
A/N: Hi guys! As you can guess from the name, this is the last of this story. It has been my baby and while this has been long overdue, I think now was probably the right time to finish it. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for staying with me till the end. Every word of encouragement, discouragement or advice has proved to be an asset for me while writing. So thanks for sticking to this story. :')

Secondly, I'd like to point it out to a very dear reviewer 'whispersofmelancholy' (I'm sorry I couldn't pm you) that while I agree with your suggestion about this story dragging on a little bit, it was necessary for the way I wanted to bring this story to an end. I'm sorry if I disappointed you or anyone else for that matter. And thanks for leaving such helpful reviews. I like it when people point out my mistakes like that in a constructive way and help me overcome them. So thanks!

THERE MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SEQUEL. (I'm not promising anything but if I have the time so…)

Onto the story then.

If there was one thing that Klaus was sure of, it was that he was tired. So tired that he just wanted to drop on bed and sleep for a couple of months maybe.

He'd barely been getting enough sleep and to top it off, he was really stressed at work too.

Running a hand over his face, he sighed loudly and sat on the edge of the bed, huffing tiredly. Dropping back on his back on the bed, he closed his eyes for a moment when he felt light touches over his forehead. He peaked open one eye to see Caroline's lithe fingers running lightly over his forehead.

"Tired?" she asked, knowingly.

He chuckled lightly before shifting to lie down properly, facing his wife. "Not so much, now" he shrugged, letting a yawn escape him.

"I could reassure you that the worst part is over but that would be lying" she teased, deliberately. "It's only going to get worse, Nik" she said, chuckling

"Hmm" he hummed quietly as he fell into deep slumber again, only to be woken by a piercing cry again. He groaned before slowly getting up. He turned to his side to see Caroline doing the same. "Stay. I've got it love" he said dropping a kiss to her forehead.

"He's probably hungry" she commented sleepily as she sat up straight in bed and watched Klaus head over to the crib in the room.

Gently, Klaus picked up the wailing baby from inside and rocked him. "Shh! My littlest wolf" he hushed quietly and it was as if his voice was a siren that the baby calmed down immediately. He bent and placed a kiss on the baby's reddened cheeks.

"He's so loud. Just like Ella" Caroline said coming up behind her husband as they gazed upon the frustrated baby wrapped up in blankets in Klaus' arms with adoring eyes.

Klaus smiled at that. "Ella will be glad to hear that. Now won't she?"

It was true. When Klaus and Caroline had first revealed to Nick and Ella that they were going to have a baby, Ella had been ecstatic and instantly buzzing with excitement while Nick, not so much. But he had steadily warmed up to the idea of having another baby around. His excitement, though, had been revealed when a baby boy was born. Nick was just so glad he wouldn't have to deal with another baby sister.

All in all, Elliot Forbes Mikaelson had been welcomed into the world at eight pounds after Caroline had spent ten hours in labor.

The name, itself, had been Ella's first demand when Caroline was seven months into her pregnancy. It was such an enlightening conversation that both the parents could never forget.

"I want something" Ella demanded quietly as she peeked at her parents through her lashes, giving them her best puppy eyes.

Caroline rolled her eyes at that but a small smile was perfectly etched on her face. "Yes, sweetheart?" Klaus prompted as his finger kept gliding across the page.

"I want my brother to be named after me" she announced giving them her best smile.

Nick immediately perked up at that. "He won't be named Ella" he groaned out loud.

Ella rolled her eyes at that. "Of course not!" she exclaimed, dramatically. "But he can be something closer to Ella" she said, looking at her father who seemed deep in thought.

"How about Elliot?" he asked, quietly, waiting for his family's reaction.

Ella clapped her hands together and nodded enthusiastically. Nick shrugged and nodded before going back to his coloring.

"What do you think, love?" Klaus asked turning to Caroline as he wrapped his arms around her swollen belly and placed his chin on her shoulder.

Caroline smiled. "Elliot Forbes Mikaelson" she said and hummed in approval. "It has a nice ring to it" she winked.

Caroline wringed her hands together and dried them off the towel hanging by as she finished cleaning off Elliot's feeding bottles.

She walked back into the living room to find Ella hunched over Rebekah, apparently doing something to her face while Nick was sitting next to Kol yelling over some video game. In the middle of the room, little Elliot was busy playing around with his plush toys inside his baby gate.

Walking over to the boys first, she stood in front of the television screen earning loud whines from both of them.

