Disclaimers: I do not own Naruto and Hellsing, they belong to kishimoto masashi-san and hirano kouta-san. I do however own the extra ideas that went into the story.
We begin our story with a woman named Integra Fairbrooks Wingates Hellsing. Sir Integra Hellsing is a 22-year-old member of the Protestant Knights, the leader of the Hellsing Organization, and the current master of Alucard. Integra has a very collected attitude, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to bouts of anger. As the Hellsing family is "on a mission from God," she values her duties to protect the United Kingdom, its Queen, and the Anglican Church above everything else. For her, failure is not tolerated, especially her own. She runs the Hellsing Organization with charisma and patriotism, and she is one of the few people who can stand up to the force of Alucard's personality and command his respect. Integra has creamy brown skin, blue eyes and long bleach blonde hair. She is tall in height. Integra's attire consist of a dark blue blazer along with blue trousers, a white buttoned shirt, black shoes and a red bow tie. Integra is currently sitting in the back of her car being driven by Walter C. Dornez, her butler and bodyguard.
The reason she is in her car on the way to the museum is because she has received a letter in the mail as an invitation to meet Enrico Maxwell, current leader to Vatican Iscariot Organization Section XIII. Iscariot has always been an enemy to the hellsing organization for decades and Integra is not very fond of Maxwell. The car arrives at the museum and Walter gets out to let out Integra, he then begins to help her put on her coat and hat. Integra then walks into the museum followed by Walter and begins looking at the paintings on the wall. As Integra is looking around she notices a sarcophagus covered in dust with a label saying "DO NOT TOUCH, HAS CLAIMED THE LIVES OF ALL WHOSE SKIN HAS COME IN CONTACT WITH LID." and there was another label beneath that one that said "HERE LIES THE REMAINS OF UZUMAKI NARUTO. THE HERO WHO SAVED THE WORLD 10000 YEARS AGO".
Integra's eyes widened when she read that name. As a little girl she had read about Uzumaki Naruto in the history books that her father had given her. It said in the stories that Uzumaki Naruto was a amazing god-like warrior, or shinobi as the book had called him, the book had said that he had saved the world by ending the fourth shinobi world war. Integra found it strange that Naruto's remains where here when the book said he was immortal and that he vanished 5000 years ago without a trace. Integra looked at the sarcophagus one more time before she pulled out her pocket watch to look at the time. "What time did they say they were going to be here Walter?" Integra said looking at a painting of a battlefield on the wall opposite the sarcophagus. "It's three o' clock. Sir Integra." Walter said with a bow. "They arranged this meeting and they still managed to be late. Do you think it's a trap?." Integra said. "I doubt Iscariot would be bold enough to stage a daylight attack, especially an attacking public right in the heart of enemy territory." Walter says with sincerity.
Integra sighs as she looks at the paintings on the wall for a few more minutes before she begins to hear voices in the distance coming closer. Integra would recognize that voice anywhere as she grimaces on knowing who is approaching her. "Pictures do not do the collection justice. It must be seen in person. And look at how well they maintain everything." Maxwell said with interest in his surroundings. "Truly expect no less." Maxwell's companion said with equal interest. "Oh...it would appear we are late." Maxwell said while looking at his pocket watch. "It would appear so, Sir" Maxwell's Companion said while looking ahead.
Integra was looking at the sarcophagus once again, looking at it from different angles while maintaining a safe distance. When she looked close enough she could see these glowing red seals pulsating in and out in a strange pattern she has never seen before. "I wonder what those glowing red things are on the sarcophagus" Integra thought. "Oh dear! I didn't mean to keep you waiting..." Maxwell says as he walks closer to Integra. Integra felt like he was getting to close for her comfort. "That's close enough! What business does the Vatican have here? And why send the Iscariot the dirtiest of the dirty little secrets?." Integra says with a little frustration coming through. "How unfortunate. It appears our reputation has preceded us. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Enrico Maxwell. I'm the head of the Iscariot organization. It is an honor to meet you." Maxwell said with a calm tone and his hand out for a handshake, but when he notices she makes no attempt to shake his hand he pulls it back. Integra already knew who he was.
"I don't really care who you are. Just tell me what you want." Integra said with a tone that anyone could tell that she had a strong dislike for this man. "There is no need to take such a harsh tone. We didn't come all the way to England just to pick a fight with you Sir Integra..." Maxwell said with a mock sad tone. Integra gets a little angry from this as she begins to yell a little. "I don't believe you! You've done nothing but show contempt to our treaties! This latest incident with Andersen in Northern Ireland was inexcusable! He killed two of my best men in Badrick! I've barely managed to escape with my head still attached! And you have the nerve…" Integra says trying to calm herself down. Maxwell's eyes take on a slightly disturbing look. "Would you shut up!?" Maxwell says with a more rich snob sort of voice. Integra looked shocked and affronted. "How dare you..." Integra said looking pissed. "You really expect us to just let you do as please? Two men? If we had slaughter two million of your protestant scum I would've not a shed of tear. I'm here under direct orders from His Holiness. Otherwise, I would not bother with you filthy creatures! So just shut up! And pay attention! You miserable English sow!." Maxwell says with that disturbing look still on his face.
