How had I found myself to be in this bizarre scenario?

Levi had invited Armin and I over to a 'meeting' at his apartment, and even though it had sounded like something official where everyone else would be there as well, it was only us three. Levi had needed some kind of 'input' from Armin, apparently because Armin had impressed him with his extensive knowledge on things. So why did I need to be here?

And if that wasn't enough, they had both been acting really weird through the whole evening. And now we were all sitting on the couch, looking at the journals of the information that we had gathered until now.

Levi placed his arm on the back rest of the couch, right behind Armin just a moment before Armin had leaned back. It almost seemed like Levi had wrapped his arm around Armin, and the sight made me incredibly irritable without quite knowing why.
"See this?"

"Yeah. It's some kind of slang to cover up the real thing. A password maybe?" Armin mumbled, looking intensively at the paper that Levi was holding in his lap.

"Hmm, that would definitely make a lot of sense … " Levi tilted his head when looking at him, sending him a smile. "Armin, I'm actually really happy that you didn't mind helping out. You're a great help," He said, patting Armin's knee. My eyes widened, as he stared at his hand. I waited for it to move away from Armin's knee, but it never did.
"No w-worries," Armin said, though stammering quite a bit. He seemed nervous now, but that was understandable with Levi being so close.

"Don't you think as well, Er – " He couldn't finish his sentence, because when he turned around and saw my face, he became speechless. I was sitting in a chair only two meters away, but that was close enough to see everything that was going on, and it was first now that he noticed me. My hands had changed into tight fists, and my jaw was clenched. I was staring at them with eyes burning with wildfire, and my breath had become ragged.
Where had this rage suddenly come from?

I was so pissed off; I didn't even have any opportunity to calm myself down. And that's how there was no way of stopping what would come out of my mouth next.

"STOP IT! STOP TOUCHING HIM!" I exclaimed, standing up in the same instant as the words had come out. They both stared at me; Armin's face was painted in horror, while Levi's was more surprised.

Why was he surprised? How could he not expect me to be mad, when he kept touching my best friend like that? And so intimately? I was the only one who had been touched by him like that – I was the only one who should be that close to him – Not Armin, not anybody else!

"I … I actually think I have to get back soon … So maybe I should just go, so you can explain," Armin mumbled, mostly talking to Levi, as he stood up and quickly ran over to the door to get his shoes on. Levi raised himself from the couch calmly, and without even looking at me, he walked over to the blonde who had just gotten on his coat. I couldn't see very well from my position, but it was clear to me that Levi had grabbed Armin's chin and … Was … Leaning towards him … And …

I was about to yell again, but the back of Levi's head was in the way, so I couldn't see exactly what was going on.

I had a pretty good idea though.

When Armin stepped away again, his cheeks where pink, and his whole face looked flushed, as if he was embarrassed over something.

"C-Call me later, E-Eren," He stammered, sending me a little wave before running out the door. I took my chance while Levi was closing the door after him, to walk towards him in quick steps.

"Y-You … You bastard!" I yelled, sending a fist right towards his face. Unfortunately, he dodged it, but it had still made an impact. He stumbled back, until his back hit the wall behind him. A few meters more, and he would probably have landed on his ass.

"Eren, calm down," He said, yet there was a hint of something in his voice … When I looked at his face, it was clear to me.

He was chuckling.

"What the hell is there to laugh about?!" I asked, my vision almost getting red with rage. "You're screwing around with my best friend? You old pervert!" I hit out after him again, and this time instead of dodging it, Levi grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. He snuck his other arm around my waist so I couldn't pull away either.

It didn't stop me from struggling, though.

"Let me go!"

"Calm down, Eren," Levi said, with a teasing smile. "Your jealousy is showing,"

I stopped moving for a second to let his words sink in.

"What the fuck do you mean with that?" I asked, my voice finally lowered down to a normal tone, though I was still out of breath.

"Well, think about it. Why would you be so mad about me and Armin flirting? Unless you still had some sorts of feelings for me, that is. I mean, you wouldn't be this mad, if someone else flirted with Armin, right?" He raised an eyebrow, looking deeply into my eyes, as he patiently waited for an answer.

