By: QuinnC

Oikawa x Kageyama # Specially for Oikage Fangirls ~ o ~

It was in the middle of night already but here, inside Oikawa's household, someone voice making the quiet night becomes quite dissaster. " Aaarghh! Why must him? Why it must be him? Tobio-chan is supposed to be my greatest opponent but..hey! it must be something wrong somewhere with this love-meter apps. I won't believe it…nahh..i won't…..but…arghh!"

Oikawa was somewhat interested with this Love-meter apps on iPhone after he saw some of his classmates are crazy about this app so he intends to try it, but he don't know why his fingers were typing his former kouhai's name fluently and barely think about it…so, the love- meter results is.. PERFECT COUPLE! He was then scolded by his mom for being too threw his sights outside the window. ' Tobio is hella adorable…jeez, am I crazy about thinking how cute he is? is out of my mind though.' He sighed.

'If only Tobio chan being a girl then there got no problem on dating him in front of the public. People might think I am a crazy to date with a boy….hahaha, how I wonder?'

Oikawa mumbled without realizing, a shooting star already passing him. Right before his eyes fall into the night sky.

The next morning, Kageyama as usual woke up early and around 6.30 a.m he was ready with his Karasuno jersey for morning practice. "Okaa-san, I'm leaving…"

"Wait, at least take some breakfast before you go!" Kageyama huffed. "Okaa-san.. I'm already late. I will get a box of milk when I arrived at school, I promise."

" rotten child! Do you know how much effort I put to make sandwiches for our breakfast? Eat already!" his mother seemed mad, well, Kageyama's short tempered characteristics comes from his mother's genetic as well.

"Tobio, just take a bite for this time. It's pretty unusual she made us breakfast early in the morning like today, we should be grateful." His father smiled while taking a sip of coffee from his cup. Kageyama obeyed his parents command and sat down. His mother now seemed satisfied with his reaction. The family was having their breakfast while watching news on TV.

"A crazy scientist who was known as 'Mad Scientist' has escaped from the cops surveillance yesterday. Mad Scientist had once being caught by police for producing a wave machine to distract computerized system and trying to steal away the most precious relics in the museum. His private laboratory was being banned in order to obstruct him from preparing another illegal experimental subject. Currently, he was being trailed sneaking into his laboratory but he managed to escaped together with his apparatus and unidentified chemical substance. Civillian are adviced to be cautious with this man. If anybody sees him, contact the cops immediately. Next, regarding issue…."

Kageyama,s mother felt goosebumps while his father seemed relaxed. "I hope the criminal doesn't come to me! Why the police let a crazy freak like that escape?". "If he ever dare to come to me I will smack him. Don't worry mom, you're strong enough to take him down,"said Kageyama while taking his last bite. "Thanks for the meal! Okaa-san, otoo-san.. I'm leaving now, bye!"

" Ki o sukete ne, Tobio!"

Kageyama jogged along his way to Karasuno High School in order to arrive earlier than his little besties (although both of them denied the fact). Suddenly…Bump!

He accidentally bumped with an old man. His briefcase fell on the ground. " Gomennasai..let me help you with that, ossan!" Kageyama crouched down to pick up the content that thrown out from the briefcase but he somehow felt curious with those aluminium packed items. The old man smiled at him, "Thanks for helping. You're really a good boy." He said while adjusting his black hat.

"You are welcome," said Kageyama while his eyes staring suspiciously at the briefcase, but he had no intention to ask the old man so he just continued his walkway towards school. From afar, the old man smirked mysteriously.

"One more serve practice and we're done!" said coach Ukai during their after school practice. "Osu!"

"Uhh…practising during summer is incredibly tiring than ever, eh!" complained Tanaka after he took a seat next to Nishinoya. "I want beach…" uttered Nishinoya. "EHHH? Why in this sudden.." Tanaka and Hinata (who just joined them) surprised with Nishinoya's spartan statement. Nishinoya stood and hold Tanaka's shoulder. " You know, Ryuu..summer heat will bring you a heat stroke.."

"Ehh?" it was not only Tanaka who seemed shocked with his sudden exchange, all the club member felt Nishinoya seemed odd at this moment. "Daichi, did Nishinoya knocked his head somewhere?" whispered Suga. " can I say this? Sometimes, an idiot can be quite genius. He sure study a lot."

"Ni..Nishinoya speaks about scientific knowledge! He just said about heat stroke, means he read scientific facts! He finally managed to study! Nishinoya..I'm so proud of you for the first time being your classmate! Isk..isk.." Narita knelt down and wiped his 'tears of joy'. Kageyama didn't get any idea on what Narita said (due to his low self awareness) " Eh, is it so strange Noya-san acting like that? I think he just being normal like usual." "It is completely abnormal! Science subject is Noya-san's absolute rival cuz' he always get terrible marks when it comes to chemistry or physics or biology! But..when he suddenly talked about science..holy shock! Oh my God..Noya-san! Please turn normal again.." Tanaka hugged his buddy while begging that Nishinoya would turn back to normal. As a result, Nishinoya knocked him on his bald head. "It is a general knowledge, aho! By the way, aren't ya thought the same about going anywhere that can cool our body and minds?"

"Nishinoya is right." Takeda sensei popped out from nowhere. The team lined up and sat infront of their sensei and coach. " Sensei, are you saying that we're going somewhere during this summer holiday?" asked Daichi. Takeda sensei nodded and smiled. "Well, my uncle owned a chalet at XX Island. The island has many captivating view that you will never forget once you saw them. I can ask him to reserve some for us."


Kageyama POV

I got no idea on what were they discussing about since I would prefer practising even during this hot summer. On the other hand, I need to improve my jump serve so I had no intention to picnic or whatever it is. I slip my hand inside my jersey's pocket and luckily I found something to chew. 'A chewing gum? Since when I bought it?' I unseal its wrapper and began to chew it. After some times, my stomach felt uneasy and my chest felt hot and heavy. The pain was so intense, I really can't hold it anymore.

"AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!" I screamed with my hands holding my chest before I found myself struggling on the flour.

"Kageyama! Wha..sensei!" all my teammates panicked, especially my besties, Hinata. Daichi-san hold my forehead. "His body is hot! Kageyama, are you suffering from high fever?" I shook my head. I was completely fine until just a moment ago. " Ka…Kageyama..just don't die!" If I was fine I will knocked Hinata's head for saying it out loud. Shimizu-san rushing towards me and put cold towel around my head and neck. "It's no use! His body is still hot."

"Yachi-san! Call 119 now!" Yachi nodded and immediately took out her cellphone. Her movement stopped before she could do that as she saw vapours around my body. Everyone inside the gym shocked. "Wohoo..I had seen this moment only in TV but I'm surprised that I can see them for real!" Tanaka was excited and shocked at the same time. Couple of minutes later, I feel relieved. My body regain to its normal temperature but….something seems weird. Everyone's faces staring at me as they see me as a ghost. "Ka…Kage…" Hinata stammering while his index finger pointed at me. I grimaced, "What?" I scolded him Why did my voice sounds weird? Asahi-san's mouth was wide opened, so did everyone. What's wrong with them actually?

" the way, my chest feels heavy. What's going on?" I touched my chest and so I feels like….ehhh? Since when…

"Ka..Kageyama..turns into…."


"A girl!" and so..everybody went into chaos.

-Chapter Ends-