This is an AU story. So everything that's happened in the Soul Eater you know and love, hasn't happened here. But all the main characters, some of the bigger plots, and little details will be included in one big chaotic story. Please enjoy.



Two Shadows

The past is changing, the present is shifting, and the future is unclear. But they will never be the same.

Someone told me that once, though I've long forgotten who. But both my past and present have been nothing but crappy, and unless my future holds some sort of delightful surprise, everything will stay the same.

My name is Soul Eater. I'm one of the few Death Weapons left in the world. And even fewer know we exist. For as long as I've been alive, I've been imprisoned and barely kept alive.

A thin metal band at the base of my scythe handle was made with magic, and keeps me from turning into my human form. It also prevents me from speaking or showing any sign that I'm a person in weapon form.

That's why no one knows about us. Should something happen, and we show who we truly are, then the punishment is death. And I know there are plenty of others, who aren't trapped here. That the world is full of Death Weapons staying a secret, as to not suffer the same fate. But I don't think about them, as they're not part of my life.

The place I'm in is a storage room, in the basement of a tavern. I've only been out a few times. You see, a heavy scythe is not very likely to be the chosen weapon of those going on missions. Since the collar prevent our souls from becoming completely in sync with our user, we weight more than normal weapons.

The only time we're aloud out of weapon form, is when feeding time comes. It's once a day, in the evening, and we each get one afreet egg, but that's it. Surprisingly, it works just as well as normal food.

My body was stiff like it normally was, and from the laughter and voices coming beyond the rickety old door at the top of the stairs, I assumed it was late evening, when everyone had returned from hunting afreet eggs. After all my years spent here, I'd come to tell the time of day from the noise level. The only window down here was blocked from view by crates of junk.

Suddenly, the door clicked open, and swung forward, letting in a long bright ray of light. At first I thought it was feeding time, then I realized the figures were small, and there was two of them. One quickly started making her way down the stairs, glancing around. The girl had two thin ponytails of blonde hair, and wide, green eyes. She seemed to be searching for something, and made her way around the dusty and damp room.

The other figure, a boy, was a little more hesitant, and the bright light made it impossible for me to make out any features. Nervously, he spoke to the girl. "We're not suppose to be down here, Maka. We should go back."

The girl, Maka, looked over her shoulder, with a hint of irritation. "I just want to look around. If you're to scared, then go back, Kid."

Kid... the name was almost familiar. Like I'd heard it somewhere before.

The boy sighed, and closed the door, before slowly descending the stairs. His hair was black, with three white stripes on one side, and his eyes a startling yellow. I took notice that his clothes were... symmetrical. Don't ask why I noticed, but I did.

Maka was wandering toward my direction, looking around curiously. My scythe self had fallen over, when a half drunk person came down here to choose a weapon, and crashed into me, knocking me onto the ground. Nobody had bothered to put me upright.

"All these weapons are scattered everywhere." The girl muttered to herself. "You'd think they'd take better care of them."

If I could laugh, I would've. Caring was something nobody here seemed to be very good at. A lot of us had died in battle, or were too injured to be of further use, and were killed.

I was then surprised, when her hand wrapped around my handle, and she attempted to lift me up. I found myself focusing, trying to match soul wavelengths the best I could, so I wouldn't be so heavy.

The result was her pulling harder, until suddenly our souls clicked, and she yanked too hard, stumbling back as the weight was suddenly taken away. "What are you doing?" Demanded Kid from the opposite side of the room. "You shouldn't touch anything."

"Then what's in your hand?" She asked, still holding me.

The boy was clutching a twin pair of pistols that had been lying on a nearby crate. I knew them, of course. They were the Thompson sisters, Liz and Patti. We hadn't spoke or anything, but names had still been passed around.

"They're symmetrical." He explained swiftly, holding them in a position that made his body completely symmetrical, except the three white stripes on the side of his head. Now the clothes made sense.

Maka returned her focus to me, giving me an experimental swing. Her stance changed, and she gripped me with both hands far apart, as if entering combat. "It's so light..." She mumbled, slowly going through a few different motions. I did my best to tweak my wavelength, so I would lighten even more.

