A Twist Fate

by Cel140

(Here's an AU inspired by what would've happened if Merlin and Morgana had fallen in love. I'm guessing there's already something like this on fanfiction, but I really wanted to do it as well. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and please write a review if you did :) P.S. This first part is based on Merlin 2x03)

Part 1:

Morgana lay silently on her soft mattress once more, still dressed, pondering on everything that had taken place, everything that the druids had told her of her magic. She had magic. Magic!
She had always suspected she had a form of it, but she had never been told the truth up till now. The ward of Uther Pendragon, a wielder of magic? The irony and peril of it made her a mess of emotions. It was at that inopurtune time that someone chose to knock at her door, interrupting her stream of thoughts and startling her.
Arthur? No, he had come in to check on her half an hour ago.
A slight sigh escaped her lips, but she decided to go answer it anyway. Slipping her legs gracefully over the edge of the bed, Morgana paused a moment to put on her shoes before standing to her feet. She then walked across the floor with the soft green hem of her dress trailing behind her.
Lifting the latch of the door, Morgana opened it just enough to peek her head out and was met by a timid Merlin. The manservant lifted his head slowly to look up at her with gentle, yet deep eyes. "Merlin." She said softly, not expecting him to come at this hour, but in some respects glad to see him.
"My lady," He replied, "I hope I'm not disturbing you."
As he spoke, Merlin's eyes darted a moment to his hands, and when Morgana's eyes followed his she noticed the familiar bottle of a sleeping draft in his fumbling fingers. A look of disdain crossed her face at the sight of the potion.
"Not at all," She finally replied, concealing her disdain, "Come in."
The potion may not have been very welcome, but Merlin was her friend. Friend? Morgana shook her head slightly at the word.
Merlin wasn't really just a friend, at least, not anymore. He had done so much for her, risked his neck to help her find the druids. She wasn't exactly sure what classification to put him in anymore.
Once she had ushered Merlin in and closed the door, Merlin reached up his hand and rubbed his neck uncomfortably.
"The truth is," He admitted, "I just wanted to see how you were doing."
A faint smile came unbidden to Morgana's face at these words, and Merlin blushed slightly when he realized what he had just said.
"I'm alright." She said quietly, but her voice betrayed her true emotions. She was far from alright. Merlin knew that. How could she be alright when every day was probably closer to having her true nature being uncovered and her being executed?
Merlin knew this peril as well as she did, but he could not help the way he had wanted to. How he wished he could just be honest with her!
"What was said at the woods," The King's ward began again, her voice wavering with uncertainty.
"I didn't tell anyone, Morgana," Merlin assured her emphatically, "I promised I wouldn't."
Morgana nodded.
"Thank you," She said gratefully. The corners of Merlin's mouth turned up in a sweet smile. How often had he heard these words?
"Well, maybe that time that...no, I can't remember." Merlin would tell himself jokingly.
Of course, he had received thanks from Gaius and maybe once or twice from Arthur on those rare occasions, but they were never as heart felt as the one that came from Morgana's lips. It was thankfulness for keeping her secret, for being there for her, but there was more to it, only Merlin couldn't quite put his finger on it.
A long awkward silence followed and Merlin took it as a cue to go. Nodding his head slightly, he was turning to leave when Morgana's hand reached out and took him gently by the arm.
"Don't leave," She said in a voice that Merlin would not have probably heard had he not been paying attention. A look of confusion came briefly to his eyes, but it was erased when Morgana began to step closer to him, uncertainly, as if awaiting his response. Getting none that would make her do otherwise, Morgana began to lean in slowly towards Merlin.
She was still unsure, but finally she plucked up her courage and did what she had wanted to do long before. She kissed him.
Merlin was taken aback to say the least, but the soft press of her lips on his felt so right! As the kiss lengthened, Merlin reached out his hands and they found their place at the base of her hips while Morgana ran her delicate fingers through his thick hair. Both the lady and servant took it all in till they both broke away slowly, Merlin still holding Morgana by the waist.
When Morgana looked into Merlin's intense, loving eyes, all uncertainty was not present anymore. It was as if all her fears and worries were erased at the moment she looked into them, and Merlin felt as though he could never have been happier.
In the sweet moment of silence followed the kiss, Merlin almost forgot that he would have to be going back soon, so that when it crossed his mind he did not want to go. But he had to. Gaius would execute Merlin himself for tardiness (fearing the worst)if Uther didn't do it first for discovering a servant in his ward's chambers.
"I must go," He said gently, reluctance clearly present in his voice.
Morgana tried to reply, but no words would come out. She was still trying to grasp what had just taken place, and while still trying to figure out whether this was just a wonderful dream or reality, Merlin quickly proved it was quite real by planting a brief farewell kiss on her lips.

"Goodnight, my lady." He said, releasing her slowly and reluctantly from his embrace. Turning once more, he headed out of Morgana's chambers and closed the door softly behind him.
Morgana stood there silently in the same place, as if she couldn't move. Shutting her eyes slowly, she tried to recapture the wonderful moment when nothing else mattered save him.
"It was real," She thought, unable to keep a smile from appearing on her pale yet blushing face. Merlin missed a step on the way down one of the many staircases and would have tripped had he not grasped the stairwell firmly at the last minute. His knees wavered under him, threatening to collapse. Why did he still feel her burning and soft lips on his, the sensation of her being so close to him? Then came a question that made his skin tingle and his heart beat at a furious pace: Was he falling in love? After a moment's thought, Merlin realized the answer. It had been there all along, he'd just been too blind to recognize it! All this time, he had mistaken it for a silly crush, but now he knew what it really was.
He was falling inlove with The King's ward!

(ok, that's all for part 1! Please tell me what you guys think, I really want to know whether or not you'd like me to continue or if you'd like to give me some positive criticism. Anyway, thank you all for reading!)