Umm... sorry about the late upload. For those of you who follow me, you'll know that I was saying that I'd upload this on November 1st... and I actually uploaded it on the 2nd. The reason for this is that, on the first, I was ridiculously hung over from a fun Halloween night. Bear in mind that it became that because I was meeting a friend that I hadn't seen for over a year. Yes, I was meeting the irl version of Incendiar Riddle (that's her fanfic account name). The two of us have been irl friends since before either of our accounts were created, so I wanted spend some time with her. As it just so happened, she knew a really awesome bar that we decided to go to (don't worry, nothing bad happened). Therefore, being hung over kind of screwed over anything that I wanted to do on the 1st. I hope you understand!
Anyway, this is now going to be my main fanfiction that I'm going to be working on. However, I ask that you all keep in mind that I'm a struggling college student. As such, I will not be able to keep a tight schedule with writing this fic, as I have done in the past. People who know me might recognize that I used to upload once every week (on Saturdays). This will NOT hold true for this fic. I will work on it whenever I can find spare time, but let's just say that my courses don't usually allow for all that much spare time. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy my new fanfiction: Completely Rogue
Chapter 1
Kill… I want to kill more… kill more of them… I'll kill all of the titans!
It was the only thing going through Eren Jaeger's mind as he brutally ripped apart another one of those monstrosities. When it was dead, he looked around so that he could find another titan to kill. This was one of the best dreams he had ever had. Granted, it wasn't like he was happy about being a titan in this dream, but at least it gave him a chance to kick some serious ass!
As he searched, his eyes locked onto a swarm of titans that was completely surrounding a very large building. If he remembered correctly, it was the HQ. Still, he only cared about the titans that were all over the place. He thought he saw something whiz by in the corner of his eye, but it was too small to pay attention to now. He had his target and he was headed straight for it!
As Connie and Mikasa swung around and back to HQ with Armin, the blonde's mind was racing with ways of everything that could go wrong. He heart almost skipped a beat when it looked like this 'rogue' titan actually spotted them, but if it did, then it didn't seem to care about them. Armin was thankful for that, at least. The last thing they needed was the big guy coming after them!
After a little while longer, it became apparent that they had successfully managed to steer the titan towards the HQ. As Armin expected, the rogue began to fight the other titans that were surrounding the HQ, leaving everyone to be able to retake the supply room when the time came. The seven titans were taken down with relative ease, only Sasha and Connie missing, but the two being saved by Mikasa and Annie respectively. All in all, everything went exactly as planned.
Once they had all refueled and the majority of the cadets had left, Armin began to look around for Mikasa only to find her on top of a building. Shooting his 3DMG up so that he was standing next to her, he saw that she didn't even turn around to face him.
"What are you doing? We have to leave, now!" He said while trying to get her to move. The only response that she made, though, was "Look down there." When he did, he saw the titan that they had used earlier being eaten by the other titans. Somehow, the other titans saw the abnormal as prey, like they saw humans. Also, from what Armin could see, it looked like the titan had pretty much given up because it had been so overwhelmed. There was another thing bugging him in the back of his mind, though.
"Cannibalism?... Can he not regenerate like the others?" The two stood in silence for a moment, watching the titan getting eaten before Mikasa spoke up by saying "This may sound stupid, but I was hoping he'd be the key for us. That he'd help mankind break the cycle; turn the tide just long enough to give us a little ray of hope." Suddenly, the two heard Reiner's voice chime in.
"She's right." They both turned to see that not only had Reiner joined them, but Bertholdt, Annie, and Jean had as well. Reiner continued with "He's too valuable to just let die. There's too much we can learn from him. I think it's perfectly clear our priority should be to ward the scavengers off of him. He's no good to us picked apart." Immediately, though, Jean had something to say about it.
"Are you out of your mind?! We've got a path out of this nightmare and you want to stay?!" He said.
"Think about it. Having an abnormal as an ally would be an incredible advantage, right? A canon's got nothing on a titan that likes to rip apart his own kind." Jean still wasn't convinced, though. However, all that he could say to that was
"You- do you hear yourself? He's not like a new friend!" Meanwhile, Armin could hear more massive footsteps approaching from a distance. Out of curiosity, he turned his head to see what kind of titan was coming. When he saw it, though, his eyes gleamed with recognition.
