Chapter 1: The Underground District
Disclaimer: I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin
Summary: Petra dies when the Female Titan smashes her into the tree, then wakes up in the Underground district, seven years into the past.
Petra made a faint sound and her eyes fluttered. Expecting soil and leaves and trees, she was surprised at the stone ground beneath her cheek. She sat up and looked around, gagging almost immediately at the foul odor in the air. She coughed, face going pale. It took her a few minutes to adjust to the bad air enough to at least feel she wouldn't throw up right that second. Her stomach still churned, making her feel ill.
Where am I? Old, half-finished, and discolored buildings surrounded her. Above her, the sky was a cave with large pillars of rocks with sharp tips pointing down menacingly. Dirt and garbage covered the street, making the horrible air from the sewers smell even worse. This place was a veritable dump. Knuckles over her mouth, she observed her surroundings, feeling thoroughly confused.
Petra froze as visions of a green and fleshy blur, of her death, filling her mind. I… What happened to me? But how did she get there? Had she been kidnapped? This is the Underground city. Or so she assumed. After all, there was only one city within the Walls that was located below the ground so the place being anything else seemed unlikely.
This is where Captain Levi grew up? His clean-freak habits suddenly made a lot more sense to her. Perhaps that was why he that itch to keep his surrounded neat and clean. It was an odd thing to latch onto but she was shaken.
How had she survived and ended up here of all places? And where was her 3D maneuver gear? Petra focused on the last thing she remembered after the Female Titan kicked her into the tree. "That's right," she mumbled to herself, "the world was spinning." She rubbed her forehead in thought.
I thought I was dying, being pulled into some sort of…suction void. Maybe— Her head snapped in the direction of a groan. It sounded human. Cautiously, she followed the sound to a starving man around the corner. An elderly man with a scraggly beard sat against the wall, his clothes hanging loosely off his emaciated body. "Are you okay?" She felt foolish for asking. "Um, I mean, can I help you?"
"I'm sorry, I don't have any."
He laughed; it came out more like a wheeze. "Figures." He started at the insignia on her jacket. "Why are you here? Tryin' to get killed, girly?"
"No I—I'm not really sure how I got here," she admitted honestly. "I think I'm lost."
"You won't last long in this hell," he muttered and stared into her eyes, "too soft."
Petra tried not to take offense. He wasn't long for the world. Maybe he could tell her where she and if he had heard any news from the surface.
"Too honest," he rasped. "Easy to read your face, doll. You wanna survive down here, you gotta toughen up."
The words "down here" gave credibility to her assumption she was in the Underground city. "I'm tougher than I look."
"Then yer stupid," he sneered. "If I was one of them thugs, ye'd be dead."
Petra settled next to him. "Hey, what's the date today?" She wanted to get his mind off the unavoidable and needed to get info about her current situation. Things weren't making any sense but there had to be rational explanation for whatever had happened to her. If she had been taken, she needed to know long she had been missing.
He made a half-hearted attempt at a shrug. "The days just melt together. Can barely remember the year, 843."
"What? No, that's not right." Petra shook her head in disbelief. "You must be mistaken. It's 850."
He pulled a newspaper from his other side. Petra could only gape like a fish. June, 09, 843. The date suggested what the man had said was true. There was no way a decade old paper would look so fresh.
The man tilted his head to her, "It's about a week old, maybe."
Did that mean she had somehow traveled back in time? It was such an absurd thought she almost slapped herself for even thinking it. That's impossible! But the proof in her hands was undeniable. No, this doesn't make any sense. I need more info. Petra bit her lip, wondering what the best course of action was in case she really had ended up in the past—even in her head, the idea sounded ludicrous.
"Whatcha gonna do now?"
She thought for a few moments. "You want to switch jackets?" She asked quietly, eyeing his long brown coat.
"Ain't no good to me," he told her and started to take it off.
Petra silently helped him out of it, resisting the urge to cringe at his fragile arm. She folded her own jacket with the white and blue insignia on the back facing up and put it in the man's lap. "It's the Wings of Freedom, to symbolize the hope of humanity."
"What's it like?" He asked, rubbing the wings with his thumb. "The world outside this hellhole."
"I like the open fields with the vibrant green grass, the wide blue sky, and the fresh air. I love nature, all the trees, and nice bright flowers and cute furry animals." Petra went on to describe every beautiful scene of nature she'd seen until his breathing came to a stop.
Then she stood up and pulled the brown coat on. It had been short on him, probably bought it when he was young, but it was still big on her. She rolled up the sleeves and buttoned up. Her boots and some of her pants were still exposed, although not enough for anyone to get suspicious. Somehow, she doubt members of the Survey Corps came down there;.They might mistake me for Military Police though. She knew well enough how dangerous that would be.
