

Chapter 1 – first meetings are not fated, they're arranged





[Recipe for smut-filled historical AU]
Ingredients: one courtesan, one nobleman, and Circumstances.

Or; the million different specifics of how things could play out after a man and a woman sleep together for the first time.



wrote this after seeing that there was HoriKashi sex on the internet *stares at SeoWaka fic corner* (nope, nothing there). Historical AU because I like historical AUs - character and manner of speaking have been modified to fit a little better with this setting, of course.

Now, smut. Have at it.



Seo wakes in the darkest hours of early morning.

Roused by the chill, she draws the covers of the futon more securely over the sleeping form of the man by her side, before rising slowly. It's all quiet in the streets below, the moon hanging low in the sky over red-tiled roofs; a pale and ghostly backlight to the traded flesh that changes hands here in Yoshiwara. She threads her arms through the sleeves of her kimono for warmth, and gropes through carelessly discarded garments in the darkness for her kiseru – she'll smoke until the sun rises; until Wakamatsu wakes.


And who can say what dreams are
Wake me in time to be lonely and sad
Who could say what we are
This is the season for dreaming


He'd been dragged in earlier last evening, when the courtesans were sitting in the main tatami room, waiting for customers to come and call. It was rather a surprise to have Sakura's regular Mikoshiba Mikoto-sama bring someone else along with him, and even more of a surprise to know that his companion was only a very reluctant one. Who ever heard of young men being reluctant to visit a renowned red light district?

"This is Wakamatsu Hirotaka," Mikoshiba says by way of introduction, giving the taller man a gentle but firm shove forward into the room.

"He's the younger son of a daimyo."

The girls study him carefully, bemused smiles on their faces. He's blushing profusely, and his face is so red that everyone else in the room can feel the danger of an oncoming flush as well – obviously he's never patronised one of these places before.

"Now, I'm doing under orders from his father," Mikoshiba continues casually, turning to face the women and adding, "he's not to leave here until he's lost his virginity, you hear?"

It's immediate chaos. Mikoshiba, red-faced himself, waggles his eyebrows at Wakamatsu, who's fallen over in embarrassment and is desperately sneaking glances at the door – he'd be out of it already if not for Nozaki and Sakura's iron grip on his kimono sleeves, falsely benign smiles firmly in place. Kashima and Seo snort so hard that they inhale half their tea and give up trying to appear proper as they splutter and choke, wiping tears of mirth from their eyes while trying not to stain their clothes, and making abortive efforts to stop laughing. Everyone else smiles uncomfortably.

When they've all quieted down, Nozaki, as owner of the okiya, pulls Mikoshiba aside to discuss what exactly is expected of them, and what exactly their reward will be. The younger son of a feudal lord is considered a relatively good catch, and they need to know if this man is going to be a long time customer, someone worth courting and lavishing attention on. From the sound of it, the lad's father is hoping to man him up somehow, and has decided that sexual experience is the answer – anything else that happens from then on is anyone's guess. It requires careful mulling over, and Nozaki narrows his eyes sharply. A younger son would have no obligation to marry particularly well, would he? If he liked one of the girls well enough, he could visit relatively often, even buy her out of the okiya if he wished. It's good enough. Nozaki nods.

"Thank you, Umeko-san," is Mikoshiba's pleasant reply, and Nozaki scoffs.

"Save those smiles for our Chiyorin," he smirks, swanning off regally before Mikoshiba can recover his faculties of speech.



Meanwhile, an awkward silence reigns on the other side of the thin paper doors. The women have offered Wakamatsu a cup of tea, and there's really nothing to do now but wait for him to point out the courtesan he desires to entertain him for the night. There are more than ten of them; he can't be having such a hard time choosing one, can he? Thankfully, Nozaki barges in soon enough to break the otherwise-eternal stalemate between unwilling customer and waiting courtesans.

"Sakura, the usual, you're in the red room with Mikoshiba," he deadpans, and said girl rises to leave. "As for Wakamatsu-sama…" he scans the assembled faces, frowning.

"Seo," he says decisively.

She lifts an incredulous brow as Nozaki finishes, "I'll leave him in your care."

She dips her head gracefully and stands, beckoning to Wakamatsu to join her (and Nozaki levels a chilling stare at him until he does, very grudgingly, do so). In the corridor, Seo wraps firm fingers around his elbow and steers him down the hallway and up the stairs, smirking at his troubled expression.

