Something felt wrong in this world. Something was amiss, something not of the supernatural. No, this was different indeed. This was something beyond his ancient power, something. The universe had struck into course long ago. This was muritor, or, in their language, human.
A mortal affair, a lump of flesh with a beating heart. How those vessels intrigued him was incredible. They were predictable yet, unpredictable. Yes, he loved these humans that stirred madness in the world, still a plot to their existence. They are desperate creatures, lustful beings, materialistic even. He'd forgotten how momentary objects could be so tantalizing to the corruptible mind. Those days were long pass.
Sitting on his solitary throne, in the dark recesses of Hellsing manor, he stared into the darkness. With pristine vision, all he saw were the bricks that encased his physical presence. The same walls everyday, the same decorations.
It bored the No-Life King, indeed it did. He craved change, like the humans of this era. Oh so much change he had seen with his food. Things were so different now, but how could he complain. It was always interesting to watch those fools fester in their conquest for meaningful life.
Women were liberated, color mixed, the people controlling the people, items produced by the masses, even atomic warfare. This era was so interesting indeed. But eventually it will pass, as all have. But he remained eternal, no human had struck him down. Yes, that was the only way he could be killed. By the pure hand of a human, never the twisted soul of another creature of the night.
The thought of such weak creatures amused him, they faced him thinking they could force him down. No, he would no be tamed by something so boring, so disgusting, so ignorrant.
He chuckled in the dark, a grin spread wide on his lips. Teeth bared, he continued to chuckle in amusement.
Yes, it was time for change, change for him. Watching others live their lives eventually makes you envious.
The world was ready for something to schimbare. And shift it shall.
Fumbling over cash that had fallen out of her wallet she reached down slightly embarrassed. All she needed was an over-the-counter solution of iron. Nothing strong like the pills nurses give you, no, something easy on her stomach.
Handing over the twenty she looked down, a single quarter remained. Hurriedly she picked it up and put it away in her wallet. This was the last piece of luggage she needed before her flight to England. After this, she'd mail it to her address and it would be there when she arrived. It was all coming together, this job really did pay well so moving was easy, especially with the costs being taken of by her employer. She didn't have neighbors, or a family to really say goodbye to.
Life had been simple, but, something stirred in her stomach as if there would be a big change soon. Perhaps it was the suspense of the house, the new life, the different terms they used in England. Who knows, she'd rather let it happen then spend her time running it over and over in her mind.
"Here you go miss." the heavyset clerk handed her the glass bottle before calling the next person in line. She whispered a small thank you and quickly left with purpose.
Walking a block or so, she reached the parking garage and made her way to the blue sedan she currently owned. It was worn, but had low miles and decent gas mileage so she didn't care much.
Tugging down her sleeves of the pea coat she wore, a white breath escaped her chapped lips. Opening the car door she revved the engine to life before backing out, and drving past the decorated windows of businesses. Halloween was nearing, so the assortment of skeletons, bats, and fall leaves adorned decor.
She remembered the times of her childhood where she dressed up and went door to door gaining sweets and toys. Rosy days like that never seemed to happen anymore.
"Walter," Sir Integra started off.
"Yes Sir Integra?" the weathered butler turned to his master, he knew the words before they escaped her lips. Everyone knew, even Seras.
"I'm concerned about Alucard. He's been acting rather... different lately." she knit her brows together as if scrutinizing the slightest detail for flaws.
"Yes, we've all taken a notice as of late. What shall we do?" she brought a thick brown cigar to her lips, and in turn, Walter brought the clip and cut the end off before lighting.
"I want security on high alert. Alucard is not to leave this building without permission, any sight of him off perimeters until, whatever is going on, dies down will result in severe punishment on his part." taking a drag she exhaled the smoke.
"Of course, allow me to notify our personnel immediately." brushing off his vest, the limber old man bowed before making a quick leave understanding the volatility to the situation. Alucard could never be truly trusted when issues revolved in his interest. He was a dog to take orders, only then could he be trusted.
Entering the plane she quickly made her way to the first class seat that had been reserved for her by her company. Flying always made her uneasy, she often told others her short stature was meant to keep her close to the ground where her feet should remain planted.
A roll of nausea bubbled. She reminded herself that she brought a blanket and some sleep medication to help her get through the ten hour flight from Seattle. Still, she would not settle until they met the runway.