Hello everypony (Yes I just typed that, sue me)! So, because I haven't updated Time ReWritten in a while, I decided to give you guys a sneak peek (Rainbow Rocks style!) of Return of Harmony! This is one of those ideas I came up with, and thought I should get some feedback. I'll probably do this for every two-parter in the series from now on.

Enjoy! Also, if you haven't already done it, you should probably read what I've got for Time ReWritten to understand this sneak peek.

Sonic pulled against Discord's grip. "Let me go, you freak!" the hedgehog said.

"Quiet down, boy." Discord said, letting Sonic's arm go. "There are animals sleeping here."

"No!" Sonic yelled. "Whatever you've got planned, you'll never get away with it!"

Discord laughed. "Why's that now?" he asked.

"I've already had a life of kicking butt, and I know that good always wins against evil!" Sonic said. "I've learned from experience."

"And what makes you think I'm the bad guy?" Discord asked softly.

Sonic face-palmed. "One," he said, sticking his index finger up. "Your name is Discord. Second." His middle finger joined the index. "Before Celestia and Luna took over, you ruled Equestria in an eternal state of Chaos!"

"Yes, I know." Discord said. He motioned Sonic to get on with it. "Your point is…?"

"You're an overlord with god-like powers!" Sonic yelled. "If that doesn't scream 'Evil', I don't know what does!"

Discord sighed. "I want you to think for a second, alright?" he said. "If I can't convince you by the end of this conversation that I'm right, I'll let you go and give your friends their Elements."

Sonic crossed his arms, frowning, but no less curious. "Alright, Dipcord," He said. "I'm listening."

Discord beamed. "Good!" he said. He cleared his throat. "Now, it's true that I used to be a tyrant who turned Equestria upside-down and leftisde-right a thousand years ago. I completely admit that, while funny, I knew it was a terrible thing to do."

"You're not helping you case, dude." Sonic said.

"BUT, I never hurt anypony." Discord continued. "I was like a kid, the Equestrian citizens my toys; toys I did not want to break. I kept everypony well fed, I gave them shelter, and built entire cities for them! If I never ruled Equestria, this mountain-side city wouldn't be here right now!"

"Alright, I can see why you'd want respect." Sonic said, uncrossing his arms and placing on fist on his hip. "Go on…"

"Then Sun-butt Celestia and Luna Lunatic came around." He said, with extreme distaste. "While what I did was bad, what Celestia did in the following time was worse by Pony-law standards! She turned me to stone! She permitted Star-Swirl to send some misunderstood creatures to an alternate world!She turned the ruler of a neighboring kingdom into shadow! She imprisoned her own sister on the moon!"

"Don't you see?" Discord said. "I always cared for Equestria's citizens, in my own, very strange way. There are even ponies to this day that still appreciate what I'd done a thousand years ago. Celestia never thanked me for building the foundations of Equestria, she didn't hesitate to turn Sombra into shadow, she didn't care that the sirens would lose their power and probably starve in an alternate world, and she was willing to banish her sister to the moon!"

At this point, Discord had broken into a rant. "Sun-butt never does anything except rest those royal buttocks on that regal throne! She acts like she cares, but doesn't show any signs of appreciation! What did she give you for rescuing her sister from herself?"

"A house of my own in Ponyville..." Sonic answered, sighing.

"What did she do when Nightmare Moon was returning?"

"Nothing..." said Sonic, slightly angrier than before. "She did absolutely nothing but hide out and wait for us to do the job!"

Discord brought himself to eye level with Sonic. "Now look me in the eyes and tell me who bigger evil here is." He said.

Sonic's color faded from his body as he locked gazes with Discord. His eyes glowed cyan as the special qualities of Sonic's corruption took effect. "Celestia is." Sonic said. "Princess Celestia, the current ruler of Equestria, who does nothing but wait for others to do her work; is the true evil here."

Discord smiled and raised his eagle talon. "Welcome to the dark side." He said. Sonic looked at Discord's hand before smiling and shaking it, sealing the deal. "We've been waiting for you."

So, how was it?

For what happens when the actual chapter comes out, I'll probably take this down; to spare readers the confusion. Hope you all enjoyed this special sneak peek of Time ReWritten!