A loud clapping is heard as a tall creature walks through a wall into the room. This creature is Alucard, servant and personal body guard of Integra. Alucard is a vampire under the employment of Hellsing Organization. Alucard is no normal vampire, he is the most powerful vampire to ever exist. His appearance as commonly seen among Vampires, Alucard has eyes which are blood red in color, and they glow a brighter hue of red when angry. His hair length changes according to his release states from short to knee length. His usual outfit is comprised mainly in a classic Victorian fashion, including a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a flamboyant, intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, red frock overcoat with cape . He also wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. Alucard's gloves have five pointed seals on them which limit the personal use of his powers. He has a vast range of supernatural techniques and is an expert gunfighter. As a vampire he possesses enhanced shape-shifting abilities, allowing him to change its shape that most would consider to be heavy weaponry or impossible for a human to safely wield. As for his personality Alucard fights with ferocity and often-extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. However, he does seem to have some small shred of humanity left in him, as he is still capable of shedding tears. As he is essentially immortal and invincible, Alucard is very egotistical as well. He freely taunts and belittles his opponents, often allowing them to inflict seemingly fatal wounds before healing himself and obliterating his enemy. One of his favorite methods is allowing himself to be blown to shreds before simply flowing back together. It can accurately be stated that rather than killing his opponents, Alucard breaks them. Underneath his cocky, arrogant attitude, Alucard seems deeply sad and is envious of humans, for they are blessed with the gift of death and moving on to the next life, while he himself is unable to die and must walk the Earth for eternity until the last day. He clearly regrets his decision to become an immortal monster, and has great respect for humans who have the willpower to endure old age and death. He also has deep respect for Integra which is why he listens to her.
"A sow? Nothing like Iscariot when trying to inspire the fear of god…Such fearsome insults. Two thousand years of your inane plateau. Truly, some things never do seem to change." Alucard said with a somewhat cocky grin on his face. Maxwell looked amused at the comment. " The great vampire Alucard, the Hellsing family's pet creature…I don't believe I've ever seen you in person before. It's a great pleasure to make your acquaintance." Maxwell said with slight interest in Alucard. "It's pleasure to meet you as well. And now, I must say goodbye. You call my master a sow and expect me to let you live? I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to put a bullet in you. You foolish little man."
Alucard said pulling both of his guns out of his coat. Maxwell looked like he wasn't in the least bit threatened by the guns. "Oh, how absolutely terrifying. How can a man be expected to deal with people who put guns in his face? I think you'll agree that turn out of this fair play." Maxwell said cockily. " …So why don't we make this fight interesting? Anderseeeeeen!".
In the distance you hear of what sounds like two swords sliding against each other echo in the museum loudly and then you hear a man begin to say things from a bible. This man is Alexander Andersen. Andersen has short spiky blond hair, green eyes, a heavy-set squared jaw and a constant stubble, He also has a large wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek and prominent, sharp canines. He is lean and broad shouldered and is stands in equal height to Alucard. As for his clothes he wears round glasses and a large gray cassock (clergyman clothes)gray pants, black boots, a clerical collar and a silver cross around his neck.
On his white gloves there are inscriptions written across the crosses drawn on the back. The right hand says "Jesus Christ is in Heaven" and on his left hand "Speak with the dead". Alexander Anderson is an ardent Catholic. He carries an obsession for what appears to be his "crusade," and compulsively quotes passages of the Holy Bible as he speaks. He is extremely determined to achieve his end, usually by whatever means necessary. His words and his constant quoting of scripture indicate a clear, almost fanatical obedience towards "the word of God". "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and for thy possession, the ends of the earth. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron. Thou shalt dash them in pieces, like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore ye kings. Be admonished ye judges of the earth. Serve the lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way…" Andersen says as he is walking towards Alucardwith blessed bayonets in each one of his fingers and his silver cross swinging back and forth. Maxwell looks a little shocked on how fast Andersen is walking towards Alucard and tries to block him off. "No, Andersen! Stop!" Maxwell says still trying to stop Andersen from going any further. "Though his wrath be kindled but a little. This can be over with one swing of my sword. Iscariot does not shirk when the enemy presents itself!" Andersen says with a slight smirk on his face. Alucard however found this amusing. "Hahahahahahaha! Neither of us could ever back down in front of an enemy. Come on then Judas Priest!."
