Hey everyone! Okay, so we're almost done with the story! But do not worry! I'll make another one soon after.

And um...I forgot to mention something to you guys, no one mentioned it...

I forgot Crona...

I know, I'm sorry! I feel terrible! But I will include him in the next one! I'm so sorry...

Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater, only my OCs

No ones POV:

Jade starred in horror of her mother. She really was a monster. Doragon's wings were large, and dark as night. They flapped and her tail swung. She was half dragon.

She smiled, showing fangs. "Surprised daughter? You shouldn't really. I'd thought you'd remember the story of The Monster" She said it as a title.

Kid tightened his grip on his weapons. Jade said her mother was a monster...but he didn't imagine this.

Doragaon flexed her claws. "Now, you're here" She turned to kid and sneered. "And you. But you don't have your team mates. You must have left them to your sisters" She smiled. "Well then..." her eyes opened wide and she showed her fangs. "You'll be joining them too"

She lunged. Jade and Kid split. Doragon landed and turned to Kid. She roared and lunged at him. He turned and shot at her, hitting her in the face. She shrieked and backed up, but she lunged over him, claws open. Suddenly, a green fire ball the size of a basketball hit her, knocking her to the side.

Jade came rushing over, the top of her staff ablaze, her hand covered in green flames. She screamed and fired at her mother. Smoke was filling the air. Doragon shrieked and tried to get away.

"Jade, careful!" Kid fired a couple shots. "You're overheating!" If they didn't stop soon, or get help, Jade was going to combust.

Jade stopped, breathing heavily. Doragon was a lump on the floor. She slowly started getting up, laughing. she stood up...

"T-That can't be!" She was fine. No burns, so scars...nothing.

Doragon laughed. "You dumbass of a child! Do you think I could be stupid enough to not protect myself?!" She growled. "I should have killed you when you were an infant"

Jade shook, tears in her eyes. "Like how you killed my father? Because you were a fool?"

Doragon smiled. "That won't work with me like Ruby"

Jade shook her head. "I mean it!" She had tears running down her face. "You're an idiot! You made my sisters from dragon eggs, killed my father after he got your pregnant with me! What are you trying to accomplish with this!?" Kid stared at her. Her sisters were created from dragon eggs? Jade was born, not made?

Doragon sneered. "Yes...I was foolish to make him seduce me. But I. Am not. A fool!"

"Yes you are! You're a fool to think I'll let you push me around!"

Doragon started stalking over. "I am not a fool!"

"Yes you are!"

"I am not!" Doragon roared at her.

"Yes. You. ARE!" Jade erupted in fire and launched herself at Doragon.

"Jade, no!" Kid ran after her, but a magic field pushed him back.

Jade was attacking her mother attack after attack. She was trying to break her top layer of skin, breaking the magic. She was screaming and crying. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Doragon shrieked and tried to attack Jade, but Jade's fire made it difficult. Kid went around and shot. He was trying to help Jade before she burned herself alive. Jade pushed her off.

Doragon was burned and charred. Jade was extinguished, panting gasping, crying. Kid was to the side of Doragon. He walked slightly closer...

Doragon opened her eyes and launched at Kid. Everything moved in slow motion. Doragon had her claws ready to slice Kid. He stood frozen. He couldn't move...

Suddenly he was shoved and he fell. He looked to see what happened...

His vision went red.

Jade had shoved Kid out of the way. Doragon had sliced into Jade, from her right waist, up just under her sternum. Blood was dripping and pooling under her. She tried gasping her breath. Doragon smirked. She pulled out and Jade crumpled to the ground. She turned to Kid...

Shots hit her face at fast speeds. She hriked and backed away. When she looked.

"I-Impossible...No one can form a...soul resonance that fast!"

Kid had summoned Death Canon. He was walking towards her, firing at her. Liz and Patty were trying to keep Kid under control.

"Kid...calm down!"

"Please Kid! This hurts!"

Kid had tuned them out. He kept firing. The magic shield was broken. Doragon was weak. She stared at Kid with horror. "P-Please...d-don'-"

Kid yelled at her and fired. She screamed as the shot evaporated her. When the light died, Liz and Patty were back as pistols...and Doragon was gone too. Her soul as well. Her soul had been obliterated.


"Lord Death won't be-" Kid dropped them and ran to Jade. Liz and Patty changed bak and ran to her.

