Perchance to Dream

A/N: This fanfic was requested by mrhawkprime through messaging me. It took me awhile to come up with the content of the story, but here it is. This is inspired by the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode with the same title. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you like it or not through your reviews. They are much appreciated. Thanks! – B

Bruce woke up in his room in the manor, seeing Diana laying her head on his naked chest.

They were both sprawled in bed, tired from their lovemaking. It always seemed more mind-blowing than the previous ones.

Bruce smirked in delight, remembering how he made Diana scream for more as he kissed every inch and rocked her body to climax.

They were both covered in white sheets, the morning light peering through the curtains.

Diana groaned when she woke up, her blue eyes meeting his, grinning in delight. "Good morning, Handsome."

Slowly, she crept up to him and kissed his lips. Bruce pulled her closer as he clutched his hand underneath her long locks.

A soft knock on the door made them scramble in bed.

They covered themselves underneath the white sheets.

Alfred peered from the door, "Master Bruce, will Miss Diana be joining us for breakfast?"

Bruce struggled to answer when Diana began to stroke his morning wood underneath.

She looked up at him with a smile. The woman was feisty and naughty in bed.

"Yes, she will, Alfred," He spoke in haste.

Alfred nodded before closing the room behind him.

"Come here, Princess," He growled, shifting in bed as he pinned Diana underneath him. He clutched her hands above her and travelled his callous hand down to her breast and down to her core.

Her moans reached his ears, sounding like music to his ears.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he leaned in to whisper in her ear before crashing his lips with hers.

It was going to be a long morning for them.

Bruce sat down at the dining room, clad in his usual charcoal suit and red tie, a cup of coffee in one hand.

Diana sat across him, munching on a bagel Alfred baked himself. She wore her red shirt and slacks, something more formal for her work at the Themyscirian Embassy.

Quietly, they head out of the manor. Diana leaving Alfred a kiss on the cheek before they got in Bruce's Lamborghini.

The drive down to Gotham was quiet.

Diana looked out the window, appreciating the great morning ahead of them. The town seemed joyful to look at, different from how she saw it before.

She gazed at Bruce, admiring his nightly patrols in order to maintain peace in the city. He was only a man, but he worked like an immortal.

"Something wrong, Princess?" Bruce asked, stealing a quick glance at Diana before looking back at the road.

"Nothing," She replied with a light shake of her head.

He smiled at her, the one only meant for her eyes. He grabbed her hand and left numerous kisses before settling it on his lap.

Bruce stopped in front of the Themyscirian embassy in Gotham. He was thankful it was moved closer to home and to him.

Diana took off her seatbelt and leaned in to give Bruce a quick kiss on the lips.

As she was about to leave, Bruce grabbed her wrist, "See you tonight?"

"Always," she smiled before getting out of the car.

Bruce sat down on his leather chair in his spacious office at Wayne Enterprises. He decided to check some emails, but there appeared to be none.

He was surprised to see no emails. Usually, he had tons every time he checked.

He decided to have a cup of coffee. Calling his secretary through the intercom, he requested for some coffee.

After a few minutes, his secretary came in with a cup of coffee in hand.

Taking it from her, he gave his thanks before asking, "Any meetings for me today, Angela?"

Angela checked on the planner, "You have a meeting with Mr. Hiroshi at ten o'clock, Sir."

He nodded his head before his secretary left.

He leaned against his chair, arms folded in front of him. He wondered what Diana was doing that moment.

Diana closed the door of her office after returning from her meeting with Dr. Fitzgerald of the Society for Women and Children.

She sat down on her chair, letting out a tired sigh. She swiveled her chair around and glanced outside the window.

Gotham seemed so cheerful and glowing unlike the usual gothic and gloomy atmosphere it once possessed.

Was there something off?

Diana shook off the thoughts and decided to listen to the news on TV. She flicked the remote control on gazed at the TV.

She narrowed her eyes at the text on the TV, but they seemed gibberish. Her eyes never had any problem.

Ignoring it, she decided to have a listen.

The news reporter began to speak, "Superman and Flash have hurried down Ashton Avenue to put out the fire in Rosemary Condominium that started in the basement. The firefighters have been trying to hose down since eight in the morning. The incident was declared fire-out around ten o'clock this morning."

She wondered why the league had not called in for backup.

At around five in the afternoon, Bruce left for work.

He drove down to the embassy to pick up Diana, parking his car in front, as he waited for her.

He saw Diana waving goodbye to one of the guards before stepping in the car.

"How was your day?" He asked as she got in.

Diana flashed a smile at him before giving him a kiss.

"It's been one hell of a day," she commented as she put on her seatbelt and huffed on her seat.

"Same here," he chuckled, "the meetings boring. I missed you."

Diana smiled at him again, "I did too." Then she frowned, Bruce noting the change in her expression.

"Problem, Princess?" He asked in concern as they pulled out of the parkway and drove back to the manor.

"There was a fire at Ashton Avenue. Superman and Flash got there in time, but I wondered why they had not called for backup," she spoke, glancing at Bruce in worry.

"Maybe it was something they both could handle themselves. Don't worry about it, Princess," He touched her hand, reassuring her that everything was fine.

She nodded at him, smiling again but her eyes still held worry again.

"Are you going out on patrol tonight?"

Bruce quickly glanced at her before he shook his head, "No, I told Nightwing I would be busy for a week."

"What are you going to do in a week?" She asked, wondering if he was going stakeout again.

"Spend it with the most beautiful woman in the planet," Bruce smirked at her.

Diana's heart almost jumped out of her chest. All her life, that was all she ever wanted.

After another round of making love, Bruce and Diana lay in bed.

Diana laid her legs on Bruce, hand resting on his chest.

Bruce rested his arm behind his head, the other softly went up and down Diana's arm.

"I love you, Bruce," Diana said, looking up at Bruce.

Bruce smiled and placed a kiss on her temple, "I love you too, Princess."

Moments after, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

"How long are they going to be like this?" Diana heard a man's voice ask in the darkness. She wondered who it was. It sounded familiar to her.

"They need to wake up before it's too late," Another man's voice spoke, his voice a tad lower compared to the first. Diana tried to search for their faces but all she saw was pitch black.

Diana woke up in haste, breathing heavily as she looked around the room. She was still in the manor.

"Diana? Is something wrong?"Bruce asked worriedly, coaxing her as he ran his hands on her shoulder.

"I heard voices in my dreams. I saw nothing, but I could hear their voices," she spoke, gazing at Bruce.

"It's all just dreams, Diana," Bruce clutched her face with both hands and kissed her fervently.

She shook his head lightly, "Something's very wrong, Bruce. I know there is."