Chapter 17

" Momy, I am scared"

" Stand up straight dear and tell the nice mister policeman what you know?"

Takagi could not understand why the woman and her son where in front of him to begin with , he'd just considered the possibilities that someone else might have robbed the apartment other than the culprit but why is a little boy in front of him.

" Ano, …. "

"Kaourou-kun , what is that you have in your hand" Asked Conan-kun

"Sensei's-teddy but I am not giving it to you , it is not mine to give …" Answered the young kid.

"Ah le le why do you have kobayashi sensei's teddy "

" Cuz it is really cool and magical and the bady could want it"

" What bady kaourou-kun?" asked conan again.

" The baddy in sensei's story ?"

The mother who was standing right beside her lil kid seemed a bit confused as to why the little slightly older kid was questioning her young one while the policeman was silent.

"Ano, is something the matter keiji-san?"

" Ah no " Said takagi slightly raising his arms in a defensive stance " It is nothing" then he quickly grabbed Conan " If you will excuse me for a sec"

" Conan-kun, I don't understand"

"Kaorou-kun is a four years old kid who lives on the opposite side of the street , kobayashi-sensei babysat for his mother a couple of times when she had to be late cuz of work."

"And ….?"

"We heard about him from sensei last time when we went to visit her cuz he left his car and his mother called to tell her she will pick it up sometime … "

"And …?"

" Dakara …?, in sensei-s apartment only the bed was sooo messed up compared to the rest , doesn't that mean that whoever robbed seemed to search the bed for a bit longer than anywhere else ..? "

" True .. " said Takagi .. " You mean … "

" Yeah probably whoever came to pick the cameras couldn't find one simply cuz it was nowhere to be found and its place was missing, that's because it was in one of the teddy bears that kaorou-kun has "

" I see " Takagi turned back to the mother " I apologise for taking your time .. ?"

" It's okay we heard that Kobayashi-sensei's apartment was stolen … I hope she did not think it was stolen cuz of my little one here, I did try to call her to tell her he had her toys but no one answered .."

" Ah no … We think someone else entered the apartment as it was left open for a bit .." Answered Takagi

" Oh .. "

" However if possible we would like to take a look at the toys your son has and also ask him a couple of questions … " He coughed " In your presence of course "

" umm yeah sure … I don't mind but … " She looked behind him a bit worried , they were standing right outside the apartment and the policemen kept going inside and outside and that seemed to make her young one nervous.

Takagi noticed " Good, if you want, can we move downstairs maybe to your apartment " He asked

" Yeah, sure all the toys are there .?"

" Kaorou we are gonna go back to our apartment , this nice mister here is gonna help sensei with the bady so we need to show him what you have.." The mother knelt down near her young one slightly smiling to encourage him not to fear the policeman.

"o- Ok .." He said slightly hesitant.


" So Kaorou-kun can you tell me more about the teddy you have in your hand ?.." Takagi asked smiling trying not to scare the little 4 years old.

" It is NiNi " Kaorou smiled " It is not a normal creature , it is magical sensei showed me that it can talk … "

" I see .."

" And the bady wanted it in sensei's story … they wanted to eat it to get magical powers so sensei said she is keeping it safe from them …. "

" and …" Conan interrupted Takagi this time … " So kaorou-kun are you keeping it from the bady …" asked Conan ..

" Conan-kun .." Warned takagi

" Takagi-keiji don't you think he will be more willing to answer me than you .. I am not that much older ..?" whispered Conan.

'He can't really deny that … ' Sighting he let the young kid continue.

" Yeah .." The young kid answered " I thought the bady was after sensei cuz I saw her running out of her apartment and she forgot we had an appointment "

Conan acted totally into the story nodding his head vigorously as if he is really interested in what the kid has to say.

"So I was a bit scared but I thought I have to save all the teddy's cuz the badies might want to do something with them too … " Again more nodding from Conan.

" So I entered the apartment and the baddies weren't there so I put the teddies inside a bag and dragged them home …"

" All the teddies …" Asked Conan

" Yeah … " Said the kid … " Sensei had four and she said she had more somewhere else but I donno where ?"

" I see .. what about the toys Kaourou-kun ..?" Asked Conan.

" I did not take normal toys …?" said the kid " The bady only loves animals and I waned to save them."

" I see I see .. Kaorou-kun I will help you save the teddy's from the bady but I want to see them … can I ? … Can I ? " Asked Conan with shining eyes as if he really believes Kaorou is a hero.

' Augh' Shudders ' How is this kid such a good actor?' thought takagi

" Um .. come with me …?" Kaorou quietly showed them where he kept the teddies in his room and Takagi managed to find one camera in one if the teddies indeed. Takagi wanted to take the teddies for further investigation but he did not know how to tell the young kid that.

" Kaoro-kun .." He knelt in front of the kid " You see we want to save Kobayashi sensei from the bady and we need the teddies …"

" Kaorou …" slightly teary eyed " But teddies will hurt .."

" NO .." Said Takagi Firmly " I promise to return both safely .. can you trust me ?" Said Takagi looking firmly into the boys eyes …

Wiping his tears Kaorou smiled slightly and pinky swear-d with Takagi giving up on the teddies for now .

Outside Conan smiled to Takagi " That was good Takagi-keiji .. you will make a good father .."

Slightly shocked the officer smiled embarrassingly " Father " Cough cough " Anyway I gotta tell Megure –Keibu" About this.

A/n: I guess it is obvious by now why the other guy was beaten lol …