I tried to imagine Jean or Marco flirt with Armin, and even though I would be annoyed if Armin dated Jean, I still … Probably … Maybe … Wouldn't mind.

No, I definitely wouldn't experience this kind of rage if it was anyone other than Levi.

But of course I couldn't exactly tell him that.

"It's because you've dated me before! It's disgusting that you think it would be okay to be with my best friend after me," I snorted, though avoiding his eyes. He noticed immediately, loosening his grip on my arm so that he could grab my chin and force me to return his intense gaze.

"Yeah, that might be true. I could believe that," He whispered, his face so close that I could feel his warm breath on me. I got the chills, shivering under his eyes. "But then how would you explain this?" His fingertip made small circles on my cheeks, before sliding over my bottom lip. I felt mesmerized, not able to move even an inch. What was he going to do? I couldn't help but to feel intrigued and wanting to experience what would come next. "You're panting so loudly, and your face is all red … How would you explain it, if it isn't because we're this close again?"

I tried swallowing the large lump in my throat that had suddenly appeared, and was refusing to get away. Why did my limbs feel like spaghetti right now? I wanted to show him that I didn't care about it, that I wasn't affected by him anymore, but my body had somehow stopped responding. With this, the only thing I was able to notice, was how the situation was, that I was in. We were standing rather close to each other, with only a few inches from each other's faces. Levi's right arm was wrapped tightly around me so that our lower parts were pressed against each other, while his left hand was still at my cheek, caressing it. Since I wasn't able to do much with my arms at this moment in time, they were just resting on Levi's chest.

"I … I … " I tried finding words that would explain why my body was in this kind of condition, but I couldn't come up with any.

That was probably because I had already realized why, and I had no energy left to keep lying.

"At a loss for words?" He asked in a soft tone, tilting his head slowly while still wearing that sly smile. It annoyed me greatly that he seemed so pleased with himself.

"N-No!" I quickly retorted. "I just … Of course my body is reacting like this on its own … "

"Oh? So I still have that kind of effect on you?"

"That doesn't mean anything!" I said angrily. "Don't try to fit the pieces together if they don't match, Levi! My body is reacting on its own, that doesn't mean that I still love you."

Levi was silent for a few seconds after that, and it looked like he was thinking. But when those seconds were over, something happened that I hadn't expected at all. His face lowered, so that he was almost looking up at me, with a dangerous look in his eyes.
"Oh yeah?"

I was swept off my feet as our positions were switched, and it was now my turn to be pressed against the wall.

"Wha-What are you doing?!" I gasped in surprise. My arms and hands had gotten life back into them again, and they were now clutching onto Levi's shoulders as if it was life they clung to itself.

"Alright Eren, I'll accept that. But if you really want to be free of me forever, never to see me again after this, then let me do one thing before you go … Okay?"

His eyes was the only thing I could focus on right now, but it was almost too confusing as they were overfilled with different types of emotion, all mixed with each other.

"O-Okay … " I nodded slowly, not able to say no. And to be perfectly honest, I was a little curious as to see what he would do.

"Eren … " Levi took a deep breath, preparing himself for something big, and for a moment he almost looked … Vulnerable. Fragile. It felt so strange to see him like that, as it was a side of him that I had never seen before. " … I love you. I know you said that you didn't care about me anymore, but I thought that if you saw me getting close with Armin, you would realize that you still … Deep inside, still loved me. Or at least cared about me. I really didn't want to lose you, so I went to desperate measures … I still am, I guess." Levi sighed as he released his grip on me, and for a moment there I thought that that was it. Yet I still couldn't move, I was frozen in place as I stared at the man who had once been the love of my life. Was he really saying these things? The cold, hardened man who only showed his love through small gestures or physical contact … Now he was giving me a declaration of love?

"I love you, you stupid brat, so it can't be helped ~ "

With those words his hands slowly raised up to cup my face, his fingertips touching my hair and ears. As if I was watching in slow motion, I watched as he slowly came closer, his lips creating only an inch of space between them before they were pressed against mine in a gentle kiss.

When our lips met, it wasn't like anything I had experienced before. Sure, I had kissed Levi thousands of times before, but this was somehow … Different. It was like a hole inside of me was being filled up again, like the feeling of longing after something that I hadn't known what was, finally had been satisfied. My yearning after the unknown hadn't been unknown after all. It had just been a memory that my body remembered, even though my mind hadn't.

