Haunted House Part 2:
They walked through the doors, Rin kept to the back of the group that way he could see everything happening to everyone else and be prepared for what would come his way. He didn't know if it would work, but it was the best plan he had. His eyes darted around as he ducked under fake spider webs and hanging chains.
Good thing the whole group was around and Ryuji was just ahead of him, a good two feet away. All Rin ever had to do was to reach forward, and their hands would touch. With that in mind, Rin took a deep breath and calmed himself as best as he could. He was no longer sweating buckets, so that was one good thing, but his heart was still beating at a million miles a minute. Not such a good thing at all.
Up ahead, someone jumped out at Shiemi in a blood soaked lab coat with a scalpel. She let out a loud squeak, and hid behind Yukio.
Rin let the breath he had held in slowly. That hadn't been so bad. He could go with it til the end.
He could do it.
He could do it.
"Damn him!" Rin huffed as he ran away from the doll thing that had started to chase him. "Can you stop following me already!? Go chase someone else! Please!"
Rin ran through a doorway, and everything suddenly turned black. Then, just as suddenly as there was darkness, flashes of light surrounded him. "The Hell!? Wha-" Rin stumbled and he fell. He fell farther than he'd thought possible for it being just a few feet. Maybe he'd gone through a hole? Was that it?
Rin grunted, pushing himself up. The landing had hurt. He rubbed his hands on the ... grass? What the... His fingers touched something sharp. He felt the outline carefully to make sure he didn't cut himself and picked it up. Then he put it in his pocket. It wasn't a good idea to leave pointy things lying around where people could hurt themselves with it.
"Hey! I see someone over there!" A voice called from somewhere behind Rin. He flipped around, eyes squinting since the lights had left him practically blind but they seemed to be getting better with every second that passed.
"What the...?" Rin rubbed his eyes and looked around. When the hell had he gotten into a forest? That was a door leading outside?
"Who are you?" A voice next to him had Rin jumping in surprise.
"Ahh! Who the hell are you?!" Rin jumped away, eyes wide as he spotted the person. He was dressed in orange and blue... blond hair... He seemed familiar...
Another person jumped in, this one was obviously an adult. He had gravity defying silver/grey hair and he was wearing a mask that covered the bottom part of his face. One of his eyes was also covered with a blue headband that seemed to have a metal plate on it. There was a weird symbol on it that looked like a leaf(the blond guy had one too).
Seeing that guy made Rin really think that he'd seen them somewhere before. He still couldn't put his finger on it though.
The silver haired guy took a step towards Rin, and he pushed himself up off the the ground. "Alright, I'll ask again. Who the hell are you?"
The silver haired man and the blond haired kid exchanged looks before another set of teens popped down from the trees above them.
Pink hair? "Shima...?" Rin asked but then he got a good look. That definitely wasn't Shima. "Not Shima.. Shima's not a girl..." Rin frowned at them and the four of them exchanged looks. That's when Rin noticed that the other teen was wearing a shirt that bared his midriff. "The heck did I walk into?"
The silver haired man cleared his throat, catching Rin's attention. "Hello there. Would you be so kind as to tell us who you are and what you're doing here?" The man said, his one visible eye closing all the way almost like he was smiling.
"Rin Okumura... Who the heck are you? Are you part of the Haunted House people? Why the heck did you put a trap door in the floorboards!? That could get someone killed, you know!" Rin grumbled, eyes flashing from the silver haired man, to each teen in turn, and back again. "What are you supposed to be, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be dressed all scary? White sheets? Jason mask? Scream mask? Fake blood? Loud chainsaw?"
"What the heck are you talking about? Haunted House?! And what's a chainsaw?" The blond one yelled out, looking at Rin like he was out of his mind.
Rin grumbled. "You've got to be kidding me, so you're not from the Haunted House? Who the hell are you then? And on that note, where that hell am I?" Rin took a good look around. Only trees surrounded him. Where was the building? "What the Hell...?" When exactly had Rin become a broken record? He'd been saying some variation of those words since he'd fallen.
"Umm, are you alright? Maybe you fell and hit your head...?" The pink haired teen said, stepping a bit forward so that she could see Rin better.
Rin snorted. "Nah, I didn't hit my head. All that happened was that I fell, and landed here. Where is here? And why isn't there a building next to us? I was just in it, so it should be right here..."
"There was a flash of light before we found you. Maybe it was a jutsu." The midriff baring teen said in a monotoned sort of voice.
"A jutsu...?" Rin mumbled, his eyes narrowing. That thought of 'this seems familiar' kept crossing his mind.
Something suddenly exploded near them. Rin flew back, but before he could crash into a tree, he flipped and slid to a stop a good distance away from the smoking crater.
The other four landed next to him, sending Rin a few side looks. That was fine with Rin, since he was looking at them the same way before focusing on the smoking crater and the person the jumped through the smoke.
"Orochimaru!" The blondie growled out, staring at the pale man facing them.
Rin's eyes narrowed as he looked at this 'Orochimaru'.
"Naruto, so nice to see you again. And you've got a new friend, I see." Orochimaru locked eyes with Rin, and he couldn't help but glare at the long haired man.
