
A/N: Yes, I know it's been years since I wrote this, and I've published a book and I'm real close to publishing my second, uh, I'm in college and my writing has infinitely changed since 2015. Also, almost any current fic you see involving Shadow is for a webcomic I read and is mainly set in that universe. But! I'm finally going to finish Papa Shadow thanks to a Guest Reviewer. Thank you so much!

Amy paused in front of the door of Shadow's room. Granted they had been friends for years, but she had only been his room once and she hoped what ever weapon he had was locked away with a four-year-old in the house.

She opened the door, finding Sonic having just woken up. He yawned, scooting off the bed and walking towards her. "Did Shadow go to work?" he asked, leaning against her as she led him to the bathroom.

"Yeah," she answered, helping him brush his teeth. "He should be back by nine."

Sonic nodded, rubbing his eyes and wiping his face with the small towel Amy brought him after he finished brushing his teeth. That was a few hours away and Sonic wasn't really sure if he could wait that long. Somehow, being taken care of by Shadow as a parent or brother was nice. It reminded him of his parents more often than not.

He should give them a call when he got back to normal.

"Shadow left an omelet in the microwave for you. Want me to heat it up?" Amy asked, walking out of the bathroom as Sonic followed.

"Yes, please." He went over to the table, taking a seat as the microwave hummed. He looked over as Amy sat across from him, staring for a bit before fiddling with her thumbs. "What's up, Ames?"

"Nothing, it's just. . ." she paused, getting up to take the omelet out of the microwave and cutting it up before sliding the plate over to Sonic. "are you going to remember any of this when you get back to normal?"

"I hope so," he said, pausing as he registered what he said. It wasn't a bad thing to want to remember, it's just that him and Shadow used to be rivals and now. . .it felt like they were closer. Sure, he had known him through everything with his mom and even Shadow's current attempt at a romantic relationship, but other than that they had never really been close. Sonic swallowed, continuing, "It'd be fun to mess with him about."

Amy rolled her eyes, checking something on her phone. Probably a text message from Sandy. "I guess we'll see when you turn back. Your two weeks of being dependent are almost over."

Right. Tomorrow was Saturday, which was the same day Eggman turned him four for reasons he still didn't know. Maybe he should ask. Sonic finished up his breakfast, spending the majority of the day with Amy as she took pictures of them and watched tv with him.

Sonic looked up from his spot on the couch as the front door opened and Shadow stepped inside. Shadow sighed, taking his shoes off. "I thought you'd be in bed by now." He said as Sonic ran over to him.

Sonic hugged him, replying, "We wanted to wait for you."

"Not we, him," Amy said, grinning as she took a picture of them. "You know you I'm sending this to?" she asked, looking at Shadow.

"No," he said before realization dawned and his mouth dropped open. "Don't you dare."

"Too late that for, big bro," Amy replied, showing him the sent text and his girlfriend's (unbeknownst to them) reply.

"Anyway," Shadow started, looking down at Sonic. "You need to go to bed. Did you—."

"Already bathed." Amy interrupted, waving as she left.

Shadow held his hand out, walking towards his room as Sonic took it.

"Hey Shadow, can we visit Eggman tomorrow?"

Shadow frowned. He sort of wanted to keep his interactions with his supposed cousin to a minimum, especially with what he forced upon him. Not that Sonic was a bad kid or anything. "No," he finally replied, helping Sonic into the bed.


"I said no," he repeated, a bit firmer than he meant. He swallowed as Sonic sniffed, biting his lip as he teared up.

Sonic looked down, wiping his eyes. "You didn't have to yell," he whimpered, closing his eyes as Shadow pulled him into a hug.

"I know," Shadow mumbled. "I'm sorry." He pulled away to wipe away Sonic's remaining tears as he hiccupped. "How about this? We go visit Eggman and get some ice cream, okay?" he continued, settling into bed and rubbing Sonic's back as he laid down with him.

Sonic nodded, yawning as he fell asleep. He'd probably just tell Shadow on their way there.

The walk to Eggman's was always weird to Shadow. Mostly because the scientist either had new traps or complicated ways of getting inside. This time, it was complicated and carrying a four-year-old through a maze really took a lot out of him. Shadow knocked, at least hoping Eggman would answer instead of having a trapdoor or something else ridiculous.

"Oh," Eggman hummed, looking at the pair. "It's just you two."

"We're going for ice cream later, so make this quick," Sonic yelled as Shadow set him on the ground.

"Don't be rude." Shadow scolded, lightly flicking Sonic's ear. "But he's right," he said to Eggman.

Eggman shrugged, looking down at the blue blur. "It should've worn off by now."

Sonic swallowed as Shadow looked at him, kneeling to his eye level. "What does he mean by that?"

"Well," Sonic started. "I was going to tell you earlier, I promise." He said, feeling something in him change as a puff of smoke wafted around him.

Eggman stood to the side, holding up the perfume bottle. "I had this the whole time, I just wasn't sure if it was gonna work." He said, grinning as Shadow growled.

Shadow snatched the bottle from Eggman, putting in his pocket. Vanilla would be glad to see it.

"So," Sonic said, grinning as he put his arm around Shadow. "We're still getting ice cream, right?"

Shadow groaned. Sure enough, Sonic was back to his normal, annoying self. But. . .Shadow did promise him. "Fine, but if you get anything expensive, you're paying for it." He warned, walking away from Eggman.

Sonic paused, holding onto Shadow for a while as he smiled. "Thanks. You know, having you as a brother or dad or whatever isn't so bad."

"Whatever, just don't call me dad."

Yeah, Sonic was definitely calling his parents tomorrow.