Both adults quickly went to little Frodo's bedside.

Elrond put a hand to his forehead and then, gently pulled down the blanket and pulled up the nightshirt. Placing his hand over the incision he was gratified to feel the flesh much cooler than it had been.

"My-my tummy still hurts! I am sorry! " Elrond smiled and went to mix a painkiller for the little one while Bilbo carefully picked up Frodo and hugged him warmly. "No,no my lad. Do not worry. You have done nothing!" He pulled the child back and smiled. "Frodo, Lord Elrond came back to see how you are doing and he's fixed the problem."

Elrond brought the glass with the medicine in it and handed it to the elder hobbit. "You had a bad infection, little one. I have taken care of that but you must help me by minding your uncle and staying in bed." He leaned forward and put a hand to the child's head affectionately. "And you must take your medicine. I have brought a treat for you Frodo, honey from the Grey Havens. It's especially sweet and light."

Frodo's eyes lit up over the mug he was drinking, and quickly finishing the tart medicine he handed the cup back to his uncle. "Oh, may I try some?"

"There's my lad!" Bilbo turned to the elven healer. "He is on the mend! Thank you my lord, thank you! He hasn't wanted to eat much these last few days."

"I can see he needs some nourishment."

Just then there was a discreet knock and because Bilbo was still holding Frodo, the elf lord went and answered the door.

A beaming Dilly stood there (having gotten the order from a dazed Fanny) with a large tray. Behind her one of the stable lads stood with two buckets of hot water for a bath.

Elrond pulled the door open to allow them to enter. The stable boy ducked his head respectfully and once Dilly had put the tray down, she bobbed a curtsey. She then turned and poked the fire into life, adding another log as she did so.

Brushing her hands off on her apron she said smiling, "Anything else you be wanting my lord?"

"Not at the moment, thank you."

As Dilly curtseyed again, the stable boy nervously copied her motions. Elrond smiled as he shut the door.

"Little Frodo, what do you say to a nice cooling bath?" Elrond went up to the child and picked him up, as Bilbo slipped off the bed.

"I just had one the other night. I would like to try the honey first, if you please.'

Bilbo laughed and looked at the elf lord. "Well, I see there is some porridge on the table Frodo my lad. How about I put some honey on that?"

"Oh all right." The tiny child squirmed in the elf lord's arms as he brought him near the tub. "Do I have to take another bath? I am not dirty. I haven't played outside in days and days.maybe a month."

"Yes, a bath is just what is needed right now." The elf knelt by the tub's side and gently undressed Frodo, while Bilbo got the breakfast ready.

As he dipped the child into the warm water, Frodo tried to crawl back into the elf lord's arms. "No! No bath! It's too hot!"

"No, it's just fine Frodo." Holding the child with one arm, he sank his hand in the water, leaving it there. "See? Not too hot."

Pouting, Frodo slid down back into the tub, still holding hard to the elf lord, who smoothly disengaged Frodo's grasp so the child was completely immersed. Laying a hand on the incision under the water, he sent healing energy into it so the child would relax.

Bilbo came and joined Elrond, with a towel spread on his lap ready to receive the little hobbit when he was finished.

Frodo, happy to have the attention of both of the adults, and grateful that his tummy now did not hurt very much, decided to let out some energy and raising both arms he brought them down as hard as he could, splashing the healer and his uncle.

Frodo giggled. And then both adults laughed. Seeing the elf lord holding on to the now squirming child, Bilbo got up and carefully wiped the elf lord's face.

"Thank you my friend. I can see that Frodo is feeling much better!"

Frodo delighted with their reaction decided to try again and was just about to splash, when the healer caught both his tiny hands in one of his and said. "That will be quite enough my little seal." He brought down the child's hands and then took a cup and poured water over Frodo's head.

The child laughed and then relaxed as the elf lord began to carefully soap the curly locks beneath his hands, mindful of the suds dripping down the thin cheeks.

Bilbo watching Elrond said wonderingly, "You are quite good with children, my lord."

"I have three of my own, my dear Bilbo. Though it has been sometime since they were as small as this one." The last cup of water was poured over the child's head, rinsing the last of the soap out.

