Alright, after I caught up to the RWBY series on YouTube, well, as far as you can get on YouTube, and started my second playthrough of [Prototype 2] (I've already played a crapton of [Prototype] this idea sprouted. As you know if you've seen my other stories I prefer to do Ocs, not because I don't like the canon but because I can be more flexible in their personality.

Without further delay, on with the story!

The Blacklight Hunter

Chapter I: In The Beginning

The boy sat perched on the edge of the roof, one leg was swinging lazily off the side while the other was curled up close to him.

One year ago

It had all started a couple of days ago, when he and his friend had played down at the lake, which was basically an over-sized puddle. It was only about up to your thighs. Well, at his height anyway, being 5ft 11 can do that for you. Little did he know that he had gained a small cut from when he tripped and fell on the way there. The cut was on his knee which was submerged in the water.

The two boys hadn't noticed the red mist that was enveloping the lakes murky waters, or the red tendrils that were creeping through the bottom of the lake. The two boys, one with white hair that was tied up in a short ponytail, which reached to halfway down his back and ice blue eyes. This one was skinny, and wore black shorts and a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His shorts were held up by black suspenders, while his black shoes were on the lake's banks. This boy was Leone Schnee, the little brother of Weiss and Winter Schnee. They are the children of the CEO of Schnee Dust Company.

The second boy was 5ft 11, had black shaggy hair which was often referred to as an 'emo' haircut. It was spiky at the top, most hairs slanted forward, while he also had a fringe that was dangerously close to covering his eyes. He also had a skinny build, which was covered from bruises, scrapes and small cuts from 'being a little monkey' as the Schnee family called him. He was not a member of the Schnee family, but his family had a friendship that had lasted for generations. He wore a navy blue short-sleeved t-shirt and black cargo pants with red converse. His family often commented on how he had no dress sense.

The boys had played in the lake for what seemed like hours, when the black haired boy had felt a sharp pain in his chest, right in the center. He had looked down at his chest to see a tendril rip through his body like a knife through butter, he saw the tendrils going for Leone. He could accept his death, but he wasn't going to watch a friend die.

With one last surge of strength, he told Leone to run, and he collapsed into the murky lake waters.

Present time

He did not know what had become of Leone, or any of the Schnee family for that matter. The fact that he had heard nothing about Leone's death was reassuring. If he did die, it would have been big news. The fact that there was no news meant Leone had managed to get to safety. Although, there was a lot of news on his death. It had stated that the Ember family's son Crimson Ember was missing or worse.


Eventually, the final verdict was that he had died, which he hadn't, obviously.

But here he was, Crimson Ember. Well, to be honest he could be anyone or anything he wanted to be. One time, he got the urge to turn into a dog and chase people down the street, which ended in him getting punched in the face by some blonde girl with shotgun gloves.

Suddenly, he heard a crash in the distance. He shot up to his feet and in a thunderclap he was moving across the rooftops, flinging himself over obstacles and leaving cracks in walls as he scaled up them. Just as he came to the edge of the final building he saw a red haired girl giving chase to an orange haired man.

In one great leap he cleared the street, landing in a small crater and continued to sprint. He eventually found the two, now three. No thanks to his sense of direction.

"So long, Red!" Ginger shouted. 'Is he talking to me or Little Red Riding Hood over there?' Crimson thought. But then he felt a sharp heatwave coming from said Little Red Riding Hood's direction. Crimson turned to her direction sharply, only to see the attack was blocked by a blonde woman with rectangular glasses.

The VTOL that harbored Ginger was about to take off. 'Whoa, can't have that...wait, why am I even here. Eh, fuck it.' Crimson mused as he leaped towards the VTOL only to miss and crash into a water tower at high speeds. "That could have gone better..." He coughed.

"Indeed." A voice said before swiftly knocking him unconscious.

Crimson slowly faded into consciousness, his head throbbing and all he wanted to do was sleep. He might just do that actually...

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Ugly." His chair was suddenly kicked over, causing him to release a surprised yelp. Much to the amusement of the offender.

Crimson forced his hand onto the table and forced himself up, getting a look at his attacker.

They were male, they wore a black leather jacket, with to white stripes on both upper arms. On the back was a tribal design. Underneath that he wore a gray hoodie with the hood up and unzipped slightly to reveal a white shirt. He also wore blue jeans and black shoes.

"Who are you!?" Crimson asked loudly in confusion. The man laughed and sat across from him. "I'm Professor Mercer, Vice Headteacher at Beacon Academy." He said in amused tone. 'Wow, that school must suck so bad.' Crimson had to admit, this man did not leave a good first impression. "Let's cut the shit here and get straight to the point, how did you get the virus?" Mercer asked bluntly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Crimson responded in a nervous tone, he was never a good liar. Mercer knew this, and was exploiting it.

"I know when you're lying, Crimson Ember." He stated, again in a blunt tone. Crimson paled at this.

"How did y-"

"Information gets around fast, far too many criminals think you're a demon. Well, the survivors do."

Mercer then pulled out a series of photos and placed them on the table one by one.

The first photo was a security image, depicting Crimson standing in the middle of a horde of bodies, most with broken bones, too many for them to survive with. His attire was also what he wore to this day.

He wore a black leather hooded long coat. The hood was down, the sleeves were rolled up to just bellow his elbows and the zip was down, there was also a red Welsh Dragon insignia on his back. The unzipped long coat revealed a white baggy vest. He wore black fingerless combat gloves on his hands. He wore dark blue jeans and black combat boots.

