Future Card Buddyfight Dangerous Journey
Chapter 43: Sencad Rescue: Blazing General Kaji
Episode Basis: None
Hello, all! Happy new year of 2018 and hello to another new chapter featuring the OC of Petor's, Kaji Tachikaze against the members of Aibo Academy in the Sencad vs. Aibo battle! Before we begin, don't forget to read this:
Disclaimer: I don't own Future Card Buddyfight or any of the franchise in this story. I own my OCs, Kyosuke Akiyama, Jun and Kylie Tanyama, Kenji Seiryu and Takuma Kurosaki. Yuuten and Hiten Amamiya belongs to Mizuhara Yukie, Genji Omoi belongs to Zedrick Blood, Kyra Blaze belongs to PrincessAnime08, Samuel Kagan/Sumiko Kagawa belongs to Tomorrow's Hero, Alexander and Alexis Oda belong to Card-Golem, Kaji Tachikaze belongs to Petor, and Satsuki Ryusei belongs to KnightSpark. All OC cards and likeness of the OCs' buddies submitted belongs to original creators.
Now let's begin the chapter!
Ricky: Hiya, everybody! Ricky's here to give you the scoop about what happened in the last match! Last time, after Kyosuke, Sensei, and Yuuten came back with Genji and Flare, the Demon Generals, Alexander and Alexis, I think, challenged us to a Tag Match with them. Everyone decided to choose Kyosuke and Gao to fight in the match, but Kyosuke would be using his Ancient World deck with me as the buddy, which was a little scary, to be honest. As for Gao, he had a Magic World deck with Mister Drum and Axia in it too! Anyways, even though Alexis and Alexander were tough, Kyosuke and Gao defeated them easy, thanks to me and Mister Drum, but now, we have to fight against Kaji, who seems really tough! It doesn't matter because I know our team defeat that tough guy, definitely!
"It's time for you to come to the stage, Godfather! I pay 3 gauge and call to the left Ethereal Overlord, Gang the King!" Appearing in a fiery funnel of golden flames appeared the Ethereal Overlord of the Raging Spirits, who gave a mighty roar.
"Alright, G'ang, it's time to get this started!" Kyosuke shouted as G'ang turned his head to him and nodded.
"I understand. Let's win this, my godson." G'ang telepathically spoke, and as everyone focused onto Kyosuke's turn and new monster, Asmodai smirked as he instantly recognized G'ang.
'So, that's who you look like now, huh, G'ang…?' The Demon Lord thought as he gave a small smirk.
"G'ang, attack the Diamond Golem, Fluud in the center!" Kyosuke pointed at Alexander, who slightly backed away.
"It won't make a difference, since Fluud's ability prevents any Penetrate attacks to hit me, scrub!" Alexander cackled.
"Maybe not, but did you forget that Diamond Golem, Fluud's Lifelink is 3, which is enough to take you down?" Kyosuke shouted back, which made Alexander cringe. "Not only that, if there are 3 or more Raging Spirits in my Drop Zone, G'ang gains 6000 Power!" (7000 Power + 6000 Power = 13000 Power/5 Critical/4000 Defense) The rising power of the Ethereal Overlord not only made Alexander flinch in fear, but caused Alexis to become slightly nervous as well. "Now, let him have it, G'ang!"
The Ethereal Overlord positioned his feet and held back his arms, charging his fists in flaming energy that began to swirl before he gave a tremendous shout of battle. "IMPERIAL REAR BARRETT!" Firing a powerful fist shaped blast from a single punch, it immediately shattered the Diamond Golem in the center and continued to strike Alexander, who shouted as his flag shattered into pixels.
"Alright, we got the gauge! Time to let it rip, Drum!" The Dragowizard, absorbing both his Buddy and Alexis' gauge, created a powerful surge of energy surrounding him as a large orb of energy swirled around the drill tip of his staff, holding it above him. "MAGICIAN DRUM'S MEGA BLAST BUNKER!" He quickly fired the mighty blast and drill tip immediately, just as Alexis braced for impact, giving a loud scream as she was struck with the blast.
"Abracadabra! Alexis has been struck tremendously, thanks to Gao dealing four damage to her and it's still his turn! Is this the end of Sencad's powerful Tag Team?"
"You're next, Burning Fist! Attack the fighter!" Gao commanded with the twin gauntlets flew and gave a double fiery fist into Alexis, dealing one damage. "Ok, Axia, go zap her!"
"With pleasure!" Twirling his staff around, Axia took at breakneck speed, and jabbed his attack into Alexis, who grunted in disdain, as her life decreased to 2. "Shocking, isn't it?"
"Drum, the glory's all yours, man!"
"Drill Bunker!" Charging up for one more attack, Drum released one more blast from his staff. As the attack headed towards Alexis, all she could do is smile wickedly as she took the attack, finally finishing her off as her flag disappeared into pixels.
"It seems that you two took out my students. Very impressive." Kaji grinned.
"Now, what you do want, man?" Kyosuke shouted. "You want to surrender in person now?"
"Nothing like that, but now that you defeated most of the Demon Generals, I can't help but be stirred into battling you all! It's time for the Blazing General to incinerate you all!" Kaji roared as Gao and Kyosuke gave a narrow glare at him and the others wait for the next match to begin.
(Cue theme: UNLEASH- Gekidan Niagara)
(Instrumental) On the ledge of the Sky Home watching the horizon, Gao, Kyosuke, Zanya, Tetsuya, Yuuten, Samuel, Genma, Kazane, and Genji appeared in said order as the scene stretches to the Sengoku Academy Main Building with the rising sun in the background as the logo "Future Card Buddyfight Dangerous Journey" appears.
(Thrilling calls, one after another! The cards are calling out to me.) Gao jumping out of the sky as Drum activates his Buddy Skill, with Gao landing on it and flying on it with Baku and Kuguru through with Kyosuke using Ricky's Buddy Skill with Ricky and Daigo flying next to him, followed by Zanya on his with Tsukikage, Tetsuya on his with Asmodai, Samuel on his with Circus Magician's, Yuuten with Saki's, Genma with Duel Sieger's, Kazane with Bladewing Phoenix's, and Genji with Flare's, and Jun with Shiden's with Kylie holding on him flying into the Sengoku Academy grounds.
(Unfolding by leaps and bounds, go, ability, activate! The real fun, has just begun!) Kyosuke using G'ang's power with his Future Force power to become Mirage to jump through the forest of Sengoku and confronts Hiten and White Dragon Hermit, Nanase, both with an evil veil of darkness with the Disaster Eye above them and Magmanova, Glacies, Thundertornado, and Vragos all combine into Space Dragon Emperor, Galiazond.
(Charge the bomb! The energy is full! Let's start! 3,2,1 GO!) Drum, Daigo, Ricky, Saki, Circus Magician, Asmodai, Tsukikage, Flare, Blade and Duel Sieger each appear in a blue scene, forming a diamond that glows.
(Ah, now, let's play the melody of battle!) On the Sengoku Academy main Building, Raremaro, Kemura, Shusui Kanahebi, Shosetsu, Takuma, Satsuki, Alexander, Alexis all appear on the top floor balcony of the building with Rouga flying out with his Dark Core Gadget activated and Armorknight Cerberus "A" giving a powerful roar.
