Hello there Minna san~! *^*

And welcome toooo The LAST chapter xD and sadly pretty late one- sowwyyyyy cx I was kinda hmmm stuck with the end xDDDDD But here I am *^*

Yes you heard right *0* the last~ Sowy for being a little late cx

Ohhh I just know you won´t be expecting what´s about to come here xDDDD

I heard the last chappy wasn´t too scary- haha I know, I kinda imagined that more scary in my head then it actually turned out to be xD but hey~

This time shit is gonna get serious hehehe cx

Thank you Rainstorm 2122 for correcting my story~ my lovely beta xD

Well then~

Enjoy~ *^*




Chapter 10: Death

-Izaya´s point of view. In the alley-

"Oh, how sweet-", a sudden voice murmuring those words interrupted Shizuo and Izaya, making them jump in surprise.

Quickly they parted and Izaya shuffled away from the wall he had been pinned to, staring at that skeleton demon once more.

Akem manah was there again.

"I told you before that the bond has formed~" he chuckled, his teeth clattering against each other. "I´m almost glad you finally decided to stop being so stubborn~" he grinned, glancing at the informant with his gruesome eyes.

The raven glared at the demon in exchange, but he didn´t say anything.

It seemed that actually, for whatever reason, that demon had told the truth about that bond. He also told them that Kuntilanak could only appear for about one hour after the sun had set, which was the truth as well.

Izaya couldn´t think of any reason why that demon would want to help them, but it seemed he did.

Sure, Akem manah had said before that he liked Izaya and that´s why he helped them, but that was just plain ridiculous.

At least in Izaya´s eyes.

But the reason didn´t matter to him anyway.

What he wanted was information.

"So that demon, Kuntilanak or whatever, she won´t appear anymore..?" Izaya asked, hoping he would receive an answer that would finally let him sleep in peace again.

He could still feel a shiver run down his spine when he thought about how that woman had looked before, and what she wanted to do to them.

The image of the sliced up Namie still hadn´t left his mind.

The demon shook his head though, making him frown.

"No? Why not? She disappeared just now, didn´t she?" he threw in, but the demon just laughed at that once more, pissing not only the raven off with that.

"Answer-!" Shizuo grumbled annoyed. He was by now pissed at that demon too. He sure had had a fun time watching him rant to himself about the flea and his strange behavior. And now he seemed just way too amused to Shizuo.

"It´s easy-", the demon started again, with his usual high and mighty voice.

"She just used up all her energy. She needs a certain amount to be able to stay in the human world for just this mere hour. Just now she used nearly all of that energy to make that underground train stop. It´s not an easy task for a low demon as her let me say." He explained, then pointed at Izaya-

"If you hadn't interrupted her, she would have gobbled you up just like that, then and there. But, the fact that you finally accepted the bond, lead to her not being able to touch you two. If you remember, Kuntilanak is a vengeance moved woman. Her husband killed her, she is only searching to kill men, however, not lovers." He grinned, the red light in his empty sockets shimmering.

"The fact, that you allowed yourself to accept the bond, made it that way that she cannot touch you anymore."Shizuo blinked.

"Wait, so she will return, but she can´t harm us anymore?" he asked, his hopes already rising, but the demon shook his head once more, confusing the blond yet again.

"No I didn´t say that." he spoke.

"You did-" Izaya tried to interrupt, but Akem manah wasn´t going to wait for his words to be spoken.

"There is a huge difference between being able to touch you two and harming you. Remember your dreams Izaya-kun? Those cockroaches? They can still touch you and invade you as they please. Want to have some of these critters up your skin again?" he asked, Izaya shuddered at the memory and shook his head quickly.

No way.

He didn´t even want to remember that- a shiver ruptured through his body. Never ever did he want to have something disgusting like that crawling under his skin and eat up his insides.

Shizuo frowned at the demon´s response. He thought it was finally over. Because the woman disappeared like that.

It seriously had looked as if she was going to be gone for good.

At least she screamed like it.

"So, she can still try to kill Izaya another way?" he repeated, making the demon nod once more.

"And that will be pretty soon if I might mention."

Izaya´s ears perked up at that.

"Pretty soon? What do you mean? The night only just begun, she shouldn´t be able to return within 24 hours, right?!" he thought he got rid of that woman at least for now again!

A slight sense of panic filled his senses as he thought about the possibility of that demon appearing once more and trying to kill him.

She had been gone for exactly that time the past two days! So why should it be different now?!

