The following morning they got right back down to the business of trying to deal with the Arc Society. It was barely past nine o'clock that morning but still everyone was gathered at the boarding house to discuss plans and strategies. Damon, Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline. Along with Enzo, Tyler, Alaric, Gavin, and Lucy. And two newcomers has now joined the group in Liv and Luke after Tyler had asked them for their help they agreed.

So Bonnie made one huge pot of coffee for everyone to enjoy and Lucy had brought over a big box of breakfast pastries so that they could all have coffee and a sweet treat for breakfast as they discussed their plans. Now that the Gilberts were completely out of their lives Bonnie and Damon really wanted the Arc Society completely out of their lives. And they were willing to do almost anything to make that happen. Even if that meant that they had to destroy the society member by member. For them it was all about keeping themselves and each other safe and alive. As well as making sure that all of the others that they cared about remained the same way.

Everyone knew about what had happened to Elena and that she was now trapped in a tomb and that Jeremy had been compelled to leave Mystic Falls forever. But the Gilberts had not been discussed that morning. Including by Alaric whatever he thought about Elena being trapped in a tomb for the next five hundred years he had kept it to himself and was there to do whatever he could do to help the gang with their Arc Society problem.

So everyone grabbed a mug of coffee and some of them had breakfast pastries that had been freshly baked from the bakery that Lucy had brought them from. They all gathered in the large sitting room ready to start discussing the plans.

Bonnie who sat next to Damon with her mug of coffee spoke first. "Before we start I just wanted to Thank both Liv and Luke for agreeing to help us with this problem."

"RIght." Damon agreed. "We appreciate it because at this point we need all of the help that we can get."

"Yeah well. When Tyler explained to us what was going on we just knew that we had to help." Liv said "Whether you know it or not I kind of like all of you guys. Plus I do owe you Bonnie for helping me learn my magic. And I can't exactly stand by and let this Cult society try to take you guys apart if I have the power to help stop them. So that is why I agreed to help."

Luke went along with his sister. "And these people seem like obsessive lunatics. I mean with their reasons for going after you and all. Which would make them not just dangerous to you guys but eventually to any innocent person out there who may cross their path by mistake and do something to piss them off. So my sister and I will use all of the magic that we know of to help take them down."

Bonnie nodded. "Again Thank you."

Both of the twins said "You're Welcome" At the same time.

They started the discussion with everyone having their turn to say their part in what they think that they should so or what was the best to do.

About forty minutes past into the discussion when Matt entered the boarding house and then the room with a flustered expression on his face. "Hey guys…." The young blood male greeted.

"Hey Matt." Bonnie returned as she worked on her second mug of coffee. "What brings you here we weren't expecting you today."

"I wasn't expecting to come here today either seeing as I had to work today." Matt went on. "But me coming here is for important and urgent reasons. I just witness some wild and extreme things going down, man."

Damon questioned. "What wild and extreme things?"

Matt explained. "Well, I just came from the next town over because I had to run an errand for my boss. And I witnessed those people from the Arc Society setting up base over there."

Tyler said "Yeah we knew that they would be doing something like that to move against us. That is why we are all here to discuss what to do about it."

"But." Matt shook his head. "It's like they are coming in by the hundreds now."

"By the hundreds?" Stefan furrowed his brow with concern.

"At least a couple of hundred." Matt replied. "I saw them gather outside of some building while I was driving by and it looks like they are about to get down to some serious work. So I wanted to come back and let you guys know."

Caroline stated. "That is something that we need to know. We appreciate you coming by here and telling us this news Matt."

Matt added. "But that is not all. When I said that something Wicked and Extreme happened then I really mean it."

"What else happened?" Lucy wanted to know.

"Okay I'm no witch. But I'm pretty sure that the Society had something to do with what I saw happen next." Matt explained. "As I was headed out of town suddenly a few random people began to burst into flames and started to burn. It wasn't a pretty sight to see."

Bonnie went. "The people you saw burst into flames. They were vampires?"

Matt nodded. "From the looks of their daylight rings they were. But those rings didn't protect them from catching fire."

"Because it's a spell done that can counter or overcome the protection of a vampires daylight ring." Bonnie mumbled.

