So this is a plot I dreamt about in my dreams. Well, this is for entertainment purposes so have fun reading.

All characters original characters belong to the original creator Yamane Ayano

Akihito gasped for air as he pushed his head out of the frigid waters. He treaded slowly but surely, closely to land while keeping an eye out for his pursuers. He glanced from right to left as far as his eyes could see. There was no sound or figures in sight. He slowly pulled his drenched body out of the water with considerable effort on his arms. He squeezed as much water as he could out of his cloths. Looking around he found where the closest street was, his hands were trembling and shrivelled as he walked the streets of Tokyo.

Akihito used back alleys and shortcuts he knew from the back of his hand to get to his apartment safely under the cover of darkness. The time and effort he put into memorizing short cuts and routes had finally paid off. He was exhausted, cold and hungry. It had been the third time this week Akihito had been kidnapped and he was sick of it. Lady Luck must have been on his side because all the kidnappers were amateurs. He had easily escaped from them.

He was a famously known anonymous hacker, an expert in the field. The police couldn't even catch him because his I.P address was untraceable. He wondered who the hell was trying to kidnap him. Men in black were often on his tail recently, they had successfully caught him three times but failed miserably to deliver him to their boss. Akihito wanted to know who wanted him so badly to send all these goons after him but he couldn't risk his life on finding out.

People usually employed him v.i.a E-mail. He worked at his aunt's internet cafe and was 100% successful breaking into government files and bypassing their security measures. He didn't accept any work before doing a background check on all of his clients. His cases included revealing criminal acts done by politicians ranging from extortion to tracing death threats. He did background checks and found evidence on specific individuals who his clients have claimed stalked and harassed them. He almost always accepted work on finding missing persons. One of his golden rules was to never accept work from a client who requested to meet him no matter how much money the other person offered. It just wasn't worth the risk and he had a promise to keep.

He stealthily and skillfully made it back, his aunt was going to have a fit if she ever found out.


Asami was furious this week his men have failed to capture the hacker he so desperately needed. He had escaped capture three times this week. The first time he had punished his subordinates severely by training them to death. The second time he thought the boy was just lucky when his men failed to capture him. The third time he realized the boy was better than he thought he was. Who knew a hacker who spent most of his time in front of a computer screen was more flexible and fit than his original impression of a genius hacker.

According to Kirishima this hacker was better than him. He needed the boy to hack into a foreign bank. He needed to meet him and discuss about the job then make him sign the contract whether he wanted to or not. The bank's security was state of the arc and the only known person who was capable of completing the job was the genius anonymously known as AKINA. The problem was that no one knew this persons' true identity and all have failed at finding him.

Kirishima was able to trace the hacker AKINA at an internet cafe when he accepted a job from him. AKINA completed the job in 30 minutes. He completed a background check on a corrupt political official. Within those 30 minutes Kirishima was able to hack into the internet cafe's security camera and find the true face of the hacker AKINA. He was surprised to find out the hacker was a young man.

Later when he goes back to analyze the young man's skills he was impressed. The background check was extensive to say the least. The file even included personal information difficult to uncover such as hidden residents, the number of his illegitimate children and emails of black mail sent to small time companies.

The first time he was to be brought and captured, men in black waited outside the internet cafe. When he step out, the men figured they only needed two of the four of them to subdue him. The boy was lean and skinny he couldn't possibly fight them off. That was a fatal mistake on their part. The boy had spotted the two men walking up to him, he sensed they were dangerous and sped off in the other direction. The physically fit men were no match for his speed and he had lost them.

A week passed and Asami's men waited for the hacker to appear again. This time they wouldn't be out runned so easily. They had found the hacker finally on a Saturday evening heading into the internet cafe. One of them grabbed him by the shoulder. The boy screamed so loudly their ears started ringing, with a bang the doors of the internet cafe burst open. A very intimidating and beautiful woman stepped out. She had jet black hair and red lips. She wore a business like attire, a red long sleeve blouse with a black pencil shirt and matching black heels. She grabbed the boy by the wrist while glaring at the men. She pushed the boy into the cafe and threatened the men in black that she had already called the police so they had better scram out of her sight for good. The woman had a knife and no man wanted to try and fight a knife wielding woman. This situation looked bad. They couldn't fight a woman even if she was wielding a knife, it would look bad on their boss. They grudgingly retreated leaving the target behind.

The third time they almost had him. They had finally captured the boy when one of them spotted him on the streets. They had him tied up at the warehouse. They were waiting for the boss to arrive. The lot of them had their backs turned as Akihito used a glass shard to cut at the rope behind his back. He thought this was the oldest trick in the book but it was working. The ropes around his hands became undone and his expertly untied the knots around his ankles. He had seen them tie his ankles and it was easy to undo the knots.

When he was finally free he snuck behind a metal crate and took off his shoes. The men waiting for their boss to arrive any minute now had their backs turned towards him. He quietly walked to the back of the warehouse and opened the door. It creaked and all the men noticed the ropes on the floor. Akihito didn't waste any time, he bolted out of the warehouse. One guy guarded outside the back door. He was a little over 6'2 still this wasn't a major problem for him. All humans had a sensitive weakness no matter how tall or bulky they were. If they can't protect it fast enough then they are done for. He round housed kicked him at the back of the head. The man fell unconscious. Akihito didn't spare a glance, as he ran, and ran then jumped into the water. It was freezing but he'd survive it was better than being caught again.

Asami had entered the warehouse only to find his men cowering in fear. They had failed him yet again. He demanded for an explanation, all the while placing a cigarette between his lips. Under Asami's leadership there has never been a case where his subordinates failed three times. They glanced at each other quickly before one of them had the guts to retell their failure. He was furious but impressed at the story they had told him. For a boy to escape, out run them, knock out a guard and jump into the water only to disappear was no small feat.

Asami looked at the reports he was reading and signed it. He handed them to his secretary. Before Kirishima could speak of the failure tonight Asami gave out an order.

"Kirishima, tomorrow I want you to talk to the woman who owns the internet cafe."

It was impossible to do a background check if Asami didn't know the boy's real name. He only had one option and that was to reel him in by using the people he did know was connected to him.