"Loosen up, will you?" she laughs, "You're being way too uptight about this whole thing."

"Ah, s-sorry," he yelps, "I'm in y-your care, uh – please teach m-me well."

Seo stares at his abashed face and sighs, pushing him lightly into their designated room.



"Drink," she orders, sitting down and pouring out the sake that was prepared. "We'll do this until you're in the mood." Or too drunk to protest, really. Whichever came first. She could hold her alcohol pretty well.

Seo usually works with bawdy tavern humour followed by practical application on the customer (of whichever lewd act the pun was on), but clearly that approach won't be as effective here. She throws the alcohol down and savours the burn in her throat as she turns to study her customer. He's tall and has a nice figure; one shown off to maximum advantage in the well-tailored kimono and haori he wears. His hair is short and a nondescript shade of black, but his eyes are what catch one's attention – an intense blue backed by shades of green. She's never seen the likes of them before.

She also wonders if they'll darken with desire; that train of thought dampens her core a little. She shifts, rearranging the folds of her kimono, and scowls at Wakamatsu, who's daintily sipping his sake.

"If you drink that slowly, this'll take an entire week, you know," she quips, snatching his cup away from him and moving to kneel next to him. He holds his breath at their sudden proximity – she rolls her eyes.

"Lean closer, idiot," she snaps, then lowers her voice to a velvety purr.

"You're here to be seduced, after all, Wakamatsu-sama."

His horribly flushed face fills her with a sense of satisfaction, and she curls an arm around his shoulders, such that his back is braced against her palm and he has to lean back a little. Seo positions him at an angle where she can bend and reach his mouth with ease, then raises his cup of sake to her lips.

"Cooperate, Waka," she says dangerously. He blinks – what does that mean? – but finds out soon enough, when she pours the sake into her mouth and doesn't swallow, when she leans over and her lips are hovering an inch from his. When he opens his mouth to protest, she slides her free hand up to cradle his cheek, slants her mouth over his from above.

The sake flows into his mouth and he swallows reflexively, the bitter taste sweetened a little by the novel sensation of soft, warm lips pressed against his. She tastes like sake too.

Seo hums appreciatively as she feels him gulp the sake down, lips pursing against hers for a moment. She curls both arms over broad shoulders and deepens the kiss, forcing Wakamatsu to arch his back a little. He's hesitant, but that's generally to be expected of a first-timer, and she's willing to give him a little help. She pulls back to give him air and takes her time, first sitting comfortably on the tatami then angling his head down with a tug on his collar, so now he's the one hovering above her face. He's nervous, and the flutter of his breaths mixes with her more measured exhalations as she rests a hand on the back of his neck, drawing them closer until their foreheads are touching.

"Close your eyes," she murmurs. "It'll feel way better if you close your eyes and just trust me."

So he does, and she can't help but stare as his lashes flutter down over smooth lids, face tilted towards her expectantly. She closes her own and leans up, pressing her lips full against his – and this time, he kisses back. The pressure he applies is gentle but firm, and Seo grunts in approval: when he chuckles in response, they both just know that he's blushing profusely again. She smiles against his mouth and runs her tongue over his upper lip teasingly, until his lips part to give her access. Seo's tongue lightly flicks against Wakamatsu's and the sensation jolts him pleasantly: a frisson of pleasure that goes straight to his groin. His hands involuntarily fly up to grip her shoulders and crush her to his chest as she suckles on his tongue; he moans loudly.

That elicits a soft groan from Seo, and Wakamatsu flickers his eyes open to meet her half-lidded ones.

"That was good," she comments, eyeing him contentedly, "and now. Off with the haori. The obi goes, too."

Wakamatsu stammers incoherent protests and she silences him by trailing kisses down his tense jawline, pushing the garment off his shoulders and trapping his arms by his sides. That leaves her free to pick at his obi, and she unravels the cloth from around his waist quickly. When she pushes his kimono off one shoulder and nips at his collarbone, he whimpers softly and flushes brighter than she thought possible. It's dim in the room, but she's certain the tips of his ears are pink. Seo presses a kiss to the underside of Waka's ear, adding light suction and the scrape of teeth – and is rewarded when he hastily frees his hands and brings them to the fold of her obi.

He ducks his head as his fingers work on the cloth, pulling and unwrapping, until Seo's obi loosens and falls away; his rampant blush is fully displayed as he draws the folds of her kimono apart to rake her body with his gaze.