And that was why my arms had wrapped around his neck, and I was returning the kiss just as gently, moving my lips slowly in a pattern that felt so damn familiar that it almost hurt.

This was the only hint that Levi needed – his hands slipped down my throat and ended at the back of my neck, while pressing the rest of his body closer up against mine. I wasn't really protesting, though there was no way I would be able to, even if I could. But it didn't matter anyways – the only thing my mind was being wrapped up with, was the feeling of absence that I had noticed suddenly wasn't there anymore. I wasn't missing anything at this point, I was … completely … satisfied.

So maybe he had been right? Maybe he really had woken something up in me that I had thought I had gotten rid of? Something that I had been trying so hard to suppress … In the end, he had been able to dig it up again.

My love for Levi.

But then again … Was it really such a bad thing after all? He had already said that he loved me, he had said that he accepted me for who I was. He had even apologized.

So why hadn't I been able to forgive him?

Well … Because until now, I had thought that I didn't care about him anymore. That I hated him.

"Ah!" I gasped, as Levi threw his head back for air. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I had forgotten that I actually needed to breathe. We were both panting for a moment, trying to get our acts together, before looking at each other again. I wanted to reach out to him, to grab his shirt and pull him back into another kiss, but he had somehow managed to step away from me, out of my reach.

"That was all I had to say," He mumbled, as his expression had changed back into something that was unreadable.

What was he thinking? Why had he stopped? Why wouldn't he continue? These thoughts roamed my head, as I tried standing up properly, not having to lean up against the wall anymore.

Was he trying to make me say it out loud? I mean, I thought it had been pretty clear from when I had returned his kiss and all, but maybe he had another agenda …

We stood there in silence, just staring at each other, as I tried to figure out what to do. But as soon as I was prepared to say the words and open my mouth, my whole face got flustered, and I felt a rush of embarrassment.

"Stop looking at me like that," I mumbled instead, looking at Levi's feet so that I didn't need to look at his face.

"How am I looking at you?" He said, with an innocent voice that clearly was just trying to manipulate me.
"Oh, come on!" I crossed my arms tightly over my chest, as I groaned lowly in annoyance. "You want me to say it. I know that you want me to. But I can't, so please stop expecting me to!"

As I finished the sentence, my hands immediately flew up to cover my flustered face. This was so embarrassing. I couldn't even tell him what he wanted to hear. Even if I wanted to tell him, it was just too embarrassing.

"Let me help you then," Levi chuckled lowly, and before I could remove my hands to see anything again, he had suddenly swept me off my feet, holding me as if I was a bride.

"Set me down!" I automatically whined, throwing around my legs. His grip was too tight though, and in the end I just ended up leaning onto his shoulder. "What are you doing?!" I still demanded to know though.

"Will you shut up for a second, brat?" Levi sighed dramatically, though I could still see a smile forming from the corners of his mouth. We walked through his hallway, past the bathroom and guest room, and with a soft kick against the door, we entered the bedroom.

"L-Levi," I immediately said, after he had put me down onto the bed. "This is too fast, I c-can't – "

"Didn't I tell you to shut up for a second?" Levi said, placing his hands on his waist, as he stood in front of me. Silence was created between us as our eyes intertwined and locked in place. He looked like he was thinking though, trying to figure out the situation.

"You know, I never actually thought that I would be successful. I hoped, but … I was never sure." He sent me a soft smile, but I was too consumed in his words to return it.

"What are you trying to say … ?" I mumbled, my hands tightening around the duvet that I sat on.

"I'm saying that I haven't planned this far along," He finally answered after some time, before putting up a genuine laugh. "Look, Eren … I just want to be with you. I want to touch you, to hold you in my arms and know that you are here. I want to wake up in the morning and I want the first thing to see is your face. Okay?"

" … Okay," I could only whisper the answer, as his words where almost too intense for me. I shivered under his gaze, and when he noticed, he quickly gave me a peck on the cheek.

"I'll be right back, okay? All this stress and nervousness has made me build up quite the sweat," And with that he disappeared out into the bathroom, leaving me behind. A few moments after I heard the shower getting turned on, confirming that he indeed was taking a shower.