(Unleash it, my Buddy! All the passion hidden within! Don't run away! Believe in all these bonds!) Drum in his Thunder Knights form and Daigo in his Fighting Dragon Ninja form attacking Armorknight Cerberus "A" with their blades as Rouga uses Swirling Darkness to attack, but Kyosuke uses his Twin Explosive Axes, Duel Destroy to intercept the attack, but as he does, he sees the mysterious white-haired boy from his memories smiling and drifting back into the darkness as Kyosuke reaches for him, but a dark aura surrounded by Kyoya Gaen and his Buddy blocks him.
(Unleash it, my Buddy! Whatever happens tomorrow is right in front of our eyes!) Genma unleashing Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger into battle, Kazane smiles happily as she attacks with her Brave Equipment, Glory Seeker and Blade flies besides her, Yuuten calling Saki and Floral Warrior, Hearty the Rose, Samuel casting The Grand Finale with Circus Magician and his Magical Performers, Zanya confronting Kanahebi with a quick look into their past troubles with a young Jun's angry gaze at Zanya, Takuma holding his crystal ball Core Gadget and Kemura with Sylph yelling for him and Satsuki and Armorknight Valkyrie raising their weapons in the air, Raremaro commanding Demonic Beast, Grendel to attack as Grendel unleashes his razor claws onto Axia, who blocks them with his staff.
(Hey, a thundering storm is rolling forth!) Kaji clashing against Gao with his Gargantua Smasher with his Thunderblade, Dragobreaker as Drum in his Thunder Knights form fights against Super Armordragon, Gargantua Blade Dragon giving a crashing slash with his massive blade, but Drum uses his drill to intercept it as Kiri watches from a distance and cries as a shadow from under him appears with a dark gaze.
(To beyond the speed!) Gao uses his Gargantua Punisher against Kaji, who strikes with his own Gargantua Punisher as the scenes changes between with Suzuha vs Kyra, Kyosuke surrounded by darkness and he and Gao with Drum and Daigo face against Kyoya Gaen with 13 beings wrapped in shadow pull out their Dark Core Deck cases and the last scene shows with Gao and Kyosuke and all their friends look into the blue sky with Aibo Academy in the background.
"Hello, everyone! Paruko Nanana's here to bring the scoop of the battle between Aibo Academy and Sengoku Academy to save our schoolmate Kiri Hyoryu! Even though the Buddyfights between our two schools have been touch and go, it seems that Aibo is getting a slight advantage against the savage Sencad school! However, it seems that the strongest student of Sencad, Kaji Tachikaze, has personally decided to challenge our remaining fighters himself! Will he succeed or will the students of Aibo Academy remind him of our strength and teamwork? I don't know about you all, I would stay tuned and prepare for the next match!" Paruko announced as she hovered above the Sengoku battlefield, where the Sengoku students surrounding it were quiet and steadily focused on the upcoming Buddyfights.
Kyosuke looked around, observing the Sengoku students, who were all quietly observing and awaiting the next round of Buddyfights to occur with Kaji Tachikaze. "Wow, talk about having a quiet mood."
Everyone else in the Aibo Academy team also took their look at the Sengoku students as well, agreeing with what Kyosuke said as well. "Yeah, they looked like they are totally ready for the next match." Jun nodded.
"Even so, don't they seem a little too focused?" Kuguru wondered.
"It may be because this guy has a lot of authority in this school." Asmodai theorized, rubbing his chin.
"You think, A-dog?" Tetsuya questioned.
"Yeah, it's like seeing my fans during an autograph signing, only not cheering and smiling." Asmodai answered with a playful shrug.
While everyone else agreed with what Asmodai said mostly, one person wasn't paying attention as he was staring directly at Kaji: Gao. However, he wasn't the only one who was giving a focused stare at Kaji, as in the balcony of Sengoku Tower, Rouga was also looking directly at him.
"Rouga…" Shosetsu said, walking up to the side of the Danger World Buddyfighter. "You don't have to wonder what will happen. Kaji will defeat them quickly."
"You say that, Shosetsu, but are you sure that will happen? There are many ways on how a Buddyfight will occur." Rouga replied, not even turning to the Demon General.
Shosetsu only sighed as his answer as he looked back to the leader of the Demon Generals. 'You may not understand, Aragami, but you will understand once you see the burning flames of the Blazing General, the only one who defeated me other than you.'
Meanwhile, at the Sengoku Battlefield…
Kaji, who was still waiting for his opponent from the Aibo Academy team, was beginning to become impatient as he was slightly tapping his sandal slowly, but roughly into the ground. "So, who will be my first opponent, Aibo Academy, or are you deciding on how to forfeit?" The Demon General leader spoke loudly across the battlefield.
"Wow, he seems really ready to Buddyfight, but he doesn't seem happy to do it." Kazane said with a slight frown.
Blade slightly popped out of Kazane's hood, hopping on her head, "You're right, milady. We must assume caution when battling this opponent."
"You guys don't have to worry about battling him, but the rest of us will have to take that in consideration though." Zanya agreed, as Tsukikage pulled out his scroll, saying "Dangerous enemy" in Japanese with a "Nin!"
"So, who's going to battle first?" Kylie asked.
"Whoever does better watch out and be ready for anything he could pull out of his bag o' tricks." Samuel said. Everyone was beginning to wonder who should go until Genji stepped forward with Flare standing right next to him.
"We'll fight Kaji, guys." Genji spoke up, standing with determination.
"Are you sure, Genji?" Kyosuke asked.
"I know he's tough, guys. Don't get me wrong, he's one of Sensei Genma's toughest rivals, other than you, Gao and Zanya." The young Seifukai Buddyfighter said, shocking everyone in the Aibo group. "And if I defeat him, then we can have an easier time saving Kiri, right?"
"Right, Big G! Let's show this guy what Aibo Academy and the Seifukai can do!" Flare cheered.
"Alright, if you say so, man!" Kyosuke shrugged, giving his friend a thumbs-up as he and his Buddy walked towards the battlefield and taking his position.
Seeing Genji and Flare transforming into his true form gave the Demon General leader a chuckle before he spoke. "Ah, so my first opponent is one of Genma's soldiers. A good idea since I didn't get a chance to fight him myself."
"My sensei doesn't need to waste his time against you after he defeated you last time. This time…" Genji said, pulling out his deck and holding it up towards Kaji. "I'll be the one to take you down."
"Let's see it, then, Seifukai!" The Demon General smirked as he gazed up to Paruko. "Announcer, start the match now!"
"Ugh… Alright, you don't have to shout…" Paruko cringed as she quickly turned away from him and onto the crowd. "Alright, time to start the match! On the right, we have the fighter from Aibo Academy, Genji Omoi and his buddy, Rising Flare Dragon! And on the left, we have Kaji Tachikaze, but with no buddy! Maybe his buddy will give us a guest appearance during the match! Now, fighters, can you please luminize?"
"With passionate flames, I will blaze through any opposition with my allies! Luminize, Rising Courage!" Genji chanted as he luminized his Core Gadget, drawing his six cards.
"The Strongest Dragons will be victorious! Luminize! Super Armordragons!" Kaji roared as he luminized his red Core Gadget into a blood red samurai's helmet with two silver horns on the helmet's sides, quickly drawing his six cards as well.
