
"Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner,"

~Mahatma Gandhi

Near the end of winter before day comes after sunrise, somewhere around town near a playground, a two boys was beating a certain girl into a slightly bloody pulp.

The two boys chuckled as they see her pitiful beaten form, with their hands bloodied by her blood, and smirks widened. One with bleach white hair and has a few piercing on his face, responded to her, "You made a big mistake of messing with us, girly. First we were minding our own business, messing with the stupid pigeons, and then you randomly ruined our fun. Though at first I have to admit, I feel a little ashamed of beating a pretty girl like you, so…"

He took a card with a phone number written on it as he landed it on her lap. "If you feel lonely, give me a call, and I`ll come over, and I`ll might be apologizing to you for the harsh beating. See ya later, pretty girl."

He and his companion get into a van, as they drove a far away, leaving in a bloody mess.

Luckily she has enough strength within her, as she stood up to her feet, holding the phone number card the boy gave her, in her hands. She glared at it slightly, before ripping it into two and threw it into a nearby trashcan.

True to the boy`s words, she was a beauty. She has long bluish-raven hair that reached her hips, wild and wavy like the waves of the ocean. Her skin is fair as a white lily`s petal, now scratched and sore till it`s purple, eyes are like the deepest depths of the ocean, yet one eye is bruised from multiple punches, and lips naturally pink like cherry blossoms, but currently soaked in red blood.

She wiped her bloodied lips with her red scarf around her neck. She looked around the ground to see dead pigeon bodies surrounding her feet. She noticed a dove was near the bodies, struggling to get on its feet. She walked over the small bodies to lean down to grab the survived pigeon with her hands. She spoke to it with a soft angelic voice, "You`re very lucky to survive those attacks, even though your companions are dead now."

She threw it up in the air so it can fly freely. She watched it fly away to the sky, before she walked away to her fallen bike. She whispered to herself, "What am I playing at?"

At True Cross Campus Town-Southern Cross Boys` Monastery, where our heroine lives….

"I`m ho~~~~me!" the heroine yelled at the entrance of the front door where her older twin brother, Okumura Yukio was there with her. He greeted her before frowning her injuries, "Welcome home, and where did you get those injuries?"

"Can we talk about it in a later time, right now I`m hungry," she stepped inside, taking off her shoes before entering further.

"Sure, but…" she ignored him before walking to the family table where food was prepared, and the priests, and her father was sitting and eating.

Her father and the priest greeted her, while they`re still eating. "Ah, Rin—! Welcome home."

Her father is a slender man with average build. He has a cross-shaped scar on his forehead—his eyes are red as blood, hair gray as silver, also has a goatee and some stubble along his lower chin and upper lip, and since his eyesight is poor, he wore a pair of glasses with the chain adorned with beads & a cross. And as a priest, he adorned more of clerical clothing with his priest collar adorned with two crosses.

"I`m home," she greeted back.

"You left for the job Centre, and didn't came back until morning…now that`s diligence. Did you found yourself some kind of work?" he asked her, smirking as usual. "Umm…ah…" she stammered hesitantly, before she could say anything, but her brother beat her to it, while handing her a bowl of rice. "She was clearly gotten beaten again, and she`s injured badly."

"What!" her father yelled in angry and annoyance.

"Father, it`s not a big of a deal, it`s only a small beating, no biggie," she assured him.

"Rin…" her father then suddenly threw his chopsticks at her. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU, NOT TO GET YOURSELF BEATEN ANYMORE, YOU LIED TO ME!"

"Ow—! I have no choice, they were beating some innocent pigeons and I refused to let them kill more!" she was hit by one of the chopsticks on the forehead.

Her father sighed in annoyance. "Rin, I know you show sympathy for the hurt of the living and I know you like animals, but you need stop, and let things go. It`s the way how this life works!"

"I know that, I`m not stupid. Besides I didn't use violence, or anything," she pouted.

Her father sighed before he took out a folded piece of paper, and handed to a nearby priest. "Pass this to Rin!" And he did, passing to priest to priest until one of them handed it to her. She grabbed it as she unfolded it to read a restaurant address. She looked at it confusingly. "What`s this?"

