*Hello, everyone! For those who have been following "A Day in the Life", I had made a couple of postings about Lucina X M!Morgan. I decided I would write a fanfic all of its own. Hope you enjoy!*

She had never expected for the portal to have taken her directly to her father and aunt. It was a rather fortunate occurrence that it had done so, for Lissa would have died if not for her. As much as she wanted to embrace them, she held back and retreated when reinforcements arrived. From the distance, she watched as familiar faces fought the Risen, her mask concealing the heartache she experienced. Yet, this was what she had come for: To prevent her future from ever happening.

Which was why, nearly a month later, she challenged the Shepherds personally. Her mother had yet to arrive into the army, and she longed to see her as well. It was odd as she faced Chrom, both firmly gripping on their Falchions. He had yet to know, and quite frankly, she was amazed she kept her secrets for so long. She fought him to test if he could accomplish what was to come, and joy filled her heart to see that he held nothing back. He fought with all he had, with Robin by his side. Defeated, she retreated to receive medical attention, mulling over the events of the day. Her mind stopped when she thought about the small woman whom had fought with Chrom: Robin. She looked so young. Her long, brown hair cascaded down her back, a small bow on each side. She had almost forgotten that her husband hadn't appeared yet as well, and it was different to see him not with her.

The next time she saw them was when they had to rescue Emmeryn. She had never intended to reveal her face, but it was an unfortunate accident. Somehow, no one pieced it together who she really was. By this time, both her mother and the man Robin would marry were in the Shepherds. Amazed at her father's ties to so many people, she was glad to see he could still entice courage in the hearts of man to join in his cause. She stood in the hallway leading to the room which Emmeryn hid in, Parallel Falchion withdrawn, prepared to do all she could in order to save her aunt. What surprised her was when Stahl, Lissa, Frederick, Kellam, and Sully joined her, Lissa behind them all, staff in hand.

"We got your back, Marth!" Stahl grinned as he glanced at her. She had taken on that name when she crossed over. She was nothing like the legendary hero, but the name had suddenly popped into her mind when she was asked of it.

She nodded at him in gratuity. "I appreciate it."

When the battle was over and Emmeryn was safe, she had intended to vanish again, but Emmeryn stopped her. In her future, she had never met her. She had heard stories of her beauty, grace, and magnanimity, and now that she was before her, she was unsure on what to do or say. The Exalt simply smiled as she extended her hand to the young woman.

"My siblings tell me of your courage," she spoke. "This is not the first time you have come to our aid."

Lucina shook her head, a smile forming as she took hold of her hand. "No, Your Grace, it is not."

Emmeryn shook her hand gently but firmly. "Allow us to reward you. What is it you desire?"

To be with everyone again. "I am grateful for the offer, Your Excellency, but I must decline," she replied.

The blonde-haired Exalt appeared quizzical. "Surely there is something you need? And, please, just call me Emmeryn."

Chrom stepped up, sheathing Falchion. "This may be too bold of me, but perhaps you would like to join us, Marth." Lucina's body felt as though it shattered like glass, but she kept her composure. "Your valiance is astounding, and you fight as well as the rest of us. We could use someone like you."

Lucina could only stare at her father, unable to breathe. She had wanted this all along… to be with her family again. Her mother appeared beside Chrom, her hand on his shoulder. The curly, blonde Troubadour's eyes scanned Lucina from top to bottom, as if she were studying her. When she saw the way Maribelle looked at Chrom, all her worries were put to ease. Perhaps they weren't married yet, but love was there. Her eyes moved from person to person. Robin and her future husband were having their wounds healed by Lissa while the rest of the Shepherds talked amongst themselves. Her hand went up to her chest, where a piece of cloth lay hidden under her clothes. In an instant, her mind was made up.

"I will join you."

At camp, Chrom had Robin and Ricken show her around. For a while, Lucina remained silent as she trailed behind the Tactician and Mage, whom explained the different areas and the chores she would share with the rest of the soldiers. They then led her to a tent and stopped in front of it.

"This is your tent, Marth," Robin informed. "You'll be sharing it with-"

"Me!" Lissa beamed as she popped out of it, scaring Lucina so badly, she jumped. "Haha, sorry, Marth! Did I scare you?"

"N-not at all," Lucina panted, trying to catch her breath.

"We'll have all sorts of fun!" Lissa excitedly spoke. "We'll swap stories, talk about our crushes, and just have girl talk!"

Lucina couldn't help but to giggle at her aunt's enthusiasm. "Sounds like fun, Lissa."

"We'll leave you two at it," Ricken laughed as he and Robin turned to walk away.

"Er, wait a moment!" Lucina called out to them, making them stop. "Um… I know this must be a weird question, but is anyone in this army… married?"

"Ooo, into gossip, are we?" Lissa beamed. "You came to the right place! Robin, Ricken, you two can go. I'll give her the details."

"Somehow, Lissa, I knew we could count on you," Robin monotonously stated. Lissa and Lucina walked into the tent, where the blonde princess let down her hair and began to brush it.

"Okay, so here's who is interested in whom!" she began. "Chrom and Maribelle are getting hitched when this war is over. I'm totally excited she's going to be my sister-in-law! We've been close for years! Stahl and Sully have been best friends since childhood, so if those two get married, it'll be no surprise." Lucina merely blinked. Stahl and Sully? That's not how she remembered it. "Hmm… Oh! Ricken is completely smitten with Robin. She's the same with him, too, but they're so shy! It's kinda cute, but they make you want to walk up to them and force them to kiss already!" Lissa stopped a moment, as if thinking. "I think that's it, really."

Lucina sighed to herself. Everything was so different. Of course, not all had joined the Shepherds yet. Perhaps when they did, things would work out like she knew them to.

"What about you?" she asked Lissa, even though she knew who she would end up with. A certain white-haired Dark Mage would win her heart. "Isn't anyone interested in you?"

"Nope!" Lissa replied. "Are you kidding me? I don't think anyone could handle this much excitement!"

Lucina let out a laugh. If one thing was the same, it was Lissa's spunk. "I'm sure someone will be able to one day."

"Aww, aren't you just a sweetie!" Lissa smiled. Lucina smiled back at her. She had missed this.

Nighttime was always the hardest for her. She would think too much about those she left behind and the ones she failed. Her arms longed to embrace her family, but she remained strong. Meeting Robin only made her feel worse about her failures. Always, before she went to sleep, she would take the cloth from the inside of her shirt and hold it in her hands, the familiar pattern heartbreaking. Empty, broken promises that blew away with the wind. A smiling face that only existed in her dreams. A future she walked away from to save the past.

They believed in her. It was time she started believing in herself.