"Alright, everyone! Time to Buddy~ FIGHT!"
"Let's raise the Flag!"
"I fight for Dragon World!" Genji declared with Flare giving a mighty roar.
"And I shall fight for Dragon World as well." Kaji said with a stoic tone.
"So, Kaji also uses Dragon World too, huh?" Jun said in a curious tone.
"Well, with the flames and everything, I'm not exactly surprised. However, I just wonder how this match will occur?" Kuguru wondered.
"Alright, I'll start, if you don't mind!" Genji shouted. "I charge and draw!" Genji quickly increased his hand to 6 after increasing his gauge to 3. "I call Extreme Sword Dragon to the center!"
The knight-like dragon suddenly appeared in the center, giving a mighty roar as he gave a mighty slash in the air with his large broadsword. "Ready to brawl!" (Extreme Sword Dragon-Size 2-5000 Power/3 Critical/4000 Defense)
"Now, Extreme Sword, attack the fighter!" Extreme Sword quickly took flight and quickly gave a powerful vertical slash onto Kaji, who didn't flinch, but took three damage anyways.
"End of move."
(G: 10/Gauge: 3/ Item-None/None/Extreme Sword Dragon/None)
(K: 7/Gauge: 2/Item-None/None/None/None)
"So far, so good! Genji starts his turn with a strong attack from his side, but Kaji didn't even flinch to the attack." Paruko announced, observing the Demon General, who stayed focused on the match. "Talk about a determined fighter."
"I draw. Charge and draw." Kaji drew, followed by his charge and draw, which increased his hand to 7 and his gauge to 3. "I cast Dragonic Charge, increasing my gauge to 5." Soon, his gauge increased by 2. "I then pay one gauge and cast Dragonic Barricade!" On the left of Kaji appeared an orb, showing multiple Armordragons trying to take down a gigantic Armordragon wrapped in shadows.
"Dragonic Barricade… While I honestly have no idea what that spell does, I can guess that spell will help out Kaji in this Buddyfight." Paruko said.
"Now, I pay 4 gauge and call to the right!" Kaji shouted as he raised one of his cards into the air as four cards from his gauge flew into the card, to which he threw the card to the right position. "Super Armordragon, Daring Armor Dragon!"
"Super Armordragon?" Kuguru, Baku, Jun and Kyosuke gasped.
Appearing in a golden light forming on the right position was a 10 ft. humanoid red scaled dragon equipped with silver and golden armor, four large wings with glimmering yellow and green feathers, holding a large lance on his left claw and an enormous shield on his right claw. As the Super Armordragon stood with full confidence, Genji, Flare and even Extreme Sword Dragon were shocked at the sight of it. (Super Armordragon, Daring Armor Dragon-Size 3-6000 Power/3 Critical/5000 Defense)
"A Super Armordragon!? This is truly a marvelous sight! A legendary creature, originating from Dragon World, appearing on the enemy's hands! This is probably why Kaji is known as the strongest Demon General!" Paruko shouted into his microphone.
"Now, I get it." Gao spoke as everyone turned to him, to which he grinned with excitement in his smile. "This guy's deck probably full of these kind of monsters!" He quickly turned to his analyzer/one of his best friends. "Hey, Kuguru, do you know anything about these Super Armordragons?"
"Well, I heard that they are rare in most cases and even so, all of them have a high Call Cost, so they are not easy to call onto the field. However, used correctly, they can be completely devastating." Kuguru explained.
"Devastating is just an understatement." Drum spoke up with a slightly nervous tone. "The Super Armordragons are some of the most powerful dragons in Dragon World and being so powerful, they're almost impossible to defeat hand to hand."
"Oh, Drum-kins, don't be scared, I'll keep you safe from them…" Axia hugged onto Drum, who tried to struggle out of the hug, to which the others just sweat drop from the sight of that.
"Now, Daring Armor Dragon, destroy Extreme Sword Dragon!" Kaji commanded. The large Armordragon took flight as it flapped its colossal wings, skydiving into Extreme Sword Dragon, who tried to intercept it with his sword, but was pierced by its colossal lance, immediately destroying him. "Now, Double Attack!" Daring Sword Dragon quickly dealt a sideways slash with its lance into Genji, who grunted as he lost three life on the spot.
"End of move."
(G: 7/Gauge: 3/ Item-None/None/None/None)
(K: 7/Gauge: 1/Item-None/Dragonic Barricade/Super Armordragon, Daring Armor Dragon/None/None)
"Since I'm facing a Super Armordragon, I better get ready to take it and Kaji on! I draw! Then, I charge and draw!" Genji quickly drew, followed by his charge and draw, increasing his hand to 6 and gauge to 4. "I pay one life and equip Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle!"
Soon, Kenji's left hand was encased with Dragoknuckle, as Genji gave a good grip of his hand. (Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle-2000 Power/2 Critical)
"Next, I pay 2 gauge and cast Dragogenius, so I can draw two more cards!" As Genji cast his spell, he drew two extra cards. "I call Left Sword Dragon to the left and Thousand Rapier Dragon to the right!"
The green armored Musketeer-like Armordragon appeared on the left position, slashing his sword in the air, followed by the white scaled Knight-like Armordragon, who unsheathed his light rapier with immediate speed. (Left Sword Dragon/3000 Power + 2000 Power = 5000 Power/2 Critical/1000 Power + 2000 Power = 3000 Power), (Thousand Rapier Dragon-5000 Power/2 Critical/1000 Power)
"Good thing you left your center revealed, so Left Sword Dragon can attack you directly! Go, my ally!" Genji commanded, as Left Sword Dragon nodded and dashed towards Kaji, ready to deal some damage.
"Tch, so naïve!" Kaji mumbled as his Dragonic Barricade began to glow brighter.
"What's going on? What's up with his spell?" Yuuten gasped.
"Dragonic Barricade's effect! When I have a Size 3 Armordragon on the field, you have to attack it instead of me!" Kaji grinned, making Genji gasp as Daring Armor Dragon flew in the way of Left Sword Dragon, giving an intimidating presence to the attacker, forcing him to attack it by striking it in the gut, easily destroying it.
"Even so, Thousand Rapier Dragon will attack next!" Genji continued.
"Thousand Strikes!" Thousand Rapier Dragon gave a quick dash in front of Kaji, giving a thousand thrusts into the Demon General, who still didn't even flinch from the attack and took two more damage.
"Now, I attack with Dragoknuckle! Here I come!" Genji leapt high into the air and was about to give a powerful punch into Kaji.
"Cast! Blue Dragon Shield!" Kaji drew out his card, which formed into the Blue Dragon Shield, which blocked Genji from delivering his attack.
"With Blue Dragon Shield, Kaji blocks Genji's attack with the addition of increasing his gauge!" Paruko announced.
"End of move."
(G: 6/Gauge: 2/ Item-Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle/Left Sword Dragon/None/Thousand Rapier Dragon)
(K: 5/Gauge: 2/Item-None/Dragonic Barricade/None/None/None)
"So far, these two have been keeping their scores close to a tie, but with Kaji's turn next, anything is still possible!" Paruko shouted.
"It's my turn now, so I draw, followed by my charge and draw!" Kaji drew his next card, followed by another charge and draw, increasing his gauge to 3 and his hand to 3 as well. "So, now, I cast Dragonic Charge 'Plus'."