"An old friend of mine is looking for someone new to work in his traditional restaurant, how about it?" he informed. "If you feel like going for it, then the interview is today."

"In a restaurant?! Me…? I don't know, I mean I know I can cook but I don't really trust myself in a respectable job like that, I know myself that well—" she was cut off with her father`s scolding.

"FOOLISH GIRL, YOU THINK WITH YOUR UTTER LACK OF SELF-CONFIDENCE, YOU CAN SIT AROUND PICKING AND CHOOSING?! AS YOUR LEGAL GUARDIAN, I HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO RAISE YOU INTO RESPECTABLE ADULTS, NOT COWARDS!" Her father took another breath to scold her some more. "Do you understand?! You cannot stay here for the rest of your life! Someday, you will have to make it out there on your own!"

Once the yelling was over, Rin looked at him in slight anger. "Well excuse me for not have self-confidence, and….OF COURSE, I KNOW THAT!"

Suddenly a heater nearby exploded with a pot of stew that was heating over it, fell down to spill stew all over the floor. That surprised everyone, excluding Fujimoto Shiro (Rin`s and Yukio`s father) for he knows what caused the explosion.

"Father Fujimoto, there`s someone here to see you," a priest called out to him.

Fujimoto nodded in reply, before ordering Rin`s older twin. "Yukio, make sure you treat her wounds, please?"

"Sure, I`ll get to that," Yukio nodded. Then his father go out the door to see who`s here, leaving him to his younger twin sister to take care of.

After having a nice warm meal, Yukio was treating his sister`s wounds in the kitchen with a first aid kit…

"Rin, you know father is right. You need to stop getting yourself beaten like that, it`s making me and him worry," Yukio lightly dapped an alcohol-soaked cotton ball on her scratches on her hand.

"I know that and I`m sorry," Rin pouted, apologizing, before squeaked a little when the alcohol stings from her wounds. "I wasn't trying to pick a fight, but I couldn't help it. I refused to let an innocent living be harmed."

"He he…as always, you`re like a kind-hearted angel, you are," Yukio chuckled. Rin smiled at her brother angelically as she changed the subject. "So Yukio, when are you going to start your new life in True Cross Academy?"

"Soon, I hope you won`t be lonely without me," Yukio joked.

"Nope, I won`t be lonely. I have the priests and father to take care of me," she smiled widely. "And besides I`m really proud of you, you`re going to a real elite school, that`s so awesome!"

"I`m just working hard as I can to be a doctor, that`s all."

Rin smiled more confidently to her brother. "And I know you can do it, besides you`re an ace at first-aid after all!"

"Only because you`re always getting injured all the time," Yukio frowned slightly before smiling at her. "But I`ll do my best."

Rin turned her smile into a sad one. "And while you`re doing that, I`m going to spend the rest of my life being a screw up, like I always was."

"Little sister, you`re not a screw-up, you`re intelligent too, see—!" Yukio took out a report card from his pockets, with straight A`s printed on it. "Look at this; you have good grades from our school!"

"Yes I know, Yukio, but I don't know what I`m going to do with my life," she frowned.

Yukio looked at her in worry. "What do you actually want to do?"

She looked pouting in slight annoyance. "What! You`re want to lecture me too?"

"No Rin, I`m just worried about you, that`s all…" Yukio concerned. "And same goes for father, you know."

Rin looked down at her feet. "I may not look like I don't care what to do with my life, but I`m serious about it too….I really want to grow up and make myself respectable….but I don't know, I just can`t seems to find the chance…."

"Well, you could always try to go to the interview…" Yukio suggested, but Rin frowned at him. "It`s not really a big of a deal—"

"There you are!" an upcoming priest cut her off. He walked up to her and handed her a bag of an outfit and a box of her favorite shoes. "You got an interview today, right? Here, wear this!"

"Huh?! I never said I was going!" she said, not expecting this.

"Oh come on, you need a job, right? So at the interview, you need to give a good impression," Yukio smiled.


"No buts now go to your room to get dress," another priest smiled at her jokingly. "You don't want to be late for your interview."