"Yes." Matt confirmed. "I'm pretty sure that the Arc Society is behind whatever spell that got those vampires to burn. But I also seemed to notice that once I got into Mystic Falls that the vampires here didn't burn or burst into flames. So whatever spell they used it just seems to be contained in that town."

Damon figured it out. "It is like a magical border spell. Similar to the one that the Travelers put up around Mystic Falls a while ago."

Stefan pointed out. "But this one seems to target just vampires."

Lucy added. "Ensuring that no vampire can cross the border into the next town that they are setting up camp in to attack them."

"They're creating a vampire free zone." Tyler said "Meaning that no one here with fangs can go in there and interrupt whatever forces they are building up over there."

"And in the process they get to kill or burn any vampire that was unlucky enough to be in the next town when they set up that border spell." Caroline frowned. "That sucks."

Enzo let out a breath. "This means that we can't take the fight to them over there."

Lucy said "But it also means that they will have to come to Mystic Falls to take the fight to us. And we will be sure to have some measures of our own to defeat them when it counts the most."

Matt looked around the room. "That is what I came here to tell you. Thought that you would need to heads up for anyone who is a vampire here not to try to go into the next town. Also for the heads up for the forces that they are gathering there."

"Yeah, Thanks for the heads up Mattie." Damon said

Bonnie went. "It helps that you came here and let us know all of this but now maybe it's best of you leave town for a little while."

Matt questioned. "Leave town?"

Bonnie explained. "Just for a short period like a week or so until all of this blows over."

"But why would I leave now?" Matt wondered.

Tyler suggested. "Because with everything that is about to go down maybe it's best for you and your safety that you leave town until all of this stuff goes away."

Bonnie said "RIght Matt it's not safe here right now for anyone that we care about. The best thing for you would be to get to some place safe where the Arc Society can't get to you."

Matt sighed. "But I rather stay here and fight with you guys."

"Come on Mattie." Damon said "You are just a human. I don't know if you have the skills or the knowledge or that you can do anything useful to help us fight against a group of psycho witches who have gone out of control."

"Geez, Thanks." Matt said with sarcasm directed at Damon.

Bonnie shook her head at her boyfriend's sometimes lack of tact in expressing himself. "What Damon is trying to say is that you could become a target because you are our friend. And the Arc Society may go after you and you don't have any Supernatural skill such as vampire strength or speed or the magic of a witch to defend yourself."

Matt's lips curved. "Yep I'm just plain old human Matt."

Bonnie chuckled. "That is not meant to be an insult, Matt."

"I know that Bon." Matt said with a chuckle of his own.

"I think that we would all just feel better if you were somewhere safe while this whole thing with the society goes down." Bonnie added.

"Right you should get away for a little bit." Caroline put in. "Think of it as more of a vacation then you going away for your safety and it will be more fun that way."

Tyler went. "Then you can come back to Mystic Falls as soon as we manage to defeat the Arc Society."

Matt eyed all of his friends. "Well I see that I am out numbered on this."

Caroline nodded. "Yes you are. So please do it for us and yourself."

Matt gave in. "Fine I guess I could go away for a week or however long it takes. I mean I've been wanting to visit Texas for a while."

"Then you should go to Texas." Bonnie told him. "It will be fun for you."

"Alright I'll go to Texas." Matt stated. "But how can I just up and leave my job for a week without notice and still keep it?"

Stefan put in. "I think that there is a way that it could be handled."

Matt said "Right the whole compelling my boss thing. At least could you guys let me know when this thing blows over."

Tyler let him know. "I'll call you as soon as that happens."

"Okay,,,,,," Matt paused. "I guess I will see all of you guys later then and go and get ready for a vacation to Texas."

"Don't worry." Caroline spoke. "We will take care of your boss and make sure that you still have your job when you come back."

"Bye guys." Matt told them all.

"Bye Matt." Bonnie returned. "We'll see you when you get back."

With a last wave Matt left the boarding house.

Enzo grumbled. "Bloody hell wasn't that just wonderful news for us. The border thing we can get passed by staying away from that town. But the fact that they are bringing people in by the hundreds against us is a bloody problem."

Stefan added. "They are going to try and win this war by outnumbering us."

"As I said it's a bloody problem." Enzo repeated.

Liv agreed. "Even though we have some powerful and strong people on our team being outnumbered by so much can present an issue for us all."

Bonnie placed her half empty mug down. "So then we should build the numbers for our side. We need to recruit more people."