Petra stuffed her hands into the pockets and felt a piece of paper. She took it out and studied it curiously. It must be a map he made. The markings were crude but she was able to figure it out and set toward where she assumed the marketplace was. Perfect for gathering information.
With a last glance at the corpse, feeling a pang of ache in sympathy, she left, eager to figure out what the hell was going on.
And it was official.
She was in the past.
It was either that or all the people she'd asked were crazy or lying.
Or maybe I'm delusional. Although Petra really couldn't see herself conjuring up the Underground City and all the details while having only heard of the place mentioned fleetingly. Standing against a wall, she watched the men and women walking through the street and the vendors trying to sell their products. There was simply no way it was all a hallucination. I'm questioning my own sanity. If she had really lost touch with reality, she wouldn't be doing something like, would she?
Her stomach growled and she groaned. I don't have any money! What now? She had no way of getting food unless she stole. Something she absolutely refused to do. These people had a hard enough time without her trying to rob them. Even if it meant survival? A small voice in her mind pointed out. Shaking her head, she tried to focus on her next step.
Petra had no documentation proving she was whom she claimed to be. The uniform wouldn't be of much help. It would be easy to fake for a skilled tailor or seamstress. And even if they accepted she was from aboveground, how to explain a lone Scout's presence in the Underground? They would never let her pass. Nausea rolled in her stomach. Her heartbeat took off. Think! She had to stay calm. Panic would do her no good. A grim looked crossed her face, recalling her terror as the Female Titan shot after her, unable to do anything but get squashed like a bug under her foot. Had that really happened or had she just imagined it?
For the sake of her sanity, she pushed that entire fight out of her mind. It would do her no good falling into despair now. Besides, if I'm in the past, they're all okay. That thought brought a measure of comfort.
First things first, she needed to find shelter and warmth. When night fell, she wanted four walls and a roof over her head. And she needed food and supplies. On cue, her stomach growled again. Petra pursed her lips. Time to get a job, then. She couldn't think up any skills people here, who could afford to hire at least, might require of her. Her thoughts were interrupted by sounds of distress. It wasn't the first time it happened. Unlike the last few times, however, when both parties were going at it while the bystanders stood by, this time it was a gang of three men picking on a lone target.
"...please I beg of you," the small woman said.
Petra walked up to a man who was hastily closing up his shop and asked, "What's going on?"
"Those three have been coming every few days and taking the supplies by force. If you don't do what they ask they beat you half to death and destroy your shop." He then disappeared into his place, locking the door behind him.
Petra noted many others were doing the same. Most people just hurried along, ignoring the scene right in front of their eyes. I can stop them. It gave her an idea. Petra walked up to the one she thought was the leader and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and scowled at her.
"I think you should leave," she told him. "You're obviously causing the poor woman distress." She could practically feel the shock coming in waves from the people who had stopped to watch the spectacle with interest. Guess they didn't get heroes often.
"You little bitch. You got some nerve—"
Petra kneed him between the legs. Hunger made her impatient and she didn't feel like listening to the idiot blabber on about who he was and how she should be afraid of him and what not. She'd faced bigger threats—literally—and he was a joke in comparison. Stepping over his groaning body, she quickly disposed of the next thug, dodging his punch and dislocating his arm. The third one snapped out of his stupor and lunged at her.
His attacks were sloppy, wild. There no purpose other than trying to hit the target. Clearly he had no training, unlike her, who regularly sparred with her teammates. It was easy for her to exploit his weakness and blow out his knee, making his right leg as good as useless. Petra stood over them, arms crossed, looking unimpressed. "Be glad I took it easy on you. Now get out of here."
They left quickly. Or as quick as they could with their bruised bodies. Once they disappeared out of sight, Petra turned to the blonde-haired woman smiling at her in relief. "Thank you very much," she gushed. "Those hooligans have been troubling us for weeks and you just took 'em down like it was nothing!"
"No problem," Petra replied with a smile, waving her hand as her face warmed in embarrassment. "Actually, I'm looking for a job, so if it's possible I would like to offer my skills in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat that is, in exchange for room and board."
If she smiles any wider her face might split. The woman, introducing herself as Mary, agreed enthusiastically and Petra followed her. It surprised her how easy that was, but she figured thugs were a constant problem in the neighborhood and people who were willing to something about it and had the courage to were few and far in between.
After assuring the woman she wouldn't mind helping around the store, she began immediately. Many people stopped by the shop to satisfy their curiosity about the strange, short redhead. Petra took the opportunity to get as much information out them as she could.
When nighttime came, she yanked up the blankets, adjusting her body to the ratty mattress on the creaky bed. It was better than sleeping on the cold, hard ground outside without any protection. She closed her eyes and pulled the thoughts running through her head, everything she had gathered throughout the day in order.