"Move darling! I'm in the middle of beating him" Kol complaining poking his head to the other side as his fingers kept jamming the buttons on the controller.

"You wish" Nick scoffed at his uncle's statement.

Caroline rolled her eyes at their competition and coughed loudly to get their attention. "Now is not the time to play video games. Nick, go do your homework and Kol you're supposed to be helping him do it" she admonished narrowing her eyes when they didn't even respond.

Faking a smile, she moved out of their way and just as they let out collective sighs of relief, she pulled out the plug and dandled it in front of them.

"Homework" she said, sternly, dropping the wire down. "Now" she added once she saw them sagging in their bean bags. She watched as Nick dragged his feet to the couch pulling the coffee table closer where his books were laid out.

As Kol was passing, she whacked his head with the newspaper in her hand. "Oww" Kol winced dramatically, rubbing his head. "What did I do?" he questioned, casually, as he sat beside Nick.

"Stop spoiling them and help him do his homework. Maybe it'll help you in the long run" she said mockingly as she wrapped up the gaming console and placed it inside the cabinet.

Kol smirked at that. "Elementary mathematics is hardly beneficial, darling" he answered back.

"Your looks will only last so long, Kol" Caroline taunted back, jokingly.

He sniggered at that. "I think your friend Bonnie would disagree" he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Caroline grimaced at that before heading over to Ella and Rebekah.

As expected, Ella had smeared all kind of makeup on Rebekah's face who seemed completely calmed, if not a little amused.

Caroline grabbed Ella, who was easily sitting on her Aunt's torso, and held her in her arms. "What do you think you're doing young lady?" Caroline asked, trying and failing to be stern when she saw the masterpiece her daughter had drawn on Rebekah.

"Aunt Bekah wanted me to do her makeup" Ella blurted out with a cunning smile.

Rebekah opened her eyes in shock but with the look her niece was giving her, she sighed. "We were just having a bit of fun. Weren't we?" she said and high-fived with the little girl.

Caroline rolled her eyes at that. "Yes well fun later. Homework, now" she said, tiredly. "Come on now" she urged watching as Ella sighed loudly. "And Rebekah, please go wash your face. You do not want to scare someone right now" the blonde suggested with an uneasy laugh.

Rebekah scowled at that but stood up, nonetheless. "Fine. But I just know it that Ella's going to be the biggest makeup artist in the world" she said, winking at her niece who grinned like she'd actually become so.

Once, Rebekah left, Ella turned to her mum. "Who's going to help me do my homework?" she asked, pouting.

"Josh!" Caroline called out loudly and not two minutes later, he appeared with an apple in his hand.

"What up Car- he stopped short when he saw Kol sitting in the same living room. "What can I help you with Mrs. Mikaelson?" he asked, swallowing inaudibly when he saw Kol roll his eyes.

"Do you think I haven't ever heard you call her Care?" Kol mocked as he looked up from his nephew's text book. "Honestly, it's almost insulting that you think I don't know about your and Caroline's informality" he huffed, dramatically, before turning his attention back to little Nick.

Caroline shook her head at that. "Ignore him" she said. "Can you help Ella with her homework please?" she asked with her best smile.

Josh shrugged. "Course" he said but as he was about to sit down with the little girl, Ella gave him her new order. "Can you please get my bag Josh?" she asked, sweetly, showing him her dimpled smile.


Caroline shook her head and barely repressed her laughter when she saw Josh holding a glittery pink backpack and coming back into the room casually to sit next to Ella.

"Josh, you don't have to do that. Ella bring your bag yourself, next time. Josh isn't our servant" Caroline scolded, trying in vain to instill some sense of humbleness in her kids. But with Klaus, Kol and Rebekah it was next to impossible.

And then Stefan and Damon weren't far behind either.

"Of course he isn't" Ella responded giving Josh a sweet smile.

"I don't mind" Josh replied taking the bait.

Ella grinned at that. "See? He doesn't mind" the little girl went happily swinging her legs as she hummed to herself.

Not wanting to start an endless debate, Caroline simply walked over and picked up Elliot through the gate and settled him on her right hip.

"Will Damon come today?" Ella asked, tongue peeking out her teeth as she focused on her notebook.

"Yes. He'll be here for dinner" Caroline answered. She walked out of the room and headed up the stairs to change Elliot's clothes.

And true to his word, Damon did show up for dinner. After they had gotten rid of Mikael, Damon had begrudgingly respected Caroline's decision to want to stay with Klaus but he had also negotiated to be allowed to visit the kids every alternative day. On the weekend, Damon got to take them to the park and to his own house in Mystic Falls while Klaus and Caroline got some alone time.