Bilbo laughed out loud. "Frodo! You look just like Heather Bracegirdle's puppy Bouncer after his bath! Your hair is all wet and stringy!"

Frodo began to pull at his hair as the elf lord lifted him out of the tub and stood him next to the fire. He examined the healing blisters and again lay a hand to the incision.

Bilbo came up and wrapped the little one in the towel, about to take him back to his chair. But Frodo pouting again said plaintively. "Can't Lord Elrond dry me off?"

Bilbo laughed again and handed the child back to Elrond who swiftly and efficiently dried his little patient.

When he was finished, he slipped a clean nightshirt over the child, fluffed his hair up one more time and then handed him to his uncle. Drying himself off, he smiled down at the two hobbits and turned to get the porridge.

Frodo smiled at his uncle and, suddenly feeling tired, leaned his head against his uncle's shoulder and yawned.

Lord Elrond handed the elder the hobbit the bowl of cereal and said in a quiet voice, "He just needs to eat a little."

Nodding, Bilbo adjusted the child in his arms and dipped the spoon into the warm milky cereal and brought it up to the child's mouth, who, like a hungry baby bird, opened his mouth automatically.

Finishing about half of the cereal, his eyes began to flutter close and he said sleepily, "I'm tired Uncle Bilbo." he yawned and he licked his lips. "I liked the honey." His head drooped and with a small sigh, Frodo was asleep.

Bilbo kissed his clean curls and putting the bowl aside, he held and rocked him, his head lying atop his nephew's.

Elrond, over by the fire, smiled warmly at the two and silently went about cleaning up.

Some minutes later, Bilbo laid the child down in his bed and wrapped him up. Rubbing his hands together briskly, he sat at the table and began to sample the breakfast dishes.

As he ate, Lord Elrond went to the child's side and lay a hand on his forehead for a moment speaking softly in Quenya. Turning to Bilbo he said quietly, "Little Frodo will not remember this visit except as a pleasant dream Bilbo." The elf lord turned his head back toward the little hobbit. "It is best he remembers you and all your care."

Bilbo looked at the tall healer and nodded slowly. "As you will my lord. Though I am sorry for it because he is obviously quite taken with you." Bilbo picked up a roll and thoughtfully buttered it. "Ah well. He would probably pester me endlessly about going to see the elves otherwise."

Elrond went still for a moment and Bilbo looked at him curiously, tipping his head slightly at the elf lord's introspection.

The dark grey eyes focused on the elder a hobbit again. "Frodo and I will meet again Bilbo."

Wanting to question the elf, Bilbo closed his mouth. He had been told many years ago that it was wise not to meddle in the affairs of wizards. He eyed the elf as he sat at the breakfast table and poured some tea.

Nor elves, either it would seem.

Swallowing the last bit of roll as Lord Elrond sipped at his tea, Bilbo asked, "He will not have a relapse? He is on the mend for certain now?"

"If he is watched carefully Bilbo, he should be fine in a week or so. He must take the medicine for his throat and the lingering infection in his abdomen. I can see that he needs diversion too. You may take him outside, but it would be best to carry him and to keep him from getting into any mischief. No matter how much he may plead."

Bilbo sighed and sat back in his chair, patting his weskit comfortably. He felt not only replete with a good meal, but because his mind was eased considerably. Smiling he looked at the tall elven healer, who, at the moment, was packing up his box of medical supplies.

He stood up and staring up at the elf he held out his hand again and Elrond, pausing, took it in one of his. "Thank you again for saving my little one my lord." Bilbo turned and looked at the sleeping child. "You know, he is a special lad."

"And he loves you Bilbo. I think he needs the attention you give him too. Did you not tell me he is an orphan living in a big smial?'

"Yes, with the Brandybucks in Brandy Hall."

"Well perhaps Bag End can use a little one about."

Bilbo grinned up at the elf. "Perhaps it can Lord Elrond, perhaps it can."

He went over to the little one and brushed his hair off his forehead, saying thoughtfully, "Frodo Baggins of Bag End. It has a nice ring to it."