Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and I never will. : (


Full Summary:

The plot for our ('Our' being me and demonicfate616) one-shots is this :

One day alone on the beach, Percy is just taking an innocent walk when his father steps from the surf and offers him a place with him under the sea. At first Percy doesn't want to and his father reassures him it doesn't involve immortality, so after some' thought(an entire night) Percy agrees and tells Chiron and the cabin councillors and sets off into the sea with his immortal family.

Thus, creating our series of one-shots :D


This one's mine.


The Time-out Room.

Percy looked at the dull navy blue water and scowled. All this was completely Triton's fault, but, of course, Percy got the blame. You see, Triton had challenged Percy to a "race against time"

(It wasn't a race against time, it was a race against Amphitrite's cleaning schedule. And guess who won? Yep, Amphitrite's schedule.)

And that "race against time" had involved the creation and, most importantly, the devouring of blue pancakes.

Did Percy take up the challenge? Did Percy take up the challenge? Did Percy take up the challenge?! Of course he did. Please, Put 'Percy' and 'blue pancakes' in the same sentence, and within one minute, you'll be surrounded by an entire collection of half eaten blue pancakes and empty plates.

And, of course everything went wrong. First the egg whisk blasted the pancake mix all over the place, then the (blue) food colouring dropped and spilt onto the tiles, staining them (well, Percy thought that the blue made a really nice touch to the pearly white of the kitchen floor, but Amphitrite wouldn't have any of it). Then Triton pushed over a sack of flour, right where the pancake mix spill was, making things worse. As expected, Percy got the blame for everything even though it wasn't even his fault.

And now, he was in this . . . this . . . torture room as punishment. It was like the Time-out corner, but on a whole new level. Unlike the 'time-out corner', this was a whole time-out room, and time-out corners were at least moderately interesting. You could peek around, listen to other people's business and amuse yourself with random bits and bobs. But the 'time-out room'? No, completely sealed and and soundproof, filled completely with water. Water was somehow enchanted to keep sons of Poseidon bored, which meant that there wasn't even a way to practise powers was ridiculously large, in other words, stretched out forever and the room was completely empty besides for Percy.

Yes, I know, the ultimate punishment to the ADHD, and demigods in general.

Percy glared at the dark endlessness,

"How on earth did Poseidon manage to fit this torture room in his palace?!"

How much longer was this torture going to go for, because, if one thing was sure, it was the fact that Percy was going to drive himself mad with boredom.

I know you're all asking, "Why isn't Percy plotting his revenge or making his own . . . poem or something?", Well, he'd already done that. He had thought up 31 different ways to make vengeance his and remembered it in poem form. All his plots involved a certain sea mermaid that Triton may or may not like, and a particular rock that looked very much like a dead fish that Triton had accidentally stabbed 2 days ago.

Percy looked over the dark, underwater horizon, and desperately wished for a speck of light to come and save him from this horrendous 4 day torture (mainly so he could have blue food again). But no, there wasn't any magical door to whisk him away from this real-life nightmare. Pfft, in his dreams, . . . oh. . . wait . . . . there was a magicaldoortowhiskhimawayfromthisreallifenightmare. And it was right in front of him.

He leaped into the arms of his saviour with a big smile and a gentle hug, except it was just a whole lot clumsier and sloppier. . . and way more crushing than the gentle hug he'd imagined in his head.

"Amphitrite! I told you not to leave Percy in the demigod chamber, he would have been driven nuts!"

"Poseidon! It was all Triton's fault." Notice how he was quick to get his statement across.

"I said call me Dad " Percy got the idea that Poseidon wasn't listening to him, but if he noticed anything, he didn't act on it.

"So, Dad?",

"Yes Percy?",

"How long was I in there?"

"Uh . . . Amphitrite! When did you leave Percy in there?!"

"Mmm, about a minute ago"

"See, there, a minute ago, why?"

Percy didn't hear anything after Amphitrite said he was there for just a MINUTE. He was too busy thinking what would have happened to him if he had been left there for an hour.


This is one of my madeuponthespotones. Hope y'all liked it!

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