She looked at them all like they were just messing with her, before pouting. "Fine, I`ll go but I know I won`t like it," She walked away to her room, leaving the room with her brother and the priests laughing.

At Rin`s room…

"Hmm…I don't think this speaks business," she was gesturing her formal outfit. She wore a white slightly oversized blue dress and a pair of white flats with a black leathered tip in the front.

She twirled around to have the skirt spin along with her. "Oh well, it will have to do," she walked out of her room to head for the front entrance, until she noticed something black was spreading on the edges of the wall. She looked in confusion before she snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone from outside. She looked out a nearby window to see a family with her father. She observed her father as he gave a small bottle necklace with a four-leaf clover in it.

It must be a charm that wards of demons that he told her about. She once used it when she was younger and scared, but not anymore.

As she saw the family of the little girl go, and her father waving farewell to them. She walked to a door, opened it to hear her father saying, "Ah, it`s tough being a priest and an exorcist."

She responded to him, "It`s just basically counseling, right? I mean, I have studied demons before by your tutoring, and I`m not very sure if those really exist."

"Dear daughter, demons exist, all right. They`re inside our hearts," her father smiled. "Anyway, what`s with the get-up, hmm?"

She blushes a little before replying. "Oh umm….I was thinking about…going to….the interview you mentioned about, so I borrowed it."

"Hmm…you look very pretty," her father complimented, successfully making her blush.

"F-f-father, don't you need to say that!" she blushed in pink, making her father laughed. "Ha-ha-ha-ha….you know when you were little, you were such a cute girl. The way you used to go "Daddy, Daddy!""

"What are you talking about….?! Why are saying something so embarrassing just now, it`s creepy?!" she pouted, flushing in slight crimson.

"Aww, you know I love to talk about you in your past, and daddy loves you so much!" he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

She was suffocating, struggling to get out of his embrace. "Alright, alright I love you too, just get off of me!" he let go of her as he ruffled her wild hair. "Good luck, Rin, and show how much you grown, alright!"

She looked at him with a determined smile, "Alright father, I`m going to show you, okay. See ya!" She ran out the entrance gate, but she saw something black passing her way. She ignored it as she walked out of the door, leaving Shiro behind.

With the small black creature heading towards him, he grabbed it with his bare hands, and then smashed it into dust. His eyes speaks of the knowing what will happen next, and his hearts worries for his daughter`s safety.

Somewhere in True Cross Campus Town-southern Street, Rin was looking for where her interview takes place….

"What the what?" she looked around to see black bug-like creatures floating around the atmosphere, curious of how no one is paying them no mind, and wondering if her mind is just playing with her eyes.

But until then, a familiar voice called out her name, "Hey pretty girl!"

She turned to see the pigeon-killers, standing in the crowds with two more boys in the group. But she widened in surprise to see the leader with the white hair, with horns from his head, and a tail swinging around, also a swarm of those bugs are brimming around him. She thought he was cosplaying, or her mind was playing with her again.

"It`s nice to see you again, girly, sorry about before," he smiled sinisterly. "Say, do you have a moment?"

She looked him suspiciously, distrusting him after his horrible ways. So she refused, "No thanks, I`m good, I`m sort of in a hurry."

"Oh that`s too bad, but it`s only quick, I promise," he grinned, gesturing her to follow.

"I guess…." She stared at him distrustfully, before following him. I hope I know what I`m doing, I have a bad feeling about this, she thought.

In an empty alley, where for Rin and the pigeon-killers was located….

"So how much do you want?" the leader asked.

"Huh?" She stared at him confusingly.

"Oh come one, girly…do I have to spell it out? My parents are pretty famous, and me, I`m going to be starting at True Cross Academy soon…so it`s pretty bad… if any rumors about me started to spread, yeah?" He explained.

"Oh…so you`re going to the same school as my brother…? I guess I can see what you mean…" she remembered him and his partner killing pigeons. "Nobody wants to deal with people who chopped off the legs of the pigeons…"

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, yeah okay…so just to keep your lips sealed, I`ll pay up so let`s just keep this whole thing between you and me, alright?"