Alucard says pointing both his guns at Andersen. Andersen also looks amused. " Hahahahahahaha! You won't be so lucky this time vampire!."
Andersen says while pointing all the bayonets at Alucard. Maxwell on the other hand looks annoyed because Andersen is not listening to him. "Stop! I'm ordering you to stop!" Maxwell said.
At that moment a distraction came in the form of a blond haired woman named Seras Victoria. Seras is a young woman with medium length, golden blonde hair but later as a vampire her hair lightens to almost platinum blonde and blue eyes, which turn red when she becomes enraged. She has a voluptuous figure, further accentuated by her being shorter than most of her allies. She usually wears a yellow Hellsing uniform with a matching mini skirt, long white stockings, and ankle fold brown boots. Seras is a strong willed woman, and apparently had always been since childhood .
Seras is often considered a tomboy; a very brave, strong and heroic young woman who often rejects following orders of her master that cross with her personal beliefs. Her devotion to morals and integrity is rather unusual, considering her horrid past. However, she is a loyal and trustworthy soldier who will diligently follow the orders of her commander, provided said commander has proven his or her worth. Her level of maturity in comparison to the other characters is somewhat questionable; she seems to be the child the others could not be, yet possessing a sort of worldly maturity and superficial intelligence that most other characters lack, as well as a sort of 'nature winning against nurture' mentality, as opposed to most other characters. She's the "light that stands out from the darkness". Seras is currently leading a group of elderly people between Alucard and Andersen.
" Hi! Right this way everybody! Everyone with the Japanese tour! Right this way please! Here! Right this way…We're walking…Here…," One of the elderly people accidentally knock over a vase of ancient Uzumaki blood that lands on the sarcophagus which glows dimly before fading completely breaking the seals on the sarcophagus. No one notices the the dim glow.
"This isn't the time or place for a fight" Alucard says as he puts his guns away back inside his coat. "Yes, you may have a point." Andersen says as his bayonets slide back up into his sleeves. Alucard turns around and walks forward a few steps and then stops. "I'm going back to sleep. Getting up in the middle of the day is exhausting." Alucard says as he walks through the wall he entered the museum from. Andersen also turns around walks a few steps and then stops. "If you'll excuse me sir, I'm going back to Rome." Maxwell the looks a little confused. "Uh?."
Andersen looks around the museum a little. "I must say this is an excellent museum. Perhaps, next time you allow me to bring some of the children from the orphanage." Andersen says with a kind smile over his shoulder. Maxwell looks a little surprised to hear Andersen ask of this.
" Of Course…that won't be a problem." Maxwell says with a rather forced smile. Andersen turns forward again. "Next time, I swear I will rip him to bloody pieces." Andersen says lowly but just loud enough for Maxwell to hear.
Maxwell sighs as he turns around towards Integra. Integra giggles as she sees the expression on Maxwell's face. " It's seems we both have to contend with rather difficult subordinates. Well…Are you done? Pig?." Integra says with a smirk on her face.
Maxwell relaxes and then puts on a smirk. "Oh yes. I am quite done…Now that the violence is out of the way…Perhaps you would care to join me in the café garden." Maxwell says while extending his arm in the direction of the café. " Well, after you then. "
Integra says with an amused smile on her face as she follows Maxwell out of the museum to the gardens. Walter and Maxwell's companion sigh as they release the breath they have been holding in.
Seras begins giggling. "Well done!." Walter says with a smile and a thumbs up gesture. "Thank you!." Seras said with her grin growing wider as she returned the gesture. Seras then leaves out the front door as Walter and Maxwell's companion go to find their respected partners. Since nobody is in the museum now, none of them notice that huge amounts of energy is starting to crack the cover of the sarcophagus.
Meanwhile in the Cafe Gardens...
Integra and Maxwell are currently sitting across from each other in the Cafe Gardens "We are aware that you've looking to a particular word in connection to your recent troubles. And we also know that you haven't uncovered anything of value."
Maxwell says while taking a metallic silver case from his companion and puts it on the table in front of him.
" Yes, that's more or less true…" Integra says while looking slightly uncomfortable about giving out this information.
"Millennium" Maxwell pauses for effect. "..Correct?"
Maxwell says with a knowing smirk as sees Integra's posture change slightly due to interest.
Integra doesn't say anything as she waits for Maxwell to continue.
"I know this is a special operation's business, but we do have some information regarding the name…Millennium."
Maxwell's grin widens as he has Integra right where he wants her. Maxwell's grin gets even wider.