She was gasping, blood pooling. Her gasps were gurgling. "K-Kid..."

"Sh sh sh. You're gonna be okay" Liz and patty dragged a tapestry of some sort over. They started to rip it up into strips. They handed them to Kid and he tried to wrap her up. "It's not enough..." He picked her up carefully as he could bridal style. "We need to find the others and leave. She needs Stein" They left.

As they were running down the hall, they saw Maka and BlackStar.


"What's-?" Maka gasped and covered her mouth.


"We need to leave. Now!" They ran out. As they got outside. The sun had started to rise.

"How do we carry her back?" Just then they hear a roar. Fang had come into view flying over. He landed. Spirit and Stein were on his back. They jumped off.

"What can we do to help?" They then saw Jade. Fang squalled and rushed over, sniffing Jade.

"She's dying...We need to hurry back"

"Come on then. From the looks of it, we don't have much time"

Jade POV:

The pain...everything hurt...to breathe...to move...I think even my heart beating hurt.

Was...Was Kid safe? I didn't know...all I know is that I saved him...or tried to...Please...Please let him be alive.

Everything was dark. I think at one point I heard voices...and I smelled smoke. But I know that smoke. That was cigarette smoke.

"Is she going to make it?" Liz.

I heard Steain breathe out. "At this point...all we can do is hope. Doragon got her badly...Any farther up, and Jade wouldn't be living anymore"

I felt a squeeze on my hand. Kid...He's alive.

"Kid c'mon. Let's go home"

"No...not yet..." I wish I could open my eyes...I want to see him...

When I finally did open my eyes, I was in the hospital room at the school. A curtain blocked my view of the door and the other bed. I was by the window. I turned my head...

A large bouquet of white and black flowers was there. It was in a greenish vase with a yellow ribbon around it. A big note was hanging on it.

You're amazing Jade!

Fell better!

We're praying for you!

Notes...from everyone at the school. Tears filled my eyes. Everyone...cared...

I head the door open and turned. The curtain opened.

"Jade! You're awake!"

I smiled. Maka, Soul, BlackStar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty...Kid. He had bags under eyes, obviously not sleeping. But his eyes lit up when he saw I was awake.

"H-How...?" I coughed. I sounded like a smoked everyday for a month. "How long was I out?"

"A week"

"what?!" I grabbed my throat and coughed. Tsubaki handed me a cup of water. "Thank you" I drank it greedily.

"we were worried. We didn't know if you would wakeup" Kid sat in the chair next to the bed and grasped my hand.

I tried to move...and gasped and spots filled my vision.

"Careful. Dr. Stein said to be careful"

"You're mother got you really hard. She hit a lung, almost hit you're heart"

I sighed, taking shallow breaths to ease the pain.

"You're going to stay here until you can at least move"

I sighed. "Good..." My stomach rumbled. "Now if you don't mind me asking...can I at least eat?"

3 weeks later


I was walking stiffly down the hall, Kid supporting me. He was taking me home finally. Kids were walking down the hall.

"Kick ass Jade!"

"You're awesome!"

"Glad to see you moving again!"

I smiled. everyone had accepted me...for the first time in my life. Kid was smiling next to me. The sun was setting as we were walking.

"Jade...there's something I've been meaning to ask you"

My throat closed up. "What is it?"

"what did you mean when you said you're sisters were dragon eggs?"

I sighed and my throat opened. "My mother was a genius...despite being a fool. She was trying to make something like her. But...then I didn't know 'like her' meant. Ruby and Amethyst were human embryos inserted into dragon eggs. I...I was conceived. My father was human, a...helper of some sorts. My mother killed him shortly after she found out about me. But...I think she kept me, thinking I'd be like her"

We reached my house. Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki were watching the house. Fang was in the window. He squealed and flew down. He landed in Kid's arms and crawled into mine. I hugged him. "I missed you too Fang..." I set him down and he flew back in.

"Jade..." Kid lifted my chin. I stared at his eyes. "You are nothing like your mother...or your sisters. in my opinion...You're the best thing you're mother made"

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. I kissed him deeply, not wanting to let go. He was frozen for a bit, then he relaxed into it, wrapping his arms around me.

I think...I'll stay for a bit longer this time.

And we're done! So that's the last chapter of the first book! The next one will be up soon. Look forward to

"Three Burn Better than One"

Not bad right? I hope you guys enjoyed this!