She shook her head in refusal, "I don't need your money, and I`m not going to say anything, but thank you thought….is that all, because I have somewhere to go now?"

"Whoa, whoa, what`s with that? Are you trying to act all tough, huh?" he laughed. "There`s no need to hide it! You and your family are so poor that you guys can`t affords a proper education, isn`t it?"

She viewed at him in slight confusion, "What`s with this guy…?!"

"Here just take it!" he handed out a dollar bill in his hand. "I mean your brother, he had to work his ass off and get himself a scholarship just to get into true cross, right? You`re like in debt! Poor guys…just put this towards your fees, yeah?"

She glared at him in true anger, before lifting her hand into a clutched fist as she punched him so hard that the impact made him fall into his knees. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU TALK TRASH ABOUT ME, BUT DON'T YOU DARE BADMOUTH ONE OF MY FAMILIES LIKE THAT!"

"DON`T GET COCKY, YOU BITCH!"He yelled at her. "GET HER!"

One of his goons from behind her as he grabbed both of her arms as he held her down onto the ground. "That`s right, hold her right down on the floor! But be careful with her, she`s a feisty one after all…"

He smirked at her, before noticing a piece of paper that fallen from her pockets. He leaned down to pick it up as he read what`s written on it. ""Job Interview"….? Ha-ha-ha-ha, so you`re looking for a job, is that what the outfit`s for?"

He kneeled down to pat on her head and to show false sympathy. "You`re really are a miserable little thing, aren't you! Even the girl who everybody called an angel back in middle school…once she graduates, she`s just another job-hunter…" he then suddenly grabbed a hold of her hair, as he yelled at her face. "WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT ON YOUR OWN…YOU`RE JUST ANOTHER SCUM OF THIS SOCIETY, AREN`T YOU!"

He grabbed a pocket knife from one of his vest`s pockets, and held it near her face. "If you`re looking for a job…you`ll be wanting that head of yours, shaved till your muscles shows, won`t you!? Well, I`ll help you out!"

She looked at him in slight fear when he held out his knife. She thought in panic, "This guy is insane, his face shows the face of a demon, isn`t somebody going to stop him?!"

"A-Are you sure about this, w-we don't need to go that far…this is crime, you know," one of his goons nervously spoken but was responded with a punch in the face. "Shut up, and stay that way!"

The goon fell to the ground holding his now bleeding nose, while moaning in pain. The devil boy turned back to Rin as he lifted her head up to his level as he held his knife too close to her face. She almost squeaked in pain, but her face refused to show fear in front of him. "Gra-ha-ha-ha-hah—now don`t get too mad if I slip and cut your head open instead, I`m just an amateur, after all!"

"S-STOP!" She screamed, pleading him before he`ll kill her.

"HEY MAYBE AFTER YOU DEAD, AND YOUR BRAINS`LL END UP SPILLING OUT, I`LL FUCK YOU TILL I`M SATISFIED! GRA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" he laughed insanely like a corrupted person would do, as he grips on his knife to her head as he begins to skin her.

She struggled but was unable to. She felt the blade of his knife easily piecing her skin, and her warm blood started to bleed, which made her snapped as she screamed. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP!"

Until then blue flames started igniting around her body, responding to her like it knew she was in danger. The goons who were holding her down and their leader who was trying to kill her, jumped away from her to prevent themselves from getting burned.

Rin lifted herself off the ground to observe the flames that was all over her. "…what is this…?" the flames didn't burn her skin, like normal fire would do, so instead, it only warm and it was unexpectedly beautiful by its bluish color.

The goons stared at her in fear before they cowardly ran away, leaving their leader behind with her. The leader was not afraid of her, only observing her with a devilish smirk on his face. "Heh…heh…heh…heh…it looks like I was right about you….!"

She glanced up to him with confusion and slight terror. "Those blue flames are the real thing….the "Flames of Satan"…!...oh, I have waited so long for this day…! I have been searching high and low for you for so long, young mistress…! Now come…let us set forth…! Satan-sama awaits us!"