"Dragonic Charge, "Plus"?" Kazane questioned.
"It's basically a powered up version of Dragonic Charge, but when you have 5 life or less, like Kaji has, he can add three more cards into his gauge. The way he has his deck set is that he's increasing his gauge to play more powerful monsters to completely bulldoze his opponent's field." Baku explained.
Such as Baku explained it, Kaji's gauge increased by 5, becoming 8. "I pay one gauge and cast Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March", so now whenever I call another Armordragon onto the field, I can deal damage to you, Omoi."
"Now, Kaji is making it clear to deal more damage to Genji even without attacking, just like his other Demon Generals did before. Talk about following the leader." Asmodai said.
"And I'm not done because I activate one more spell! Dragonic Grimoire!"
"Seriously? Oh, come on!" Genji grunted as Kaji drew three more cards and smirked as he saw them. "Something tells me you drew some good cards."
"Maybe I did, indeed. Let's find out, Seifukai! I call to the right Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon!" Kaji shouted.
On the right position appeared another bipedal red scaled dragon of at least 10 ft. with glowing yellow eyes, a gray scaled underbelly equipped with gold and blue armor covering most of its body with a small red gem on its chest and two large wings with glowing golden feathers. However, the most prominent equipment on the Super Armordragon was two machine guns on each side of its arms and two more on its shoulders. It gave a mighty roar as its mouth dripped with fire. (Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon-Size 3-7000 Power/2 Critical/7000 Defense)
"What in the-?" Genji gasped.
"No way, bro! I didn't think he'd have another one?" Baku gasped.
"Oh my! Not only Kaji has called one Super Armordragon, he has called another one! And thanks to Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon, he can either deal damage to his opponent or destroy one monster on the field when called! What a deadly monster!" Paruko gasped at the sight of Kaji's new monster.
"Like the announcer said, Gatling Blaster Dragon has one of two powerful skills, in which I activate his first effect: dealing two damage to you! Not to mention, my Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March" deals 1 damage when I call an Armordragon after pay one more gauge!"
"So that makes it 3 damage!" Gao grumbled in anger.
"Burning with the flames of power! Incinerate, Mega Gatling Blast!" Kaji chanted as the large gatlings and cannons charged to high amounts of energy, spinning to a point where they were fired directly towards Genji. In addition to the attack, the Red Dragon Knights spell orb glowed as a spiral of fire swirled around the cannon fire, making it even powerful. Striking Genji, he screamed in anguish as it caused a large explosion, causing 3 damage at once. Once the smoke quickly cleared and despite the explosion being harmless, Genji couldn't help but to feel dizzy from the blast.
"Genji!" Everyone gasped.
"Big G!" Flare shouted as he held Genji up on his claws. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah… The blast just caught me off-guard, that's all." Genji assured his buddy with a slight lie.
"So you say, Seifukai, but I can see your fire, like your remaining life, flickering away. So, it's time to end this! I pay one life and one gauge to equip Dragonblade, Dragobreach." In Kaji's hands formed a large broadsword, split in the middle with a glowing green energy in the middle of the blade with a long hilt as Kaji gripped the sword's hilt. (Dragonblade, Dragobreach-5000 Power/3 Critical)
"With Dragonblade, Dragobreach, Kaji can deal enough damage to Genji and end the Buddyfight right here." Kyosuke gasped.
"Now, Gatling Blaster Dragon, destroy the fighter!" Kaji commanded as Gatling Blaster charged up his cannons once more and launched an enormous barrage of bullets towards Genji.
"No way, I cast Green Dragon Shield!" Genji cast, using the glimmering green shield to block the blast from striking him directly.
"With Green Dragon Shield, Genji nullifies the attack and regains one life in the process! However, Kaji's not done with his turn yet!" Paruko announced as Genji's life increased to 4.
"Dragonblade, Dragobreach!" Kaji shouted as he struck Genji with his item, dealing 3 damage at once.
"End of move."
(G: 1/Gauge: 2/ Item-Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle/Left Sword Dragon /None/Thousand Rapier Dragon)
(K: 4/Gauge: 3/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Dragonic Barricade-Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon)
Genji sighed as he took a look at Kaji and his field with his Super Armordragon growling back before closing his eyes. 'So, this is one of Genma-sensei's top rivals, huh? He's powerful, but I wonder if I can win this?'
"Genji." Flare said, as Genji turned to his buddy, who looked back to him with determined eyes and as they stared at each other, he suddenly calmed down and turned back to the match.
'No, I can win this! To help my friends and Genma-sensei, as a member of Seifukai and of Aibo Academy! I can show this guy what I got, even with one life point left!' Genji thought to himself.
"It's my turn, so I draw!" Genji drew, followed by giving a fiery stare at Kaji, who did nothing but gave a small grin. "Charge and DRAWWWWW!"
"Do you think that Genny has a chance to win? It seems that he may be in a corner here." Kazane asked.
"He may be in a corner now, but that doesn't exactly mean he's done yet." Jun answered. "He still has to face against the Gatling Blaster Dragon due to Dragonic Barricade, not to mention Kaji's other set card as well. If he calls another Armordragon, he'll lose in one shot."
"Unless he can increase his life this turn, then he can survive that card, but don't forget there's a chance of an impact activating, you know." Baku added.
"I cast Dragogenius!" Genji activated as two of his gauge was absorbed into his card.
"With Dragogenius, Genji is able to draw new cards from his deck, but what can he draw to help him win this turn?" Paruko shouted into her microphone.
As he added two more cards to his hand, Genji gave a slight nod. "I send Thousand Rapier Dragon to the Drop Zone and pay one gauge, so I call Million Rapier Dragon to the field!"
As Thousand Rapier Dragon disappeared, another monster resembling Thousand Rapier Dragon appeared in his place, but with short chestnut colored hair, wearing a bulkier silver and golden armor, followed by a blue gem on his shoulders and torso, and holding a longer saber. (Million Rapier Dragon-Size 2-6000 Power/2 Critical/2000 Defense)
"In an instant, Genji has called the evolved form of Thousand Rapier Dragon: Million Rapier Dragon! This could be a chance for Genji to turn this whole match around!"
"Wow! An evolved form of Thousand Rapier Dragon!" Gao grinned. "I never thought Genji would bring out that guy!"
"I'm guessing since his buddy can only destroy Size 2 monsters or smaller, he would have to switch to another monster to defeat Kaji." Kuguru said. "And luckily when Million Rapier Dragon is called, he can add Thousand Rapier Dragon into its soul and can use Double Attack!"
"That means he could land a crushing blow if Kaji doesn't have any shields to stop his attacks, but we'll have to see." Jun added.
"I also cast Dragonic Heal!" Genji declared, increasing his life to 3.
"Now, he can survive Kaji's set spell effect next turn if he can't defeat Kaji this turn." Baku said.
"Alright! Let's do this! Million Rapier Dragon, attack Gatling Blaster Dragon!" The Seifukai Buddyfighter declared.
"Right!" Million Rapier Dragon dashed towards Gatling Blaster Dragon, and as the gigantic Armordragon tried to blast his evolved enemy by using its gatlings to blast him, but he dodged every shot before he leapt in front of the Super Armordragon, quickly unsheathing his sword and giving a myriad of slashes as he shouted, "Million de Barres!", immediately decimating his opponent.
