were only about ten feet behind me. It was weird for anyone to be walking out her this late at night, there was nothing but a convenient store a few minutes down the road. Worried, I quickened my pace and heard the person behind me quicken theirs as well. I looked behind me from the corner of my eye and almost gasped. It was the man from before. 'He probably walks the same way as you, calm down.' I told myself but I didn't believe it. Now that I think about it he was standing on the corner opposite from the store when I closed up, just... Standing there.

I broke into a light jog when I rounded the corner, he was still following me. When the convenient store was in sight I sprinted the rest of the way ad dashed inside and to the back of the store. Instead of following me inside he stood outside o the other side of the street. I'd hoped he would give up but still after ten minutes he was still waiting for me to come outside.

I went over my options in my head, I could try to make it back home, which was only about a ten minute walk and risk finding out why he was following me, or I could call my mom and ask her to pick me up. I settled on the latter.

Reaching into my back pocket and went to my contacts, my mom being the only one besides family that were out of state. The phone rang four times before going to voice mail. I hung up, muttered a few choice words and tried again. Still no answer. Weren't theses the times parents were supposed to be there for their kids?! Giving up, I put my phone back in pocket until I felt something at the bottom of my pocket. I fished it out and opened the crumpled piece of paper. The ink had faded from being in the wash but it was still legible. The paper read:



I sighed in relief and held the piece of paper to my heart. It had been pure luck that his number was in my pocket, had I picked a different pair of jeans... well... you get the idea. I frantically dialed Fang's number, praying to any god there was that he'd pick up. On the second ring he picked up.

"Hello, who is this?" I could hear some music in the background, making it difficult to hear him. I never thought I'd be this happy hearing his voice, but I was. I let go of the air I'd been holding.

"Fang... It's me, Max. I-I need your help." I stuttered, looking out the window to see the mysterious man was still standing out side. Yup, definitely following me. Immediately the music was turned down.

"Max? Whats wrong?" Concern laced throughout his words.

"Can you come get me? I'm at the convenient store near The Flock." I heard commotion on the other end and something that sounded like a car door slamming.

He didn't ask questions, which I was glad. "I'm on my way, sit tight." He ended the call. I began to pace around the back of the store. What felt like hours passed before Fang flew the doors open. His eyes scanned the store before the landed on me. He walked over to me. Concern and curiosity whirled through his eyes. He placed his hands on my upper arms and knelt down to my eye level.

"Max. Tell me whats wrong." I pointed out the window toward the man out side.

"That man. He comes n the shop during my shift often. He started following me after work so I came in here."

His gaze turned toward the man outside. His facial expressions changed in an instant, he went from concerned to I don't know what but it was scary. "How long have you been in here?" He asked calmly.

"About twenty minutes." I mumbled. His eyes widened. "He really is stalking you..." He ran his hand through his hair and turned back towards me.

"I didn't call you to tell me what I already knew!" I yelled at him. "What am I supposed to do?" He reached down and grabbed my hand. "Common." He started dragging me towards the door. When he pushed the door open the man put his phone in his pocket and walked towards us. As he got closer Fang turned to face me.

"Max... I love you." The man stopped his walking and I stopped my breathing. "What ar-" He cut my off when he crashed his lips onto my. His hand snaked around to the bottom of my back and tilted his head. 'Oh, now I see what he was doing.' I thought to myself. I played along and closed my eyes and kissed him back, caressing his cheek. He pulled away and I couldn't help the slight blush that rose to my cheeks.

"Are you two dating?" Fang shot him a glare and if looks could kill, that guy would be six feet under. "Never mind..." He mumbled and walked away.

"That was nice acting but don't you think you should have asked me first?!" I asked, and at him. I covered my embarrassment with anger and poked him in his chest every few words. I expected him to back down and say he was sorry.

Confusion spread across his face before his mask fell back into place. "What do you mean?! I just saved your ass from some creepy stalker! Next time you can deal with it on your own! I don't see what the big deal is any- oh... That was your first kiss wasn't it? I'm sorry, I didn't know but that was he only way he would have left you alone."

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed in annoyance. "Well in case you haven't noticed guys aren't exactly lining up." I said sarcastically.

"They should be..." He mumbled looking me in the eyes.

"W-What?" I asked. Had I heard him right?

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I said they should be." He said louder this time. I noticed how his cheeks turned a light shade of red and felt heat rising in my cheeks as well. Before I could utter a word he pulled his phone out and smirked.

"Does this mean I can call you when I need you?" He asked.

I laughed. "No! Of course not! You don't even have my number!"

He chuckled. "See that's where you're wrong Maxi. Your number is in my call history." I muttered a few choice words and shook my head. He smiled triumphantly, and I have to say, a smile looked handsome on him. He began walking towards his black car. "Common, I'll take you home." I reluctantly got in his car and told him the directions.

The car ride was short but we made conversation about nothing and everything. When he stopped outside of my house I felt slightly disappointed. I knew I had to leave but I didn't want to leave his side. 'What?! What are you thinking Max?!' i yelled in my head. I shook the thought of my head. I opened the door and got out. Before I closed the door I went back into the car and kissed Fang on his cheek.

"Thank you... For everything." I ran to my front door before he could say anything back.