Even if by some miracle I can leave this place, I won't be able to help. Commander Erwin wasn't even in charge of the Survey Corps yet. Any significant event she could predict wouldn't happen for years to come. They wouldn't be likely to believe her. In fact, she would be written off as a lunatic and thrown in a mental asylum. And after what she claimed came to pass, she was more likely to be branded a traitor or a spy. Petra wasn't blind to their corrupt and incompetent government. And she held no desire to end up in shackles and tortured for information. A shudder ran through her at the thought.
A loose spring in the mattress dug into her back as she shifted. A thought that had been rolling around incessantly in her mind the entire day resurfaced. I should find Captain Levi. Although he wasn't her captain anymore. If she befriended him now, earned his trust, then when he became one of Commander Erwin's most trusted subordinates, the commander was more likely to listen and believe what she had to say.
Levi had to be found at all cost. Knowing that he was able to make it out, she knew he was her best chance at getting out of the Underground City. But without knowing just how big the city was, she wasn't sure what her chances were. Still, it was something. Optimism welled up in her.
Once she saw her situation as something of an advantage, one that would save herself, her squad, and maybe even humanity, it made it easier to deal with it. It even seemed like a blessing now. At least I'm still alive. That was a huge plus.
With that plan in mind, Petra let her tired body win and fell asleep.
Petra was glad to know the whole thing wasn't a delusion. Or if it was, it was very deep and thorough and incredibly long one. At that point, having spent a month there, she felt it safe to believe she really was in the past and not out of her mind as she had secretly feared in the darkest recess of her mind. Although that horrifying thought wormed to the front of her brain from time to time.
A sigh left her lips as she neared her destination. With the money in her jacket's inner pocket that she had saved up, plus some fruits from the shop where she worked over the weeks in hand, she was going to buy some new clothes. She was tired of wearing the same old thing for a month now. After purchasing two pairs of pants as as well three shirts, a vest, and three pairs of socks, she was done.
I wish I had my 3D gear. Unfortunately, she had concluded that when she was sucked into the anomaly, as she had taken to calling it in her head, her gear had been left behind because the straps had snapped when she was kicked, thus never making the journey with her. It would have been so much easier to use the maneuver gear to navigate around and look for Levi. Petra had ditched the "Captain" part in fear she might accidentally refer to him as such if—when—they met.
But the Underground City was enormous. I'll never be able to find him. With a mental shake, she banished those thoughts. I can't allow myself to think that way. She stared glumly at the ground, trying not to lose hope. It had been discouraging. Not even a scarp of information had been found about her former captain. Too lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize she was surrounded. Petra cursed her carelessness. They were all in their late teens. She mentally calculated the best escape route and whom she'd have to get rid of first.
"What's going on here?" A large, blonde-haired man walked up to them, back slightly bent and hands tucked in his pants' pockets.
Instantly, Petra was suspicious of him. Long since used to reading her opponents to predict their next move, she hadn't missed the look that passed between him and the woman to her right. How very clever of them. She was impressed at their scheme. For now, she would play along. If they knew she had figured out their little trick, they might attack. Her best bet was to act ignorant and get home safe.
The people surrounding her relaxed. "Nothing boss, we were just going to introduce ourselves," the brown-haired girl next to Petra answered sweetly. "I've heard about a short redhead and her skills in fighting. Just wanted to see what the rumors were about."
"Even so, ten-on-one doesn't sound fair."
Petra bit back a smile. He was a good actor, playing the "good guy" talking his followers out of attacking her so she would be grateful and more inclined to accept his offer when he asks later. A neutral look on her face, she watched as he got them to back off. "Thank you." She gave him a polite smile after the others left.
"No problem," he replied and waved it off, walking up to her. It reminded her of Oluo copying their captain and made her heart constrict a little. "The name's Ralf.
"Nice to meet you." Petra held off the urge to offer him her hand. People there didn't shake hands on first meeting, too distrustful of each other.
"Look, if you need anything, just come to me. I've heard another gang's trying to forcibly recruit strong people. Just want to let you know they might come after you," he warned.
"Thank you for the warning, I'll keep it in mind." Petra was the picture of gratefulness. Looking like he'd accomplished his mission, Ralf bid her farewell after telling her his usual hang out spot. Petra noted it and decided to avoid it at all costs. I'll need to cover my hair any time I leave Sector 7.
Most of the thugs where she worked knew better than to pick fights with her. Although there was the occasional idiot trying to prove himself, it wasn't too much for her. In fact, it helped her stay in shape. She tried to avoid too much exercise because working out made her hungry. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough food to go around.
There was still a dull ache of hunger in her stomach every night she went to bed. The weather was becoming chiller and she still wasn't used to the uncomfortable mattress. To make matters worse, there was some sort of illness going around. If she caught it, Petra knew her chances of survival would plummet. I should be grateful for what I have. She reminded herself, recalling the people she saw every day with hollow cheeks. At least she hadn't lost significant weight. But she definitely noticed the reduced muscle mass.