"Ahhhhh- well~" the demon grinned that disgusting smirk of his again.

Izaya swore, for the first time in his life he understood why Shizuo hated to see him smirk like that.

"I think I forgot to tell you something. The longer we demon´s, no matter which kind we are, stay in the human world, the more we gain energy. The higher the rank, the less soon you will be able to actually appear. The lower, the faster. And once you do show up in the human world, well-" a grin flashed over the demon´s face. "- let´s just say the time the demon can stay expands exponentially~"

For a second Izaya just stared at the demon.

"So… Kuntilanak´s energy is higher now? But didn´t you say she used it all up?"

"Oh, that she surely did. For now. The thing is though, within just a single hour, she will be able to regain enough power to return once again- And then…." An evil chuckled ruptured from the Demon´s mouth- "She will try to get you two once more~"

She would return-

Izaya´s eyes widened at that obvious threat.

She would return once more today and try to kill him another way.

He didn´t want to.

He knew she couldn´t try to gobble them up like she did in the underground train just now, but he didn´t want to experience any of the things he saw earlier either!

He didn´t want cockroaches inside his body again, he didn´t want to get sucked inside those shadows once more, he didn´t want to see these gruesome things anymore-!

He didn't want that- he was fucking done with this shit, and now she was returning once more?!

Was he fucking kidding him?!

"You fucking bastard, you never told us anything about this!" Shizuo yelled at the guy, making Izaya look at his watch really quick.

It had been 15 minutes since that woman had appeared.

Only 15.

She would be back within 45-

"Izaya was right after all, I shouldn´t have trusted you, you stupid-!"

"No, no wait Shizu-chan-!" Izaya quickly interrupted the raging blond and stepped in front of him, facing the demon head on.

"You wanted to help us, right? You made Shizuo draw parts of that seal, to get rid on her on the third night, can´t we do anything to get rid of her sooner?" he asked, trying to keep his calm.

Freaking out wouldn´t help them at all in this kind of situation, he still wasn´t exactly what you would call calm and the demon noticed of course.

However, he nodded, making the raven´s heart jump in relief-

"You can capture her sooner. The seal that you have been drawing is actually capturing her a little with each time she appears in the human world. Every time she appears that seal attaches to her just a bit. The second she leaves the human world again, the seal strengthen on her in a way in which not even she can get rid of them anymore. Once you add the last lines, she will get dragged back to the demon world by the hardened chains of hell." He explained, making Izaya grow more and more optimistic.

"So we can just finish that thing now and drag her back?!" he repeated, just making sure once more- because- that would be easy wouldn´t it?!

Shizuo had been drawing that shit for two days-!

She must have two third of those damn chains attached to her already!

Only a few more lines were missing to complete the whole seal!

"Yes, you can. She shouldn´t be able to see the seal. And enough chains should be attached to her already to drag her down before she notices."

And with that the raven started running-

He didn´t even wait for Shizuo to finally catch on to what they had been talking about or follow him, he just needed to get home and finish that thing so she couldn´t return anymore-!

He dashed down the streets, barely noticing that the blond had finally started running too, and caught a quick glance on his watch.

They still had 35 minutes-!

They would be able to draw it!

A grin sneaked onto the raven´s face and he nearly started laughing as they ran down the street together.


This shit was going to be over!

At the speed of lighting he dashed up the stairs to Shizuo´s apartment and stormed inside.

The seal was still there on the floor of course.

Almost finished it was painted on the floor, the white piece of paper with the drawn seal was laying next to it.

Quickly Izaya picked it up and scanned the drawing.

There were only a few more lines missing at the edge of the seal!

Hurriedly he dropped down to the floor and grabbed the white pieces of chalk sticks that were laying on the ground. Some really short, or just broken in half- to be completely honest, it looked like two chalk sticks had just been broken into many, many pieces.

He bet that was Shizuo´s work- but he could care less about that right now and quickly started to draw-

Line after line he drew at the outer edge of the drawing.

Stomping was to be heard and finally Shizuo also appeared at the front door.

Izaya hadn´t even closed it after he went inside, he was just too busy drawing the seal.

From the corner of his eyes Izaya could see the blond move over and grab another chalk stick, starting to draw at the other end of the circle.

"How much time left?" he asked, starting to draw on the floor.

Quickly Izaya glanced at his watch.

"25 more minutes-" he answered quickly and started drawing the details of the outer ring.