After a few more swings and jabs, she put me down, leaning me against the crate. I watched as she went to examine more weapons, over where Kid was. Hanging up were spears and swords, along with axes, hammers, and any other weapon you could imagine, all Death Weapons.

It was then that a sudden noise came from the door. It was pushed open a small ways, and the figure entering hesitated, voices echoing outside. Maka and Kid noticed it too, and raced over, hiding behind the pile of crates that I was leaning against.

Right after, the door swung fully open and a large man stepped in, carrying an even bigger sack. I knew him. He was Sid, one of the few who knew we were Death Weapons. Surprisingly, despite his appearance, he was one of the kinder ones, and actually took the time to know our names.

He did a quick scan of the room, making sure he was alone, the trudged down the stairs, his sack big and bulky, and looked to be filled with round objects: afreet eggs.

He stopped by a table next to the stairs, and set the sack down, pulling out a key from his belt. Sid picked up a knife sitting on the table, and put the key into the small hole on the thin metal band on it's hilt, causing it to snap open.

Instantly, the knife transformed, into a bandaged girl. "Hey, Mira." Sid greeted her, pulling out one of the souls from his sack. He handed it to her, and she swallowed it, her startling blue eyes fixed on him.

He waited a few seconds, letting her do a few quick stretches, before holding up the collar. Obediently, she turned back into a knife, and he snapped it back on.

And it was on to the next weapon. Eventually it was the Thompson sisters' turns. The souls were stored in the magazines in the pistols, so there was no need to let them transform, but unlike the other feeders, Sid let them anyway.

After finishing up that side of the room, he moved over to the other, where I was. First he went to a chained scythe lying on the floor. I knew her. She was Tsubaki. I heard she had many weapon forms that she could do, but the collar prevented her from changing. And, she was one of the few of us, who had family.

I've heard rumours about her older brother. Apparently he could manipulate souls, which is most likely the reason why she was caught, and he wasn't. From what I know, he'd gone to DWMA.

DWMA... I don't know what those letters stand for, but there's been stories that it's a haven, one of the few places where Death Weapons could be safe. If I had any goals, it was to go there.

After Sid fed a few more weapons, it was my turn. I was last, as I normally was. But before he reached me, a sudden thought popped into my head. The two kids were still hiding behind the crates. When I transformed, I had two choices, to give them away, or simply keep my mouth shut. If I told, I might receive a small punishment, and then the girl and boy would be punished more. If I didn't, then either they would get away with this, and nothing would happen, or they would be caught, in which a harsh punishment would be dealt to all the weapons, and may result in some death.

But then I realized something else. Everyone in this room had seen the two kids enter, yet not a single one told. And I knew what I would do.

The key easily slid into the metal band, and it popped open and fell onto the floor with a muffled clang.

It was like I'd been pushing against a brick wall with all my might, and then it suddenly gave away, sending me flying forward. The instant the magic was released, my body turned into it's original form, kneeling on the ground.

I slowly stood, my legs and arms sore and aching. "Here, Soul," Sid handed me the last afreet egg, and I took it, before swallowing it.

After, I swung my arms around a few times, trying to loosen up, before I was stuck as a scythe for another day. After a minute, I reluctantly changed back, and he snapped on the collar, leaning me against a crate. Then he left, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Even if we didn't turn into weapons, the collar would still force us into that state. But it was a painful process, and I found that life was easier if you just obeyed commands.

The entire room was silent, seeming to hold it's breath. Then there was the shifting of fabric, as Kid and Maka emerged from behind the boxes, looking startled.

"What the..." Kid began, but trailed off.

"The weapons... turned into people!" Maka said what both of them were thinking.

The past is changing, the present is shifting, and the future is unclear. But they will never be the same.

I wasn't sure why, of all times, I was thinking of that saying. Maybe because it finally felt like things weren't going to be the same anymore.

Thanks to all your readers, who decided to spend your time on this chapter! Imprisoned Soul had been bugging me, until I finally decided to wright it out, and as always, post it for others to enjoy.

Please look forward to future chapters.

And don't forget to review!