"You haven't discovered your powers yet, have you Crimson?"

He had asked the question more rhetorically than anything else. Crimson was getting annoyed at how this Mercer guy was acting so familiar with him, and what did he mean by 'You haven't discovered your powers yet?'

As if reading his mind, Mercer explained.

"We can gain power by consuming organisms of certain genetic construction, it may be something from bone claws to a chainsaw arm. It has varied each Evolved."

"Evolved...and we?" Crimson asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Mercer just laughed. His arms began to form into scythe-like blades, shocking Crimson.

"What the-"

"Evolved are the Infected that aren't mindless, they become something higher, something no normal human can match up to. This is what you are, do you see the power at your fingertips?"

"Wha- how- when-" Crimson had become a stuttering mess, why couldn't he do that?

"Because you suck, but I'm willing to give you a chance to rectify that. Come to Beacon Academy, train to be a Hunter. In that time I will train you to use your powers to their full potential." Mercer told Crimson, seemingly reading his mind again.


"Why am I offering this to you? If anything, I see wasted potential. That little 'crash' you had with the water tower wasn't exactly textbook badass. And to be honest, Torchwick and his goons would have wiped the floor with you. Over-buff middle-aged arms dealers are all well and good, but you need some proper training before you can fight those guys."

But then Mercer began to mutter to himself.

"No, simply fighting them won't do. We've got to overpower them, completely destroy-"

He was cut off by a cough from Crimson.

"Oh, shit! Well, Mr Crimson Ember. Do you accept?"

Mercer asked with a raised eyebrow and a cautious hand stretched out. Crimson looked at him seriously for a second. "Where do I sign up?" He grinned, taking Mercer's hand in a vice-grip.

Mercer grinned, this was definitely going to be a fun year.

On the ship

'I shouldn't have agreed...' Crimson thought, as he vomited out of the window for what felt like the eighteenth time. He heard a vomiting sound next to him and turned to see a blonde boy vomit the entire contents of his lunch out of the window right next to him.

'Great, vomiting buddies.' Crimson thought sarcastically.

Crimson somehow managed to block out the speech of some blonde woman who had introduced herself as 'Professor Goodwitch'. Crimson recognized her from the night he launched himself into a water tower. How he blocked it out?


'Seriously, since when did I get travel sickness?'

He thought as he staggered off of the airship.

As he regained his surroundings he could see a bunch of people staring at him. Most likely commenting on his dress style and eyes. His eyes were a glowing, radiant tone of royal blue, which always turned red when he was angry, the Blacklight virus morphing effect, or the 'Blacklight strain' as it had become publicly known, manifested in his pupils when angry as well.

But they didn't need to know that just yet. He had been told by Mercer to keep his 'condition' a secret for now. So in compensation Mercer gave him a large broadsword that morphed into a double-barreled shotgun. Pretty basic, but Mercer used his bio-mass to create it on the spot. You can't expect a miracle.

Crimson started to walk, feet thumping off the ground as he moved. He suddenly came to a pair of girls.

One was blonde with a messy mane of hair and lilac eyes. She wore a tan vest over a low-cut yellow tank top. The tan vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. She also wears some kind of tan skirt, black shorts and knee high boots.

The second girl had black short hair with a red tips. Her attire looked like a French Maid robbed Little Red Riding Hood, which turned out surprisingly awesome.

"Yeah, but I have you right?" Red asked.

"It's funny you should say that because here are my friends gotta go see you later bye!" Yellow rushed, leaving Red in a daze whilst spinning in circles. Just as she was about to fall Crimson stuck his hand out for her to fall back on, only for him to slip on a conveniently placed banana peel.

'What the-?'

Crimson crashed into a stack of suitcases.

"Watch it you dunce!" A voice yelled furiously.

"Erm, hello to you to...?" Crimson replied cautiously.

"Hello? HELLO!? Do you know what you could have done!? You could have blew us off the side of the cliff!" The now identified...Weiss? Told him. She seemed too caught up in her fury to recognize Crimson. A small part of Crimson was hoping she would recognize him, the rest was begging her to run as fast as she could.

"And we would have had hours of fun." Crimson tried to jest, trying not to be too suspicious to the ice cold heiress.

"I believe this is yours." A stoic voice said from behind them.

"Hmph, thank you!" Weiss stated and stormed off. Crimson looked at his eardrums' saviour. "Thank you, um..."

"Blake." She rectified. Blake wore a cat-eared shaped bow, she wears black low-heeled boots and stockings that start off black near her hips, but turn purple on the way down. She also wears a black buttoned vest with coat tails and a white sleeveless undershirt that exposes part of her midriff.

"Who was that?" Red asked.

"That, was Weiss Schnee." Crimson told her.

"Is she a princess? Because she acts like one."

"Heiress actually. To the Schnee Dust Company, the largest Dust manufacturers in the world." Blake told her.

"Wow, thats pretty co-"

"It's also a company with underpaid employees and a questionable labor force."


Red then turned to Crimson.

"And who are you?" She asks excitedly. "I'm Crimson." He replied.

"Cool! I'm Ruby! Let's be friends! I like cookies!" Ruby yelled.

"OMG so do I!" Crimson and Ruby joined hands then started twirling in circles whilst fangirling about cookies. Blake just shook her head and walked off.

"No seriously, where are we supposed to go?"

And chapter 1 of my RWBY and [Prototype] crossover. Please, leave a review and tell me what you think.

There were some loopholes in this chapter, they're fixed now. 03/11/14