"S-Satan…?" Rin exclaimed, looking at him like he was crazy, which he is, and until then a familiar voice spoke out. "…Evil dwells within this heart. O Lord…let each be judged according to his deeds. Let sinful conduct beget retribution. Let each pay for that which he has taken. Bring down thy justice upon them…"

She looked at the behind of the demon boy to see her father standing, muttering holy words.

The demon boy sweat-dropped nervously, "You`re a-a-an exorcist, damn it!" but her father continued to speak the words from the bible, "Smite them that they never shall rise again. Blessed be the Lord..!"

"I`ll tear that mouth of yours, accursed priest!" the demon boy ran away from Rin to approach her father, trying to rip out his head off his neck but failed when her father grabbed his arm, stopping from his killing. "My prayer has been answered. The Lord is my helper…"

He them twisted his arm to slam him onto the ground, causing to coughed in pain. "And he is my shield! Demon…perishes where you stand!" he moved two of his finger with his left hand to form an invisible cross. Just by saying the last line, a black form was appearing from the boy, causing him great pain as he screams. And until then, the scream stopped and the boy fell down onto the ground unconscious with the black form fading away.

She stared at him with confusion of what was going on, trying to understand what happened now.

"…have you calmed down?" her father asked her.

She glanced at him, before nodding slowly.

Her father sighed, "It would appear that your power…can no longer be suppressed entirely by Kurikaka…."

She looked at him confusingly, wondering what her father was talking about, before she concerned for the unconscious boy. "Is that guy all right? I mean I know he tried to kill me, but I just show sympathy for him."

"He`s fine, I have exorcised the demon from him…it appears he had only recently become possessed," her father checked on him.

"Possessed…by a demon?! I thought they don't exist at all, and I thought you`re just joking about them?!"

"No Rin, I wasn't joking about them at all, and yes they do exist, however demons tend to possess those most similar to them…if this this boy does not change, and then he may be possessed again once more," her father informed, before blowing away a small bug-like creatures nearby. "I daresay you can see them now, the demons."

"What!? These are demons, but they are so small and kind of cute?!" she exclaimed.

"Indeed, this world you see consists of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror," her father took another breath to explain more. "The first is the world in which we live, Assiah. The other is the world of demons, Gehenna. Ordinarily travel between the two, and indeed any kind of contract between the two, is impossible. However demons can pass over into this world by possessing anything that exists within it."

He then pointed to a nearby small demon floating by him. "These little ones, for instance, are known as "Coal Tar"; they are possessing particles of dust, and they`re gathering around darkness and dampness, and around humans with a dark nature. But no matter, you will come to understanding, now get up. Thanks to this incident, they have learned of your awakening…"

He grabbed her arm, pulling her up to her feet. "All kinds of people will doubtless come after you for various different reasons; you must be hidden before they find you…."

He started to drag her hurriedly, but he didn't give much more info of what was happening now. "W-Wait a minute, what is going on? Hide…? Awakening…? What are you talking about?! Just what exactly am I, anyway?!"

Her father paused for a minute to answer her question. "You….you are the daughter of a demon, born of a human impregnated by a demon…and not just any demon, you`re the daughter of Satan himself."

Her eyes widened like a bowl, with her mind repeating the words of her father. She couldn't believe it that she is the spawn of the Fallen Angel.

Back at home, where Rin and her father was in her room….

"W-What are you doing?!" Rin exclaimed, watching her father packing clothing and things into her gym bag. "At any rate, you must leave this monastery now!" he zipped her bag closed, before giving it to her.

"What, leave?!" she exclaimed.

Her father then held out a golden key around his neck as he used it to opened one of her drawer doors. "This is the "Key of Vanishment" it can be used to hide anything in any given location," he placed the key into its keyhole as he turned it to unlock something hidden in one of the drawers. He opened it, revealing a beautiful katana with a red cloth underneath it. He took it out to hold it out in his hands. "The demon-slaying blade, also known as Kurikara, thus this blade has been passed down since time immemorial…." He turned to Rin as he hold it in front of her, "…your powers have been transferred into this sword, and sealed there by the scabbard. If you draw it, then you will return to your demon form…and mostly, never again be able to live in a human life."