"My witch is right." Damon spoke. "It would help a great deal if we could somehow find a way to get more people to fight for our side. We could go out and try to recruit more vampires to join our team."

Caroline agreed. "That would be a smart thing for us to do."

Lucy added. "We really need to focus on building up the numbers off our team. Because as it has been said we are going to need all of the help that we can get."

Gavin said "And I suspect that we have a few days to do so before the Arc Society decides to move in on us."

"Well a few days is not that long to get an equal number of people on our side that are on theirs." Enzo stated.

"No a few days is not that long to add to our numbers." Gavin spoke. "But it is enough to add to our team if we go about it the right way and work hard at it."

Bonnie said "We just need to look in the right places."

Gavin agreed. "That is correct."

An thought came to Enzo's mind. "In that case I guess I will go out and do something useful for us." He started to head for the direction of the exit.

"Wait where are you going?" Damon questioned his friend.

Enzo paused in his steps. "Since it has been brought up I believe that I just remembered someone who make help us in our need to add to our numbers. And now I'm going to go out and look for that person."

Damon gestured. "Okay then you go on ahead."

Enzo gave his friend a nod. "I'll be back here as soon as possible." And he left.

"Maybe I could help out also." Caroline stood up from her seat.

"Really." Stefan turned to her. "You think that you know of someone who will join our team?"

"I strongly believe that I know of someone that will join our team." Caroline reached for her smart phone. "I just need to give him a call."


Taking her phone into the next room Caroline dialed the number that was on her mind and waited for an answer.

Seconds later a voice that she had not heard in a while but was still so familiar to her answered. "Hello?"

Caroline took a deep breath before she decided to speak. "Klaus."

There was a pause on the other line as if Klaus had been surprised that she had called him after all of the time that they had been apart.

When there was no answer Caroline said "Klaus are you there?"

"Uh yes." Klaus replied. "I just wasn't expecting you to call be today or anytime soon for that matter."

Caroline thought to herself that she really hadn't been planning on calling Klaus today or anytime soon either but the circumstances that Matt told them about changed things. "Yeah well trust me I'm calling you because it is important."

Klaus returned. "Okay then. Hello Caroline it's been a long time since we last spoke to each other."

Caroline agreed. "It has been a long time."

Klaus muttered. "And how has life been treating you since I left Mystic Falls."

"FIne." Caroline answered. "Life has been treating me fine. Some days are obviously better than others. And how about you how have you been doing?"

"Wonderful." Was Klaus's reply. "Ever since my daughter was born."

"Bonnie told me about her. Her name is Hope." Caroline said warmly.

Klaus had a smile in his voice as he spoke through the phone. "Correct Hope is her name and she is the most precious thing ever."

Caroline told him. "Congratulations on your girl."

Klaus told her. "Thank you Caroline."

Caroline went on to the business at hand. "Sadly I didn't call so that we could catch up on each other."

"Ah that's a pity." Klaus said in a joking tone.

"I called because my friends and I are in trouble.." Caroline finished.

As soon as he heard that the joking tone in Klaus's voice went away and turned serious. "What kind of trouble?"

Caroline replied. "The kind of trouble where we have a bunch of people trying to kill us."

Klaus. "Someone's trying to kill you all. You, Bonnie, Damon….."

"Yep pretty much the whole group of us is on someone's death wishlist." Caroline grimly pressed her lips together. "They have made attempts on Bonnie and Damon's life and mine too."

Now Klaus was really serious. "Someone tried to kill you. Who was it?"

Caroline let him know. "That person is dead now thanks to Enzo. But there are plenty of others that are still after us."

"And were you hurt?" Klaus questioned in concern for Caroline.

"I was." Caroline thought of the arrows that hit her. "But I'm fine now."

"Alright." Klaus went "Now why are there people trying to kill you and your friends?"

The Blonde vampire rubbed at her temples. "Because of Elena."

Klaus added. "Elena? What did she do to get herself in trouble this time. Let me guess you all had to save her as usual and some how that let to people wanting to kill you all."

"Actually it didn't happen like that." Caroline explained. "These people are after us because of Elena's jealously."

"Huh?" Klaus was confused as to what the blonde vampire meant.

Caroline explained more. "Elena was pissed off when Damon decided to get involved with Bonnie romantically."