For a second dread filled him and he looked at the drawn seal on the piece of paper once more.

There were many, many little drawn frills inside the last ring, would they have enough time to draw them before Kuntilanak appeared?

Only shortly he frowned before shaking his head quickly.

No, they just had to!

Line after line he drew on the floor. Once, twice, thrice-

5 minutes passed, then it were 10, 15-

Almost two third of the circle were finished-

Then 5 more minutes passed-

Izaya was already sitting next to Shizuo both working on the last piece of the seal.

Just a few ornamentations more-!

"Izaya-" Suddenly the blond mumbled his name and Izaya froze.

Just 5 more of these symbols were missing-

He glanced up at the blond, seeing him stare towards the door-

There she was.


"Iiiizaya-kunnnn~" The woman whispered, approaching the raven. "Did you really need to do that?" She asked, a smirk crawling over her face.

But that wasn´t the only thing crawling over her face.


Dozens of cockroaches crawled out of her empty eye sockets and onto the floor, towards Izaya.

"It could have been over so quick and peacefully, but no-" she laughed, utterly enjoying herself.

"You like it this way better I see~" she smirked, and suddenly those sticky shadows from yesterday night appeared-

At the speed of light they were crawling towards Izaya- The flea jumped up from his seat, dropping the chalk stick, as he tried to get away from them-

He jumped onto the couch, but useless, the shadows crawled up there too, and before he could even start running away-

It was too late-

"Ah-!" he screamed when something got hold of his leg and pulled him towards the crazy woman-

His eyes went wide and he clung to the leg of the table, trying to stay where he was.

"Izaya-!" Izaya´s eyes snapped back open and he looked into Shizuo´s direction-

He had gotten up from the floor and dropped the chalk sticks as well, running over.

He grabbed the flea´s arm and pulled him towards himself, making the shadow´s rip in half.

"The seal!" Izaya almost yelled as soon as the blond had thrown him over his shoulder.

It were just 4 more lines!

Just four more!

The demon however suddenly ceased all movement and she snapped her head around, seemingly looking for something.

Izaya slapped his hand before his mouth when he realized what she was searching for.

Akem manah had said she couldn´t see the seal-

Meaning she didn´t know they were drawing one-

Meaning if she did find it and destroyed it- there would be no way of getting rid of her-!

Izaya gulped and quickly jumped down from Shizuo´s hold.

He ignored the blond´s protest as well as his pleads to just run away for now.

He had messed up-!

He had said that there was a seal!

That woman wasn´t dumb! If they left now she would destroy it now!

If they could just add those last 4 lines-!

Then she would be gone-! Forever-!

He grabbed one of the tiny broken pieces of the chalk stick and let himself almost fall down to the spot where they were missing-

And then everything went really fast-

He drew one line-

The demon snapped her head towards the raven and a scream was to be heard-


-the second line-

Pain suddenly shot through the raven´s back and he slumped forward-

One of the shadow´s had gotten hold of the cupboard and made it fall onto the raven-

"Izaya!" Shizuo had already shuffled over and heaved it up again within a second, but the raven didn´t even take any time to take notice how he felt something warm and wet trail down the back of his head- he had to finish-!

-the third line-

And then the woman was running towards them herself- her mouth wide open again revealing all those sharp teeth- the cockroaches all crawling after her-


"Too late!" Izaya glared at the woman and then-

-the fourth line-

Suddenly there was a scream- so loud the window´s broke into millions of little shards and fell to the floor-

Izaya covered his ears and doubled over, the blond following him a second later.

The seal started to glow, and suddenly there was a black circle in the middle of the seal-

Black chains, burning with fire shot out from the dark hole and wrapped themselves around the demon before she could even try to flee-

The critters that had been on their way to Izaya and Shizuo, all disappeared into thin air once the chains touched the woman.

The same happened with the shadows that were lurking around.

All of a sudden they were just gone-

Rattling was to be heard, and the chains started to pull the woman toward the black center in the middle of the seal.

A deadly glare was sent at the raven-

"You! I will get you! Just you wait! One day I will get you-!" she screamed madly, pulling at the chains that bound her wrists and feet, but effortlessly of course.

The metal didn´t budge in any way.

Izaya got up from the floor and glared at the woman. "You will never get us-!" he hissed, ignoring the little dizziness the action had caused him.

The woman glared at the two, but only for a second because suddenly her sight fell on someone else in the corner of the room who was watching the whole scenery with obvious amusement.