"Y-you're lovely, Seo-san," he says, unable to look her in the eyes. "I-I'm very honoured to be having m-my first time – with you. Really. Ah, um, and t-thank you for t-teaching me how to…kiss…"

Time to move over to the futon, it seems.

"Come," Seo catches his chin with her fingers as she stands, and his eyes latch onto the creamy swell of her breasts. Wakamatsu scrambles after her, kimono hanging open like hers; she sneaks a glance at his semi-erect manhood and smirks. In a matter of seconds, she has him splayed out beneath her on the futon; one of his hands over his mouth as if to stopper the tender sighs and gasps that escape. Seo runs appreciative hands over the sculpted chest beneath her and slithers higher on his body so she's perched on his chest, her aching nipples over Wakamatsu's face.

He takes the cue this time and automatically raises his head to take the right one into his mouth, bringing a hand up to cradle and knead the other breast. Seo can feel the muscles between her thighs clench as his too-hot tongue swirls tentatively around her nipple, interspersed with teasing darts. She fists her hands in his hair when he suckles gently, pushing his face into her chest. Gasps breathily when he tweaks the other nipple with his fingers, before switching the position of his mouth and hands. Oh, sweet agony. Desire pools in her body and she grinds her hips down in a desperate bid for friction, moaning lowly – he bucks beneath her at the pleasurable sensations that excites.

There follows an interlude of lazy kissing, their tongues tangling as their hands roam, down lower, and lower. Wakamatsu cups her sex as she curls a fist around his length, using the pre-cum already leaking from his tip as lubrication. Unexpectedly, he stops her, gripping her wrist gently.

She lets him take the lead, and he pushes her back down onto the futon, dipping down to press his lips to hers; the kisses trail downward after that, from her neck to the inside of her thighs, and she sighs. It'll be easier for him, so Seo parts her legs, drawing her knees up and guiding his fingers to skim over her soft folds, already slick and wet and ready for him. She shows him how to slip one finger into her, how to set a rhythm that they're both comfortable with, when to insert another finger and stretch her deliciously. His thumb rubs against her pearl as he thrusts two fingers inside of her, and she shouts a little – no need to tell him about that one. The pleasure builds and Seo knows she's getting close; she kneads her own breasts as she starts moaning his name, desperate for release. She's suddenly bereft when he withdraws his fingers from her core, but the next thing she knows his tongue is on her, long strokes all along her mound; she twists at her own nipples as he lashes her clit with his tongue, and comes with a strangled cry.

Seo's still sore from her orgasm, but the sight of Wakamatsu tentatively licking her juices from his fingers darkens her eyes with arousal again. She rolls over and sits up, completely disrobing before she crawls over to where he is and rips the rest of his clothing off him. His member is fully erect now, and she decides not to prolong his agony much further: only one kiss on the head, before she slides her body up along his, aligning his length with her entrance.

Wakamatsu props himself on one elbow and leans up to pull Seo into a kiss, both of them no longer gentle with their mouths. This one is hard and bruising, and Wakamatsu nibbles on Seo's bottom lip, a sign of his own urgency for release. She bites the curve of his neck and lowers her hand to where their bodies will join, grasping his shaft and drawing it along her slick folds. He groans headily as her come coats the tip, reaching down as well to rub her juices over the rest of his length. His pants of exertion increase as Seo slowly impales herself on his length, grinding her hips to sheath more of him inside her, inch by exquisite inch.

When he's deep inside her, they pause for a while and lock eyes, still adjusting to the novel feeling of such physical intimacy with someone they barely know. I was right, Seo thinks, his eyes do darken with arousal. She leans down and whispers that into his ear; he flushes impossibly bright. That's no surprise, but what happens next is.

Wakamatsu curls strong arms around her waist and rolls over, flipping them so she's now pinned beneath him. Seo blinks. He looks a little taken aback at himself, too, and his breaths are unsteady when he whispers to her that he'll start moving. She shivers when his breath feathers over her sensitive skin, and rolls her hips in answer.

His movements start out rough and jerky, but he slips into a comfortable groove soon enough; slow, measured thrusts in and out of her body, each time sinking in as deep as he can go. It's maddeningly slow and maddeningly wonderful, and they teeter ever closer to the edge like that. Wakamatsu's arms are braced on either side of her head, cradling it – Seo wraps her arms around the back of his neck and buries her face in the curve of his shoulder. Faster. She sinks her nails into his skin and he quickens his pace obediently, thrusts becoming faster and shallower. Seo writhes beneath him as he pounds into her, slick and heavy with sweat and the base desire that consumes them. She climaxes first, walls clenching tightly around him – his vision goes black from the sheer intensity of pleasure – as he gives her a last few unsteady thrusts before emptying his seed into her.