"So she set people after Bonnie and Damon to kill them." Klaus guessed.

"Not exactly." Caroline said "I mean her intention at first was to find a way to break them up and getting these group of people after them she figured that it was the best way to do it."

"It kind of surprises me. But then again it doesn't." Klaus stated "The fact that Elena Gilbert would let her emotions and her envy take control of her to the point where she has to resort to such measures to come between her former best friend and her Ex boyfriend. Seems like her turning into a vampire turned her into the worst type of person."

Caroline sighed and rolled her eyes at the thought of Elena. "You could say that again."

Klaus wondered. "And what was Elena's answer to being discovered for her traitorous ways."

Caroline stated. "She has been taken care of and now we are just focused on trying to get rid of this threat that is after us."

Klaus asked. "Does this threat have a name?"

"Yes, they call themselves the Arc Society." Caroline answered.

"The Arc Society." Klaus repeated after a pause.

Caroline heard the tone of his voice. "You heard of them before?"

Klaus returned. "If you've been around for about one thousand years you've heard just about everything involved in the supernatural world. I happened to learn about the Arc Society a few decades ago when they had the intention to kill me."

"For what reason?" Caroline wanted to know.

"For no other reason then I was an Original and to them the start of all of the abominations as they call them that managed to inhabit planet earth." Klaus let her know. "There was no better way to them then to make a statement than to kill one of the members of the family who was the Origin of all vampires who lived on planet earth afterwards."

"Of course that would be the reason." Caroline shook her head.

"Obviously they failed in killing me but I did kill a few of theirs in the process." Klaus thought back. "I always kept that in the back of my mind if the time came that I need to face them again."

Caroline mumbled. "Now we are facing them here in Mystic Falls and they have the intentions to try to wipe us all out. They are gathering people by the hundreds."

Klaus muttered. "That's not good."

Caroline went on. "No it's not and our side is greatly outnumbered right now. And we are trying to scramble to find more people to get on our side before the battle with the Arc Society begins."

Klaus said "And you've called me to ask if I would join your side in fighting the Arc Society."

"Right this is the reason why I am calling you. And maybe I shouldn't ask but right now I'm just desperate to make sure to find anyway for me and my friends to survive whatever is going to come from that society." Caroline took another deep breath. "And I know that it's risky going up against them but with you being an Original I figured that it would really help us if you were on our side. If you want to say no then I guess I would understand….."

"Of course I will help fight by your side." Klaus cut off the rest of what Caroline was about to say,

"Really?" Caroline was taken aback by how quickly he agreed. "Just like that."

"Yes just like that." Klaus answered without hesitation. "I can't say no to you not after you explained to me that the society tried to kill of of you, you included. I don't very much like the idea of people coming after you Caroline so if I can help stop it then I will. I'll also stop them if I can from going after Bonnie because Hope has taken a liking to her."

Caroline smiled slightly. "That's sweet I know that anyone who is worth their weight would take a liking to Bon, I mean she is awesome."

Klaus returned. "That she is. And taking out the society would also help my cause. I wouldn't have to worry about them coming sometime in the future and trying to kill me again."

Caroline went. "So you will join our side to protect me, Bon, and yourself."

Klaus added. "Also my daughter. Some want to target her because of who I am and use her to get to me. Now that you've explained how the Arc Society is back to their threatening ways I have no intentions of letting the society be one of those who threaten Hope. And I have no doubts that they will some day. Plus I can protect Elijah, Rebekah and the rest of my family and friends. So yes Caroline I will help you out in whatever way that I can."

"Words can't express how grateful I am that you agreed to have us in this fight." Caroline stated.

"Well." Klaus returned. "The only way that you can put down a group of bullies is if there are people out there willing to rise up against them. It's about the survival of our kind and the right to live you know."

Caroline nodded. "You are right we are fighting for the right to live and we have to fight together. And Thanks to you me and my friends have a better chance of winning this war that we have coming against the Arc Society."

Klaus added. "And I'll also have a talk with the others to see if they will join me in helping you."

Caroline questioned. "You will?"

"Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel…." Klaus went on. "I'll discuss the matters with them and see if they want like to join us all in the fight."

"Wow. Thank You Klaus." Caroline told him. "I seriously mean that with all of my heart."

