Hello, my lovely readers!

I just wanted to let the readers/followers of this story that I have finally, after years, have started turning this little one-shot into an actual story. I'm excited about it. Though this story and that one will remain unattached, the will be similar in the fact that this story inspired that one. As of yet, there is only one chapter posted, I meant to inform you all earlier, but tragedy struck my family. But I'm sure you all don't want to hear about that. Anyway, the story is up, and I am writing.

Title: Incarnation of the Fated

Rating: M

Pairing: Bankotsu and Kagome

Summary: 'Why did his eyes look so familiar, how did he know her name and why did her heart flutter when he looked at her like that' There is more to the story as the Gods get involved, and this is a story of love that withstood death and rebirth. Will they be able to overcome the past, or will their love be stolen by tragedy once more? Bankotsu and Kagome; the mercenary and the miko.


Flurries of white drifted through the air before slowly making its way to the ground with its brethren that worked to cover the forest floor. The light dusting of snow was a clear indicator of a fast-approaching winter but until snow could layer the ground the blood that colored it would remain.

Forced to his knees by arrows that littered and protruded from his body, cobalt eyes looked up to the cloudy sky in despair. How had his once peaceful and promising life turned to one of murder and chaos? All of this could be traced back to her.

"Kagome," her name came as a broken whisper on his lips. The face of a beautiful woman captivated his mind's eye to overlap the clouds. Hair like a raven's wing curled around a pale heart-shaped face. Large smiling eyes the color of ever-changing sapphires beamed down at him surrounded by thick lashes. She smiled at him, and for a second he wasn't dying, he was back at the shrine with them, living the life that was wrongfully stolen.

Why had they taken them from him? Because she loved him; a half-demon?

'I miss you. Not a day has passed that I don't think of you, I wish I would have been the kind of man you deserved,' he was fading now, he could feel it. His mind grew hazy and vision blurred. Falling forward he heard the footfalls of the soldiers that had claimed the lives of his brethren and were no doubt coming to take him and finish the job. 'I love you,' He fell to the ground, more dead than alive.

Not bothering to behead Bankotsu the soldiers threw him atop a pile of body parts, the lifeless remains that were brothers. They had followed him, followed him here where he wanted to visit their graves. They died because of him just as they had. Even with death breathing down his neck, and the guilt of being the reason his brothers' demise, Bankotsu refused to die, a part of him held onto hope of finding her once more as the gods had promised. He wanted, no needed, to be there to protect her as he hadn't been able to all those years ago.

The band of seven was then sealed away, leaving Bankotsu, the only one still alive, to dream of his past. A past filled with the love of a woman who had saved him on a day where snow fell just as it had today.

He would dream of such peace for fifty years till such peace was interrupted by a spider who spoke the Shikon No Tama.

~o.O~O.o~ Years Prior ~o.O~O.o~

Flakes of white fell idly from dark clouds in visible clumps before descending to the ground with the rest that had been accumulating for the last several days. All around the landscape had been covered in the cold white of winter. From above the light of a crescent moon broke through the clouds making the ground sparkle while shadows of blue and silver colored the world on this night.

It was so beautiful no one would have thought of what the snow-covered, of the war or famine of the previous year, or the blood that had been spilled as demons and humans mindlessly slaughtered one another. And yet in the face of such destruction, the world looked so peaceful as it stood in white, otherworldly silence.

All that could be heard were the shallow pants of a boy who staggered through the snow nearly falling as he all but threw himself against a nearby tree for support.


To read the story the rest of the first chapter, you can find it on my page. I should be updating it within the week.