"You-! You fucking bastard of a demon-!" she yelled, the chains already dragging her down into the pits of hell.

"You will rot in hell for this-!" she screamed before the chains gave a final tug, and she disappeared into the dark hole of the seal.

And then it was quiet.

The seal disappeared.

Just glowed for a second and then.. puff, it was gone.

Just like that.

Silence filled the room for a second and Izaya just stared at the spot.

Only soft pants filled the air and he could feel his heart hammering against his chest.

The dark circle had disappeared.

The woman had disappeared.

Just like that.

"She… she is gone?" he whispered softly. He couldn´t believe it, that woman was gone-

She was really gone wasn´t she?

She really was-

She was-


A smile found its way onto Izaya´s expression and two arms wrapped themselves around the smaller frame.

"She won´t come back anymore." Shizuo whispered, a smile on his face now as well and he hugged the raven tightly.

She won´t try to murder him anymore.

They did it.


Laughter suddenly erupted from Izaya´s throat and he jumped up from the ground, swirling around so his eyes could meet with the blond, a relieved glint in them.

"It´s over Shizuo! It´s over!" he laughed, only to suddenly sway and hold onto the blond´s arms tightly-

"Izaya?!" Shizuo asked worried, catching in the flea. Only now he noticed that he was bleeding a bit at the backside of his head.

The cupboard from before-

"Ah, I´m fine." Izaya tried to play it over, even though he was still feeling a little light headed.

The blond sighed and scooped the raven up.

"You almost got squished under a cupboard, and you just swayed as if you were about to fall to the floor. That´s not fine." Izaya laughed at that but stopped complaining.

"Alright, maybe not 100% alright okay." he chuckled.

She was gone.


He thought he would never get rid of her again.

He felt light headed, not only because of his wound but also because he was so relieved.

Gently the blond carried the raven over to the bedroom and set him down.

"Should I call Shinra?" he asked, a little worried as he quickly went to the bathroom and got a wet towel for Izaya´s head.

The wound had stopped bleeding, but he wanted to clean it a little at least.

"No, Shizuo, that´s not necessary. I´m simply a little lightheaded and my head hurts from being hit, but that´s all. Nothing to get worried about." Izaya stated and stretched himself on the bed.

"..Okay." Shizuo mumbled, relieved that the raven wasn´t hurt too bad.

But Izaya couldn´t care less about that right now.

God he was finally free- free from that woman!

A smile spread over his face, before a hearty yawn escaped his lips.

Shizuo snickered slightly.

"Tired?" he asked, using the wet towel to softly wipe away the blood on the backside of Izaya´s head.

The raven snorted and nodded softly. He sure was.

He had barely slept at all the past nights.

And the only times he did, it was anything but a pleasant sleep.

"You should sleep now flea. You have a lot to catch up on." The debt-collector mumbled and placed the towel on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Hmmm I guess so." Izaya yawned softly and let himself drop back into the fluffy cushion.

He had to agree with the blond.

Sleep. That word sounded really tempting.

Suddenly he felt weight leave the mattress and he opened his eyes again to see Shizuo leave.

"Night flea." He chuckled.

He was going..?

Before Shizuo could move away, a hand suddenly grabbed hold of his right sleeve. Surprised Shizuo stopped and turned around.

.. he didn´t want Shizuo to leave yet..

"Shizuo.. can you stay?" he blinked when the question left Izaya´s mouth.

The demon was gone, there was no danger anymore.

He had figured the raven would want to be alone now.

"Scared?" he asked, thinking that maybe even if the demon was finally gone Izaya would maybe still be too scared to sleep.

"… maybe…" Izaya mumbled, rolling on his side.

He wasn´t.

Not anymore. But he didn´t want the blond to leave yet either.

Shizuo chuckled slightly at the behavior.

"Alright." He whispered, and did as the raven asked, went to the other side of the bed and laid down beside him. Softly he wrapped an arm around the raven and nuzzled into his hair.

A small blush crept on Izaya´s face, but he kept quiet. It wasn´t like he hated being held like this.

… not anymore he guessed…

"Sleep well Izaya." Izaya smiled and closed his eyes.

He would think about this whole thing and what he was going to do with the blond tomorrow morning.

"Night Shizuo."

-3 am. Izaya´s point of view.-

Startled Izaya´s eyes snapped back open and he blinked-


A familiar noise made its way to Izaya´s ears and he looked at the nightstand drowsily.

His phone was vibrating?