"You're welcome, love." Klaus said to her. "Now I guess I should go and have that discussion with the others since time seems to be an urgent matter here."

"Okay." Was Caroline's response.

Klaus commented. "I'll call you a bit later and let you know what is going to happen next."

Caroline ended the conversation with a goodbye to Klaus and felt a little better about their odds of coming out from the battle with the Arc Society on top.


In the meantime Enzo was on a mission to recruit some help of his own. There was no way that he was just going to stand by and let the society think that they could play the numbers game and end up winning. Not when his and all of his friends life was on the line. So Enzo decided to see if he could convince an old friend to join the team.

The friend named was Ivan someone that Enzo had met even before he had met Damon. He and Ivan wasn't as good friends as they used to be but they still kept in touch often and would go to the other whenever one needed a favor and of course Enzo was in need of a major favor at the moment.

Ivan happened to be the leader of a motorcycle gang that was set up mostly in Mystic Falls. Although they had members all over the state. Ivan's motorcycle gang was made up of mostly vampires. Who rode around on their motorcycles most of the time just for harmless fun. The part of the gang that was in Mystic Falls was about forty members or so strong. So some how Enzo hoped that he could talk Ivan into convincing his motorcycle crew to join the fight. As it had been said over and over again they were going to need all of the help that they could get.

Enzo walked into the motorcycle shop that Ivan had owned and his eyes scanned the area for his old friend. It didn't take Enzo long to discover where Ivan was as he heard cursing coming from the back.

Following the sound of the curses Enzo found Ivan in his office and witness Ivan cursing and punching the punching bag that he had set up in his office. For a moment Enzo just stood there and watched as Ivan seemed so caught up in his anger that he didn't seem to notice that someone else was in the room with him now.

Enzo cleared his throat. "Uh, hey Ivan sorry to interrupt your anger session."

The red headed man with the red beard turned and spotted Enzo standing there. He hadn't even known that Enzo had come in until he had spoken. Ivan stopped punching the bag.

"Enzo." Ivan greeted. "What are you where for. You didn't catch me at a good time."

The time wasn't good for the Scooby Doo gang either Enzo thought to himself. He let Ivan know. "I'm here for a little important discussion. But first why don't you tell me what has you so raging and pissed off."

Ivan grumbled. "I just lost a handful of the members from my motorcycle crew so that he why I'm raging and pissed off."

"You mean that they died?" Enzo questioned to make sure that he understood what Ivan meant.

"Yes I mean that they died." Ivan huffed out.

"I'm sorry to hear that, man." Enzo said "When did this happen?"

Ivan replied "This morning."

The fact that Ivan had said this morning as his reply caught Enzo's attention.

"They were just in the next town over minding their own business. When a bunch of witches chanted up some kind of anti vampire border spell. Some of my members were stuck over there when this happened and they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and they got burned to death." Ivan explained "They weren't even doing anything to nobody and these witches killed them."

Enzo made the connection. "That's the work of the Arc Society."

Ivan eyed him. "Is that what those witches call themselves?"

"Yes that is what they can themselves. They are a society of witches who live by certain rules and standards." Enzo answered. "And they don't like vampires. As a matter of fact they loathe our very kind."

"I hate some things too." Ivan said "But that doesn't mean that I go around killing everything that I hate."

"No you don't,: Enzo agreed because he had known Ivan.

Ivan scowled. "Don't care what the reason or what they call themselves they had no right to harm the members of my crew who wasn't doing anything to hurt anybody at the time."

Enzo pointed out. "Don't think that they care about that buddy all they want to do is to wipe all vampires off of the face of this earth."

Ivan returned. "Whatever the Arc Society stands for I won't stand the shit that they did. And neither are any of the other members of my crew. Once they find out about this they are going to want take those fuckers down and I'll be there with them."

"Really." Enzo mumbled.

"Really." Ivan confirmed with a nod. "Once my crew gets together we are going to strike back in honor of those that we lost today."

"Then why don't you team up with me and my friends." Enzo suggested.

Ivan raised both of his eyebrows. "What are you getting at?"

Enzo spoke. "Me and my friends are having problems with the same society that is responsible for killing the members of your crew. You see they are intent on killing us all unless we find a way to fight back."

Ivan guessed. "And you want me and the members of my motorcycle gang to help you and the rest of your friends out."

