Ahem….My Dear readers, I know, I know, you all have been waiting for the Sequel to "Donuts make the world go round…" and I have been working on it, day and night… *grabs her nose, that got suddenly long*  Oh, no!  Bleh….right, I haven't even started working on it *sweatdrops* although I have ideas floating in my head for months.  I have it all set up and just need to sit and write it down.  But…I also have this little story floating in my head as well, so I just HAD to get it out!  Let me know how you like and if I should continue writing it.  I thought it would be fun to write a Hellsing/Sailor Moon crossover. Nobody knows what Mina was up to in England all those years before she met Sailor Senshi!  Right? :-P

Kei-chan!  Thanks for all your support and editing!  *mwwwwwuaa*

New Master of the Monster

"AHHHHHHHHH! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Integra smashed her hands on the table.

"Miss Integra, I don't see why can't she visit us, after so many years…" Walter nervously clasped his hands in front of him.

"Four years, 139 days, 4 hours and 15 minutes, The Brat will not step her foot in my house again!  Especially with her brainless friends!"

"Ahem, only one friend, Miss Integra, a very nice girl—I checked—good family, little brother, a bit slow at school, but a very sweet young lady, same age as your cousin, Miss Mina."

"NEVER SAY THAT NAME IN MY PRESENCE!" Integra pulled on her blue necktie, breathing heavily.

 "A guest, My Integra? How exciting…" Alucard appeared out of nowhere and slowly licked his thin lips.

"GET OFF MY FACE, ALUCARD!  I never summoned you! Go back to hell!" Integra quickly turned around, almost hitting Walter in the face with her blonde hair, and stormed out of the room.

Walter took off his glasses and started cleaning them up with a cloth, sadly shaking his head.  He placed the glasses back on his nose and faced Alucard.  The Vampire lifted his black eyebrow in silent question.

"Ah…Sir Alucard…Miss Integra and I were talking about an upcoming visit of her distant cousin, Miss Mina, a very bright young lady, a bit hyper, that's probably the reason why Miss Integra is so upset…"

"Another blonde?" The ultimate weapon of the Hellsing Organization smiled widely at the old man.

"STUPID BLONDE! IRRITATING, LOUD, IDIOTIC AND ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!" Integra stuck her head in the office then slammed the door shut.

Walter sighed. "I should prepare the rooms for the young ladies."

Integra's head appeared in the door once again. "Pack my stuff, I am leaving!  I will not share my personal space with that…that…that…" The door was slammed in Walter's face again.

Alucard threw his head back and laughed. "This is going to be interesting…I can't wait to meet this Miss Mina and her little friend.  Actually, I am a bit jealous, I didn't know there was someone else out there that can drive My Master nuts as good as I do!"

"Ehh, ahem, Master Alucard…" –Walter nervously coughed- "I would suggest for you not to leave your quarters at the time of this visit…You see, the girls are not familiar with the Hellsing Organization at all. Our mission would be a bit…scary for the youngsters.

"Scary?" –Alucard smirked- "I like scary…"

Walter paled and hurried outside to help Integra pack.


"NO WAY!  A haunted house! Mina! You didn't tell me that before we left!" Usagi's terrified screams were heard all over the plane.

"Shhhh…I didn't want to go by myself, and if I told you, you would never have gone with me!" Mina gave her friend an apologetic smile. "Well, it's too late now!  We'll be in England in 4 hours!"

Usagi wailed. "You should've brought Rei with you!  She would place her charms all over the place and get rid of the evil!  Why me?!"

Mina nervously clasped her hands in front of her. "Everyone already had plans.  Ami is studying for the college entrance exams; Rei's helping Grandpa; and Makoto is busy with her new boyfriend.  So I figured since Mamoru is still in the States and your family didn't make any plans for the fall break, you could join me!"

"Not in a haunted house, Mina!  You know how scared I am of those places!  I can't even go through one of those in the Amusement Park!"

"You'll be fine!  It's not really haunted…it's just big and scary, and old and mysterious, that's all…"

Usagi let out a loud sob and smacked Mina upside her head.


Walter was fighting the urge to plug his ears. Mina animatedly talked to Usagi in the back seat of the large limousine. Both blondes were bouncing up and down on the leather seats, loudly popping their strawberry gum.

"Mister Walter!  How come Integra left town right before my visit?" Mina plopped down on the seat next to the old butler.

"Miss Integra had an important meeting to attend." Walter winced when Mina squealed in delight.

"You think it's a meeting with the Queen?" Without waiting for Walter to answer, Mina bounced back to her seat.

"Imagine, Usagi, my cousin Integra is so important, she meets the Queen of England every day!"


Usagi slowly placed her suitcase on the large bed and looked around.  The room was large and almost empty: very few pieces of furniture, poor decorations, and a very small window.  Usagi sniffed and sat on her bed; she missed her home already. No wonder Mina moved to Tokyo, this place is incredibly boring…Oh wait… Integra was Mina's distant cousin, so that means Mina didn't live here for a long time… Usagi shivered, as it suddenly grew cold in her room. The blonde didn't need the psychic powers of the Senshi of Mars to feel that something wasn't right in this place.

Usagi decided to unpack later and went to look for her friend.  The bubbly blonde was already in the dining room, trying to help Walter set the table.  The older man sighed, picking up a few broken pieces of glass.

Mina screamed in delight as soon as Usagi walked in. "Did you like your room?  Was it as incredibly boring and ugly as mine?  I told you this place is fun!  We get to redecorate it tomorrow!" 

Usagi silently agreed with her excited friend.  She was getting very uneasy in this huge house.  Strange smells and sounds were affecting her.  On the way to the dining room, she saw two men in army suits walk by her.  What was this place?  Mina did mention that her cousin was very important and close to the Queen.

Usagi absently stared at her plate. "Why is Mina's cousin is so close with the Queen?  Who is she?"

Walter dropped a silver fork. "Ah…Miss Usagi…Miss Integra has a very important mission, she is sworn to protect the Queen at all costs…"

Usagi beamed at the old man. "Oh, she's like a bodyguard, right?  She probably is very strong, wow, I wish I could meet her!" –Usagi looked excitedly over at Mina– "Do you think Integra could beat Makoto?"

Mina snickered. Both girls looked at each other and fell into a fit of giggles.

Still giggling, Usagi thanked Walter for refilling her glass with juice.  She noticed with amazement that the older man's hands were shaking…

Walter wiped the sweat from his forehead.  Alucard had been quietly standing behind Usagi's chair for a full five minutes now.  The immortal being looked fascinated with the little blonde.  Usagi threw her head back, laughing at Mina's joke, her odangos almost brushing Alucard's red coat.  The Vampire flashed Walter a white fanged smile…

Usagi shivered.  It had suddenly gotten very cold in the dining room.  She glanced quickly at the now quiet Mina and busied herself with the food.  Five more days…She hoped she would be able to survive those in this strange, haunted place. Maybe she would even have fun…Most likely she would…Usagi absently touched the transformation brooch attached to her shirt and the air in the room grew even colder…

Something tugged on Alucard's mind. This little blonde, her hair up in two buns, it was so familiar; ancient, perhaps…something from long ago, before he was even born…

With a loud noise, Walter dropped a cup filled with tea on the marble floor.  Alucard leaned over Usagi's shoulder, his gaze fixated on her hand caressing the pretty heart-shaped brooch on the front of her shirt. 

Usagi jerked at the loud noise that the broken china made, then immediately dove under the table, helping Walter clean up.

The violently shaking Walter finished wiping remnants of the tea from the floor. Alucard was already long gone, never noticed by the two blonde visitors.