"Oh no, it's the one that ate Thomas!" Sure enough, the very same blonde, jumping titan was walking right by this whole scene. Armin was about to tell everyone to get out of its potential sight, but then the abnormal that had saved them suddenly rushed forwards, as if it had suddenly regained all of its will to fight! It paid no mind to the titans that were clinging onto it as it rushed towards the one that had eaten Thomas and lost its limbs and the skin around a portion of its ribs to the other titans in the process. Yet, even with both of its arms gone, the titan still fought as it clamped its massive teeth down on the nape of the creature's neck!
Raising its latest kill high, the titan then used the carcass as a weapon and slammed it down onto another titan that was just getting up, successfully killing it. Afterwards, he swung it around again in order to hit another titan, keeping a strong grip on the one that was in his jaw. However, it seemed like the force was too great for the blonde titan, as its head came clean off of the body so that it could slam the other titan into the nearest building. The titan that had killed so many of its own kind obviously realized this, because it dropped the severed head of the blonde one and let loose a mighty roar to the sky!
"Holy… what was that you were saying?" Jean said in shock, barely even realizing what he had said until the titan fell to its knees and then onto its face, wounds steaming. Armin gasped at how it had finally gone down. However, Jean was quick to finish his statement by saying
"'Cause I think it's a moot point now." He then turned around while saying
"Alright, enough of this. Let's leave while we can." As he had his back turned to the others, he continued.
"We're lucky the ugly bastard didn't get bored. We'd have been next on the menu." He waited a moment for the sound of his companions moving, but he didn't hear in. Upon turning around again, he saw that they were all still staring at the titan. Annoyed by their reluctance to move, he reapproached them and said
"Look, a titan's a titan." Before he looked down to it and saw it moving again. It almost looked like it was trying to get up while its eyes were locked with something in the distance. Following its gaze, he saw yet another regular titan heading straight for the abnormal. Armin saw that it wouldn't be able to defend itself against any more titans if this kept up, though, so he turned to Mikasa. Apparently, she had had the same idea, seeing as she was already soaring off with her 3DMG to kill the approaching titan. Soon, the only ones left on the building were Jean and Armin as the others busied themselves with killing the surrounding titans.
While Jean was reluctant to help the titan simply because it was a titan and he was far more cautious of it than any of the others, Armin was more fascinated with the fact that the titan had actually gotten itself back to its knees without its arms. Yet, it simply stayed there, sitting on its knees as it seemed to watch the others zipping around and taking down the titans around it. Finally, when the last regular titan was killed, the abnormal that had saved everyone started looking around. Quickly, its eyes locked with the last regular titan's dissolving corpse and the black haired girl standing on top of it.
Mikasa looked up at the titan to meet its gaze and the two simply stared at each other for several minutes. Heck, it looked like the titan hadn't even noticed that it finally had both of its arms back. This was confirmed when Mikasa started to move because the titan corpse that was decaying underneath her had done so to an extent where it was impossible to stand on anymore. She kept her eyes on the titan's the entire time as she jumped to the side and landed on the ground. As expected, the titan's gaze followed her, but its arms didn't move at all.
Suddenly, Mikasa shot her 3DMG so that she rejoined Armin and Jean on the rooftop. Meanwhile, Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner shook themselves out of whatever shocked silence they were in and followed Mikasa's lead. When all six of them were on the rooftop again, they all looked down at the titan, unsure of what to do or say about the situation. Everyone flinched when the creature shifted its weight slightly. Upon doing so, though, it broke eye contact with the humans and looked at its newly reformed hands as though it really hadn't noticed that they were back.
Afterwards, it used its new hands to stand itself back up to full height. This brought it up to eye level with the humans, successfully scaring all of them. He's not attacking us… yet he's looking straight at us… why? Why is a titan… not trying to eat any of us? Armin thought in wonder. However, he knew that this couldn't last forever. From what he could tell, once the titan didn't have any other titans in the immediate vicinity to kill, it seemed to display intelligence! As terrifying as this was, it was also somewhat intriguing. He almost wanted to see how far this would go.
"Th- thank you. For saving us!" Armin quickly yelled to the titan before withdrawing, leading the others to follow behind him as he scaled the wall. One look back was all he needed in order to tell him that the titan was intelligent after all. It kept its eyes locked onto the retreating humans for some time before it finally looked down, seeming almost sad. Armin tried to brush it off as just his imagination, but it still bothered him.
That titan's gaze just seemed so damn familiar…