"I want us to help each other out." Enzo corrected. "Fight side by side and join our numbers together so that we can defeat The Arrc Society for the pigs that they are."

"Sounds like something that I just might go for." Ivan stated.

"Something that you should go for." Enzo returned. "Because even though your gang has many members the Arc Society has people nearby in the hundreds and your gang would be outnumbered."

"In that case." Ivan muttered. "It would be best for all of us if we join numbers. It would better our odds."

Enzo went. "Exactly my point and we are going to need to win this fight for the survival of our entire vampire race."

Ivan understood. "Losing would mean that this Arc Society as they like to call themselves would make any person who has fangs extinct."

Enzo said "That is their goal for bloody damn sure. Not to just put up an anti vampire zone in one town but to put one up across the entire damn planet."

"That's not going to happen." Ivan said "Not once me and my crew have something to do about it."

"So then you'll join us." Enzo commented. "You'll fight with me and my friends."

"I'm in and my crew will be in." Ivan confirmed. "And we will help you and your friends take those society fuckers down."

Enzo smirked. "Ivan, buddy that is exactly the kind of news that I wanted to hear."


That night after a long day of discussions everyone decided that there was nothing more that they could do for that day and everyone who didn't live at the boarding house with home or to wherever they were staying at during the time.

It had been a long day and they suspected that there would be more long days ahead of them until the Arc Society was defeated. It was almost midnight by the time The Witch and The Vampire made it up to their bedroom to settle in.

Damon spoke. "At least we made some progress today in getting more people to join our team. I mean considering that we learned at the start of the day that the society was gathering members by the hundreds to outnumber us."

Bonnie walked out of the bathroom as she had just got through with brushing her teeth. "Yeah considering all of that we recovered well and did good for our side. With Caroline and Enzo recruiting more help for us today."

"I didn't think that I would say this but I'm actually glad that Klaus is going to be showing his face in Mystic Falls again." Damon commented.

"I am too. Care was smart to ask him to join our team." Bonnie said with a chuckle. "And it's not just Klaus who's traveling from New Orleans tomorrow. But Rebekah, Elijah, Marcel, Davina, Hayley, and Caleb….Kol or which ever one he prefers to call himself is coming along with Klaus to join the team as well."

Damon stated. "Kol who is in a completely new body now."

Bonnie confirmed "That's right but new body or not he still has the clear personality that says Kol Mikaelson."

"Don't like Kol very much. Still don't." Damon said "But I'll work with him or anybody to make sure that we win."

"I know that you would." Bonnie said

The vampire removed his boots and his socks leaving him barefooted. "It was a genius idea you coming up with the thought of us recruiting people to add to our numbers."

The witch shrugged her shoulders. "It is common sense really. If you have the opposition outnumbering you, you find ways to add to your own numbers."

"Hmmmm." Damon went in agreement.

Moving over Bonnie sat on the edge of their bed. "We should go out try to recruit more for our side tomorrow because Klaus and the others get here. If we can do that then the people that we already have here, along with Klaus and his family, and with the motorcycle gang that Enzo got to be on our side then our numbers will be more equal to whatever the Arc Society is building up."

Damon removed his shirt. "Sounds like a plan. We will go out you and I first thing in the morning and see if we can recruit more fighters for our side."

Bonnie just watched him with a slight curve of her lips.

Approaching her he knelled before her like she was his queen and to him she was. He started to remover her sneakers from her feet.

Reaching down Bonnie gently rubbed her fingers through his dark hair.

Putting her sneakers to the side he brushed his knuckles over the arches of her bare feet and gave a brief kiss to her toes.

This caused Bonnie to sigh in content with love for the man before her.

"After all of this shit is over I would love for us to get away together." Damon said "Somewhere like Europe."

"I would love to go to Europe too after this bullshit with the society is dealt with." Bonnie softly returned. "Like exploring Italy, France, and the Great Britain all in one trip. But I can only dream of something like that as I don't have the current funds in my bank to make a trip quite like that around Europe."

"How about you not just dream about it." Damon suggested in a soft tone. "How about we actually go and explore Europe."

Her fingers took a pause in his hair. "Seriously."

Damon nodded "Seriously. After we defeat the society. I mean we should go to Europe as a way to relax and just enjoy all that Europe has to offer."

Bonnie's green eyes widened. "Damon Salvatore don't play with a girl's emotions like this."

