Jessica Stanley was an ordinary girl. Captain of the volleyball team, winner of the state spelling bee every year, and most certainly the girlfriend of Mike Newton, linebacker on Forks High's football team. A pair of loving parents, a group of great friends, and straight A's. It was all a girl could ask for, right? Wrong. It all changed once Bella freaking Swan appeared.
The first day was fine, she was supposed to be the center of attention. Not that she cared for it that much. Mike and Tyler stared at her ass, Eric asked her on a date, which she said no to. What was so good about Bella freaking Swan?
Months passed, Mike and I broke up, no doubt because he wanted to ask out Bella. Edward Cullen took an interest in her. What the fuck for? That's what I wanted to ask them all. What the fuck so good about Bella freaking Swan.
I guess not much. After six months of being together, he dumped Bella in the woods and left her for dead. I felt bad for her; what a serious asshole. But things happen, and people get over it and find someone else. Oh wait, not Bella. She just turns into a zombie for half a year and ignores everybody and stops caring for herself.
Suddenly Edward appeared, depressed and looking for Bella's hand in marriage. What a trip! Bella's best friend had a crush on her too. Mike and I had sex for the first time, and Lauren rocked Tyler's world. I was valedictorian at graduation, and spoke a rocking speech. All Bella could do was gawk at Edward's white ass and ignore the whole message. You're supposed to make mistakes, and try things over and over. Not getting married at eighteen to someone you might not even love in ten years. What fun was that?
Bella freaking Swan, I mean Cullen, got married. They invited Carlisle's beautiful cousins, three sisters, and Mike stared at their asses the whole time. Bella wasn't showing yet, so her dress fit nicely. And then Bella and Edward left on their honeymoon. Goodbye Bella freaking Swan!
They left for Dartmouth as soon and they got back, the Cullen's moving back to Alaska to be close to their sex on legs cousins. Forks, Washington died down from the excitement, and everyone left for college. I being the only one who took a few years off, stayed in Forks with my parents. And a few weeks into summer starting is where I met the infamous Jacob Black.
A/N: I hope all of my readers enjoyed the start of this fanfiction! I am also working on the next chapter of My World On The Edge and Her Chocolate Eyes, and I'm almost finished rewriting the first chapter of Forever In Your Hands. Well, I guess that's it. Happy reading!