He wrapped the katana with the red cloth with a string to tie it, and placed on top of her gym bag, along with the key he mentioned about. "Never draw it! But never let it leave your side, either. When you must, use the key you hide it. Once you leave the monastery, I want to use this, there is a single number stored in its memory. It is the number of a friend of mine."

He placed a phone on her bag as well. "I doubt you will be able to live as you have done until this day…but my friend will at least protect you, now go!"

"There`s no way I`m going to leave this place!" She lowered her bag onto the ground. "I know I`m danger, or in danger, but I can`t leave my home or you and the priests here. And what about Yukio, is he coming with me?!"

"No he`s no threat, the two of you are fraternal twins. Yukio has weak-bodied as a fetus, and power rejected him, so it passed to you instead."

"….b-but that`s just ridiculous…how the heck….why didn't you tell me?!" she exclaimed, wanting more explanation.

"…I want to raise you as an ordinary human as long as you remained to be human, that is," he said.

"But why—I thought I was supposed to live in a normal life like always, and then now you just send to gods-knows-where?! You`re just getting rid of me!"

"That`s not it, Rin! I`m doing this for your protection and for you too!" her father wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly. She widened at the sudden embrace, before she tried to push him away from her, thinking he was only pretending, but was stopped when she heard the words of truth from her father`s mouth. "I love you; I love you as a daughter so much that it pains me to see you go. True, you caused nothing but trouble for me and the others when you got yourself beaten up again. However I never thought as you as a burden ever since. I may not be your blood father, but during these years with you growing up from an infant to a young adult, I really wished I was."

She felt tears were rising up her eyes, and she tried to fight them back, but failed as her tears dripped down from her cheeks to the wooden floor. She loves her father, even he wasn't her real one, but she loves him so much that it hurts. "Father…." she embraced him back.

Fujimoto pulled out of their embrace to place a hand on her cheek gently, "Now go get your bag, and meet me downstairs—"

He was interrupted when his body started to be in extreme pain that he fell down to his knees. "Damn it, to think that I could….!" Rin watched him in concern, thinking he was having a heart attack. "Father, are you alright?!"

"Go! Just go, quickly!" her father shooed her. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

"What, what`s going on!?" Rin exclaimed, unsure of what her father was telling about. She kneeled down in front of him, refusing to leave him while he`s in pain. "I`m not leaving you like this, you need—"

She was cut off by a demonic voice that gave her the chills, making her shiver in slight fear. "….Daughter of mine….how I have waited for this moment….!"

Her father`s eyes turned sky blue with red pupils, his normal teeth have turned into fangs, ears widened with pointed tips, and nails grew into sharp claw-like. And his body started to ignite into wide blue flames. This is not her father anymore, this is a demon. "GA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, JUST KIDDING' YAAAAA! GYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA-! HEY THERE LASS, DOING GOOD? THAT`S RIGHT, THE MAN HIMSELF HAS COME ALL THE WAY OUT HERE TO SEE HIS CUTE LITTLE GIRL! SO LOOK HAPPY ABOUT IT!"

She stared at him in great fear to see the devil himself possessing her father, and right in front of her. "Y-you`re the demon he mentioned about…."

"The name`s Satan. God of Demons, and your one and only father," his eyes and nose started to draw blood, but he showed no hint of pain. "You can call me "Papa" if you like, gya-ha!

Rin was unable to speak, traumatized in great shock and extreme terror building up her heart as she observed her blood father in every move. "Now then…I`d really like to stick around and savor this touching reunion…but I`m thinking this guy`s body…isn`t going to last too long, you know?"

He then grabbed two of his finger from his left hand, and ripped them out like nothing. Rin almost squeak in tremor when she saw him ripped them out of his hand, but she prevented it by muffling it with her hand.

He poured down the blood from his hand onto the floor to form a door with heads started to arise along. Then he spoke in some sort of demon language to summon the door he was arising.

She widened her eyes in pure horror, watching the blood turning into an elegant yet the eeriest gate with moving heads at the entrance. "I`m the only demon there is with the power to create this, the Gehenna Gate."