They lie together limply for a few minutes, still and fully sated, with the beating of their hearts filling the silence. Seo kisses Wakamatsu on the temple as he gingerly pulls out and lies next to her on the rumpled sheets of the futon.

"Sleep," she sighs into his tousled hair, and adds his name in the barest whisper, "Waka."

He stares at the pulse point of her neck, level with his eyes, as he drifts into slumber.


But now our bodies are the guilty ones
Who touch and colour the hours
Night won't breathe, oh, how we
Fall in silence from the sky
Then whisper some silver reply


It's warm when Wakamatsu opens his eyes; warm from the sunlight that streams in through the half-open door, warm from the sheets that pool around him, warm from the woman at his side. She's smoking a kiseru, fingers elegantly wrapped around the long, thin stem of the pipe. He watches the smoke she exhales fall from her lips. The set of her mouth tells him that she is cold and weary, even in the midst of all this warmth: that thought brings a crease to his brow.

Yet when her eyes flicker downwards and register that he is awake, her face blooms into a beautiful smile, and he smiles back sheepishly even though he knows that hers is an empty, hollow, gesture – unlike his. Oh, if he could but lay a thousand curses on his all-too-genuine heart.

She sticks her head into the corridor and calls for the preparation of hot water, and cloth – Miyako and Ryousuke set to work immediately, both doing an admirable job keeping their faces straight. Seo playfully flicks the ash from her pipe at them in return. She picks Wakamatsu's clothes up from where they were discarded last night and tosses them at him, beckoning him to follow her to the bathroom. It's late morning, and in this light she looks just as ravishing as in the dark. But he keeps those thoughts to himself and trails behind her quietly.

In the relative privacy of the bathroom she washes his back for him, and his front as well, scrubbing off any residue of the night they just shared together. Well, he thinks, she probably doesn't see it that way – and stops thinking when she washes between his legs as well. When his member twitches he just about dies of mortification, but the tiny smile she shows when she sees his flushed cheeks mollifies him a little.

Somehow, Wakamatsu persuades Seo to let him wash her in return, so she hands him the cloth and takes his place on the stool, still warm with his body heat. It's a good thing her back is turned, so he can't see the flush that steals across her face. He dips the rag in water and runs it over her back, in gentle circles over tense shoulders, over the dip of her waist.

When, instead of moving to wash her front, he chooses to wrap his arms around her from behind, she sighs like she was expecting that from him; then detaches the cloth from his hands and runs it over her curves herself.

"I'm done," she announces, and he slowly lifts his chin from where he'd rested it, on the curve of her shoulder. He knows what she means.

"Okay," he replies.

They dry and dress in silence, with assistance from Miyako, who then happily bounces off to report to Nozaki.

"I'll walk you out," Seo offers, since she recalls that this guy's father wasn't going to pick him up at any fixed timing. "You can hire a ride back to your home."

She takes his arm for support as they descend the steps to the street below, and that small gesture alone fills him with gratification. He places his hand over hers, where it rests at the crook of his arm; presses her to keep it there. They walk down the street together.



Their parting words are the strangest thing.

"Thank you for your service, Seo," he smiles. "I'll come visit you again."

She smiles mirthlessly and raises her kiseru to her lips.

"You may do whatever you please, Wakamatsu-sama," her voice is soft and musical, her words breathed out with the smoke. "But I won't be dreaming on you." She closes her eyes.

The corners of his mouth quirk upwards hopefully, and he says, "But it's the season for dreaming."

As if. Seo dips her head and walks off, leaving him standing alone, to watch her back disappear into the crowd.




Hope that was a believable sex scene between SeoWaka; I couldn't imagine them doing the do in canon!verse (at the time I wrote this lol) so yeah this was the result - them being shunted into the past. If/when I finally get round to continuing this ya'll will get to see them encounter each other a few more times, I guess. How do I do this without spoiling the whole thing...? I can't. Sorry.

I planned stuff for other couples too, but I'm sticking to one main couple per story. There won't be much overlap.

Any feedback and/or support is appreciated, cuz this took fucking ages to conceptualize and write.

Come say hi! I try not to bite.