Klaus and Damon still hated each others' guts but they tolerated one another for the sake of the kids and Caroline.

Mikael's death, honestly, had been the bridge for everyone to put the past behind them, once and for all. It was Elijah who had taken the final step and killed Mikael, though; it had seemed like a blessing for the old man since sickness was eating at him.

Still, Elijah had faced nights of guilt and anxiety but Katherine had stayed by his side to comfort him through every step. They had started off as friends again and eventually given into their mutual attraction for each other.

As for Stefan, he had reconciled with his girl who turned out to be, not Elena, but Rebekah.

Marcel's betrayal, however, hurt Klaus the most. It was like he was stabbed by his own brother. Even though Marcel had claimed that he would've gotten Klaus out as he only needed him to be gone for a couple of weeks (Just enough time for him to free his friend who had been taken prisoner by Klaus) but the betrayal was too hard for Klaus to forget so he had banished Marcel away to New Orleans.

In the end, it worked out good for all of them.

Elijah and Katherine moved to New York while Klaus and Caroline chose to remain in Mystic Falls for the time being. Ester jumped from London to New York to Mystic Falls. Kol and Rebekah chose to join Ester but Kol was mostly found to be in Mystic Falls, mainly because of a certain dark skinned brunette who would hardly give him time of the day.

Though, the banter between Klaus and Caroline never stopped. It almost seemed like arguing was 'their thing'.

The gender of their baby had been an argument, itself.

Caroline had wished for another baby boy while Klaus had wanted another baby girl. Though, both of them had been over the moon at the birth of little Elliot.

"You're going to be grand mommy's little hero. Aren't you?"

Caroline smiled as she heard Ester cooing at Elliot lovingly. Ever since getting rid of Mikael, Ester had been trying to be the perfect mother, grandmother and mother-in-law. She had been successful in the grandmother department and somewhat in the mother-in-law part but getting through with her children had been a little tougher with Klaus' temper, Kol's dry humor and Elijah's rigidity. Rebekah and Finn had been easily swayed with some quality time spent with them.

"Yes yes and then he's going to fight crime on rooftops at night and save the world from all sorts of cruelty" Kol retorted sarcastically, plucking Elliot out of Ester's lap and throwing him up into the air like a little doll and catching him back in his arms as Elliot flailed his arms and made laughing noises, smiling at his uncle.

"Kol!" Caroline admonished startled. She remembered that Damon used to do the same thing with Ella and Nick and she had always been unsuccessful at stopping him and till now, also at stopping Kol. "Tell him Klaus" she directed her glare at her husband who sat on the armchair in the room and glanced up from his sketchbook.

"Kol stop doing that" he said, clearing choosing to favor his wife. When he saw Kol not listening to him, he sighed and placed his sketchbook aside before walking up to Kol and taking Elliot from his arms and resting him against his shoulder.

"You both are no fun" Kol said and pouted. "I'll just go and bother Bonnie then" he said and left.

"My littlest wolf" Klaus said as he rocked Elliot back and forth.

Caroline secretly smiled at the scene unfolding before her eyes and then sat down beside them. "He's not a wolf. He's a little kitten" Caroline said, flicking her baby's nose who smiled at her adorably.

"Sweetheart, I think calling my son a kitten is a little uncalled for" Klaus retorted, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

She narrowed her eyes at him at that. "Your son?" she pointed out.

"Our son" Klaus corrected himself before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You're lucky I still love you. Otherwise that would've been your one way ticket to the couch for the rest of the week" Caroline said, teasingly as she leaned forward and smiled against her husband's lips.

Klaus closed the gap between them and kissed her fully, wondering how his life had taken a turn for the better ever since she returned to him. Even though, they had faced difficulties and hurdles in their path but they had been together which made it so much easier.

"I love you too, sweetheart" he murmured tenderly, tucking her hair behind her ear and smiled at her.

Because at the end she was his family as he was hers and family was above everything else. Always and forever.

So guys, this is it. The final piece of this story. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and reviews throughout this story. It feels like I started this a lifetime ago and tbh, at that time I didn't have much skill or confidence but you guys gave me the courage to write and for that I will be FOREVER GRATEFUL. Love you all to the moon and back.

I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone with the ending or anywhere along the way and feel free to share your opinions. That's the only way I'll get better. Thanks again guys for this wonderful journey. Loads of hugs!

Anna xx