Oh yeah, it shouldn't come as a surprise for me. This former lover of mine had been a clean freak after all, and something like that wouldn't just disappear. I looked around the room to try to remember if something had changed, and to my surprise I found everything to be the way it had been when we had been together. I was even more surprised by the fact that I could remember it all perfectly.

Still, I couldn't help but to feel misplaced and uncomfortable here. As if I didn't truly belong. So I took off my socks, and crawled up to the pillows at the end of the bed, where I placed myself with the back up against the wall. I was even sitting in my side, the side of the bed I had gotten every time I had slept here.

It was almost amusing to remember all these little things.

Suddenly getting an idea, I took off my shirt, and threw it on the floor. I continued to crawl under the duvet, and placed my head on the pillow.

And then I let out a deep sigh. Yes, this was exactly how I had remembered it to be. It might even be better … The feeling of the almost silky fabric against my bare skin, the perfect balance of softness and hardness of the bed madras …

I want to wake up in the morning and let your face be the first thing I see.

His words repeated themselves in my head, and I immediately understood what he meant. I, too, wanted to wake up in this bed tomorrow morning, when the sunshine would appear through the large window behind me, and shine a light onto Levi's sleeping face.

Just imagining it made me smile. I closed my eyes, grabbing his pillow and holding it tightly against my chest. Yes, this was perfect. Indeed … it … was …


I blinked twice, before being able to see anything again.

"H-Huh?" He was so close again, his face mere inches from mine. He lay in his own side of the bed on his side, his head resting on the palm of his hand, while of course only wearing a towel wrapped around his waist.

Was it really a coincidence, or was he just using it to his own advantage to look so damn irresistible?

"Are you hungry?"

What? What question was that to ask? It was late in the evening, so it wasn't even like I would have room in my stomach for a lot of food before bed.

"Um … N-No?" Or did he mean something entirely different …. No, bad Eren! I had let my eyes wander off, but I had quickly stopped myself before Levi had noticed.

"Not even hungry for Pecan Pie Ice Cream?"

I took a deep breath of excitement automatically, but I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth to cover it up. Too late, though.

"U-Um … Maybe … " I mumbled with a simple shrug as if I didn't really care, looking away in embarrassment.

"I guess old habits die hard," Levi grinned, as he stood up from the bed. "I might not be able to read your thoughts like you, but I still know what you're thinking," He said with a teasing wink, before disappearing out in the hallway.

I couldn't help but feel … at ease. It seemed like it had felt so easy for Levi to talk about my special gift, as if it was just another thing in our daily life.

Could it really be, that with Levi I could finally feel at ease with this? That I could finally feel comfortable within myself to be with this man who accepted me for who I really was, and the abilities that I had?

"Ice cream coming up!" Levi announced as he entered the room yet again, climbing up into the bed with a large tub of ice cream and two spoons already half buried in the ice cream.

"Yummy," I mumbled to myself with a smile, as I sat up to better eat it. We ended up both sitting leaned up against the wall behind us, and my left arm had snuck under his right arm which was carrying the ice cream, so that it would be easier for me to get to the delicious dessert.

"Hey," I said, with a mouth full of ice cream. "Now that I think about it … Did you seriously go as far as to kiss Armin?"

"What? When did I do that?" He asked, sounding genuinely confused, before taking another spoonful in his mouth.

"When he was leaving. You said goodbye to him. You kissed him," I couldn't cover up the detestation and annoyance in my mouth even if I wanted to. Yet it still irritated me a little when Levi just seemed to laugh it off.

"No, silly. I was leaning into him so it would seem like it. I actually just whispered thank you to him, that's all."

"Oh … " I started to put the pieces together, and with that explanation, it seemed like the puzzle fit. However, Levi still turned towards me with a serious expression, after putting away the ice cream on the night stand.

"I would never. You have to believe that. I haven't been with anyone other than you since we broke up – I haven't even been able to look at other people like that … And I never will. You're the only one for me, Eren Jaeger."

I blushed by his words, though I didn't feel embarrassed this time.

I just felt loved.

"Likewise, old man."