Groaning Izaya looked at the clock next to his phone.

"What the hell…" he whispered, brushing through his hair and let himself fall back into the pillow.

It was fucking 3:00am-

With a groan he stretched out his hand, and grabbed the tiny device.

God, the illuminated screen felt as if it was burning Izaya´s eyes- it took a second until his eyes got used to the bright light and he could finally see the screen.

He had gotten an SMS.

Surprised he blinked. It was from Celty-

(Get away from that demon!)

Izaya blinked, reading the message again.

From that demon? Was she talking about Akem manah? Ah right, he bit her didn´t he.

Seemed she had woken up now.

Groaning Izaya dropped the phone and rolled on his side.

She was just panicking, that guy was good it seemed. Well as good as a demon could be.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open.

Now that he thought about it, wasn´t that guy still there?

What was he doing in Ikebukuro?

Did he ever plan on returning to where he came from?

Somehow it irked him. He hadn´t seen the demon since they captured Kuntilanak.

Or did he get sent back to hell or wherever too?

Softly he squeezed the arm that had found its way around himself while he slept.

"Ne, Shizuo are you awake?" he mumbled, tugging at the arm slightly.

Not that he was scared or something… but it sure was unsettling to know that demon was still there.

The blond didn´t answer though.

Damn deep sleeper-

He pulled harder at the arm in an attempt to wake him up when suddenly-


One arm-

Izaya´s eyes widened and he shot up from bed, stumbling out of it-

He had just pulled at something-

Something that couldn´t be an arm-! Because- he was holding it in his hands-!

Scared his eyes darted around, and he hit the wall in an attempt to find the light switch in the dark-

"Shizuo?!" he asked, scared until suddenly-

The light turned on.

And he saw it-

The thing he had pulled at..

Was Shizuo´s arm.

One arm-

Only an arm-

The other half of the bed-

Was blood soaked.

The other arm laying on the pillow-

Ripped off.

The head…. Pinned to the wall


"Shizuo….?" Izaya whispered, squeezing his eyes shut.

A bad dream-!

A bad dream-!

It had to be a bad dream-!

Suddenly something cold touched his neck and he heard a voice behind him.

"Look on the floor~"

Akem manah….




On the floor there were.. there were…

He felt nauseous.

It was just like that time... with Namie-

"Familiar with the sight~? Ne, never wondered, why a woman that got killed by her husband would kill another woman~? Doesn´t make sense does it~?"

And… laying there.. on the floor, were the words-

"I win~"

-somewhere in Arayakushimae-

And now the 666 news: Yesterday night two men were found in an apartment. Killed and sliced up by seemingly the same person as in the apartment in Shinjuku. Again words laid with organs on the floor were to be found. It´s possible to be a serial killer. The police isn´t giving out any information considering the contents of the message yet. Until now-

"Kou.. isn't that-" a timid voice interrupted the silence in the living room for a second.

The guy grinned and turned up the volume of the Tv.

The police does not know how the murderer came inside either of the two apartments. The two corpses found could now be identified as Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima.

The police is giving their best to find the culprit soon-

"Well Hira… he should have listened." Kyo chuckled watching the news and dropped the remote control on the sofa.

"Never insult a demon~"


Well then- Admit it- you didn't see THAT coming xDD This is the end of After sunset *^*

A little later than usual, but hey~ cx

I hope you liked the story cx And you aren´t too shocked by the ending xDD But hey, it is a horror kind of story xD And I believe imagining that thing is still out there is way more scary than the demon actually being defeated hehe cx

And nowwww just reminding you!

Soon the new story will continue *^* Well, new/old story-

"The wish to disappear"~!

Be prepares for a heart tugging, very sad, but also fluffy, kind of story cx With surprises that you won´t see coming I promise 3

It should be up soon cx Just needs to be beta-ed anymore hehe cx

Also, from now on I will make my chapters shorter, but in exchange update more frequently- cx Shorter chapters (2500- 3000 words) are way easier to outline and write haha cx

Oh I will keep updating "I want to stay with you forever" just as I did until now though. Changing the chapter length in the last 5 chapters would be weird xD

So far "Behind closed doors" and "A single touch" are the most favourized stories in my poll choices it seems cx

Especially those that e-mail me seem to prefer especially "Behind closed doors" *^* Hehe looks like there is going to be some heart tugging sweet Highschool Shizaya soon~

Well then~ thank you for reading After sunset~!

See chu hopefully soon in one of my other stories cx