Then a thought hit Rin, so of course he opened his mouth. "You're one of the Haunted House people! Are you supposed to be a zombie or what?" Rin studied the man. "A vampire? You've got the skin for it... How much make-up did you use? Where'd you buy the teeth? They look real... but you aren't very scary for a vampire..."
Silence met his observation.
"Soooo... I take it that you're not working in the Haunted House then?" Rin stated, seeing the man tense up at what Rin had said.
That was when the man's neck stretched out and headed straight for Rin.
"What?" Rin jumped away from the incoming neck, and dodged to the left as it followed him. His neck looked like a snakes body, the way it moved."That's gross, man! How are you still alive!" Rin said, dodging again before the man's head went back to its body.
Rin was now separated from the everyone else. They had jumped right when he'd gone left. Rin didn't necessarily mind. If it turned out that the guy was being possessed by a demon then he could keep the attention of it on him. They were obviously cosplaying, now that he thought about it... but then again...
"There's something odd about that guy..."
Rin heard the silver haired man murmur about him but he kept his eyes on the snake man. His eyes narrowed as he noticed Orochimaru unsheathe a sword. With just one glance, Rin could tell that it was a real sword.
"Are you seriously going to attack me with that?" Rin touched the tattoo on his left forearm, ready to pull out Kurikara at a seconds notice.
"Kukukuku." The man laughed, and Rin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. Was it supposed to be his evil laugh? "Scared?
The man lunged towards Rin, and the half-demon could see out of the corner of his eye the cosplaying people tense up. His fingers brushed the tattoo, he gripped the handle of Kurikara, and pulled it out. Blue flames erupted around his body. Their swords clashed seconds later, sending sparks flying around them. Their faces were inches away from each other, and Rin could see the surprised look on Orochimaru's face. He couldn't help but grin. "Scared? Why the Hell would I be scared of you?"
Rin pushed, and Orochimaru went flying into a tree. Rin didn't follow, but made sure to keep his eyes locked on the man that was having a little bit of trouble extracting himself from the tree. "You guys should get out of here, you wouldn't want to get hurt." Rin tossed over to the group of cosplayers, not noticing the looks of disbelief that they shot him.
Orochimaru finally got out of the splintered tree trunk. He wiped the blood off of his chin with the back of his hand, slitted eyes never leaving Rin's face. "... What are you?"
"Like I'd tell you." Rin snorted, watching the man watch him.
With a sneer the man disappeared.
"Damn.." Rin muttered with a frown.
After a few seconds that nothing happened, Rin slid Kurikara back into the tattoo, and turned towards the cosplayers.
"Alright, I doubt he's coming but but I should really get going back to the Haunted House. I'm going to kick Ryuji's ass as soon as I see him." Rin muttered that last part to himself. "By that way, you guys never told me your names?"
The silver haired man cleared his throat. "Maa, well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. The blond is Naruto Uzumaki. Pinkie over here is Sakura Haruno, and this is Sai."
"Nice to meet you." Rin smiled at them, before turning around. "Well, I've gone to find my boyfriend. Have fun with your cosplaying!" Rin called out before heading back to the spot that he had fallen.
"Hey! Wait up! What was that blue flames stuff?! Teach me!"
Rin had already walked through the trees when his vision went again. Lights flashed and when his eyesight finally adjusted, he found himself in the hallway that he'd been running away from that doll earlier.
The half-demon blinked and looked behind him. It was just a wall with fake cobwebs all over it. "Did I just fall asleep?" Rin muttered to himself before shaking his head and going down the hall in search of a certain someone. He definitely hadn't been asleep.
Luckily, Rin didn't have to go far to find his wayward boyfriend.
"Rin! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! Where were you?"Ryuji ran up to Rin and throwing his arms around him, hugging Rin close. "It's been hours!"
A frown made its way onto Rin's face. "Hours? Really? But I just lost you ten minutes ago!"
Ryuji shook his head, Rin could feel a few stray hairs tickle the side of his face. "It's been hours Rin! It's close to closing time already!"
"What? Really?" Rin wondered, pulling away from the hug. "I could have sworn it was just ten minutes..."
Ryuji shook his head, before leaning over and giving Rin a sound kiss on the mouth. By the time he pulled away, Rin was out of breath, and his chest was heaving. "Come on, let's go home."
Rin was pulled along behind Ryuji, their fingers locked tightly together. It seemed that this time, Ryuji wasn't going to let go of Rin's hand. Not even for a moment.
A smirk made it's way onto Rin's lips, hopefully Ryuji had learned his lesson. Rin stuck his free hand into his pants pocket. That was when he felt something sharp cut him. Rin held himself back from flinching, and carefully pulled the thing out of his pocket. He had forgotten about it. When he looked down, he knew exactly what it was.
A kunai.
"Did you run into anyone cosplaying from Naruto?" Rin asked, eyes locked on the kunai in his hand.
"Cosplaying? What are you talking about?"
"Never mind..." Rin said, sliding the kunai back into his pocket. "It's nothing."
End of Haunted House.
A/N: What do you think? :D