"I assure you that I'm not playing with your emotions Bon-Bon." Damon gave her his signature smirk. "I really mean it I'm planning a trip to Europe with just the two of us and we can go to Italy, France, and Great Britain."

"Oh wow, Damon." Bonnie gasped taken aback. "We really are going to be going to Europe."

Damon returned. "Yep and don't you worry about the funds that are needed to take such a trip because I'm taking care of it all. So I hope that you agree to go with me."

Bonnie exclaimed. "Are you freaking kidding me what girl would turn down a trip that there man is offering to take them on!"

Damon exclaimed. "Then it's offical witch we are going to Europe! We will just pick a whole month to go over there."

"This is the best thing ever." Bonnie threw her arms around his neck.

"I know." Damon said with a grin.

"A trip Europe with just you and me." Bonnie smiled. "That's going to be so romantic."

Damon winked at her. "That's the whole idea."

Bonnie told him "You are like the best boyfriend ever Salvatore!"

Damon told her. "I try to be Bennett and since you are the best girlfriend ever that a guy could have I think that we are even."

Leaning into him Bonnie brought her lips to his for a kiss.

He kissed her back parting her soft lips with his tongue and slipping it inside of her mouth.

Their kiss continued for a while and it was tender yet passionate. Pulling away Bonnie moved her attention to his earlobe taking it between her teeth and gently biting on it then licking it.

This caused a groan to escape from the vampire's throat.

Bonnie whispered hotly in his ear the desire clear in her voice. "I need you to make love to me Salvatore."

"Will do Bennett." Damon returned the tone of his voice matching hers with desire.

So Bonnie pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it to the side as it fell to the floor and sat in front of him in her black, lacy bra.

Damon ran his hands up and down her arms. To her torso and up her ribcage to her shoulders under his hands reached her back.

His touch had already caused her to start to shudder in pleasure and neither of them were fully naked yet.

Licking his lips Damon unsnapped her bra and pushed it off of her shoulders and off of her body. Then just knelled there and took the time to appreciate her perky and full breasts.

The way that he eyed her breasts made her grow wet between the legs. But he often had that effect on her, Knowing how to arouse her with just one of this intense, lust filled stare downs from those ocean blue eyes of his.

Taking her breasts in his hands he massage the flesh and plucked at her taut nipples with his fingers.

Mewling with pleasure she took the time to run her hands over his broad shoulders admiring the muscle and the strength in them.

He leaned in and took one nipple into his mouth and sucked greedily on it.

Bonnie arched her back against the pleasure that he was causing her by sucking on her there.

Then he moved his hands to her pants while he switched to sucking on the other nipple and he pushed her pants down her legs along with her underwear until she was completely naked before him.

Returning the favor she unbuckled his jeans and took them off until he was naked before her. Taking advantage of the opportunity she took his hardened, thick, long length into her hands and stroked him up and down slowly.

Damon gasped out and let out a raspy moan as her jerking him off with her hand made him grow even harder.

And she smiled at the effect that she had on him.

He smiled too as he pushed her back onto the bed until she was laying on her back with him hovering over her. And he took a moment to study her nude body and marvel at how beautiful she was from head to toe. He took his fingers and ran them over the folds of her sex which was already wet with arousal. The scent of her arousal filling all of his senses and making her have a hunger for her that he had never had for no other woman that had come before her.

Bonnie mewled and whimpered at the feeling of his fingers gliding over her heated wetness and took the moment to appreciate the lean, paleness of his body above her and the fact that he was all hers and would be all hers for a very damn long time.

Damon teased her with his fingers until she was quivering beneath him and begging for him to take her. He slipped his hardened length into her and immediately they began to move together. His thrusts were slow and steady at first but then he began to pick up speed.

Moans and cries of pleasure escaped from the witches lips as she lifted her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. Her nails dug into his back as she encouraged him to go faster still.

Feeling that they were both close to completion he did as she wished while reaching between their joined bodies he circled her engorged nub with his thumb.

That sent her over the edge as her walls clenched around him as she called out his name.

Seconds later he joined her spilling his seed inside of her with proclaims of his love for her on his lips. He gave a few more soft thrusts before pulling out of her.

And for a while they just laid there in the afterglow before falling to sleep in each others arms.

Thanks for your lovely reviews each and every time!