A/N: This is the first chapter of my story Holding A Heart, it takes place during New Moon after Edward leaves where she spirals into a deep depression and her father has no choice but to make a hard decision.
~Holding A Heart~
Three Years Ago
As the months passed Ed- he hadn't returned, I would still attend school but I wouldn't dare stare at anyone, my dad had taken morning shifts instead of late night to keep an eye on me. I had started cutting and took pills to help me subsidize the nightmares but it wouldn't work. The memories would still resurface him leaving me in that forest all by myself and the air compressing against me, suddenly I screamed. My dad came in and soothed my forehead
"Baby girl, are you okay?" He asked
I nodded and turned over
"Bella, you can't keep doing this to yourself, if you want we can arrange for you to go see a counselor."
I shook my head softly
Dad sighed and left as I cried myself to sleep the next day as I went to school I saw Lauren by my locker, I didn't want to deal with this now, I hid my face and passed my locker with no sound but I wasn't fast enough.
"Hey Bella! Where's Edward?" She yelled
I stopped and didn't turn around I just kept walking then she grabbed my hood and slammed into the lockers, I whimpered and she laughed maliciously
"I don't know what Edward Cullen saw in you, your nothing but a boring ugly cow with no sense of fashion. And he probably left because he got bored."
I didn't answer her and she growled and slammed me against the locker
"Say something, bitch!" She yelled
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and saw her hands on me and as she slapped me the principal yelled as I slumped to the ground.
"Lauren Mallory, my office now!" He said
He came towards me and I looked up to see him as Edward, I cried and ran out the front door, got into my truck and drove home, that's when I saw my mom with my bags in hand.
"Bella sweetheart, your home early." Dad said
"What's going on?" I asked sadly
"Bella, I think it's a good idea to for you to leave Forks, this place isn't good for you."
"No." I said
"Bella please." Mom pleaded
"NO!" I screamed
I ripped the bag from her hand and took out all my clothes tossing them every where and going into the living room and throwing everything on the ground. I ran out the door to my car as I heard the screams from my mom. I drove off and found myself driving towards the cliffs. I took the pills I stole from my dad's cupboard to numb my brain and popped them all at once and drank the vodka I stashed in the back I pulled over to see the cliffs, I took the vodka with me and screamed
"I hate you!" I screamed
I threw the vodka against a tree and screamed
"I fucking hate you, Cullen!"
I was too close to the edge and slipped falling off the cliffs, once I hit the water, I tried swimming for shore which seemed so far, I felt myself drown and them I hit my head against a rock and felt blood float around me, as I slowly felt myself slip.
I woke up in glimpses and saw a tan skinned man giving me CPR.
"Come on Bella breathe." He said
"Sam! Call Charlie!"
"We have to get her to a hospital!" Someone else said
I passed out and opened to see hospital lights passing and my dad and mom running beside the rolling bed, I passed out again and finally woke up to be in a hospital bed. I hated being in hospitals. I sat up to see Angela, Mike, Mom, Dad and Billy Black from LaPush, and a doctor.
"Oh thank god your awake." Mom cried hugging me tightly
"Mom, what's going on?"
"Sweetie, you need help."
"Bella, we've known you for a year and you are a dear friend to us and we don't to see you destroy yourself. We want you to get better."
"Baby girl, we want you to have life and meaning and not base it off some boy." He spat
"Please Bella, do it for everyone who loves you." Billy said
I cried and nodded
"I'll go get help or I'll go away." I cried
"Hi, Bella I am Dr. Kismet, I am from LaPush Institution, I am here to help and you will heal with us."
As she spoke I knew I had to do this for my family and everyone I loved.
As my dad drove me to the LaPush Institution, I felt nervous I would be in a different environment.
When I got there the nurses greeted me and smiled
"Bella, I know I'm not good with expressing my feelings but I want you to know I am a call away." He said
I hugged him and smiled
"Thank you." I cried
I pulled back and the nurse came back for me
I waved and went inside
When I got there it was big and had many rooms I saw a bunch of LaPush kids and Forks and people from somewhere else. I followed the nurse and she put me in a nicely decorated room.
"Here you go Bella, there will be an orientation soon for all the new kids so make yourself comfortable and your new clothes are in the closet." She smiled
Once she left I sat on the bed and sighed looking out the window, after a while I changed out of my clothes and took the clothes in the closet, I turned the knob to find the fate of my future at LaPush Institute
Three Years Later
As I sat in the Lounge area reading, I saw the nurses flirting with the new interns who were Quileute blooded, I rolled my eyes and put the book away, I got up and went to my room then as I looked forward someone ran into me I felt with a loud thud and the nurse Lila came over.
"Bella are you okay?" Lila asked
"Yes, I'm fine."
"I'm so sorry." The husky voice said
I looked up to see the gorgeous man in front of me, he was tanned perfectly, he had the most mesmerizing brown eyes and the most beautiful smile way better than Edward. I gasped inwardly I had said his name in three years without backlash.
"Hi." I whispered
He smiled and helped me up
"Hey."He grinned
"Bella, this is Jacob. He's a new intern in the arts department, he's bringing in a new program as well automotive for the guys."
"You should, stop by the arts room Jacob, Bella has very lovely paintings."
"I should do it now then."
"Bella would you like to show Jacob around?" Lila asked smiling and winked
I giggled and nodded
I took his hand and led him to the art room
"So Bella how long have you been in here?"
"For three years."
"Why that long? If you don't mind me asking."
"I needed so much help but I rather stay where I know I can't hurt the people I love."
"That's very noble of you." He smiled
I nodded
"You're really beautiful." He blurted out blushing
I gasped and blushed smiling
"T-Thank you." I stammered
When we reached the art room I showed Jacob my collections and he smiled in marvel
"Wow Bella, these are really good."
I smiled and reached over to show him another and I suddenly got a rush of warmth and remembered
"Come on Bella breathe." He said
I pulled my hand back and looked up at Jacob, he looked at me
"You saved me that night, I almost drowned."
"You remember." He gasped
"Jacob Black?"
He smiled
"The one and only."
"Billy's son." I stated
We stared at each other for what seemed like forever he came over to me and stroked my cheek
"Bella." He breathed
My breath caught in my throat and felt my heart pounding
I hadn't felt anything like this in a long time, not since Edward. Was Jacob really the savior of my heart, he had saved me from dying once but why was I still in here.
When he pulled back Lila came in smiling
"How did you like the art Jacob?" She asked
"She's very talented." He grinned
I blushed
"Well Bella has been through so much and I think that the art is her safe place."
"I can imagine." He said softly
"Bella, you have visitors. Say goodbye to Jacob."
I waved and turned around as Lila took me to the visitors area, I looked back towards Jacob and he mouthed something
"I'll see you." He mouthed
I nodded
Once I got to the visiting area my mom and dad were there smiling, I smiled back.
"Hi mom, dad."
"Hi baby girl, you know it's okay to come home finish school get on with your life."
"I know mom, but I like it here. The nurses are nice the people are nice."
"I know you're scared of hurting us and yourself if you get out but try it for a week, we miss you at home and everyone keeps asking for you."
"I can't mom, I just don't want to leave."
"I'm guessing you heard the news then?" Dad grumbled
"What news?"
Renée looked at Charlie and sighed she gave me the newspaper and I saw the headline making my head spin
Cullen family has a new foundation for all Mental Patients
I slumped out of my chair hearing my mother scream in the process