The flash of lightning struck them all at once; two minutes past twelve, and not a second later. The young men and women, now disoriented and sick, found themselves in a new world.
As they collectively sputtered and hacked, like they've almost drowned, some started to notice their surroundings.
A pristine, white room, with sealed doors and a single raised section of the floor to create a stand at the center of a room. A young man stood on the stand dressed in a black suit, though he was missing the white shirt that one would wear under it, exposing his chest. His short, yet messy hair combined with his five o'clock shadow made him look like a model. His sly smile told that he knew a secret you didn't. He greeted the newcomers with open arms.
"Welcome!" He said, "Heroes and Heroines, one and all!"
The visitors were standing up now, becoming more aware of their surroundings. Some reached for their missing weapons.
"Please," he insisted, "there is no harm to come to any of you. I am only known as the Champion, and I have hosted the greatest games and tournaments in the history of the Multiverse! And now I have called eight of you here, for a once in a lifetime event. A Tournament of Heroes!"
A young boy stepped forward, voicing the general consensus.
"And if we say no?" He challenged.
"What if we say no?" He repeated.
" no 'if,'" he answered, "if you do not wish to participate, you will be sent home. Safe and sound. This is a sport, not an invasion, young hero. Although, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. A chance to gain the title as the first of many winning champion for generations to come! It is, although, your choice..."
The visitors looked around and muttered a few words. They all seemed fine with it.
"Very well," the Champion announced, "I shall give you all proper introductions!
"Percy Jackson: Demigod son of Poseidon and Defender of Olympus!
"Maximum Ride: Genetic Angel, Survivor, and Natural Leader of her own Flock!
"Harry Potter: the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen Wizard, and the Tricup Tournament Victor!
"Katniss Everdeen: The Girl on Fire, the Mockingjay, the Victor of Two Hunger Games and a Rebellion!
"Aleksander Ferdinand: Former Prince of Austria and heir to the Emperor's Throne, Hero of the Bio-ship Leviathan, and Expert Pilot!
"Carter Kane: Combat Magician, Host of Horus, and One-day Pharaoh of the House of Life!
"Sadie Kane: Diviner Magician, Host of Iris, and Holder of Secret Names!
"Ender Wiggin: King of Games, Master of Military Strategy, and Destroyer of Alien Menaces!"
He sighed, like he was an anxious child waiting for the big event to happen.
"I will allow you all a moment's preparation for the tournament," he waved his hand, "Until next time!"
Then he was gone in a flash of lightening.
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