"Now, Million Rapier Dragon, Double Attack on the fighter!"
"Million de Barres!" Million Rapier Dragon gave another myriad of slashes onto Kaji, who gave a slight grunt as he was dealt 2 damage.
"Now, Left Sword Dragon, attack the fighter!" Genji declared with a loud roar with Left Sword Dragon gave a quick dash towards Kaji, quickly pulling out his sword as well and was about to slash into the fighter…
"I cast Green Dragon Shield." Kaji nonchalantly announced, casting the large green Dragon Shield that blocked Left Sword Dragon's swift strike, who grunted in disdain as his strike was suddenly stopped.
"At the last moment, Kaji quickly cast Green Dragon Shield to block the attack, as well as gaining one life as well! Is this really happening?" Paruko roared in frustration.
Genji growled in frustration as he quickly leapt into the air and towards Kaji, giving a quick blow into Kaji with Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle, dealing 2 damage, as well as placing the top card of his deck into his gauge.
"End of move."
(G: 3/Gauge: 2/ Item-Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle/Left Sword Dragon /None/Million Rapier Dragon)
(K: 1/Gauge: 3/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Dragonic Barricade-Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/None)
"Hmmm…. Is that you have?" Kaji stoically said, whereas Genji did nothing but sweat a bit nervously. "Very well. Draw, then charge and draw." Kaji quickly drew, followed by his charge and draw, to which he smirked. "Final Phase."
Genji gave a large gasp, as well as everyone else on the Aibo Academy team as Kaji immediately announced his Final Phase.
"Out of the blue, Kaji has immediately announced his Final Phase! What kind of impact could he use to defeat Genji?"
"CAST!" Kaji shouted as he lifted his glowing card in the air with the clouds above suddenly turned dark and ominous before they began to part, revealing a large reptilian hand, as everyone immediately recognized.
"What in the-?" Drum gasped.
"I can't believe it! That can't be!" Kuguru shrieked.
"Baku, that isn't what I think it is, is it?" Gao asked without taking his eyes off from what was happening.
"I wish I could tell it wasn't, but it is, bro. He's using the Gargantua Punisher!" Baku shouted in disbelief.
Even from inside of the Sengoku Tower, both Rouga and Shosetsu were watching what was happening in the Buddyfight and even though Rouga was shocked, it was to a lesser extent than the others outside, whereas Shosetsu was quietly observing it too.
Back to the match, Genji and Flare could only watch in shock as the reptilian hand pull out the gargantuan sword wrapped in chains as it was pulled out easily. As the sword was levitating over Kaji's head, he held his card to the side as he shouted, "IMPACT! THE BLAZING SWORD THAT INCINERATES EVERYTHING!" as the sword was covered in flames linking to the card itself. Just then, Kaji thrusted the card and the Impact down with full force into Genji, which immediately incinerated the last of Genji's life. "GARGANTUAAAAA PUNISHERRRRRRR!"
(G: 0/Gauge: 2/ Item-Steel Fist, Dragoknuckle/Left Sword Dragon /None/Million Rapier Dragon)
(K: 1/Gauge: 0/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Dragonic Barricade-Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/None)
"Game over. Winner: Kaji Tachikaze."
Even after he was declared the winner, the entire battlefield was still ablaze with flames as Genji landed on the ground, bowing his head down, defeated as he punched the ground in frustration just before Kaji took one last look at Genji.
"So, this is the power of the Seifukai?" Kaji grumbled in annoyance. "Pathetic."
"T-T-This is unreal! Kaji Tachikaze, in no time at all, used the power of Gargantua Punisher, an ultra-rare card used by Tasuku Ryuenji and given to Gao Mikado, to defeat Genji Omoi! Seriously, this is completely mind-blowing!" Paruko shouted in shock.
"Genji!" Everyone yelled as they ran over to their defeated friend and comrade.
"Genji! Flare! Are you guys okay?" Yuuten asked as she kneeled down to her friend, who gave a depressed look to her.
"Yeah… I'm just sorry. I tried to beat him, but he… I didn't expect him to have that card…" Genji said sadly as he quickly got up, but still had his head down. Flare glanced to his buddy, who was bummed out in losing this match.
"Come on, man. No one saw that coming, so don't get so down. You did your best." Kyosuke said, trying to cheer up his friend.
"The weird thing is how does he have that card, yo? I thought Gao was the only one who had Gargantua Punisher." Tetsuya wondered.
"I thought so too, bro." Baku said, crossing his arms behind his back as he looked to the Sun Fighter. "I guess you're not the only one anymore, bro."
"Yeah, I guess." Gao said softly.
"Who cares if he has it or not? It's not like yours anyways, kid!" Drum said heatedly. "Anyways, shouldn't we decide who should go next?"
"Drum's right. With how strong Kaji really is, we need to tread caution." Zanya warned as he held up his Core Gadget. "I think I should be the one to…"
"Wait!" Yuuten shouted, which spooked Zanya as he suddenly dashed a couple feet behind the group.
"G-G-G-Girl!" Zanya screamed with fear in his voice.
"That feller's gotta get a handle on that fear of his." Samuel sighed, shaking his head in disappointment while the others just nodded in agreement and Tsukikage pulling out his scroll, saying "Obviously" with a "Nin" added.
"Anyways… I want to fight this guy next for Genji. Besides, with my Magic World deck, we should be able to counter this guy's style of fighting." Yuuten said.
"Are you sure, Yui? This young man seems rather dangerous and I don't want to get hurt." Saki informed, worried for his Buddy.
"He's right, Yui." Jun agreed.
"Don't worry. I got this and I know I can take him. Trust me." Yuuten said, trying to reassure her friends, who were still a little indifferent about letting her fight, until Kyosuke placed his hand on her shoulder.
"I trust you, Yui. I know you got this." Kyosuke agreed as he turned to the others. "And I know everyone else believes in you too, right?"
"Of course we do, bro." Baku nodded.
"It's not we didn't believe in any of our friends to begin with." Kazane nodded.
"Most definitely, Milady!" Blade added.
"Yeah, give it your all, Yuuten!" Kylie cheered.
"Thanks, guys!" Yuuten smiled, feeling the belief of her friends.
Suddenly, Kaji cleared his throat clearly, getting the others' attention. "If you children are done with your speech, I would like to continue this match right now, so who is next to fight?"
Taking out her Core Deck Case, Yuuten stood in front of the group with confidence brimming in her eyes. "I am, so bring it on!"
"Very well, then." Kaji grinned in slight excitement in his tone.
Meanwhile, Hiten was still waiting at the Sengoku Gates with both guards being unconscious from his fight with him. He gave a slight sigh as he was getting a little bored in waiting for his rendezvous during his mission given to him by his boss. As he was still checking his phone for the time, he heard something in the bushes rustling nearby.
"Who is there?" Hiten said, holding out a card in defense. "Come out."
"Hey, is that how you said hello to others?" A male voice said as two people came out of the bushes, revealing to Alexis and Alexander.
"It's only you two. I was wondering why you two were taking so long, but I have a pretty good idea what it was." Hiten said, putting the card back into his deck and walked over to the two Buddyfighters.
"Yes. A couple of students from Aibo Academy arrived in response to their friend being taken by Rouga." Alexis explained, giving a slight sigh. "It's been a noisy mess all day."