I grinned as he pinned me down, and started tickling my stomach.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stop, Levi, stop! You're not an old man, I'm sorry!" I laughed, twisting and wriggling my body to avoid his hands. He finally stopped, his hands instead grabbing my wrists to keep my hands over my head.

"You know, little brat, you haven't paid for the ice cream yet," As he noticed my confused 'Ehh?!' look, he laughed. "Did you really think I would give you something so expensive for free? I mean, come on, I'm not made of money."

"No, you're made of steel," I joked, looking down at his abs that was showing. He rolled his eyes at me as a response.

"Tch. Is appearance really the only thing you think about?"

"It's a little hard not to get distracted by them, I would say," I grinned, before raising an eyebrow. "But, you know … I don't really have any money."

"Oh, don't worry." Levi said, sending me a devilish smile. "I'm sure we can come up with something,"

And with that, the conversation was over, and Levi had begun kissing me from my collarbone, neck and chin. He worked his way all up to my mouth that was already parted because of the panting. Was I really already panting that bad? Well, Levi could easily have that effect on me, that didn't really come as a surprise. Still, I should have learned some more self-control. My limbs had already started to feel like spaghetti, and I was now in no condition to move.

"Nghh … L-Levi … " I mumbled, trying to keep my voice down. My body remembered him well, the problem was just that my head still wasn't ready for this new change. It felt so strange to let my body be touched by him again, especially when I had convinced myself that I would never let this happen again.

And then, an idea popped into my head.

"You want me to stop?" His lips hummed against my skin, testing me. I gulped, reaching up with both arms just to grab his shoulders.

"No! No, I don't … I just want…" I intertwined my left leg with his right one, and within mere seconds I had turned the situation around so that I was the one on top. " … To take control,"

Levi raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

"Oi, brat, what are you – "

"Hey," I interrupted, grabbing his wrists to hold him down, if he would try to remove me. If I wasn't well prepared, then his strength would be too much for me to handle. "I'm not a brat anymore,"

"Hmm?" Levi grinned, as if he suddenly had gotten an idea. "Then prove it," He said with a teasing look in his eyes as he started moving his hips from side to side, rubbing his lower body against mine. I groaned in surprise, as my body instantly reacted to his movements.

"You're such an ass," I snickered, though leaning down and kissing him instead of doing what I knew he wanted me to. Instead, while distracting him with the kiss, I released his wrists so that I could let my own hands trail all over his upper body, already starting to unbutton his shirt.

I took my sweet time – only to tease though – opening every damn button that was holding his shirt together, all the while I was slowly rubbing my bulge in my pants against his, causing friction. Levi was trying to cover up his panting while having a painful face expression.

"Eren, damn it … Get on with it already."


I opened the last button, and immediately bent over to start nibbling at his right nipple. It didn't take long though, before I started licking and sucking it as well – all the while I was smirking, because Levi was getting worse at hiding his excitement.

"What the hell? Why not?"

"I need to punish you for what you did with Armin …" I said, my lips buzzing against his skin. My mouth never even left his nipple for a second, though it seemed like the buzzing was making him react as well.

"But we didn't do anything?" Levi panted, his hands grabbing my head and forcing it upwards to look at him. I sent him a mild smile, before giving him a quick little kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Maybe, but you made me think that you did. That's enough,"

"Oh really?" Levi grabbed the end of my pants and started pulling at them to get them open. "Fine. Then punish me. Just get on with it already,"

"Well, taking it slow is part of the punishment …" I grinned, though I understood him quite well. The bulge in my pants was beginning to hurt, partly because it was being confined in my pants right now, but also because I wanted to get on with it so badly. "But okay. I'll get on with it… On one condition though," I held up a finger in the air, and Levi stared at it with a confused and impatient look.


"Never, ever …" I pulled him up in a sitting position so that our bare chests were pressed up against each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his quickly, wasting no time at all. He responded immediately, wrapping his arms around my waist and tilting his head to deepen the kiss. It was a passionate kiss, our lips already being used to the other's again, but before we could french it up, I pulled away. " … Leave me again. Okay?"

Levi looked at me with astonishment, surprised by my words. It had gotten serious again, though it would only be like that for a short moment.

"I won't, if you don't either."

I rolled my eyes, letting out a small chuckle, before pulling away from him entirely. I didn't bother to get off the bed; instead I fell onto my back and started wriggling my lower body as I pulled the pants down, to get them off faster.

