As of Dec 2018.

Let it be known, I hate this story. It has literally become everything I despise about Dramione Fanfiction, and yet I will leave it up because I hate when author's take down a fanfic just because they don't like it.

Enjoy this rubbish piece of writing.

Looking out across the blissfully quiet beach, I sighed.

Maybe it was time to stop running. I had been running since my nasty break up with Ron. I had run all the way to Australia where I had hoped to find my parents, only to find they had been killed in a bank robbery.

I had run then too.

I had visited so many different states and countries that I could barely remember them all and now, here I was. Italy, and I was tired, so tired.

I closed my eyes as the sound of the waves overtook my senses. I smelt the salt on the air and I listened to the rhythmic crashing. I could feel the sand under my feet and a rather simple thought struck me; maybe I didn't have to run anymore. I could just stay here, live near the beach and find a normal, laid back job, probably a muggle one.

I smiled. I could clearly see that life now. In a couple of months, I would have a nice healthy tan, and I would own a nice place a short distance from the beach.

Yes, it was definitely time to settle.

Deciding that a nice walk along the beach would suit the early morning nicely, I watched the innocent muggles enjoy their morning routines. Some jogged, some walked, and some had surfboards, heading out to catch some waves.

I spent the whole morning on the beach, even going in for a swim at one point, happily letting the water cool me down as the temperature started to rise.

Around midday, I decided that a trip to the Italian ministry would be a wise move; telling them of my impending move and hopefully finding a good place to buy. I walked away from the muggles and cleaned myself up with my wand before apparating to the ministry.

It was very laid back. There was not a lot of bustling or movement; people where kinder and more easy-going about things.

I politely asked a man where I could find the Department of Resident Transfers and he directed me there without complaint. Taking an elevator, I received a lot of "good day"s and plenty of "hello"s. I found it quite pleasant that they didn't seem to really know who I was. They obviously could tell I was from London and had probably, by association, been in the second wizarding war.

What they didn't know however, was that I was Hermione Jean Granger, brightest which of her generation and saviour of the wizarding world. They just saw a woman interested in a new life.

The man at the main counter easily directed me to a free worker who gestured to a seat in his office, grabbing a few bits of paperwork.

"So you are here to transfer your residence?" he asked, flipping through the papers I had been told to fill out.

"Yes, I would like to move here permanently," I said, knowing that he was just asking the necessary questions and trying not to roll my eyes.

"May I ask why?" he questioned as he pulled out a few more sheets, starting to organise them in a pile on the desk.

"I'm just looking for a fresh start," where no one will know me I added in my head.

"Okay, then, just a few other bits and pieces we have to tie up before I direct you to our house agent, who will happily help you find somewhere to stay." He placed the pile in front of me, though most was just writing, I only had to actually sign a few bits and pieces, just like he said.

He pointed to the top page. "This is just an agreement for the Statute of Secrecy. Your basic details, going through privacy and what you're not to say to muggles; the same standards as England I would assume. The next is agreeing to the amended state laws, which we give to the muggle leader."

I nodded in understanding and briefly skimmed through the few pages. Considering that they were the same laws as everywhere else I had been, I easily signed and moved on.

"The next are just for you - basic information. Date of birth, wand details, name, as well as registry information for any muggle applications you wish to use, like a credit card. You can actually change your name there if you want, it's free; only time it is," he pointed out, putting that sheet on top.

"I'm good, I may be looking for a new start but I still like my name," I said filling out the last of the details.

"Right. Well, I think we are about done. If you will pass your wand for a mandatory inspection I can get out of your hair and you can move on to finding a house."

I smiled at him and handed over my wand. "The last spell that you cast was a simple cleaning spell, and you just used it for apparating to the ministry correct?" he asked, scribbling something down on the last piece of paper at my nod.

"Well, you're good to go. You are now a permanent resident of Italy. Enjoy," he said with a smile, handing me a transfer certificate and putting the rest of the papers in a filing cabinet.

"Thank you for your time," I said, getting up and putting my wand away.

"No, thank you for your money," he said with a wink, knowing how much it cost to become a permanent resident. I laughed, because for me it really hadn't been that much.

I spent less time at the house department; I asked for houses which were located near the beach I had visited that morning. There had only been one match, one nearly right on the beach itself.

I had taken it, paid, and left, now the owner of a beach house on the outside of a nearby town.

I spent the remainder of the day simply moving in, getting a few necessary items out of magical storage and placing them around the house, using magic to really start getting the place off the ground.

I fixed the roof and gave the whole house a new paint job, outside and in. Not that it took very long; about half an hour because I had trouble deciding on the right colours.

After that I started placing furniture, my own bedroom being first. When that was done I took care of the library and the lounge room, and by that time I was getting tired.

Sitting in my new lounge room, I looked around at all the work I had done in one day and was quiet pleased with myself. I had set up half my house today, though now I was faced with a problem. What on earth was I going to do for dinner?

I sighed and decided that the only solution was to go out for tea. Getting up, I decided to get changed, and for once the idea of actually caring about my appearance didn't seem so bad.

Putting on a nice summer dress and fixing my hair back and out of my face, I grabbed my purse and decided to walk along the beach into town.

It really wasn't that far, and soon enough the sound of cars and street noise filled my ears. A few people waved or nodded in passing and I quickly found a completely muggle pub to eat at.

Deciding against grabbing a table and realising just how lonely I actually was, I took a seat at the bar and ordered a fresh salad, a bowl of chips and a glass of my favourite white wine.

"Eating alone, Granger?" came a very familiar voice from two seats away.

"Malfoy?" I asked incredulously, seeing the familiar head of blonde hair to my left.

"The one and only," he said picking up his bear and moving a seat over. He was willingly getting closer to me? What kind of world was this?

"What are you doing here? In a muggle bar of all places?" I asked, after making sure no one was in hearing range.

"Well, I was here on business meeting a new client, which actually turned out well for once which is a novelty. What about you? I wouldn't expect to see you in a beach town in Italy."

I laughed, "This is weird, are we actually having a civil conversation?"

"Maybe you're just too stunned by my natural good charms," he said with a wink, reminding both of us I think of his old self.

I snorted. "Yeah that must be it," I said, shaking my head and eating a chip.

He smirked, some things never changed, and that was one of them.

"Well, this is too weird for me," he said, downing the last of his drink. "I shall go and find some other less-muggle company. Nice seeing you again Granger." He nodded before getting up and leaving.

I puzzled over our meeting for the rest of the night. I ate my meal, paid and left after another drink. It was only after everything that I realised he hadn't used the term mudblood once, and that he had seemed almost at ease with all the muggles around.

Reaching my new home, I happily crashed in my room and fell fast asleep, nearly forgetting all about the strange meeting with Draco Malfoy - in a muggle bar of all places.

A/N Some might say I went a little fast, but I don't really think so. This isn't the main point of the story so I think I got it just right.

Later Lovelies.