Her mouth tried to speak words, but none came. "Now then...let`s go, Gehenna`s waiting!" she turned to him shockingly, to think that Satan is going to take her to true hell. She doesn't want to go to hell, not yet, not ever!

But before he`ll take Rin to Hell, he noticed the katana from the floor, realizing what he was supposed to do next. "Oh right, I have to destroy this first…" he gripped onto it, trying to break it in halves. "I`ll release you from this irritating little curse!"

"DON'T YOU DARE!" she screamed, running up to him with flames instantly igniting from her body, trying to prevent him from breaking it but was unsuccessful when he grabbed her with his right hand by the back of her collar. "HAHAHAHA, WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT, HOW PATHETIC OF YOU!" He then started to drag her towards the gate with the katana in his left arm. "IT`S TIME FOR YOU TO REGAIN YOUR TRUE POWER AS A DEMON!"

"No I never wanted to be a demon in the first place, I just wanted to be a huu—man," she looked at herself in a mirror she have, seeing herself ignited with blue flames, the same flames as his. She then realized at that moment that she`ll never be human anymore so she thought to herself, "Is this really me?"

"You know…" Satan cut her thoughts off as he continued to drag her towards the gate. "I`m a perfect entity with infinite power, but there`s one thing I`m missing, and do you know what that is….it`s a substance in this world of Assiah powerful enough to contain me! Anything I touch in this world is doomed to destruction…! Just like this body of the pathetic priest, and just like your mother whom you look like…! It`s Assiah that I want…!"

Her ears perked up when he mentioned her mother, the person whom gave birth to her and Yukio. She never met her mother before, or never was mentioned about her, but this is not the time for curiosity, now it`s the time for panic as he threw her like a child would throw away her broken doll, into the entrance of the Gehenna Door. "Oh, it was out of mere boredom that I created you…but I have realized it was a masterstroke!"

She looked around to see the moving heads trying to sink her, which great panic in her soul. She tried to get out of it, but was unable to when she couldn't move. "You exist in the world of Assiah….and yet you bear the blood of the God of Gehenna…! YOU ARE EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TO MAKE ASSIAH MINE!"

"HELP ME!" she cried out in true fear.


"SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed, praying for god to find someone to save her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND WELCOME TO HELL, HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Satan laughed madly before he spited blood from his mouth. He kneeled down to his knee, with pain crawling through his skin, feeling like something or a certain someone was trying to get out. Then his hand started to move by itself to grab the stiletto/pin type weapon that was tied around his neck as he pointed the blade to his chest. "W-WHY YOU, FILTHY EXORCIST, HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE!"

Then he stabbed the pin into where his heart lies. Rin watched in hurt and surprise to see her father trying to exorcise Satan out of his body. "This girl is my one and only daughter, and I`m taking her back!"

"You mean to kill yourself…?! Oh what a wonderful priest you are!" Satan came back to overcome him again. "But what this gate has taken hold of, it will never release…now what will you do?!"

Satan and Fujimoto`s souls in one body, fell into the entrance with the moving heads starting to absorb them. Rin freaked when he fell into the gate, and quickly scoot through the heads to grab hold of her father`s body. "Father, hang in there!"

She held her father tightly so she would never let go. She looked around the room, trying find someone who can help her yet no one was there but her and her possessed father. "S-SOMEBODY—ANYONE—PLEASE SAVE US!"

"What should I do?!" she thought, trying to think quickly to get out of the gate. Until she noticed the katana her father showed her, sinking along with them. "The demon-slaying blade…" she looked at it, and then gave her idea, however it`s too reckless. She remembered what her father said about the sword, "If you draw it, then you will return to your demon form….and most likely, never again be able to live a human life." she wants to live as a human like her father wanted her to, but she doesn't want her and her father to go to hell.

She squeezed her teeth together with her eyes show no more fear, and her hands reached out to grab the wrapped katana as she undone the covering, and grabbed the handle of the katana as she pulled out the blade. "I DON'T CARE IF I`M NOT HUMAN ANYMORE, BUT DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME, FUJIMOTO SHIRO!"

