Hello, everyone! Sputnikmann here, with a new sneak peek.

So, this takes place sometime after an earlier sneak peek; 'Pushed too Far'. I really hope I hit people in 'da feels' here, seeing as that's what I was aiming for.

Rainbow Dash sat helpless, chained to the cage that Dr. Eggman locked her in, watching as the mad scientist brutally beat Sonic with his electrically-charged arm. Suspended by metal arms jutting out from the walls, her brother could do nothing but take the beating Eggman was giving him.

Rainbow winced when a tooth flew out of his mouth as Eggman gave a hard uppercut, dislocating Sonic's jaw and almost knocking him unconscious. Despite the situation, Sonic chuckled; coughing up blood between laughs. "You've... really been waiting for this..." he said. "Haven't you Baldy?"

Eggman punched downward, once again putting Sonic on the edge of consciousness. With his natural hand, the mad doctor grabbed the back of Sonic's head and lifted it to eye level. "You literally have no idea." he said. "With that stupid fox dead, and you as good as dead; the resistance will crumble."

Sonic laughed again. "You... you still don't get it, do you Eggface?" he said, giving a cheeky grin. "The Freedom Fighters are an ideal. We're a hydra. No matter how many of us you kill, more and more will rise to take our place. As long as someone on Mobius still hates you; which will always be the case, the Freedom Fighters will live on."

"Then I will be sure to eradicate every organic being on this planet." Eggman said. He pressed a button on his wrist, and the metal arms suspending Sonic in the air retracting back into the walls. Sonic fell to the ground in front of Rainbow's cage, who crawled as close as her chains would allow. The hedgehog clutched his stomach with one hand, using the other to re-locate his jaw properly. "In the mean time though..."

Sonic and Rainbow both gasped as Eggman grasped Sonic by the neck. "...Your death will be good enough." he concluded, tightening the grip of his prosthetic hand. Sonic started spasming as he struggled for air. He desperately scratched at Eggman's metal wrist, tearing the already-tattered gloves on his hands further. "There is no use struggling, pest." he warned. "My grip is strong enough to crush Titanium; you couldn't break out of it even if I wasn't trying to kill you."

Sonic winced in more pain as his lungs became deprived of oxygen. He looked into the Doctor's eyes, trying to see any show of remorse or empathy.

There was none.

Rainbow started banging on her cage bars. "STOP IT!" she cried. "STOP IT, PLEASE!"

Eggman glared at her. "Be patient, equine." he said. "You'll be next, my dear."

Sonic's eyes widened, his movement becoming more spastic. Eggman smiled. He knew what came next. "Fare thee well, Sonic the Hedgehog." he said, as the hedgehog's eyes rolled into the back of his head. "It hasn't been a pleasure."

Sonic's movements suddenly stopped, his body becoming completely still. His arms hung loosely by his side, and his breathing ceased. Rainbow's eyes filled with tears. Eggman's lips curled further into his evil grin. The Doctor let go of his nemesis' body, which dropped like a stone, rag-dolling onto the floor next to Rainbow Dash.

Silently, Rainbow crawled over to Sonic's unmoving body. She put her head to his chest, but no breathing was heard. She looked into his eyes, which were glazed over and unresponsive. She stopped herself as she reached Sonic's closed fist, originally attempting to check for a pulse. She knew there wouldn't be one.

Eggman waltzed over to the window, where he looked over his guaranteed empire; as Rainbow silently wept over her brother. It's over. Rainbow thought. We've lost. She grabbed his head as she continued crying, before touching her fore-head to his cold chest. The small movement caused his clutched fist to open loosely, a golden pocket watch falling out of his grip.

Neither payed any mind to it. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. Mobius was doomed.

Sonic the Hedgehog was dead.