Ok, so before I start with the recognition, I just wanted to say Thank You. Yes, I know I've been saying it every chapter, but honestly, I just can't say it enough. I started on this website after nearly 5 years of reading fanfiction. I loved the idea of it, but never really thought I'd be good enough to write my own. When I finally mustered up the courage to put myself out there, you guys responded so positively. It made doing this so much more worth it, and I can't tell you how proud I am to be part of this amazing community. Now, without furthere ado, Recognitions!

Story Alert/Subscription:

Yukina Koorime- November 2nd

mishimasChainsaw- November 3rd

RavenRunning- November 4th

MaddySan5926- November 8th

OrangeWithAfro- November 9th

Jelly Babes- November 9th

ChaosDemon1129- November 9th

PandamoniumPress- November 18th

DustDes- November 19th

bigrc71- November 26th

Bolverikchan- December 8th

tish246- December 8th

Monkey D. Misty- December 10th

iman. - December 16th

Avengaline Cruz- December 16th

moonrise heart- December 17th

Ezu-san- December 17th

Askoll- December 17th

Smileandsuckitup- December 18th

Tsukino Aisuru- A – December 20th

Gamershacked- December 21st

Therealtwiggy94- December 21st

Toothless 122- December 22nd

DhanaRagnarok- December 24th

AnimeAddictForLife- December 24th


GrayCat17- November 5th

MaddySan5925- November 8th

ChaosDemon1129- November 9th

DustDes- November 19th

bigrc71- November 26th

MichaelLx- December 7th

FShield96- December 8th

Zorchide- December 9th

Monkey D. Misty- December 10th

Avengaline Cruz- December 16th

DunMessWithDBest96- December 16th

Askoll- December 17th

MisanthropicGoddess- December 18th

DhanaRagnarok- December 24th

AnimeAddictForLife- December 24th

gamershacked- December 26th

moonrise heart- December 27th

Tsukino Aisuru- December 27th


guest- November 2nd

mishimasChainsaw- November 5th

miranda/Miranda- December 16th, December 17th, December 20th, December 22nd, December 23rd, December 26th

gamershacked- December 23rd

Toothless 122- December 23rd, December 25th

MisanthropicGoddess, - December 23rd

DhanaRagnarok- December 27th

Do you see how many names are on those lists? Granted, many of them are repeats, but that makes it even better. To finish off, I wanted to say thank you to the 3865 views I've gotten on this story. That is just incredible. As I finish off this post, I think of myself finally pushing the 'Complete' button on my story page. I have a mixture of emotions about it. Ending off my first sucessful Multi-Chap will be hard. It means I need to dive into something again, write a plot, develop a story, and that's a bit scary. But I know that now that I have people who support me. The people in these lists support me, and that's a great comfort to me. So pushing that button is probably going to be the highlight of my birthday. Yup. December 27th is my birthday, and you guys have made it all the more special. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I've said it many times, but I'll say it again, You Guys Are Amazing.