"Yeah, I won't complain. Though, I am annoyed that we lost to that Mikado kid the boss is so interested in and Akiyama too." Alexander shrugged and as he said "Akiyama", Hiten suddenly jumped in shock as the two noticed his shocked expression. "What's up with you?"
"Akiyama, you said? You two fought him?" Hiten asked.
"Yeah, we did. Him and Mikado in a Tag Match no less." Alexander replied. "Why do you want to know?"
"No reason. Just curious." Hiten grumbled, placing his hands in his pockets quickly. The Oda Twins gave each other a curious look before looking back at their mysterious ally, who was obviously lost in thought. 'If it is him, I wonder if he still remembers or not…'
"As interesting as this talk is going, aren't we here to find worthy users of Disaster Force for our boss or what?" Alexander reminded the others, to which Hiten suddenly snapped out of his thoughts.
"Right." Hiten nodded as he pulled out his Dark Core Deck Case, pulling out another card as it opened an ominous portal, to which he walked inside it, followed by Alexander and Alexis as it quickly vanished.
Back to the Sengoku Battlefield….
"Alright, everyone, time to BUDDYFIGHT!" Paruko shouted, waving her arm down, starting the Buddyfight.
"Raise the Flag!" Both fighters declared.
"I fight for Dragon World." Kaji declared.
"And I fight for Magic World." Yuuten declared.
"Now, the first turn belongs to Yuuten." Paruko announced.
"Alright, I charge and I draw." Yuuten said, charging her card, followed by drawing another card, increasing her hand to 6 and her gauge to 3. "I call Floral Magician, Magnolio to the center!"
Appearing in the center was a teenage girl with white white skin and wavy white hair, a dark green eye patch covering her left eye while her right eye is gray. She wore a black leather cape and dresses with a yellow dress with black stripes, black tights, shoes with a ball on each toe and a gray cloth with a marigold covering her forehead while wielding a fencing sword with a ruby at its tip as her wand. "Ready to go, Yuuten!" Magnolio smiled. (Floral Magician, Magnolio- Size 2-5000 Power/2 Critical/3000 Defense)
"Magnolio, attack the fighter!" Yuuten declared.
Magnolio leapt into action, slashing Kaji with her fencing sword, who stayed rigid as he lost 2 life instantly.
"End of move."
(Y: 10/G: 3/Item-None/None/Floral Magician, Magnolio/None)
(K: 8/G: 2/Item-None/None/None/None)
"With her first monster, Yuuten was able to land 2 damage onto Kaji at once! However, it seems that the Demon General leader is motionless, just like his fight with Genji. I guess it takes a certain amount of mental focus to stay that calm in a Buddyfight! But, now it's his turn!" Paruko announced.
"Draw. Charge and draw." Kaji declared, increasing his hand to 7 and his gauge to 3. "I pay one gauge and cast Red Dragon Knights' 'Song of Burning March'." Soon, the red set spell flew to the side of Kaji's head.
"There's his spell already out!" Gao alerted.
"Must mean that his strategy to burn damage to the opponent is ready on the start." Baku said.
"Now, I cast Dragonic Charge to increase my gauge by 2." Kaji continued as his two top cards flew into his gauge. "Now… I pay 2 gauge and call to the center Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon!"
Appearing in Kaji's center area was once again the colossal Super Armordragon with multiple gatling cannons heavily attached to his back and arms, who gave a powerful roar towards its next victims. (Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon-Size 3-7000 Power/2 Critical/7000 Defense)
"Here it is! One of Kaji's most powerful monsters: Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon!" Paruko shouted.
"Now, with my set spell, I pay one gauge to inflict 1 damage to you, but unlike before, I activate Gatling Blaster Dragon's other ability to obliterate your Floral Magician!" Kaji said, making Yuuten gasp.
Soon, the Red Dragon Knights' spell launched a small fireball at Yuuten, who blocked it, but took 1 damage regardless. However, Magnolio wasn't so lucky as Gatling Blaster Dragon growled as it quickly launched its Mega Gatling Blast, immediately turning the Floral Magician into card pixels.
"Now, Gatling Blaster Dragon, attack the fighter!" Kaji commanded.
Gatling Blaster Dragon fired another round of bullets around Yuuten, who wasn't directly hit from the attack, but the blasts caused by them dealt two damage and causing her to skid back a bit.
"End of move."
(Y: 7/G: 3/Item-None/None/None/None)
(K: 8/G: 1/Item-None/Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/Super Armordragon, Gatling Blaster Dragon/None)
Saki looked at his buddy in worry. "Are you okay, Yui?"
"Yeah. Don't worry, Saki." Yuuten said, reassuring her Buddy monster as she looked at the colossal Super Armordragon and gave a small sigh. "However, this is going to be a little tricky. My turn, so I draw! Next, I charge and draw!" The Floral Buddyfighter increased her hand to 6 and her gauge to 4. "I call Floral Warrior, Saku to the right, Floral Magician, Fiore to the left and Floral Warrior, Gladios to the center!"
On the right position appeared the young Floral Magician who gave a small giggle as she came to the field, followed by the kimono-wearing Floral Warrior who unsheathed his long sword from his sheath and the Floral warrior/Gladiator. (Floral Magician, Fiore-Size 0/3000 Power/1 Critical/1000 Defense), (Floral Warrior, Saku-Size 2/5000 Power/2 Critical/2000 Defense), (Floral Warrior, Gladios-Size 1/3000 Power/2 Critical/5000 Defense)
"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!" Kyosuke cheered.
"With that field, Yuuten has a good chance of defending her center with Gladios there." Kuguru mentioned.
"Not to mention, with Fiore there, she can equip a item from her hand with less of a cost." Jun added before he narrowed his eyes, looking at Kaji. "However…"
"Now I pay one gauge and cast Nice One!" Yuuten continued, drawing two more cards from her deck. "And from that draw, I pay one gauge and equip Gunrod, Stradivarius!" In Yuuten's hands formed her trusty silver rifle which she aimed it directly at Kaji. (Gunrod, Stradivarius-4000 Power/1 Critical)
"And thanks to Floral Magician, Fiore, Yuuten was able to equip Gunrod, Stradivarius at a lower cost! Not to mention, Stradivarius can deal direct damage to the opponent and give power to one of your monsters!" Paruko explained.
"And that's what I'll do!" Stradivarius began to charge up as it began to glow before releasing a large bullet of energy. "And fire!" The bullet flew past the Super Armordragon and struck Kaji in his chest, dealing 1 damage. "And now, the extra +3000 Power will go to Saku!" Saku gripped the hilt of his sword even harder as he felt the power in him grow. (5000 Power + 3000 Power = 8000 Power)
"So you use your item's power to increase your monster's feeble strength? I'd say that's a good start, but you may need to try harder if you think that will help you." Kaji smirked.
"Keep your comments to yourself until the end of the Buddyfight, then you can voice your own opinion. Now, Saku, attack Gatling Blaster Dragon!"
Saku dashed towards his target, leaping into the air and slashed the Super Armordragon in half with his flower petals, reducing it into holographic shards.
"And since your Super Armordragon is gone, Fiore and Gladios, attack the fighter directly!" Yuuten commanded.
