A New Life

Chapter 10

The next day

(Elizabeth's POV)

I cringed as I threw up into the toilet again, the stink of vomit violating my nostrils. This had started yesterday and every now and again I got very vomity all of a sudden at certain smells and such. Carlisle had come to the answer of that I just had a magical cold which was reacting badly seen as my magic and immortalness were tied together with a neat little bow.

The plans to fight Voldy were going slowly, as well as my inquiry into the Dementors. I had only announced last night that I would be staying to work on these and already I was spending most my time in my office at the ministry that just suddenly appeared. I seemed to not only have an office, but an entire suit! I had my own bathroom, even though I didn't really need one- they didn't know I was using it to throw up every five minutes.

It was about 2am by the time I got home, well, to Grimald Place. I floo'ed in threw the fire place to see Hermione asleep on the chair, a blanket across her legs and a book limp in her hand. She must have tried to stay up for me, but didn't quite make it. I carefully picked her up, trying my best not to wake her and carried her to her room. It was a little difficult to hold her and open her door, but I managed it, laying her on her bed, next to Draco. I kissed her head gently before walking out, closing the door behind me.

I walked down the hall, my stomach turning so I quickly ran to the nearest bathroom, throwing up a milk-y red liquid. It hadn't been that colour before. I stood up, whipping my mouth and casting a freshening charm on myself. I walked out of the room, down the hall and into the living room. "Carlisle? Fancy a walk and a chat?" I asked, grabbing my coat and heading for the front door. I knew he could hear me, even though I was talking at what would be considered a normal, if not quiet voice. I walked out the door and waited a couple of seconds. I knew he would come, he was too loyal not to. I heard the door close and I knew he was behind me. I glanced behind me to see him looking concerned at me before walking off. I didn't say a word until we were four streets away.

"Carlisle, I need your help." I said, walking into Hyde Park.

"I will do everything I can to help you- we all will." He said, looking around the park.

"No, I need your help. Your medical help." I said, looking away from the elder vampire.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyes burning into the back of my head.

"I'm sick. I've been throwing up every five minutes and…and last time I was coughing up blood. Now, I'm no expert, but even as a vampire I don't think that's a good thing." I said, feeling the familiar sting of what would be the sign of tear if I had working tear ducts.

"How long has this been happening?" He asked, his tone of voice changing to that of one a doctor would use towards a patient.

"Since we came to London. It has been getting steadily worse-" I started to say, but stopped when I felt tremendous pain in my stomach, causing me to practically fold in half on the floor. I instantly felt Carlisle next to me.

"Elizabeth, I'm going to press on your stomach and I need you to tell me if it hurts okay?" He asked gently, his hand moving across my body to see what was wrong.

I felt a slight pressure against my stomach and I couldn't help the scream that passed through my lips. His hands quickly disappeared before he picked me up and started carrying me home.

"No. I'll apparate us to Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey can help." I said as I closed my eyes, and apparating us to Hogwarts.

(Minerva's POV)

The great hall was practically empty given the early hour, but the majority of the staff were up and eating breakfast. I was chatting with Severus, my deputy headmaster, about his sixth year potions class when I heard the crack of someone apparating. I only knew two people who had enough power to do that and one of them was dead.

"Potter?" I called, standing up and seeing two people on the floor, one of them being Elizabeth. "Oh, Merlin! Elizabeth! What happened?" I called, rushing around the table to see the young Witch.

"We need to help her. She's very sick and said that Madam Pomfrey could help me treat her." A man said, clutching her in his arms.

"Of course, of course! Madam Pomfrey, Severus! Come and help us! Elizabeth needs us!" I called towards the table, glad to see several teachers rush forward to help. "Hogwarts and its staff will always help its students- both past and present." I said quietly, realising just how true those words were.

(Carlisle POV)

I looked around as several people came to Elizabeth's aid. We had our way through the halls and despite the situation I couldn't help but be amazed. We quickly made our way to the infirmary and I was shocked at how big it. They lay Elizabeth on the bed and a woman, I presume she was Madam Pomfrey, started waving her wand at her while Severus was feeding her potions. I felt so useless, like I couldn't help. Then it hit me- The prophecy!

"Listen I have an idea as to what's wrong her…"

(Elizabeth's POV)

I'm not sure what happened to me, but as soon as I had apparated I had just gone completely…well blank. I felt blank. I couldn't hear or see anything and there was no chance of me moving anytime soon. I had no idea as to why I was like this, where in Hogwarts we were, or how much time had passed.

I blearily tried to open my eyes, blinking back the brightness of the hospital lights that I knew all too well. I knew we were in the infirmary and I could hear two heart beats in the room.

"Minerva?" I asked, steadily sitting up so I could see around the room better.

"Hush child. You have been out of it for a good few hours." She said, resting her hand in mine and pushing me back to lie down on the bed again

"Where's Carlisle?" I asked her, wondering if he had stayed or gone home.

"I'm here." A gentle voice from beside me said.

"Hey, have you been home yet?" I asked him, looking up at him and also felt scared when he gave me a concerned look.

"No, I thought it would be best if I stayed here with you. There might be questions if I went home without you, questions I wouldn't know how to answer." He said, grabbing my other hand and squeezing it gently.

"Why? Have you figured out what's wrong with me?" I asked, feeling the familiar sting of non-existent tears again.

"Yes. Elizabeth, you're pregnant."

A/N: Okay, so this is the end of the story!

I know I left it on a cliff hanger, but that is just the way I write. I might write another sequel, but it depends on how busy I am because I'm getting close to my exams now. If I get time or a load of reviews IWILL write a sequel.

Hope you've enjoyed the story!