" Do you want our files? Do you really wish to know what we know? Come on..." Maxwell pauses once again for effect. "Yes or No?."
Maxwell ends with a somewhat serious expression on his face as he waits for her answer. Integra decided to be more polite so she would get the information. "...Yes, Please."Maxwell begins giggling like a madman. "I give you Millennium."
Maxwell opens the metal suitcase and pulls out a folder and slides it in front of Integra. Integra's eyes widened slightly when she recognized the symbol on the front cover of the folder.
"It's started over half a century ago. During the Second World War, Nazi party loyalists were preparing to flee from Germany. And extraction operation began, just as allied forces took the country. Understandably, they needed enough time to evacuate while still standing a ground long enough not to be considered traitors. The majority of these party members and soldiers, ended up in South America where they found refuge with number of Nazi sympathizers." Maxwell says in a voice like he had rehearsed all of this.
Integra's posture changed once more, to one where she had her back straight and her left leg over her right one. "Those survivors were the Millennium group?." Integra says with slightly more interest.
"Yes. Millennium also refers to the classified operation to move these individuals and suppliers to South America. And the military unit that carried out the orders. Oh! You just figured out how we know all these." Maxwell says with a rather disturbing grin. "Yes! We helped the Nazis do it! The Vatican gave them a full support and helped create the millennium group!."
Integra always knew that the Vatican were slimy bastards.
Meanwhile elsewhere in the Cafe Gardens...
Here we see too people. One of them was named Doc and the other The Major. Doc usually appeared dressed in a perpetually bloodstained white lab coat, an unusual shirt which reveals his lower torso, and glasses with an assortment of adjustable, multi-lensed spectacles. He wore four fingered gloves with both his ring finger and pinky forced into the last one. This suggests he may have had Syndactyly, having his last two fingers fused together on each hand. In moments of extreme tension, he tended to bite down one of his fingers, hard enough to draw blood. This is a disorder known as Dermatophagia. He was Millennium's top scientist of physiology and technology, the genius behind many of their projects. Perhaps unstable, certainly eccentric, but undeniably brilliant, it was his research that led to the creation of a Nazi vampire army out of 1,000 volunteers in the 'Letzte Battalion'. The Major is a short man with blonde hair and yellow eyes. He is dressed impeccably, wearing a white suit with matching overcoat, glasses, and a black tie. The Major's defining trait is a complete and utter obsession with war. By his own admission, he loves war in any and all of its aspects; even being on the losing side or having his own life at risk provokes nothing but glee and excitement. His insane devotion to war is evident in the sheer fondness with which he regards the havoc Millennium wreaks upon the world, as well as his cavalier approach to death, which was passed on to most of his forces through his speeches. Despite being a former Nazi, the Major does not care for the reasons behind his wars. Even during World War II, his enthusiastic work on the Millennium project was solely to ensure that he could wage war forever. The Major's defining trait in the series is a complete and utter obsession with war. By his own admission, he loves war in any and all of its aspects; even being on the losing side or having his own life at risk provokes nothing but glee and excitement. His insane devotion to war is evident in the sheer fondness with which he regards the havoc Millennium wreaks upon the world, as well as his cavalier approach to death, which was passed on to most of his forces through his speeches. Despite being a former Nazi, the Major does not care for the reasons behind his wars. Even during World War II, his enthusiastic work on the Millennium project was solely to ensure that he could wage war forever. Contrasting his fanatical love of war, the Major is very calm and soft-spoken, almost always speaking in a polite, amused tone. Additionally, despite being a huge warmonger, he is an incredibly horrible shot with a gun.
"I think perhaps they are started to put it together. They know about Millennium…" Doc says while he is watching the interaction between Integra and Maxwell.
"Put it together you say? Nonsense, they don't know anything about anything."
The Major says with a rather amused smile on his face. Doc turns towards the major who is sitting at a table.
"Is it my imagination or are you enjoying this?." Doc says with a surprised look at how happy The Major looks.
"Enjoying is hardly the word for this feeling, Doctor. I'm ecstatic! Positively giddy with anticipation. Just think of what a terrible bloody struggle awaits us! It will be the greatest struggle of them all. " The Major's grin gets even wider. "Der größte Kampf. (The Big Fight)."
Meanwhile in the museum...
Energy begins radiating out of the sarcophagus as the lid can no longer handle the sheer power as the lid finally exploded. Out steps one of the most powerful beings to walk the earth. The only features you can see clearly are the glowing purple eyes with the rings around the pupils and the dark black chakra enveloping the entire body. Uzumaki Naruto has risen once again.
This is my first fanfiction I have ever written I hope you liked it
please give me reviews and tell me what you think
Thanks, ShadowOfDeath91