Chapter 23

A/N: I have just realised that I keep referencing the law as a marriage law. I just want to apologise for the inaccuracy but as this is the last chapter I won't be going through and fixing it. I hope you lovely readers can look past it.


I woke up next to Draco, in my own bed with not a single thing out of place. There was not a worry on my mind, or an important event that I needed to get to or deal with.

I sighed in contentment as I turned over and snuggled closer to him. Everything was okay now; there was no one that could ruin what we had. Of course, when I had heard that the marriage law was being revoked, I had briefly questioned where our relationship stood but I had quickly brushed those doubts aside. A law didn't affect feelings; it didn't matter where they had started. All that mattered was how we felt now. I knew that, and I hoped that Draco did as well.

Carefully, I wrapped my arms around him, as to not wake him, and settled back in. If there was one thing that we both deserved now it was a little snuggling time.

Unfortunately though, all good things must come to an end and with a rather loud knock at my front door, my snuggling time had to go back onto the shelf.

Draco started awake and quickly sat up, immediately alert and apparently still having issues sleeping after our recent ordeals.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" he asked, shaking his hair out of his eyes as he tried to search for any form of a threat.

I laughed. "It's okay, Draco, it's just someone at the door. I'm sure it's nothing." Of course, I didn't know that but really, surely there couldn't be another immediate danger waiting for us.

I climbed out of bed and headed to my closet, really glad to actually have all my clothes back again. Draco still sat stunned on the bed as he tried to remember that everything was over now, that we were safe. I knew the best thing was to just let him work through it so I chucked him a change of clothes, after I was already dressed, and headed out of my room to go and see who was at the door.

There were still things that hurt and pulling my shirt over my head had not been easy, but I was nowhere near as exhausted as I had been yesterday. There was just something about being home that seemed to help me regain my energy.

As I heard Draco start to dress, I headed down the stairs and opened the front door to see who it was.


Suddenly at the sight of his unruly hair, his shocked expression, and an air about him that was just so … Harry, I ran forward and flung my arms around him. He really was safe.

"You're out!" I exclaimed, and took a step back to take a good look at him. He looked a little uncomfortable at the attention, but didn't seem to mind that much.

"Yeah, I was released yesterday," he said.

"Yeah, you know I'm here too," said a voice from behind him.

"GINNY!" I squealed, lunching myself in her direction and also wrapping her in a bear hug. Admittedly that did hurt a little, but I was much too excited to see them both okay, here, together to worry about myself.

"Come on in! Do you want anything, food, water, a drink? A cup of tea?" I ushered them inside and sat them down and the kitchen table, just like the time before all of this happened.

Ginny laughed. "Slow down Hermione, we're fine. Out of all of us, you should be the one sitting down.

"Here, I'll get the tea, and Harry will catch you up on what's been happening."

She pushed me into a chair and headed over to the kettle. I kind of wanted breakfast, but I was still too excited to see them both alive and well. Obviously I had seen Harry while we were both in St Mungos but that was nothing compared to seeing him up and about.

"Hermione, who –" Draco trailed off as he came down the stairs, no shoes in sight with just a pair of slacks and a t-shirt. I had no idea when he started dressing so casual, but now that everything was settling down again, I could really start to appreciate it.

"Potter, Potterett. For once I can say that it is a pleasure to see you both."

Ginny grinned and before I could really process what she was doing – she hugged him.

The absolute stunned expression on Draco's face was priceless, but Harry's was so much better. Draco stood completely immobile, arms out stretched comically as he tried to process what was happening.

"Hermione… Her-Her … Hermione?!" he spluttered in fright. Apparently he can face the wrong end of a wand, but when it came to hugs? Well, it seems that he could only take those from me.

"Ginny, you might want to let the poor man go," said Harry through his laughter.

Ginny took a step back, and Draco could honestly not have looked more relieved.

"I'm sorry, but without his help I don't know how Hermione and I would have ever gotten as far as we did. He saved her life! He saved your life!" She took a step back and just grinned before punching him in the arm and heading back to the kettle.

It was the strangest thing that I had ever seen, and that was saying a lot in the wizarding world.

"She does have a point, thanks mate, for everything," Harry said, looking a little put off at having to thank Malfoy of all people. But Harry wouldn't be Harry without his ability to swallow his pride.

Obviously Draco wasn't very good at taking or giving apologies, and all he could really manage was a gruff nod before taking a seat at the table beside me.

