He unlocked her chains one night, well after dark. He did it because of Audrey and Nathan, because of this damned unnatural town, because of the fast approaching and unavoidable end to this sad saga. He did it in weary anger.

He unlocked her chains one night, in silence, and he didn't look back. He didn't want to see what happened next. He didn't want to care.

And then she was gone.

He worked the night in a mindless daze, blind, sheltered behind the bar. Empty glass, tip the bottle, serve the drink, token witty banter. Taking no joy in it, he let the routine absorb him.

Until a flash of blonde flickered in the corner of his eye.

Anyone else would have assumed she was Audrey. No one else would have looked twice. But he new it was her in half a glance. The truth betrayed by the set of her shoulders and the way her fingers gripped the glass.

She had come back. Or never left. Hours had passed since the click of the lock. Hours to run under cover of darkness. Hours to take merciless revenge.

But she was here. Here, at the end of his bar.

He forced himself not to look. The clink of glasses on wood seemed too loud. Every breath seemed to betray them.

He'd gotten away with so many things in the past, and never thought twice. Now, he couldn't shake the feeling that his luck would run out any moment, a moment too soon. That he would be too late. Just give me this. Just give me this. It pumps through him.

This isn't love. There's no way love is this foolish. This is some fashion of reckless abandon. Years of rash decisions and snubbed laws, too many heartbreaking losses, snowballing. Into her and him. Into this pull in his gut. Into needing to win, just this once, just for tonight.

This isn't a fairy tale romance. She's no princess, and he certainly isn't her knight in shining armor. There won't be a Happily Ever After. He knows this. And he doesn't care.

Tomorrow, everything will come crashing down. There will be hell to pay for the lock he opened. There will be hell to pay for the empty chains.

Hell he will gladly pay. Because there is tonight. Only tonight. He's stupid enough to ask for this, but not stupid enough to ask for more.

Slowly the noise filters out, leaving behind trays of empty glasses. Only when they are alone, doors locked and bolted, does he dare to meet her eyes.

Only tonight. Only tonight. Come what may.