I am so sorry for taking so long. I had a hard time writing this one down. Especially with all those ideas I have for my other story. But finally, here is the last chapter of Hear Me Calling.
Blue eyes watches as a young boy is playing with his younger siblings. With his wooden sword, he chases after his sister, as she runs through the room, the youngest child struggling to keep up. Yet he tries his hardest, following them with his own wooden sword raised high in the air.
'Dain, Vanadís,' the dark-haired child calls out to his older siblings, as his short legs run as fast as they can. 'Wait for me!'
But they don't hear them. A deep chuckle comes from behind the boy, and he turns to see his father. The same blue eyes are looking back at him, and the boy smiles. No longer wanting to chase after his – too fast – siblings, he now walks up to his father, dropping his sword to the ground.
'Adad! You are home!'
'Aye, that I am, Thorian,' his father replies as he picks up the four year old. 'Now tell me, have you kept your promise?'
'Ofcourse! I have watched over amad, just as I promised.'
His father smiles at him, ruffling his dark hair in pride.
'Adad!' a different voice says and the elder dwarf is met by a young girl with the same dark hair as her younger brother, her arms wrapped around her father tightly. 'I have missed you.'
'I have missed you too, Vanadís. Now let me see you.' The girl releases her father, twirling around, her sapphire eyes sparkling in joy for her father's return. 'By my beard, you have grown more beautiful over the passed month.'
'What would you expect? She is taking after her mother.'
'Amad! Amad!' Thorian says enthusiastically, as he runs over to the female walking in. 'Adad is back!'
'I know, my dear. Dain told me.'
The female gets down on her knees, to pick the child up. She smiles at the child lovingly, before placing a kiss on his nose. Then she looks at the tall dwarf before her, as she stands up again. Behind her another boy appears, her blond hair the same colour as the female.
The dwarf himself makes his way over to the fair female with a slight limp. Even after thirteen years, he still has his limp and he always will have a limp.
'My beloved husband,' his wife says as he stops in front of her. 'You look tiered. Did you have a save trip.'
'Aye, that I had,' he nods. 'Though I am glad to be home with my family again. I have missed you, Mallosseth.'
'I have missed you too, Thorin.' Mallosseth says as she places a hand on his cheek.
'If you two are going to kiss, I'm going to puke,' Dain says, looking at his parents in disgust.
'Then, my lad, you will puke,' Thorin says with a smirk. 'For I have not seen your mother for a whole month.'
With that, Thorin pulls Mallosseth closer to him, making sure he doesn't hurt Thorian. Then he kisses Mallosseth. He has missed the feeling of her lips against his. He has missed the feeling of her body against his, skin on skin. To see her naked body, to trace his fingers over her bare skin. To feel her body moves along with his.
But that will have to wait till the evening. For now his children need their father. But as they pull apart, Thorin notices two of his three children have run off to two figures in the doorway. Dain is showing off his skills at sword-fighting, while Vanadís is chattering enthusiastically.
Thorin smirks. It seems his children have forgotten about their father already. His eyes shift to Mallosseth, a mischievous glint in them as he takes his youngest son from her. His nephews are more interesting right now, and as soon as Thorian is placed on the ground, he too rushes over to Fili and Kili.
With a wicked grin, Thorin turns to Mallosseth, leading her away. Fili and Kili will entertain their children for a while and Thorin will not waste this opportunity to be with his wife.
Everything is quiet in Erebor. No children running around, no music is playing. Everything is at rest, as the bright moon shines outside. Thorin lays on his side, watching Mallosseth sleeping peacefully. It is good to be back. It had been a great to have seen his friend Bilbo again, but nothing can compare to having his beloved wife in his arms.
The soft light of the candle flickers for a moment, then stabilises again. In its light Thorin can see the pink scar on her bare back, a constant reminder of how he had almost lost her. If it hadn't been for her, Fili and Kili would have died for sure. And any other person would have died from such an injury. But her flames had saved her live, closing the wound so she wouldn't die from blood-loss.
A shiver runs down her spine as Thorin traces the scar with his finger. She shifts for a moment, but doesn't wake up. With a smile Thorin leans over, placing a kiss on her shoulder. His beard brushes over her skin, earning some unintelligible muttering from Mallosseth.
Eventhough they had to fight to reclaim their home, everything is well now. Time has been kind to them, though more so to Mallosseth than to Thorin. His hair has gotten more strands of silver, his face showing more wrinkles, yet time seems to have left Mallosseth untouched. Probably due to her elven heritage.
The only thing that has changed about her, is that her hips have grown wider slighly after having given birth to three babes. His hand moves to her abdomen. Perhaps one day they will be blessed with a fourth. Another daughter would be nice. Then their eight year old Vanadís will not be alone when Thorin takes his sons out for hunting.
Speaking of which, tomorrow he will take Dain for his first hunting-trip. The lad is old enough now.
Thorin sighs as he closes his eyes. Yes, life is good. His people support him, they trust him as their king, he has two sons so his line is secure, and a beautiful daughter. And ofcourse he has his beloved wife standing at his side as his queen.
What more could he wish for?
That's it people. No more chapters for this story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I sure enjoyed writing it. It had been a struggle every now and then, but you guys helped me keep going on. With your kind words.
So I want to thank everyone who has left a review. If it had been only once, or multiple times. They gave me the motivation to keep on writing.
From now on I will be concentrating on my new story Nothing I Have Ever Known.
Again, thank you guys for reading this story and I hope to 'see' you all again in another one.
Oh, as for the names of their children. In Lord of the Rings, Thorin is succeded by his cousin Dain. But since Thorin is still alive and has successors himself, Dain Ironfoot would not succeed Thorin. So I had them name their first son after Dain, in honor of his loyalty.