"Well, I'm just glad that everything's okay now. No more odd laws and no more rouge groups after you, Harry," I said.

"I whole-heartedly agree," Ginny nodded, placing a cup in front of her husband before giving him a quick kiss and heading back for the others.

"Gross, Potterett," Draco said, pulling a face.

Naturally we all laughed and any serious mood that had threatened to descend was gone. I smiled and in turn gave him his own short kiss but he only poked his tongue at me before taking the offered tea cup from Ginny.

"Thanks Gin," I said as she gave me mine.

"So what happens now?" I asked, mainly talking to Harry, "don't you have some interviews with reporters – what are you going to tell them?"

He sighed and put his cup down. "You know, that's a really good question. I suppose I'll tell the truth that I wasn't really around for most of it. Ginny's told me her side of the story, but is there anything you two would like to add? Or I guess anything you'd like me to leave out? There's been a lot of talk about your relationship."

It was my turn to sigh now, didn't I know it. In the last couple of news papers there had been a lot of rumors about what was going on between Draco and I. I had no idea what to tell them of course; when the truth was that really we hadn't talked about it much recently.

"Just tell them that we're happy and anything else is our business," said Draco, eyes searching mine to see if I agreed.

I smiled at him gratefully.

"The reporters aren't going to like that very much," pointed out Ginny.

"That's their problem, isn't it?" asked Draco, a devilish smirk on his face. Somehow I didn't want to be the reporter that would try to wrong Draco; admittedly I wouldn't want to be the reporter to wrong me either.

"If they try for anything more tell them they can ask us in person, if they ever find us," I said, an idea suddenly popping into my head.

Harry looked at me, puzzled. "Won't they just come knocking at your door? How is that a good plan?"

Draco chuckled, "Potter, Potter, Potter, don't you know anything about Hermione? Or even myself? Surely you realise you're talking to the brightest witch of our age and a Slytherin?"

Both Harry and Ginny looked more than confused but they both realised soon enough that we could handle ourselves.

"Well, have it your way, then," said Harry, shrugging.

I tutted, "Harry, to ask us in person, they would first have to find us."

And suddenly a light dawned in both their heads, "You've got false trails, don't you?"

"Oh, we've got more than that, we don't live in peace and quiet just because of the location," said Draco.

Of course, I'd never really had this discussion with him before, but really, two people who hated the media like we did would have more than a few precautions put in place in case anyone unwelcome came looking.

Ginny laughed, "Okay then, well that's all settled, but would you guys like to know one last thing?"

"And what's that?" asked Harry, once again perplexed.

She grinned, "We're all now – well, temporarily, at least you know until something else happens or comes along –"

"Gin," I interrupted, "get to the point."

"We're free, safe and together."

Well, as corny as it sounded, she did have a point.

I raised my teacup, "Even if it is just tea, I will toast to that."

The others laughed but joined me; clearly it was quite the happy occasion.

. . .

After Harry's interview the next day, many reporters went looking for the mysterious couple, though just as they themselves predicted, no one who they didn't want to could ever find them. There was plenty of gossip of course and occasionally they would say a calculated word or two for a little bit of fun but even to this day they have never really been found.

The Italian Ministry was always one for privacy, especially with a well placed bribe from our favourite couple.

Years later, of course everyone's questions would be answered, with a little boy and girl who attended Hogwarts three years apart; the boy being the eldest. They had the most peculiar mix of white blonde hair and chocolate eyes and that was quite enough evidence for some people.

The true details would not be given out until after their children were out of school and old enough to handle the media by themselves, for that was when, finally, the couple entered Britain once again and told everyone of their beautiful winter wedding in the snow, and of the exact birthday's of their children (with their consent, of course).

Obviously it was never the biggest news, but there were a lot of people who had been following the Malfoy's, that is past,present and future Malfoy's, stories for quite some time.

To this day they are happy and content. They have had no more enemies to fight, and no more missing friends, in fact they've gained a couple of old ones instead.

There really is no better ending than the one of Hermione Jean Malfoy and her husband.

The End.

Author's Note

Well, there we have it.

I'll keep this short, you guys are all amazing. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Thank you to my beta reader who is amazing and has helped me finish this, well, this shamble of a story. SilverStreaksofStardust yep, I'm talking to, and about, you.

Thank you to absolutely everyone who reviewed: those who prompted me to continue, those who gave me helpful criticism, and those who fired my desire to prove you wrong.

Thanks guys.

Until next time, lovelies.