"Wow … I've never been more attracted of you, than in this moment right here," Levi said sarcastically, which resulted in me slapping his leg – since it was closest to me at that time.

"Oh, just shut up and take off your pants!" I grinned, as I threw the pants and underwear on the floor and turned my attention to Levi again. He was lying on his back once more, but he wasn't initiating anything that would seem like he was going to take off his pants. Our eyes met, and while I was looking rather confused, he was smirking.

"Weren't you going to take control? I think that also means control over my pants," He said, grinning, as he started to shake his hips from side to side, clearly teasing me. I rolled my eyes at him, but I still crawled over and started pulling both his pants and underwear down. It quickly uncovered all his length, and it would be an lie if I said that I didn't get more turned on by seeing it in all its glory. Holy mother of the Lord, I needed that thing in my mouth, and it couldn't get in there fast enough. Now rather impatient, I pulled his pants fully off, throwing them down beside mine, so that I could give him all my attention as quickly as possible.

"Can I …" I licked my bottom lip, as my eyes kept trailing off Levi's face and onto his throbbing member. Levi had noticed, clearly, since I could hear him chuckle a bit.

"Do I really need to give you permission?"

I took that as a yes, and soon I was positioned in between his legs, my hand already grabbing it. As I started stroking it, pre-cum appeared from the top, and I instantly reached up with my thumb to start caressing the head, smearing the cum all over it.

I could hear Levi loud and clear as he let out a moan – he had probably given up on the idea that he could muffle all his sounds. It was much easier this way … Besides, the sounds he was making was almost half the fun of doing this. I leaned over to lick it, a large one all the way from the base to the top, before I took it all into my mouth.

"F-Fuck, Eren!" Levi gasped, as I started sucking it intensively, as if it was the greatest lollipop I had ever tasted. Well, it definitely was the biggest I had ever gotten, but a lollipop didn't even get close to be as good as this was. I took more of him into my mouth, until my gag reflex started reacting – this was almost too much for Levi, as he sounded like he couldn't even breathe anymore.

"N-No, Eren, it's too much … I-I can't!"

Oh, how I wanted to answer him. That was pretty much impossible right now though, and besides, I wasn't going to stop now. I was getting to the best part after all.

I started moving my head up and down more quickly, my tongue trying to catch up, as I sped it up.

"No, don't, I-I can't hold it much longer … Eren! F-Fuck, I'm c-coming!" That was followed by a loud moan, as Levi came into my mouth. There was no way I could swallow it all, so I automatically pulled away. I had swallowed some, and there was even some trickling down from the corner of my mouth – the rest was on my cheeks and throat when he was done. I gasped for air, as I tried to get an overview over the situation. Levi, as sexy as ever, had placed a hand over his eyes, still panting heavily, and I could even see small drops of sweat slide down from his forehead. His upper body was glistened with a thin layer of sweat, and it was moving up and down quickly, matching his breathing.

I licked my lips as I crawled over his legs and instead hovered over his body, only inches from touching him.

"If you don't say that was your best blow job ever, then I'm going to be pissed," I joked, before grinning. Levi slowly removed his hand so that he could look up at me, and chuckle lowly as well.

"Oh god. I came all over your face …" He mumbled, as he noticed the thick, white cum stuck to my face. "There's a cloth in the night stand. Get it off with that,"

I did as he said, and after a few seconds I had gotten most of it off.

"Still pretty?" I asked sarcastically as I pouted my lips towards him.

"As pretty as ever," Levi laughed, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me close to him again. "Now, Eren …" He started kissing my neck. "… Can I please, please, fuck you now?"

I bit my lip, my lower half reacting immediately to those words.

"But … Don't you need to get hard again …?" I asked hesitantly. Levi snorted as an answer, and I almost wasn't sure if he had gotten angry because of my words.

"Have more faith in my body, you little brat. I'm not that old yet,"

I laughed, placing both my hands on his shoulders.