The Floral Magician produced vines from the bracelets on her wrists, giving Kaji a good whipping, dealing one damage. Gladios soon followed, melding his Gladiolus petals into his large lance and gave a diagonal slash into the Demon General, dealing two more damage.
"Before I end my turn, Saku is sent to the drop zone due to his ability." Yuuten concluded as Saki gave a bow to his master before bursting into peach-colored petals.
"End of move."
(Y: 7/G: 3/Item-Gunrod, Stradivarius/Floral Magician, Fiore/Floral Warrior, Gladios/None)
(K: 4/G: 1/Item-None/Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/None)
"So you were able to lower my life by half and removed my comrade from the field, but that's only temporary." Kaji said before he drew his next card. "Draw! Charge and Draw! I pay 2 gauge and cast Dragogenius, so I draw two cards." Kaji drew two cards. "Next, I cast Dragonic Charge, 'Plus'!"
"With Dragonic Charge, 'Plus', Kaji will be able to increase his gauge by two, followed by three more due to his life being less than five!" Kuguru gasped.
"Not only that, I pay one gauge and one life to equip Dragonblade, Dragobreach!" Soon, the glowing card in his hands transformed into the enormous broadsword, holding the hilt in both his hands before the Demon General smirked as he pulled out another glowing card from his hand with the card igniting in flames, shocking his opponent and the audience. "Now I pay three gauge and Buddy Call!"
Kaji threw his flaming card into the air as it created a colossal vortex of fire in the middle of his field, with everyone, even the Sengoku students watching from the mountainside to take cover from it, even though it was more or less real.
"What is that, guys?" Gao shouted.
"I'm guessing that's Kaji's Buddy, but it's really big, by the looks of it!" Baku answered, covering his eyes from the scorching tornado of flames. "I hope that Yuuten can handle this!"
Emerging from the searing tornado of flames was were two enormous blackened but familiar blades cloaked in fire, which crossed together and split the tornado into nothing. The holder of the enormous blades was a 15 ft. tall anthropomorphic dragon with charcoal black armor, covering its fiery underbody with each hole in its armor lining throughout its entire body except for its shoulders, in which sharp blades covered them, as well as its calves, the tip of its tail and two large blades located at its forehead. The colossal Armordragon gave an ear-splitting roar as it focused its gaze at his next targets. "Behold my buddy: Super Armordragon, Gargantua Blade Dragon!" (Super Armordragon, Gargantua Blade Dragon-Size 3-8000 Power/3 Critical/8000 Defense)
"In all of my time being a Buddyfight Commentator, I have never seen such a enormous Armordragon in my life! Who knew the Leader of the Demon Generals had such a monster as their Buddy!?" Paruko shrieked in shock. "Not to mention, Kaji's life increased by one due to the Buddy Gift, increasing his life to five!"
"That is so colossal! I didn't know that Kaji would have this monster in his deck!" Gao gasped.
"I'm really having some doubts if Yuuten can take that kind of monster…" Genji admitted, which made Kyosuke growl a bit.
"No… I know she can take this monster and win…" Kyosuke growled.
As the enormous shadow of Gargantua Blade Dragon overshadowed his Buddy, Kaji could only give a wicked smile towards Yuuten. "Now, since I called my Gargantua Blade Dragon, I add two Items from my drop zone to my hand." Two of Kaji's Items returned to his hand. "Now, I activate Gargantua Blade Dragon's skill! I discard one of my Items to destroy any card on the field!"
"Any card?" Yuuten repeated in fear.
"Yes, so your Gladios is destroyed! Gargantua Blade!" Gargantua Blade roared as it quickly threw down its flaming sword onto the Floral Gladiator, who brought out his shield to block the strike, but it was all in vain as it crushed him into pixels, leaving a flaming hole in its aftermath before it faded away.
"Whoa! That monster crushed Yuuten's center like a bug, yo!" Tetsuya gasped. "Totally harsh!"
"Now that I think about it, doesn't its blades look familiar to you guys?" Kazane wondered as she pointed to Gargantua Blade's blazing swords.
"Yeah, I see it!" Baku noticed it before he gave a big gasp, realizing why the blades looked so familiar. "Bro, those blades… They're from the Gargantua Punisher Impact card!"
"WHAT!?" Everyone gasped collectively.
"Yeah, this dragon must be the monster who uses the impact in the Gargantua Punisher!" Jun added.
"Seriously? This guy just doesn't have Gargantua Punisher, but the Armordragon that wields it too!" Drum growled as he looked to his Buddy who had a quiet yet focused look on his face, focusing on the fight.
"Now, Gargantua Blade Dragon, attack the fighter directly!" Kaji commanded. The Gargantua Blade Dragon inhaled a large breath of air before blasting a fireball at his target, Yuuten, which incinerated three of Yuuten's life to 4. "Now, I attack with Dragobreach!" Kaji gave a quick dash, slashing Yuuten, lowering her life to 1.
"End of move."
(Y: 1/G: 3/Item-Gunrod, Stradivarius/Floral Magician, Fiore/None/None)
(K: 5/G: 1/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/Super Armordragon, Gargantua Blade Dragon/None/None)
"Calling Gargantua Blade Dragon and getting rid of Yuuten's center easily was a quick maneuver by Kaji, but now it's Yuuten's turn! With one life point left, how will she respond?" Paruko commented, looking down to the Floral Buddyfighter, who was looking a little winded from the recent attacks, but Saki placed his hand on his Buddy's shoulder.
"Yuuten, are you okay?" Saki asked with worry in his voice.
"I'm okay, Saki, don't worry." Yuuten assured her Wizard buddy, but as she looked up to the colossal Super Armordragon, she sighed a bit. "This is not going to be easy."
"Yui, you should take heed, considering your position in the fight against Kaji. With your life being at 1, we need to finish him this turn." Saki explained.
"I know, Saki, but I don't know if we can with the way that this guy fights." The Floral Buddyfighter replied.
"Yui…" Saki said with a serious tone in his voice. "I understand that things seem difficult at this point, but you can't give up as your friends are right behind us, cheering us on." With those words, Yuuten turned around to her Aibo Academy schoolmates/friends, suddenly seeing them cheer her on.
"Yuuten, don't give up, yo!"
"Come on, bro, you can win this!"
"You can do this, Yuuten!"
"Yui! You can win this!"
The Floral Buddyfighter heard the cheers of her allies, encouraging her to keep fighting and to not give up, and as she heard them, she began to smile with courage building up in her heart. "Everyone…"
"Are you going to keep Buddyfighting or are you giving up? Either way will end in my victory." Kaji smirked in a presumptuous tone.
Turning back around to Kaji, but with a determined look on her face, Yuuten only drew her next card before charging her next card, followed by drawing another card from her deck. "Sorry, I'm not giving up, so you may want to wait on that victory." Yuuten looked down to her recently drawn card and gave a small grin on her face. "I cast Nice One!"
"With Nice One, Yuuten can draw two more cards from her deck, so what she draws now is especially crucial!" Paruko commented.
"Alright, let's see what I got…" As Yuuten drew her two cards, she smiled at her new cards. "Sweet! I pay two gauge and call Floral Magician, Hearty the Rose to the right position!"