As she pulled out the slaying blade out of its sheath, blue flames ignited, surrounding her entire body, with her eyes remained blue but her black pupils turned red, her teeth are now like fangs, her ears stretched out like an elf`s, and she grew a black tail from her behind. Her flames were moved wildly and full of passion, while they burn the gate painfully.

She held her father against her body with her left arm, with the katana in her right hand, ready to slay for demon blood. She threw her father away from the gate, before she held the katana with both of her hands as she sliced the gate through the gate`s eye, causing it scream in terrible shrieks as it vanished away to nowhere.

She grabbed the sheath of the sword as she kneeled down to sheath the sacred blade, while her demonic form fades away. She slowly looked at her father, dead and unpossessed. She placed the katana on the floor lightly, and crawled over to her father`s body. She pushed his head gently off the ground to place him on her lap. She looked at him guiltily and in sorrow. Her eyes started to water, but she didn't fight back as she let them fall to show her pitiful sadness over her father. "Sleep tight, Daddy…"

After a few days, there was funeral for Fujimoto Shiro...

Everyone, including Yukio was heading for the inside of the church to get away from the cold rain, except Rin for she decided to stay behind at her father`s grave.

She wore a Mofuku, a mourning kimono used for funeral like this, and behind her back was the wrapped katana her father gave her. She didn't care of the cold rain was wetting her kimono, or pouring down on her. The only she cared about was the death of her adoptive father.

She took out the phone her father gave her before as she remembered his words, "Once you leave the monastery, I want you to use this" she started to press on the buttons to call the person who has this number. "It`s the number of a friend of mine"

Once she pressed the call button, then all of the sudden six unknown men, wearing priest uniforms, appeared right before her eyes. And then a unfamiliar voice spoken out, "It`s a pleasure to meet you, Okumura Rin-kun."

She turned away from the sight of the unknown men to see another man, wearing a jester-like outfit. He has dark purple hair, forest green eyes, and also tall for a male. He wore an elegant white outfit that consists of a white top hat with pink and purple around the base, purple gloves, a tie that is pink with white dots, a white suit-shirt and undershirt, jester-style pants, and pointed shoes. "My name is Mephisto Pheles. I`m a friend of Father Fujimoto`s. You have my sympathies for what you have been through."

"Are…are you peoples….exorcists…?" she asked, stammering.

"We are known as the True Cross Order," he answered with a sinister smile.

"….Father said that you`d offer me protection," she remembered.

"That`s true, but I`m afraid that as an honorary knight, I have certain responsibilities. I cannot confuse with the public interest," he smiled. "You are the daughter of Satan. You must be killed before you present a threat to humanity," she frowned at the word "Killed" from his words, and yet she refused to face death early. "So you have two options remaining to you, "Allow yourself to be killed by us"….or "Kill us and flee"….ah, there is also the option of "suicide"." She glared at him but he returned with a smile. "…Now, then….which do you prefer?"

And the only answer she can call is, "Let me join you!" she surprised everyone, including the jester. "I don't care what you people say….I`m not Satan`s daughter, and even though I am, I ashamed of being related to that monster! My only father, whom I love, is Father Fujimoto..!"

"And what would you do…if you could become an exorcist?" Mephisto asked.

"I`m going to vanquish him out of my life!" she yelled at him with determination in her words.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, oh this is too priceless….I haven't laughed like this for an age!" he laughed, which made her feel angry when he`s trying to mock her. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…you cannot be serious!"

"But oh I am!" she yelled at him.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha…Satan`s daughter…an exorcist…!" he chuckled, before he stopped to announce. "I like it! Your wish will be fulfilled."

But other priests protested, yet he ignored them.

She looked at him with a few sparkles her eyes. "Huh, really I can?!"

"However your path you chosen is a long and treacherous one. Do you profess that you will take it?" he asked for her answer.

She thought about it, starting to regret her words, but there`s no turning back now, since she have chosen this path. "I`m not human or a demon anymore, so in which case, I`ll have to be an exorcist!"

"If that the path you chose, then follow it."