Pulling up the hood of her coat, she walked faster, wanting to reach home before nightfall after another fruitless evening of trying to find clues about her elusive captain. She didn't wanted to run into any groups.
Petra sighed, recalling the third gang invitation she had received in a week. They really didn't know how to give up. Fortunately for her, they didn't know where she lived. That was blessing because she would never get any peace otherwise. But it wouldn't stay that way for long. She knew once her hideout became known, they'd come to her doorstep and make trouble for Mary.
Petra liked the woman. Mary was nice, a good conversationalist, and didn't pry. Guess I'll be moving soon. Two months of living in the Underground City and she still hadn't seen or heard anything about Levi. Petra was starting to think she was going to have to actively search for him. Normally, the only thing stopping her was the fear of what would happen if she left Mary defenseless. Now she might be in danger regardless of her presence.
She made up her mind and began packing. No time like the present. She put her stuff in a small, brown leather bag and waited quietly for Mary to return. After dinner, she sat the older woman down and explained the situation as best as she could without revealing anything sensitive. " I think it's for the best that I leave."
"No need to look so guilty, dear. Most of the thugs here have left because of you. I understand why you have to leave. I've survived long before you came and will do so after you leave, so please have a safe journey without a heavy heart."
The next morning, Petra hugged her former boss goodbye and left. It was early and she assumed it was daybreak in the capital city above. And for the fifth time, she mentally checked off her supplies and made sure her hair wasn't visible before pulling out the map.
First, she should go to the biggest sector in the Underground. There had to be some hints there to Levi's whereabouts considering he was a rather infamous thug. Or so the rumors went, back in the Survey Corps in the future. Silently saying goodbye to the place that had been her home for two months, she left.
Petra tried her best to keep her teeth from chattering and alerting her targets.
Since she no longer had a permanent residency, she was working freelance. Her fingers fiddled with the bracelet Mary made her as a good luck charm. Her thoughts began to wander as she waited for her targets, trying to shake off the feeling she was being watched. It disappeared after a few minutes. Must have been a cat.
Another two months had passed. The only thing keeping her going was the occasional rumors she heard about a short, apathetic-looking man who like tea leaves. Petra had seen much of the Underground City while tracking her former captain. The place was depressing, a true hell. Death everywhere she looked and dangers lurking every corner.
Petra had lost count of how many times someone had tried to kill her, steal from her, or even tried to rape her. But every time her finely honed instincts and fighting skills saved her. She was alone and small, thus a target. Circumstances had forced her to learn how to survive by herself and better avoid unpleasant situations. But often still, her sense of self-preservation told her to join a gang for safety, and every time, she denied herself.
While staying with a group was safer, she didn't have the freedom to look for Levi—the fleeting rumors were proof he was still around .Who else could the talk of three thieves who used military equipment belong to? It had to be Levi and his accomplices. And she was almost certain she had once heard Hange mention they joined around the same time, which was 844. It was what kept her going every day. If she didn't meet him, tell him about the future when he came into a position of power, she wouldn't be able to save her comrades and many other innocent people.
She was sworn to protect humanity, and that would always come first.
But the man was a slippery fish. Petra had caught some difficult bounties but Levi was annoyingly hard to catch. She shouldn't have been too surprised, though.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of muffled footsteps. Time to get to work. She snuck up behind the man and tapped his shoulder. It never failed to amuse her how people's first reaction was to turn around. She jabbed him in the throat with the first two knuckles of her right fist and he collapsed. Petra caught him and lowered him gently. Straining her ears, she listened for noise. Nothing.
Hiding again, she waited for his partner. Sure enough, he came in and was met with the same fate. Petra went upstairs and alerted her employer. Accepting her payment and a dinner invitation, she walked away from the shop, feeling successful. Halfway to the abandoned building that was her home for the week, she felt goose bumps break out. Someone was following her.
Petra caught the stalker's reflection. She was barely visible in the dark. Petra would have missed the woman if she hadn't been looking for her. She opened the door to her house and went in. Moving quickly without making any noise, she went to another room and exited via the window. She peeked over the side of the house and waited until the stalker was in front of the door before cutting the rope.
Her sole purpose of choosing the place was the arch along the top of the house. The dark figure didn't have time to react as the sack swung down and collided with her, knocking her out cold. Petra was immensely proud for setting up the trap in case of an emergency.
All that work filling the sack with dirt and setting up the pulley system was worth it. She went to the unconscious woman. From the visible facial structure and the chest Petra realized it was a man. His physique and the hood pulled up on his dark cloak he wore had her mislead her.
Petra pulled off the hood and her jaw-dropped. Levi?!
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