(Steven Universe Theme Song-Smoky Quartz)
"Whaaaat a beautiful day to take on new Buddyfighters!" Hearty announced loudly as she emerged from a funnel of roses before she swiped the tornado away with her staff, giving her audience a lovely wink. (Floral Magician, Hearty the Rose-6000 Power/2 Critical/4000 Defense)
"Is this your last chance to beat me? If so, it's a little pitiful." Kaji scoffed, which made Hearty turn to Yuuten with a curious look on her face.
"Pitiful, huh?" Hearty smirked as she wagged her finger smugly. "The only thing pitiful is you being so serious like this, honey. That and your fashion style. It looks like you snip your sleeves off purposely."
"Ooh, trash talk! I guess Hearty has some words to say about Kaji, and ouch, don't they sting!" Paruko commented with a laugh.
"Hearty… Focus on the fight, please." Saki groaned with annoyed tone, rubbing his temples as Yuuten just sweatdropped in embarrassment.
"Oh." Hearty turned back to her owner, giving her an embarrassed smirk, sticking out her tongue as well. "Sorry, Yuuten sweetie."
"Whatever…" Yuuten sighed as she focused back to the match. "Anyways, with Hearty's effect, I discard one card from my hand to destroy Gargantua Blade Dragon! Let it rip, Hearty!"
As Yuuten discarded one of her hand cards, Hearty pulled out her staff as it began to glow a rosy red color with the gem on top of her staff creating a rose-like energy orb. She twirled her staff a couple of times in the air before targeting it at Gargantua Blade Dragon, yelling "Magica Rose Blaster!" The powerful rose-colored blast enveloped the Super Armordragon, immediately destroying it.
"Alright! Now Yuuten can win, even if Kaji survives until next turn, yo!" Tetsuya cheered.
"Don't be so sure. Kaji has two cards left in his hand and four life. To win this, all of Yuuten's attacks need to connect." Jun explained.
"Yuuten, you can do this…" Kyosuke muttered.
"Fiore, attack the fighter!" Yuuten growled as she commanded her monster to attack.
Fiore, using the power of her bracelets to create her vines, struck Kaji numerous times, dealing him one point of damage.
"Now, I'll strike with Stradivarius!" Yuuten fired a bullet right at Kaji, dealing him 1 damage once more.
"Now, Hearty, attack the fighter!" Yuuten commanded.
"Alright!" Hearty took flight as her staff began to charge up with energy once more before she struck Kaji hard with it, dealing two damage. "Rosy Blast!"
"One more attack! Finish this, Hearty! Double Attack!"
"Okay, then!" Hearty lifted her staff up in the air, charging up for one more attack. "Rosy Blast Redux!"
"Is this it? Will Yuuten defeat the Sengoku Academy Chief!?" Paruko questioned with a surprised tone.
"Not happening! I cast Green Dragon Shield!" Kaji held up his card, creating the Green Dragon Shield which reflected Hearty's attack before it struck him. "Your attack is canceled out and I regain one life!"
"So close and yet so far! Hearty's attack was cut short by a miraculous Green Dragon Shield by Kaji! Now, Yuuten can't finish the fight now!" Paruko shouted into her microphone.
(Music End)
"End of move."
(Y: 1/G: 2/Item-Gunrod, Stradivarius/Floral Magician, Fiore/None/Floral Magician, Hearty the Rose)
(K: 2/G: 1/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/None)
"So close! Despite Yuuten's best chance to end the fight, she only falls short from a miraculous Green Dragon Shield from Kaji. Now, it's his turn!" Paruko commented.
"Oh, man. Yuuten was so close." Kylie groaned in disappointment.
"It's not so bad, though. At least Kaji has one card in his hand, soon to be two on his turn." Akatsuki shrugged.
"I don't know. With how we've seen Kaji play, another card in his could clinch it for him, Especially with Yuuten at one life." Kuguru said, which made the others focus on the next turn, especially Kyosuke.
'Yuuten…' Kyosuke mentally said.
Kaji only smirked as he silently took his draw, followed by his charge and draw, increasing his hand to 2 once more and his gauge to 2 as well. "You know, you may be one of the few Buddyfighters I fought that got me to this point… It's a interesting twist, don't you think?"
"What's your point?" Yuuten asked.
"What I mean is that Buddyfighters from Aibo Academy are more interesting than I thought, but that's all you are. Nothing more." Kaji said, which ticked off Yuuten a bit. "Now, it's time to end this. I cast another Dragonic Charge, "Plus"!"
"Now that he's increasing his gauge, there's only one thing he could be planning to use!" Paruko guessed with fear in her voice.
"Now, let's skip to my Final Phase!"
"Oh no!" Yuuten gasped, knowing what was about to occur next.
"CAST" As the reptilian hand pulled out the gargantuan sword wrapped in chains as it was pulled out easily, the sword was levitating over Kaji's head, he held his card to the side as he shouted, "IMPACT! THE BLAZING SWORD THAT INCINERATES EVERYTHING!" as the sword was covered in flames linking to the card itself. Just then, Kaji thrusted the card and the Impact down with full force into his opponent, which immediately incinerated the last of Yuuten's life as her monsters faded away in the roaring flames. "GARGANTUAAAAA PUNISHERRRRRRR!"
(Y: 0/G: 2/Item-Gunrod, Stradivarius/Floral Magician, Fiore/None/Floral Magician, Hearty the Rose)
(K: 2/G: 3/Item-Dragonblade, Dragobreach/Red Dragon Knights "Song of Burning March"/None/None/None)
"Game over. Winner: Kaji Tachokaze."
Yuuten fell to her knees as the flames from the Gargantua Punisher faded away, with the young 7th Grader looking down in shame from her loss and Saki placing his hands on her shoulders in concern. Kaji only smirked as he looked at his former opponent defeated as he said, "Now since you have fallen, which one of you Aibo Academy fools will fight me next? Whatever your choice, it will end the same because none can defeat the leader of the Demon Generals, Kaji Tachikaze!" Raising his arm in the air in victory, the Sengoku Academy students began to chant, "Kaji Tachikaze!" repeatedly. The Aibo Academy group could only watch in their own expressions, especially with Gao in interest and a small smile.
Whoo! That is all done! And it only took five months, aye, aye, aye. Once again, I am sorry for everyone who was awaiting this chapter. I was finishing my last semester of college and I graduated recently. I'm getting ready for the next part of my life, another college for my Bachelor's degree, so hopefully, this summer, I can be more free with my time, despite my job and can make more chapters! Now, for the OC Card of the chapter:
Barricade of the Armordragons
Cast Cost: Pay 2 Gauge
Effect: When the opponent's monster attacks and you have a size 3 [Armordragon] on your side of your field, change the target to that card.
Flavor Text: In the presence of the legendary Armordragons, be ready to fight with your life…
(This card belongs to Petor. All rights about their creations belong to the original creator.)
Anyways, onto the next chapter preview:
Now that Kaji's defeated Genji and Yuuten, it's up to Gao to the rescue! As the two begin their Buddyfight, we'll learn how Kaji came across the Gargantua Punisher and his rivalry with Aibo Academy's Genma Todoroki. Can Gao and Drum defeat the Leader of the Demon Generals, or will this be the Sun Fighter's first loss? Next time, Sengoku Rescue: Dragon World Showdown! Get ready for a blazing Buddyfight!
That is all for this chapter, so this is BlasterDragonoid signing off once more!