"Okay okay, sorry … Then please …" I slided down so that I was just above his erection again. "… Make me feel good as well …"

I grabbed his cock, placing it at my entrance. Since there was still his previous cum all over it, any more lubrication didn't feel as important – after all, I didn't have the patience anymore. I started lowering myself down, and when I could feel him enter me, I let go of his cock with my hand. I took a few breaths, placing my hands on his stomach to get a sense of stability, before finally starting to move.

It was almost too much. I could feel my mind become hazy, as my neck snapped and I ended up looking up at the ceiling.

"Ah! Ah! F-Fuuuck … Nghh!" I breathed out, moaning shamelessly as I let my body's instincts take over. I couldn't concentrate on my movements anymore, I didn't even care that I was moving faster than any of us could handle.

"F-Fuck Eren, if you keep that pace, it won't be long before – "

"Shut up!" I interrupted him, but his words had still brought me a little bit back into reality. I grabbed his wrists, pulling him up to me. This new position forced Levi to pull his legs up a bit, which resulted in pushing my ass a little further ahead. I gasped loudly as he somehow had gotten even deeper, hitting my sweet spot, and that sent me right into a state of pure ecstasy and pleasure. I wrapped my arms around him once more, this time the more appropriate description was that I was desperately clinging to him, as I rode him even faster.

"L-Levi~" I moaned his name into his ear, and that was enough to make him turn his head and catch my lips with his. This kiss was sloppy and wild – not that I gave it much thought after all – and all I could remember to do was to just cooperate with his tongue. We both moaned into each other's mouths, but at some point I had to pull back.

Only a few seconds after that, I came. It spurted out of me and landed onto Levi's stomach, covering it with my cum. I gasped for air as my whole body started shaking lightly from the intense pleasure I was feeling all over my body in that exact moment. It was only a mere seconds after that Levi came as well, filling me completely with him. He rode out his orgasm, until there was nothing left in him, and it was first afterwards that I noticed my nails had made marks into his skin, from this exact moment.

"That was – "

"- Incredible," I interrupted, finishing his sentence before he could complete it on his own. He just laughed it off, staring into my eyes with his.

"Oh my, Eren, how in the world did you know I was going to say that?" He asked, his voice filled with sarcasm, as he raised an eyebrow.

"Would you believe me, if I said a little bird told me?" I asked jokingly, but before he could even think of his answer, I pressed my lips against his once more.

"Mmmh," Levi buzzed against my lips after a few seconds of intense kissing, and it made me laugh so much that I had to pull away.

"Don't! That tickles," I chuckled, licking both my lips to make the buzzing feeling go away. Levi reached up to grab my chin, forcing me to look at him, and for a moment everything around us seemed to disappear. He was looking very serious, and it quickly put a stop to my laughter.

"Wh-What is it…?" I asked hesitantly, confused as to what might have made him change his mood this quickly.

"Eren," Levi was whispering now. I furrowed my brows, staring seriously into his eyes, awaiting whatever came next. He didn't say anything else though, and I started to worry. What was he … ?

It hadn't been my intention at all, but after sex, I always seemed to have a hard time finding the strength to keep up the wall I had put up in my head to stop myself from reading other people's thoughts.

At first it sounded like a buzzing at my eyes, but as soon as I actually concentrated on Levi's head, there wasn't much resistance. And what came next, left me speechless for a long time after.

I love you.

I just want to thank you all for reading this fanfic. It was the very first fanfic I started writing, and now it's over - I have a lot of new projects that I'm working on though, so if you like what I've written until now, then you should go check out my other fanfics!

The Jealousy: Levi has tormented Eren since they were little kids, and now, 8 years later, they're forced to share a bedroom. Will their hate for one another turn into something else? (Still going!)

The Band: Eren's in a band, Levi is an amazing singer that has been convinced to be the lead singer in said band. Sexual tension, shared passion for music, and lots more, heh. (Completed)

The Tutor and The Teacher: Levi was once Eren's teacher, and they had a relationship - but Levi broke up with him and moved away. Many years later, they meet again by coincidence - Eren is now a german tutor, and has agreed to tutor Hange Zoë ... What he doesn't know, is that Hange's roommate is his old lover. (Completed!)

And if you're on IG, you can follow my account ( Ererilove ) for fanfic updates, and just really cute pics of Ereri / Riren!
Anyway ... Thanks again. Love you all! Thanks for sticking with this story all the way till the end. :) 3